Spelling quotes:

  • I hate it when people talk about Buffy as being campy... I hate camp, I don't enjoy dumb TV. I believe Aaron Spelling has single-handedly lowered SAT scores. -- Joss Whedon
  • Spelling is very easy to practice yourself whereas signing is not. So I would sit on the subway riding around New York and I would spell whatever I would see. When I watched a movie I would spell words as they came up. -- Richard Masur
  • Being a working actor, you're going to do a Spelling show. It's hard not to. -- Casper Van Dien
  • When our spelling is perfect, it's invisible. But when it's flawed, it prompts strong negative associations. -- Marilyn vos Savant
  • I think a badly crafted, great idea for a new film with a ton of spelling mistakes is just 100 times better than a well-crafted stale script. -- Alexander Payne
  • I got a series with the WB next year. We start shooting in July. It's going to be called Safe Harbor, and it's an hour show. It's a Spelling show and will follow 7th Heaven. -- Gregory Harrison
  • The piano is the X factor. People have a tough time following the structures when there's no piano there, spelling it out. It makes it more easily understood, particularly to people who don't know as much about music. -- Branford Marsalis
  • As a kid I quite fancied the romantic, Bohemian idea of being an artist. I expect I thought I could escape from the difficulties of maths and spelling. Maybe I thought I would avoid the judgement of the establishment. -- Peter Wright
  • The only stupid thing about words is the spelling of them. -- Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Jesus is God spelling Himself out in language that men can understand. -- S. D Gordon
  • Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming pencils for bad spelling -- Larry the Cable Guy
  • Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward. -- George Carlin
  • Language is more fashion than science, and matters of usage, spelling and pronunciation tend to wander around like hemlines. -- Bill Bryson
  • Let grammar, punctuation, and spelling into your life! Even the most energetic and wonderful mess has to be turned into sentences. -- Terry Pratchett
  • A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. Thats basic spelling that every woman ought to know. -- Mistinguett
  • Although my spelling is still sometimes poor, I have managed to overcome the worst of my difficulties through training myself to concentrate. -- Richard Branson
  • I do know the Spelling family. I worked for Aaron Spelling when I was a brunette. I've known them since Tori was a little girl. -- Loni Anderson
  • I am not afraid of death threats, but I am appalled that so many people are capable of so much wrong spelling and fractured grammar! -- Miriam
  • I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing. -- Mark Twain
  • As I have said before, I never had any large respect for good spelling. That is my feeling yet. Before the spelling-book came with its arbitrary forms, men unconsciously revealed shades of their characters, and also added enlightening shades of expression to what they wrote by their spelling, and so it is possible that the spelling-book has been a doubtful benevolence to us. -- Mark Twain
  • Nothing enrages me more than when people criticize my criticism of school by telling me that schools are not just places to learn maths and spelling, they are places where children learn a vaguely defined thing called socialization...I think schools generally do an effective and terribly damaging job of teaching children to be infantile, dependent, intellectually dishonest, passive and disrespectful to their own developmental capacities. -- Seymour Papert
  • The Goat of Mendez is the god of the witches. (Mendez is another spelling of Mendes, a city of ancient Egypt where fertility worship - Baal worship -- was practiced). Masons admit readily that Baphomet is a pagan fertility god and, more importantly, that Freemasonry is a fertility cult religion. At any rate, this mockery of Jesus is a satanic symbol and figures prominently in Satan worship. -- Kerr Cuhulain
  • I am now officially ordained. Yep, that's right - Reverend Tori Spelling! -- Tori Spelling
  • Spelling is improved when reading is done. -- Stephen D. Krashen
  • In the case of Tori Spelling, there were two apology emails. -- Andy Cohen
  • Aaron Spelling went further than anyone has ever gone for television. -- Linda Evans
  • Spelling mistakes in a letter is like a bug on a white shirt. -- Faina Ranevskaya
  • After 'Spelling Bee,' I started landing more jobs... I got 'Candide' at New York City Opera. -- Lauren Worsham
  • In the middle of the night When I'm in this dream It's like a million little stars Spelling out your name -- Taylor Swift
  • Spelling is a way to make words safe, at least for now, until another technology appears to soften attacks launched from the mouth. -- Ben Marcus
  • Spelling is difficult because there are too many rules. Silent letters only exist to make it harder for illegal immigrants to learn English. -- Daniel Tosh
  • Aaron Spelling kept trying to bring vampires about, and I feel badly that it happened so much later. He was ahead of his time, in that regard. -- Brigid Brannagh
  • I had no idea how many famous people [Andy Cohen] have unintentionally and hilariously insulted of late: Charlie Rose, his cousin Amber Rose, Tori Spelling. . . . the list goes on and on. -- Anderson Cooper
  • Playboy and I have had some talks about doing it and in what manner it would be done. Aaron Spelling did not pay me money not to do it - that's completely false. -- Shannen Doherty
  • Aaron Spelling always had his finger on the pulse of pop culture, he knew what the public wanted to see. He was one of the most loyal men in this business and believed in me at a time in my career when no one else would. -- Alyssa Milano
  • I paid my way through school doing set construction for film and television. I'm a member of Local 44. I was a construction coordinator on 'Beverly Hills 90210' for 4 1/2 years and ran their whole construction program. I did two other pilots as a coordinator for Aaron Spelling. -- Michael Cudlitz
  • Audiences could never relate to me as anything other than Tori Spelling. -- Tori Spelling
  • Company names without clear pronunciation or spelling won't last. -- David Rusenko
  • Religion and philosophy, philosophy and religion - they're two words which are both... different. In spelling. -- Eddie Izzard
  • I was the fastest typist in my school, and I had an obsession with spelling and memorizing. -- Shelley Hennig
  • The story of English spelling is the story of thousands of people - some well-known, most totally unknown - who left a permanent linguistic fingerprint on our orthography. -- David Crystal
  • Ladies, if you want to know the way to my heart... good spelling and good grammar, good punctuation, capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize, it's done. -- John Mayer
  • When I first got out of drama school, my original manager tried to get me to change my name because people were having trouble spelling it and saying it. -- Joe Manganiello
  • I was a good pupil at primary school: in the second class I was writing with no spelling mistakes, and the third and fourth classes were done in a single year. -- Jose Saramago
  • With English literature, if you do a bit of shonky spelling, no one dies, but if you're half-way through a maths calculation and you stick in an extra zero, everything just crashes into the ravine. -- Mark Haddon
  • My mind still runs too fast. If we get the wrong fabric or something is stitched the wrong way, I get so angry and so flummoxed that I start spelling my words, just to slow myself down. -- William Ivey Long
  • I always loved reading. I always was the spelling bee champion. I always loved words. I always wanted to know what they meant, why you used them, who first said them. I was always interested in that. -- Brenda Lee
  • Business executives need to start by spelling out and communicating their values. Then they need to lead by example. This means getting rid of the bad apples and declining opportunities that bring instant wealth at the cost of selling one's soul. -- Vivek Wadhwa
  • I didn't become a good writer until I learned how to rewrite. And I don't just mean fixing spelling and adding a comma. I rewrite each of my books five or six times, and each time I change huge portions of the story. -- Louis Sachar
  • It is really important that focusing on things such as spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting doesn't inhibit the creative flow. When I was at school there was a huge focus on copying and testing and it put me off words and stories for years. -- Michael Morpurgo
  • Aaron Spelling always had his finger on the pulse of pop culture, he knew what the public wanted to see. He was one of the most loyal men in this business and believed in me at a time in my career when no one else would. My prayers are with his family. -- Alyssa Milano
  • When we study Shakespeare on the page, for academic purposes, we may require all kinds of help. Generally, we read him in modern spelling and with modern punctuation, and with notes. But any poetry that is performed - from song lyric to tragic speech - must make its point, as it were, without reference back. -- James Fenton
  • It's easier to do Shakespeare than Spelling, and I know that sounds crazy, because the challenge of Shakespeare is living up to Shakespeare, living up to that word, not failing, you know, where with Aaron Spelling it's like, just try to look good. Or maybe don't use Spelling there, that's bad. No - you can. He's dead. -- Vincent Kartheiser
  • As someone who sends texts messages more or less non-stop, I enjoy one particular aspect of texting more than anything else: that it is possible to sit in a crowded railway carriage laboriously spelling out quite long words in full, and using an enormous amount of punctuation, without anyone being aware of how outrageously subversive I am being. -- Lynne Truss
  • The story's what matters; spelling's overrated. -- Adam Langer
  • I am better at math than spelling. -- Spike Jonze
  • Cynicism is reality with an alternate spelling. -- Woody Allen
  • There's a link between bigotry and bad spelling. -- David Mitchell
  • I see that you have made three spelling mistakes. -- Thomas de Mahy, marquis de Favras
  • But no, I don't generally have trouble with spelling mistakes. -- Bill Joy
  • What is the difference between a parasite and a liberal? The spelling! -- Ziad K. Abdelnour
  • Sure, retarded jokes write themselves. But the spelling is always way off. -- Anthony Jeselnik
  • ... instead of spelling stories you spread silence, which was outside the alphabet. -- Lauren Slater
  • ORTHOGRAPHY, n. The science of spelling by the eye instead of the ear. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Simplified spelling is all right, but, like chastity, you can carry it too far. -- Mark Twain
  • Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling 'banana', but didn't know how you stopped. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I really like grammar. And spelling. I was a spelling-bee kid. I'm hard-core about grammar. -- Emma Stone
  • Poetry is a sequence of dots and dashes, spelling depths, crypts, cross-lights, and moon wisps. -- Carl Sandburg
  • Free voluntary reading results in better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical development -- Stephen D. Krashen
  • Apparently, my hopes, dreams and aspirations were no match against my poor spelling, punctuation and grammar. -- Red Red Rover
  • A man occupied with public or other important business cannot, and need not, attend to spelling. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Thou shalt not use the 140 characters limit as an excuse for bad grammar and/or incorrect spelling. -- Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  • My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places. -- A. A. Milne
  • I love the feeling of creating pictures in someone's mind just by spelling out the right lyrical combination. -- Billy Sherwood
  • Be careful of your spelling, if an o can make count cunt, what it might do to you. -- M.F. Moonzajer
  • For a while, some schools across the country were banning spelling bees. For obvious reasons, of course - steroids -- Craig Ferguson
  • That's good. And speaking of spelling, tell me -- do you wrap your head in a towel after you shower? -- Nicholas Sparks
  • His sister had been sent down to the village to ask Mistress Garlick the witch how you stopped spelling recommendation. -- Terry Pratchett
  • The old spelling MAGICK has been adopted throughout in order to distinguish the Science of the Magi from all its counterfeits. -- Aleister Crowley
  • There is a different spelling between "rights" and "rites" - in other words, civic legislators and ecclesiastical councils have different responsibilities. -- Otis Moss III
  • --
  • God is so clear in spelling out His attributes in scripture in order that others would know what He is really like. -- Francis Chan
  • This was me before I knew about anything hard, when my whole life was packed lunches and art projects and spelling quizzes. -- Nina LaCour
  • The wise man is but a clever infant, spelling letters from a hieroglyphical prophetic book, the lexicon of which lies in eternity. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • Examples of human stupidity. Blasphemy in Pakistan can now include spelling errors by children or throwing away a card bearing the name "Muhammad". -- William C. Brown
  • Teacher: "If your daughter knew her spelling words as well as her Bible stories she'd get into Harvard." Me: "I'll settle for Heaven." -- Mark Hart
  • A gifted person ought to learn English (barring spelling and pronouncing) in thirty hours, French in thirty days, and German in thirty years. -- Mark Twain
  • I know what's like to be young and have atrocious spelling, spelling words all backwards, mixing up numbers, addresses. and things like that. -- Ashley Scott
  • In California, 50 women protested the impending war with Iraq by lying on the ground naked and spelling out the word peace. Right idea, wrong president. -- Jay Leno
  • About the prophecy that Rachel did at the end of "The Last Olympian," Percy Jackson will participate this prophecy, along with Annabeth? Sorry for spelling errors -- Rick Riordan
  • It's not enough to be able to spell "magnificence" in your bedroom. You have to be able to spell it at the microphone during the spelling bee. -- Cynthia Lewis
  • Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred. -- Lev Grossman
  • Correct spelling, indeed, is one of the arts that are far more esteemed by schoolma'ams than by practical men, neck-deep in the heat and agony of the world. -- H. L. Mencken
  • The true function of art is to criticize, embellish and edit nature"¦ the artist is a sort of impassioned proof-reader, blue penciling the bad spelling of God. -- H. L. Mencken
  • The story of English spelling is the story of thousands of people - some well-known, most totally unknown - who left a permanent linguistic fingerprint on our orthography." -- David Crystal
  • In comedy, I hate that cop-out where you say, "Just kidding." I know you're just kidding. Don't insult my intelligence by spelling it out for me that much. -- Anthony Jeselnik
  • You can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right; but spelling isn't everything. There are days when spelling Tuesday simply doesn't count. -- A. A. Milne
  • I cannot write in English, because of the treacherous spelling. When I am reading, I only hear it and am unable to remember what the written word looks like. -- Albert Einstein
  • Sometimes you have to protect the life of the play. It seems like spelling out mysterious, musical details can destroy a play by making the motivations too clear, too simplex. -- John Guare
  • I always feel the cynicism is reality with maybe an alternate spelling or something because I feel that I have real perspective on this particular issue of punishment in society. -- Woody Allen
  • Yiddish has a down-to-earth quality that makes it remote from high-flown rhetoric, and it has a catch-as-catch-can charm derived from its stunning variety-of syntax, spelling, pronunciation, and vocabulary-from region to region. -- Israel Shenker
  • X, n. In our alphabet being a needless letter has an added invincibility to the attacks of the spelling reformers, and like them, will doubtless last as long as the language. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • A few people have said that I should change my name and the spelling so that people can say it, but I don't want to, I like it the way it is. -- Ioan Gruffudd
  • I should have caught the mistake on that spelling bee card. But as Mark Twain once said, `You should never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word'. -- Dan Quayle
  • Reading and writing don't inevitably go together. You can read without learning a thing about writing, grammar, or spelling, although, you certainly can't learn anything about writing, grammar, or spelling unless you read. -- Frank Smith
  • Some people take the spelling bee very seriously. These people are called "parents of children in the spelling bee." They're trying to make up for their own childhood of crushed dreams and misspelled words. -- Craig Ferguson
  • I was djing before I was rapping. I was calling myself Mike Geronimo and spelling it like Mike but he was just like spell it M-i-c. I was like that's ill cuz it stands out. -- Mic Geronimo
  • Balthazar was the kind of guy who used totally correct spelling and punctuation even when he was texting, which was sort of bizarrely hot. She was in serious trouble if commas could get her going. -- Claudia Gray
  • Collateral learning in the way of formation of enduring attitudes, of likes and dislikes, may be and often is much more important than the spelling lesson or lesson in geography or history that is learned. -- John Dewey