Speakers quotes:

  • Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners. -- Dale Carnegie
  • We need to build websites with celebrity speakers who talk about the ideals of fairness, sharing, democratic cooperation, and altruism in public life. -- Deepak Chopra
  • I love good, loud speakers. -- Brian Eno
  • Opening amenities are often opening inanities. -- Winston Churchill
  • It is delivery that makes the orators success. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident. -- Dale Carnegie
  • I do not speak of what I cannot praise. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • The unprepared speaker has a right to be afraid. -- Ralph C. Smedley
  • All the great speakers were bad speakers at first. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Listening is harvesting what is in the speaker's mind. -- Michael Rost
  • We talk little when we do not talk about ourselves. -- William Hazlitt
  • Be ever on your guard what you say of anybody and to whom. -- Horace
  • The first evil those who are prone to talk suffer, is that they hear nothing. -- Plutarch
  • While you're writing, you can't concentrate nearly as well on what the speaker is saying. -- Marilyn vos Savant
  • A talk is a voyage. It must be charted. The speaker who starts nowhere, usually gets there. -- Dale Carnegie
  • If it requires great tact to speak to the purpose, it requires no less to know when to be silent. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • The eloquent man is he who is no beautiful speaker, but who is inwardly and desperately drunk with a certain belief. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. -- Frederick Douglass
  • There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their Speaker, John Boehner. -- Chris Christie
  • Accustom yourself not to be disregarding of what someone else has to say: as far as possible enter into the mind of the speaker. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • Speakers are not supposed to waste time on platitudes, but the capacity of this generation for ignoring the obvious and concentrating on the negative and the obscure is immense. -- Arthur Hays Sulzberger
  • An effective speaker knows that the success or failure of his talk is not for him to decide - it will be decided in the minds and hearts of his hearers. -- Dale Carnegie
  • The relationship of the toastmaster to speaker should be the same as that of the fan to the fan dancer. It should call attention to the subject without making any particular effort to cover it. -- Adlai E. Stevenson
  • I believe that any type of education can be great, but an education about ourselves can create something wonderful. I am a comedian, but people have called me a motivational speaker. I don't really consider myself that at all. -- Andy Andrews
  • The tendency is to blame boredom on the environment. "This town is really dull" or "What a boring speaker." The particular town or speaker is never dull, it is you experiencing the boredom, and you can eliminate it by doing something else with your mind or energy at that moment. -- Wayne Dyer
  • Speakers who have grown up in the American community unconsciously know its rules about taking turns in conversations-in the same way that they know the rules of grammar and the rules about appropriate speech in various situations. -- Peter Farb
  • Speakers have been showering us with pearls of wisdom for centuries, and if all of their valuable advice were laid end to end, it would still be just as good as new. Very little of it has ever been used. -- Benjamin Franklin Fairless
  • Jim Rohn is the master motivator - he has style, substance, charisma, relevance, charm, and what he says makes a difference and it sticks. I consider Jim the 'Chairman of Speakers.' The world would be a better place if everyone heard my friend, Jim Rohn. -- Mark Victor Hansen
  • We try to preach innovation. We provide resources; we invite speakers in from universities to talk about new ideas. -- Irwin M. Jacobs
  • The duty of a toastmaster is to be so dull that the succeeding speakers will appear brilliant by contrast. -- Clarence Budington Kelland
  • Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers. -- Cesar Chavez
  • Music should come crashing out of your speakers and grab you, and the lyrics should challenge whatever preconceived notions that listener has. -- Lou Reed
  • Kids now are so used to surround sound and the power in theater speakers, that the concert hall is a disappointment to them. -- David Ogden Stiers
  • Nothing is as easy to make as a promise this winter to do something next summer; this is how commencement speakers are caught. -- Sydney J. Harris
  • Give Obama a script he has made his own, and he is the motivational speaker to end all speakers. Tony Robbins cloned with Honest Abe. -- Tina Brown
  • There is the fear, common to all English-only speakers, that the chief purpose of foreign languages is to make fun of us. Otherwise, you know, why not just come out and say it? -- Barbara Ehrenreich
  • I worry about being a fogy and just writing for orchestras. Like, really, I should be doing more electronic stuff, I feel. Laptops as part of the orchestra, and installation sound, and speakers. -- Jonny Greenwood
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  • I like doing things in a very minimal, unconventional way as a personal way of saying, 'Look, I made a career out of carefully and craftfully, though unconventionally, making records on laptops and blown speakers.' -- Skrillex
  • President Clinton is going to embrace President Obama, as he should. They are working together. They're different kinds of people. Obama is cool, Clinton is a schmoozer. Both are great speakers. It's a great merging of the party. -- Bill Richardson
  • My father worked two jobs. He assembled speakers during the day, and then he sold real estate at night and on weekends. And then he eventually, when he was in his mid-50s, became a full-time real estate salesman. -- Terry J. Lundgren
  • The best sounds a kid will get is in a movie theater, with huge speakers, turned up loud. I always mix my music really loud. I don't care if you don't hear all the dialogue. The audience are not idiots. -- John Hughes
  • Music as background to me becomes like a mosquito, an insect. In the studio we have big speakers, and to me that's the way music should be listened to. When I listen to music, I want to just listen to music. -- David Lynch
  • I want my music to jump off the stage and out of the speakers. When we do 'Rain Is A Good Thing' paired back to back with 'Country Girl,' it just feels like the roof is fixin' to come off the place. -- Luke Bryan
  • Here is just the beginning of a list of skills that exam results cannot possibly hope to reflect: interpersonal skills, the ability to entertain, how articulate we are as speakers, our ability to work as part of a team, the ability to deal with challenges and invention. -- Alexandra Adornetto
  • I remember being at the premiere of 'Beverly Hills Cop II' and the tremendous reaction from the crowd outside, then going to a party at a hotel afterwards where the speakers were blasting 'Shakedown,' a song from the movie. That felt like a show biz moment to me. -- Gilbert Gottfried
  • Serial tasking is hard because switching tasks is hard, even when the tasks are easy and similar. In some experiments, bilingual speakers are asked to read out numbers, first in one language and then midway in another language. They often stumble at the switch, taking many tries before they hit their stride again. -- Sendhil Mullainathan
  • After doing some research with my agent, we found out Klipsch was an official Colts partner, and they were based in Indianapolis, which only added to my esteem for the company. I also have a passion for design and technology that developed while I was at Stanford and appreciate the quality of Klipsch's speakers and headphones. -- Andrew Luck
  • Semantics is about the relation of words to thoughts, but it also about the relation of words to other human concerns. Semantics is about the relation of words to reality - the way that speakers commit themselves to a shared understanding of the truth, and the way their thoughts are anchored to things and situations in the world. -- Steven Pinker
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  • For us as writers, it's really important to have songs we believe in - even before sometimes we shoot a scene. If we have a song that's so perfectly designed for a scene on 'Rescue Me,' we'll play it on loud speakers during the shooting. It helps the cameraman and it helps the director, and it helps the actors know what the feel is. -- Denis Leary
  • I'm the queen of outside speakers. -- Jen Kirkman
  • Most speakers speak ten minutes too long. -- James C Humes
  • Lyrics are weak, like clock radio speakers. -- GZA
  • Great speakers are not born, they're trained. -- Dale Carnegie
  • Free speech isn't dead in Germany and Italy, merely the speakers... -- Bob Hope
  • Staying with empathy we allow speakers to touch deeper levels of themselves. -- Marshall B. Rosenberg
  • Speeches easy to young speakers are generally very difficult to old listeners. -- Anthony Trollope
  • It(Boston Bombings) was worth it to hear you(survivor speakers) speak. -- Joe Biden
  • The best speakers are the ones who have put 10,000 hours into listening. -- James Altucher
  • My persona is less miserable than a lot of contemporary poetry speakers are. -- Billy Collins
  • Ultimately, the best speakers are the ones who have put 10,000 hours into listening. -- James Altucher
  • I haven't spoken English with native speakers in several months. I've been speaking Arabic. -- John Walker Lindh
  • All the English speakers, or almost all, have difficulties with the gender of words. -- Bernard Pivot
  • The biggest mistake made by emerging speakers is that they discount their own experience. -- Darren LaCroix
  • A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • There are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The nervous and 2. Liars. -- Mark Twain
  • There are two types of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars. -- Mark Twain
  • Language does not stand still. Surprisingly, despite this knowledge, most speakers are fearful of change. -- Peter Farb
  • A bottomless pit of violence, a Tower of Babel where all are speakers and no hearers. -- Alexander Smith
  • We cannot be speakers who do not listen. But neither can we be listeners who do not speak. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • I have speakers all over my house because music is such a huge, huge part of who I am. -- Nikki Reed
  • Those who have few affairs to attend to are great speakers. The less men think, the more they talk. -- Baron de Montesquieu
  • Some of the speakers we bring on campus may not reflect official church teaching, but that's how it is. -- William P. Leahy
  • The choosing among words is made by every user of the language, and not exclusively by professional speakers and writers. -- Wilson Follett
  • Jim Rohn is outstanding! He is among the most polished, professional speakers in America, with a message everyone should hear. -- Brian Tracy
  • The vitality of language lies in its ability to limn the actual, imagined and possible lives of its speakers, readers, writers. -- Toni Morrison
  • Women are not children. We are not fragile little birds who can't cope with jokes, works of art, or controversial speakers. -- Christina Hoff Sommers
  • Headphone aren't big enough these days. Why not just throw a couple of stereo speakers in a full face motorcycle helmet. -- Dov Davidoff
  • I got a man cave. I play my music loud. I bought big speakers because I need to hear music loud. -- Marlon Wayans
  • [On Italian:] One may almost call it a language that talks of itself, and always seems more witty than its speakers. -- Madame de Stael
  • If money is a form of speech, as the Supreme Court has regrettably found, rich donors will always be the loudest speakers. -- Howard Dean
  • The prevailing attitude of the speakers was one of heavy disagreement with a number of things which the reader had not said. -- Ronald Knox
  • I did a club one night - the speakers were old as hell. My jokes were coming out in black and white. -- J. B. Smoove
  • I remember Iggy and the Stooges' song 'Search and Destroy' reaching out from my speakers to me like my own personal anthem. -- Nikki Sixx
  • My parents were both Spanish-speakers and they used to speak to me and my siblings in Spanish and we'd answer them in English. -- America Ferrera
  • Donald Trump is horrendous, but he is also honest. Both Presidents [Bill] Clinton and [Barak] Obama were great speakers, but unrepentant mass murderers. -- Andre Vltchek
  • I, indeed, following the true law of history, have never set down any fact that I have not learned from trustworthy speakers or writers. -- William of Malmesbury
  • UCLA acknowledged this shift by bringing in Alex Haley (the co-author of The Autobiography of Malcolm X) and Eldridge Cleaver (Soul on Ice) as speakers. -- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • The art of declamation has been sinking in value from the moment that speakers were foolish enough to publish, and hearers wise enough to read. -- Charles Caleb Colton
  • [I] browsed far outside science in my reading and attended public lectures - Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Huxley, and Shaw being my favorite speakers. -- Raymond Cattell
  • Positiveness is a good quality for preachers and speakers because, whoever shares his thoughts with the public will convince them as he himself appears convinced. -- Jonathan Swift
  • Jim Rohn is one of the most articulate, powerful, thought-provoking speakers I've seen. His unique delivery and style puts him head and shoulders above the rest. -- Harvey Mackay
  • Presidents and speakers for over 100 years had tried to pass affordable care for all Americans. It was challenged over and over. The Supreme Court declared it constitutional. -- Nancy Pelosi
  • Ironically, pretending that parenting is easy diminishes the value of family. As truth seekers and truth speakers, we need to be honest about the cost of parenting. -- Leslie Leyland Fields
  • Babies and language are the essential ingredients of civilization, and speakers of language no more know where it came from than babies know where they come from. -- Charlton Laird
  • For a man to write well, there are required three necessaries: to read the best authors, observe the best speakers, and much exercise of his own style. -- Ben Jonson
  • if there's one thing consistent about language it is that it is constantly changing. The only languages that do not change are those whose speakers are dead. -- Rosalie Maggio
  • I know so few people who actually give music their undivided attention, so I've been trying to just park myself on the couch between the speakers and listen. -- Cliff Martinez
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  • When there is official censorship it is a sign that speech is serious. Where there is none, it is pretty certain that the official spokesmen have all the loud-speakers. -- Paul Goodman
  • As the music played over the speakers and the waterfall in the pool filled the silence around us, I knew that without a doubt I had just been ruined. -- Abbi Glines
  • Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club -the community of speakers of that language. -- Frank Smith
  • Some brains are barren grounds, that will not bring seed or fruit forth, unless they are well manured with the old wit which is raked from other writers and speakers. -- Margaret Cavendish
  • My dad is from Japanese descent, my mom is from Swedish descent and, through marriages and divorces, a pretty multicultural family - a lot of Spanish speakers in the family. -- Cary Fukunaga
  • Those of you who have spent time with Australians know that we are not given to overstatement. By nature we are laconic speakers and by conviction we are realistic thinkers. -- Julia Gillard
  • A deaf and dumb person who sees two men in conversation - may nevertheless understand from the attitudes and gestures of the speakers, how well their discussion is getting along. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • When you listen to stereo on your home system, your both ears hear both speakers. Turn on the left speaker sometime and notice you're hearing it also in your right ear. -- Woody Norris
  • Bill Clinton was a very, very good speaker. But like many people who are great speakers and great thinkers and have a lot of energy and ambition, he talked too much. -- Robert Reich
  • Gestures and facial expressions do indeed communicate, as anyone can prove by turning off the sound on a television set and asking watchers to characterize the speakers from the picture alone. -- Peter Farb
  • We were fools and now we were driving to our deaths in a rental car. Janet Jackson was tinkling from the speakers, asking what we had done for her as of late -- Dave Eggers
  • Some kids, for some reason, it just doesn't click in the classroom as they need it to. We have college coaches talk to them, former high school athletes, motivational speakers, teachers, principals. -- John Towner Williams
  • Some kids, for some reason, it just doesn't click in the classroom as they need it to. We have college coaches talk to them, former high school athletes, motivational speakers, teachers, principals. -- John Towner Williams
  • He had a voice you couldn't miss: strong and penetrating with strange vowels that sounded different from the accents of other English speakers even to me. I later discovered that he was Canadian. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Words belong to nobody, and in themselves they evaluate nothing. But they can serve any speaker and be used for the most varied and directly contradictory evaluations on the part of the speakers. -- Mikhail Bakhtin
  • One of the speakers asked how many women had been harassed or abused sexually in their life? There were thousands of women in the audience, and almost every one of them raised her hand. -- Cheryl James
  • I'm busier than a busy person. People aren't scared to play this raucous, harsh music over radio speakers, so I think it's the perfect time to get in with some real serious, heavy bands. -- Jason Newsted
  • English has always had a special fondness for other European languages, a neighborly soft spot - perhaps because Britain has been invaded by speakers of those languages from the onset of its recorded history. -- Rabih Alameddine
  • If we were rational enough to judge what we are fed based on what we are fed, those in the business of selling us hope (i.e., public speakers, presidents, priests, etc.) wouldn't wear suits. -- Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  • The studio part, to me, can be pretty laborious. You're inside for hours on end and can be pretty frustrating to get the sound you hear in your head to come out of those speakers. -- Mike Love