Jose Saramago quotes:

  • I am the same person I was before receiving the Nobel Prize. I work with the same regularity, I have not modified my habits, I have the same friends.

  • The U.S. needs to control the Middle East, the gateway to Asia. It already has military installations in Uzbekistan.

  • A human being is a being who is constantly 'under construction,' but also, in a parallel fashion, always in a state of constant destruction.

  • The world had already changed before September 11. The world has been going through a process of change over the last 20 or 30 years. A civilization ends, another one begins.

  • Abstention means you stayed at home or went to the beach. By casting a blank vote, you're saying you have a political conscience but you don't agree with any of the existing parties.

  • Beginning with adolescence, my political formation was oriented in the ideological direction of Marxism. It was natural, being that my thinking was influenced by an atmosphere of active critical resistance. That was the way it was during all of the dictatorship and up to the Revolution of 1974.

  • It is economic power that determines political power, and governments become the political functionaries of economic power.

  • I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see.

  • Human vocabulary is still not capable, and probably never will be, of knowing, recognizing, and communicating everything that can be humanly experienced and felt.

  • The novel is not so much a literary genre, but a literary space, like a sea that is filled by many rivers.

  • Look what happened with the employment law in France-the law was withdrawn because the people marched in the streets. I think what we need is a global protest movement of people who won't give up.

  • In the end, I am quite normal. I don't have odd habits. I don't dramatize. Above all, I do not romanticize the act of writing. I don't talk about the anguish I suffer in creating. I do not have a fear of the blank page, writer's block, all those things that we hear about writers.

  • I always ask two questions: How many countries have military bases in the United States? And in how many countries does the United States not have military bases?

  • I was a good pupil at primary school: in the second class I was writing with no spelling mistakes, and the third and fourth classes were done in a single year.

  • Death is present every day in our lives. It's not that I take pleasure in the morbid fascination of it, but it is a fact of life.

  • I was born in a family of landless peasants, in Azinhaga, a small village in the province of Ribatejo, on the right bank of the Almonda River, around a hundred kilometres north-east of Lisbon.

  • The attitude of insolent haughtiness is characteristic of the relationships Americans form with what is alien to them, with others.

  • I had no books at home. I started to frequent a public library in Lisbon. It was there, with no help except curiosity and the will to learn, that my taste for reading developed and was refined.

  • I think the novel is not so much a literary genre, but a literary space, like a sea that is filled by many rivers. The novel receives streams of science, philosophy, poetry and contains all of these; it's not simply telling a story.

  • I am traveling less in order to be able to write more. I select my travel destinations according to their degree of usefulness to my work.

  • Without the faintest possibility of finding a job, I decided to devote myself to literature: it was about time to find out what I was worth as a writer.

  • Though I had come into the world on 16 November 1922, my official documents show that I was born two days later, on the 18th. It was thanks to this petty fraud that my family escaped from paying the fine for not having registered my birth at the proper legal time.

  • Americans have discovered fear.

  • Society has to change, but the political powers we have at the moment are not enough to effect this change. The whole democratic system would have to be rethought.

  • To continue living, we have to die. That's the story of humanity - generation after generation - that we are going to die. There's nothing dramatic about death except that one loses one's life.

  • Being fired was the best luck of my life. It made me stop and reflect. It was the birth of my life as a writer.

  • A writer's definitive death is when no one reads his books anymore. That's the final death.

  • For me, writing is a job. I do not separate the work from the act of writing like two things that have nothing to do with each other. I arrange words one after another, or one in front of another, to tell a story, to say something that I consider important or useful, or at least important or useful to me.

  • Inside us there is something that has no name, that something is what we are.

  • I can't imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement. Yes, I'm a writer, but I live in this world, and my writing doesn't exist on a separate level. And if people know who I am and read my books, well, good; that way, if I have something more to say, then everyone benefits.

  • You have no idea what it is like to watch two blind people fighting. Fighting has always been, more or less, a form of blindness.

  • old photographs are very deceiving, they give us the illusion that we are alive in them, and it's not true, the person we are looking at no longer exists, and if that person could see us, he or she would not recognise him -- or herself in us, 'Who's that looking at me so sadly,' he or she would say.

  • sometimes I do actually forget that the person to whom I owe that love is a real person, complete in himself, not someone who should make do with some rather diffuse emotion which gradually resigns itself to its own fatal vagueness, as if that were a fate against which there were no possible appeal

  • The only miracle we can perform is to go on living, said the woman, to preserve the fragility of life from day to day, as if it were blind and did not know where to go, and perhaps it is like that, perhaps it really does not know, it placed itself in our hands, after giving us intelligence.

  • You never know beforehand what people are capable of, you have to wait, give it time, it's time that rules, time is our gambling partner on the other side of the table and it holds all the cards of the deck in its hand, we have to guess the winning cards of life, our lives.

  • The day before is what we bring to the day we're actually living through, life is a matter of carrying along all those days-before just as someone might carry stones, and when we can no longer cope with the load, the work is done, the last day is the only one that is not the day before another day.

  • Forgive me if what has seemed little to you, to me is all.

  • I never appreciated 'positive heroes' in literature. They are almost always cliches, copies of copies, until the model is exhausted. I prefer perplexity, doubt, uncertainty, not just because it provides a more 'productive' literary raw material, but because that is the way we humans really are.

  • Things will be very bad for Latin America. You only have to consider the ambitions and the doctrines of the empire, which regards this region as its backyard.

  • The church has never been asked to explain anything, our speciality, along with ballistics, has always been the neutralisation of the overly curious mind through faith.

  • I'm not pessimistic. It is the world that is terrible. How can we be optimistic in the face of a planet where people live so badly, nature is being destroyed and the dominant empire is money?

  • Blind people do not need a name, I am my voice, nothing else matters.

  • Can you imagine what Bush would say if someone like Hugo Chavez asked him for a little piece of land to install a military base, and he only wanted to plant a Venezuelan flag there?

  • Even death, faced with the option of death or life, she would choose life.

  • The period that I could consider the most important in my literary work came about beginning with the Revolution, and in a certain way, developed as a consequence of the Revolution. But it was also a result of the counterrevolutionary coup of November 1975.

  • In effect I am not a novelist, but rather a failed essayist who started to write novels because he didn't know how to write essays.

  • Some people spend their entire lives reading but never get beyond reading the words on the page, they don't understand that the words are merely stepping stones placed across a fast-flowing river, and the reason they're there is so that we can reach the farther shore, it's the other side that matters.

  • Americans have discovered the fragility of life, that ominous fragility that the rest of the world either already experienced or is experiencing now with terrible intensity.

  • God, the devil, good, evil, it's all in our heads, not in Heaven or Hell, which we also invented. We do not realize that, having invented God, we immediately became His slaves.

  • If I'm sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it tomorrow?

  • The world is governed by institutions that are not democratic - the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO.

  • The much-quoted immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary occurred but once so that the world might know that Almighty God, when He so chooses, has no need of men, though He cannot dispense with women.

  • I am a person with leftist convictions, and always have been.

  • Liking is probably the best form of ownership, and ownership the worst form of liking.

  • What kind of world is this that can send machines to Mars and does nothing to stop the killing of a human being?

  • We all have our moments of weakness, just as well that we are still capable of weeping, tears are often our salvation, there are times when we would die if we did not weep - Blindness

  • We've all had our moments of weakness, and if we manage to get through today without any, we'll be sure to have some tomorrow.

  • ...this is the way fate usually treats us, it's right there behind us, it has already reached out a hand to touch us on the shoulder while we're still muttering to ourselves, It's all over, that's it, who cares anyhow.

  • The wisest man I ever knew in my whole life could not read or write. At four o'clock in the morning, when the promise of a new day still lingered over French lands, he got up from his pallet and left for the fields, taking to pasture the half-dozen pigs whose fertility nourished him and his wife...

  • Words have their own hierarchy, their own protocol, their own artistic titles, their own plebeian stigmas.

  • People live with the illusion that we have a democratic system, but it's only the outward form of one. In reality we live in a plutocracy, a government of the rich.

  • The sun appears in one of the upper corners of the rectangle, on the left of anyone looking at the picture.

  • It is difficult to understand these people who democratically take part in elections and a referendum, but are then incapable of democratically accepting the will of the people.

  • ...the human being to lack that second skin we call egoism has not yet been born, it lasts much longer than the other one, that bleeds so readily.

  • Cain considers life and can find no explanation for it, there is that woman, who although clearly sick with desire is enjoying postponing the moment of surrender, which is not at all the right word, because lilith, when she does finally open her legs to allow herself to be penetrated, will not be surrendering, but trying to devour the man to whom she said, Enter.

  • Whether we like it or not, the one justification for the existence of all religions is death, they need death as much as we need bread to eat.

  • ..there are times when it is best to be content with what one has, so as not to lose everything.

  • Virtue, should there be anyone who still ignores the fact, always finds pitfalls on the extremely difficult path of perfection, but sin and vice are so favoured by fortune...

  • ... the best way of killing a rose is to force it open when it is still only the promise of a bud.

  • ... that's how life should be, when one person loses heart, the other must have heart and courage enough for both.

  • One can show no greater respect than to weep for a stranger.

  • Authoritarian, paralyzing, circular, occasionally elliptical stock phrases, also jocularly referred to as nuggets of wisdom, are a malignant plague, one of the very worst ever to ravage the earth.

  • In general, fakirs, like scribes and potters, are sitting down, when he's standing up, a fakir is just like an other man, and sitting down, he'll be smaller than the others

  • At the end of the 1950s, I started working at a publishing company, Estudios Cor, as production manager, so returning, but not as an author, to the world of letters I had left some years before.

  • No, there are three people in a marriage, there's the woman, there's the man, and there's what I call the third person, the most important, the person who is composed of the man and woman together.

  • A writer is a man like any other: he dreams. And my dream was to be able to say of this book, when I finished: 'This is a book about Alentejo'.

  • The beginning is never the clear, precise end of a thread, the beginning is a long, painfully slow process that requires time and patience in order to find out in which direction it is heading, a process that feels its way along the path ahead like a blind man the beginning is just the beginning, what came before is nigh on worthless.

  • The worst pain ... isn't the pain you feel at the time, it's the pain you feel later on when there's nothing you can do about it, They say that time heals all wounds, But we never live long enough to test that theory ...

  • When you are old and realize that time is running out, you start imagining that you have the cure for all the ills of the world in your hand, and get frustrated because no one pays you any attention.

  • Very few people are aware that in each of our fingers, located somewhere between the firs phalange, the mesophalange and the metaphalange, there is a tiny brain. [...] It should be noted that fingers are without brains, these develop gradually with the passage of time and with the help of what the eyes see.... That is why the fingers have always excelled at uncovering what is concealed.

  • It takes little or nothing to undo reputations, the merest trifle makes and remakes them, it is simply a question of finding the best means of engaging the confidence or interest of those who are to become one's unsuspecting echoes or accomplices.

  • The painter paints, the musician makes music, the novelist writes novels. But I believe that we all have some influence, not because of the fact that one is an artist, but because we are citizens.

  • As citizens, we all have an obligation to intervene and become involved - it's the citizen who changes things.

  • I presume that nobody will deny the positive aspects of the North American cultural world. These are well known to all. But these aspects do not make one forget the disastrous effects of the industrial and commercial process of 'cultural lamination' that the USA is perpetrating on the planet.

  • I believe myself to be the type of person who does not complicate his life. I have always lived my life without dramatizing things, whether the good things that have happened to me or the bad. I simply live those moments.

  • Words were not given to man in order to conceal his thoughts.

  • We're not short of movements proclaiming that a different world is possible, but unless we can coordinate them into an international movement, capitalism just laughs at all these little organisations.

  • I am a better novelist than a poet, playwright, or essayist.

  • I don't defend the idea of universal love. It has never existed and will never exist.

  • I can't imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement.

  • One cannot be too careful with words, they change their minds just as people do.

  • We use words to understand each other and even, sometimes, to find each other.

  • Words that come from the heart are never spoken, they get caught in the throat and can only be read in ones's eyes.

  • Dignity has no price ... when someone starts making small concessions, in the end life loses all meaning.

  • It is strange how the elderly fall silent when they ought to go on speaking, obliging the young to learn everything from scratch.

  • A journey never ends. Only the travellers end.

  • Why did we become blind, I don't know, perhaps one day we'll find out, Do you want me to tell you what I think, Yes, do, I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see.

  • We are finally living in Plato's cave, if we consider how those who were imprisoned within the cave - who could do nothing but watch those shadows passing on the back wall - were convinced that those shadows were their one and only reality. I see a profound similarity to all this in the epoch we're now living in. We no longer live simply through images: we live through images that don't even exist, which are the result not of physical projection but of pure virtuality.

  • matters of feeling and of the heart, too much is always better than too little.

  • The minds of human beings are not always entirely at one with the world in which they live, some people have trouble adjusting to reality, basically they're just weak, confused spirits who use words, sometimes very skillfully, to justify their cowardice.

  • There are such moments in life, when, in order for heaven to open, it is necessary for a door to close.

  • have to leave the island in order to see the island, that we can't see ourselves unless we become free of ourselves, Unless we escape from ourselves you mean, No, that's not the same thing.

  • Men are angels born without wings, nothing could be nicer than to be born without wings and to make them grow.

  • Men are all the same, they think that because they came out of the belly of a woman they know all there is to know about women.

  • For me, writing is a job. I do not separate the work from the act of writing like two things that have nothing to do with each other. I arrange words one after another, or one in front of another, to tell a story, to say something that I consider important or useful, or at least important or useful to me. It is nothing more than this.

  • ...sleep is a skilled magician, it changes the proportions of things, the distances between them, it separates people and they're lying next to each other, brings them together and they can barely see one another...

  • But truths need to be repeated many times so that they don't, poor things, lapse into oblivion.

  • If you don't write your books, nobody else will do it for you. No one else has lived your life.

  • I do not just write, I write what I am. If there is a secret, perhaps that is it.

  • There is relationship between sight and touch, something about eyes being able to see through the fingers touching the clay, about fingers being able to feel what the eyes are seeing without the fingers actually touching it.

  • ...the habit of falling hardens the body, reaching the ground, to in itself, is a relief.

  • Words are like that, they deceive, they pile up, it seems they do not know where to go, and, suddenly, because of two or three or four that suddenly come out, simple in themselves, a personal pronoun, an adverb, an adjective, we have the excitement of seeing them coming irresistibly to the surface through the skin and the eyes and upsetting the composure of our feelings, sometimes the nerves that can not bear it any longer, they put up with a great deal, they put up with everything, it was as if they were wearing armor, we might say.

  • The possibility of the impossible, dreams and illusions, are the subject of my novels.

  • Perhaps it is the language that chooses the writers it needs, making use of them so that each might express a tiny part of what it is.

  • Each part in itself constitutes the whole to which it belongs.

  • En ningún momento de la historia, en ningún lugar del planeta, las religiones han servido para que los seres humanos se acerquen unos a los otros. Por el contrario, sólo han servido para separar, para quemar, para torturar. No creo en dios, no lo necesito y además soy buena persona.

  • Often when you ask for one thing you receive another, this is the mysterious thing about prayer, we address them to heaven with some private intention, but they choose their own path, sometimes they delay, allowing other prayers to overtake them, frequently they overlap and become hybrid prayers of dubious origin, which quarrel and argue among themselves.

  • Reading is probably another way of being in a place.

  • In a king, modesty would be a sign of weakness.

  • When I am occupied with a work that requires continuity - a novel, for example - I write every day.
