David Lynch quotes:

  • Transcendental meditation is an ancient mental technique that allows any human being to dive within, transcend and experience the source of everything. It's such a blessing for the human being because that eternal field is a field of unbounded intelligence, creativity, happiness, love, energy and peace.

  • The mantra that you're given in Transcendental Meditation you keep to yourself. The reason being, true happiness is not out there, true happiness lies within.

  • Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • I love Bob Dylan. Who doesn't? He tapped into some kind of vein and it keeps on keeping on. There's nobody like him. He's unique, and just... way out cool.

  • I don't remember my dreams too much. I hardly have ever gotten ideas from nighttime dreams. But I love daydreaming and dream logic and the way dreams go.

  • I like cappuccino, actually. But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.

  • Francis Bacon is one of my giant inspirations. I just love him to pieces.

  • Digital video is so beautiful. It's lightweight, modern, and it's only getting better. It's put film into the La Brea Tar Pits.

  • Intuition is the key to everything, in painting, filmmaking, business - everything. I think you could have an intellectual ability, but if you can sharpen your intuition, which they say is emotion and intellect joining together, then a knowingness occurs.

  • There are only 24 hours in a day, and my top priority is working on my films, but I love short film experiments.

  • Most of Hollywood is about making money - and I love money, but I don't make the films thinking about money.

  • See, a painting is much cheaper than making a film. And photography is, you know, way cheap. So if I get an idea for a film, there are many ways to get it together and go realise that film. There's really nothing to be afraid of.

  • I love the quality, feel and history of film. I love the pictures of the giant cameras and the way it was.

  • I have no problem getting financing. I have a problem catching ideas that I fall in love with for the next feature.

  • The business side of film has goofed up so many things, but even that's changing. It happened to the music industry and now it's happening to the film studios. It's crazy what's going on. But artists should have control of their work; especially if, as I always say, you never turn down a good idea and never take a bad idea.

  • It makes me uncomfortable to talk about meanings and things. It's better not to know so much about what things mean. Because the meaning, it's a very personal thing, and the meaning for me is different than the meaning for somebody else.

  • I like L.A. because of the light. The light makes me feel so good. It's really beautiful. And there's something about L.A. being so spread out that gives you a feeling of freedom. Light and freedom.

  • Sugar does make people happy, but then you fall off the edge after a few minutes, so I've really pretty much cut it out of my diet. Except for cupcakes. I like those.

  • As a kid, I was always building things. My father had a shop in the house, and we built things - we were kind of a project family. I started out as a painter, and then painting led to cinema, and in cinema, you get to build so many things, or help build them.

  • Humor is very interesting to me. My films are not comedies, but there's comedy in them from time to time, absurdities, just like in real life.

  • I was raised Presbyterian, but I'm not really going to church. I think the experience in meditation is pretty much where it's at for me.

  • I love paint. I like watercolours. I like acrylic paint... a little bit. I like house paint. I like oil-based paint, and I love oil paint. I love the smell of turpentine and I like that world of oil paint very, very, very much.

  • A lot of artists think they want anger. But a real, strong, bitter anger occupies the mind, leaving no room for creativity.

  • Some things we forget. But many things we remember on the mental screen, which is the biggest screen of all.

  • Life should be blissful, and blissful doesn't mean just a small happiness. It's huge. It is profound.

  • You get a painting idea, and you go do that. You get a cinema idea, and you go in to do that. The difference is, even though the paintings might take some time to make, with cinema you are booked for a year and a half, minimum.

  • I like watercolours. I like acrylic paint... a little bit. I like house paint. I like oil-based paint, and I love oil paint. I love the smell of turpentine and I like that world of oil paint very, very, very much.

  • A lot of music doesn't do one thing or another. It just doesn't do anything. Then there are those pieces of music that thrill your soul. It's such a wide range, and it's really interesting that we all love different things.

  • The greatest thing my father left me was a love for cutting wood - my love for sawing, especially pine wood.

  • Somehow, the French got this idea of the starving artist. Very romantic, except it's not so romantic for the starving artist.

  • Life is very, very complicated, and so films should be allowed to be, too.

  • More and more people are seeing the films on computers - lousy sound, lousy picture - and they think they've seen the film, but they really haven't.

  • People think in Hollywood there's a family, where everybody gets together talks about stuff and we all know each other, and it's just not that way at all to me.

  • I believe in creative control. No matter what anyone makes, they should have control over it.

  • I supported myself by delivering the 'Wall Street Journal' and doing odd jobs. I love plumbing and carpentry.

  • I love Christmas tree bulbs, and I started putting them in my paintings. You've got to plug this painting in, and it's got a rig in the back, so that each one can be replaced if it burns out.

  • If you stay true to your ideas, film-making becomes an inside-out, honest kind of process.

  • Stories hold conflict and contrast, highs and lows, life and death, and the human struggle and all kinds of things.

  • I didn't watch much TV as a kid and I don' t watch it now. I don' t find anything beautiful or unique to the medium, and the only thing you can do on TV that you can't do in film is make a continuing story - which is so cool!

  • Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there's humor in struggling in ignorance. If you saw a man repeatedly running into a wall until he was a bloody pulp, after a while it would make you laugh because it becomes absurd.

  • Absurdity is what I like most in life.

  • In film, life-and-death struggles make you sit up, lean forward a little bit. They amplify things happening, in smaller ways, in all of us. These things show up in relationships. They show up in struggles and bring them to a critical point.

  • Well, I've been blessed with good hair, or at least some people think it is. It is the way it is, sort of does what it wants to. So, yeah, I guess it is [a metaphor for your views on art and life].

  • Been trying the soapy water and instant coffee method. Works somewhat, but boy it tastes terrible. I don't know how you guys can stand it. I'm going back to milk and espresso for my cappas.

  • I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath.

  • The artist doesn't have to suffer to show suffering. Have it on the screen but have the people come out of the theater into a world of peace, of a beautiful world. They don't have to suffer in their lives.

  • A lot of musicians like to do the bass and the drums with analog and get that tape distortion that's really beautiful. As far as the digital world goes - it's all going to end up there anyway, but when you hear vinyl it does a different thing to you. Nowadays, people do CDs and then vinyl so it's everything goes; it's a such a beautiful world.

  • In the world there's a thing called collective consciousness. All of us billions of human beings together create that collective consciousness. With all the problems in our world, you can see that the collective consciousness is not so high.

  • When you get an idea and you fall in love with it there's not a whole lot of choice. You're going down a street and you meet this girl and you know it doesn't have to make any sense. Bingo! You're in love.

  • Music has fed me a lot of ideas... The film BLUE VELVET came out of Bobby Vinton's version of the song BLUE VELVET.

  • I hate slick and pretty things. I prefer mistakes and accidents. Which is why I like things like cuts and bruises - they're like little flowers. I've always said that if you have a name for something, like 'cut' or 'bruise,' people will automatically be disturbed by it. But when you see the same thing in nature, and you don't know what it is, it can be very beautiful.

  • My movies are film-paintings - moving portraits captured on celluloid. I'll layer that with sound to create a unique mood -- like if the Mona Lisa opened her mouth, and there would be a wind, and she'd turn back and smile. It would be strange and beautiful.

  • I have been 'diving within' through the Transcendental Meditation technique for over 30 years. It has changed my life, my world. I am not alone. Millions of other people of all ages, religions, and walks of life practice the technique and enjoy incredible benefits.

  • A poet could write volumes about diners, because they're so beautiful. They're brightly lit, with chrome and booths and Naugahyde and great waitresses. Now, it might not be so great in the health department, but I think diner food is really worth experiencing periodically.

  • If a human being is filled with happiness and positivity, this is what they radiate out into the world. We each affect our environment and that collective consciousness. The more people who are diving within and transcending and are getting that happiness and positivity, the better the world will be.

  • As collective consciousness goes higher and higher, all the differences in the world will be appreciated more and more. A definition of peace is unity in the midst of diversity. Or you could say happiness, love, and peace in the midst of all diversity. All the differences would be appreciated fully in the light of this peace.

  • You need contrast and conflict in order to tell a story. Stories need to have dark and light, turmoil, all those things. But that does not mean the filmmaker has to suffer in order to show the suffering. Stories should have the suffering, not the people.

  • You're right on the money with that. We're all like detectives in life. There's something at the end of the trail that we're all looking for.

  • There's a safety in thinking in a diner. You can have your coffee or your milkshake, and you can go off into strange dark areas, and always come back to the safety of the diner.

  • I like things that go into hidden, mysterious places, places I want to explore that are very disturbing. In that disturbing thing, there is sometimes tremendous poetry and truth.

  • Meditation is not a selfish thing. Even though you're diving in and experiencing the Self, you're not closing yourself off from the world. You're strengthening yourself, so that you can be more effective when you go back into the world.

  • Sex is a doorway to something so powerful and mystical, but movies usually depict it in a completely flat way.

  • New mysteries. New day. Fresh doughnuts.

  • Every time I hear sounds, I see pictures. Then, I start getting ideas. It just drives me crazy

  • I started Transcendental Meditation in 1973 and have not missed a single meditation ever since. Twice a day, every day. It has given me effortless access to unlimited reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within.

  • Sleep is really important. You need to rest the physiology to be able to work weel and meditate well. When I don't get enough sleep, my meditations are duller. You may even dip into sleep at the beginning of your meditation, because you're settling down. But if you're well rested, you'll have a clearer deeper experience.

  • There's always fear of the unknown where there's mystery

  • This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.

  • Consciousness-based education, which I am helping to promote, is basically the same education that good schools are giving today with Transcendental Meditation added for the students, teachers, staff, and principal.

  • As a teenager, I was really trying to have fun 24 hours a day. I didn't start thinking until I was 20 or 21. I was doing regular goof-ball stuff.

  • I look at the world and I see absurdity all around me. People do strange things constantly, to the point that, for the most part, we manage not to see it. That's why I love coffee shops and public places - I mean, they're all out there.

  • Most of Hollywood is about making money - and I love money, but I don't make the films thinking about money...

  • Every human being has consciousness, but not every human being has the same amount. The potential for each one of us human beings is infinite consciousness. This is called supreme enlightenment, and it just needs unfolding by transcending each day. The more consciousness we have, the better life is.

  • But if you can expand that consciousness, make it grow, then when you read about that book, you'll have more understanding; when you look out, more awareness; when you wake up, more wakefulness; as you go about your day, more inner happiness.

  • When you practice Transcendental Meditation you are given a key to the deepest level of life.

  • All we really need is this technique of Transcendental Meditation, which allows any human being to easily and effortlessly transcend. When you get this technique of Transcendental Meditation, stay regular in your meditation twice a day and you will begin to rapidly unfold your full potential as a human being and see life get better and better and better.

  • Somewhere in talking and rehearsing, there is a magical moment where actors catch a current, they're on the right road. If they really catch it, then whatever they do from then on is correct and it all comes out of them from that point on.

  • It's so freeing, it's beautiful in a way, to have a great failure, there's nowhere to go but up.

  • Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me!

  • Television provides the opportunity for an ongoing story - the opportunity to meld the cast and the characters and a world, and to spend more time there.

  • I truly believe there is a field of peace within and that it can be enlivened and brought to the surface to be enjoyed by all.

  • I just have to think of Philadelphia now, and I get ideas, I hear the wind, and I'm off into the darkness somewhere.

  • I find the joy of the 'doing' increases. Creativity increases. Intuition increases. The pleasure of life grows. And negativity recedes.

  • I've said many, many, many unkind things about Philadelphia, and I meant every one.

  • Transcendental meditation is like a car, a vehicle that allows you to go within. It's a mental technique.

  • If we didn't want to upset anyone, we would make films about sewing, but even that could be dangerous. But I think finally, in a film, it is how the balance is and the feelings are. But I think there has to be those contrasts and strong things within a film for the total experience.

  • Music deals with time and timing. It's so magical, but when you get into it, every little sound and every little space between the sounds, it's critical, so critical. And if it's not there, it not only feels wrong, but it ruins things.

  • There is this unbounded, infinite, eternal, level, ocean, within every human being. Inner happiness comes with consciousness, bliss, intelligence comes with it. Creativity, love. Human beings have a potential and it has names like enlightenment or fulfilment, or liberation. True happiness is not out there, true happiness lies within. They say beauty is only skin deep but it's this stuff coming from the inside, absolute vibrant consciousness, absolute bliss

  • I love super crispy, almost burned, snapping-crispy bacon.

  • You don't need a special place to meditate. You can transcend anywhere in the world. The unified field is here, and there, and everywhere.

  • I just love musicians. They're not all super-happy all the time, but when they're playing they're happy, and it's such a beautiful thing.

  • I don't like Thomas Edison. I'm a fan of Nicolai Tesla.

  • This is a donut. It is very sweet, and very good. But if you've never tasted a donut, you wouldn't really know how sweet and how good a donut is... meditation is like that. Transcendental Meditation gives an experience much sweeter than the sweetness of this donut.

  • In a Town like Twin Peaks noone is innocent

  • I'm not a musician, but I play music. So it's a strange thing.

  • I don't think it was pain that made [Vincent Van Gogh] great - I think his painting brought him whatever happiness he had.

  • I like things to be orderly.

  • The concept of absurdity is something I'm attracted to.

  • Music as background to me becomes like a mosquito, an insect. In the studio we have big speakers, and to me that's the way music should be listened to. When I listen to music, I want to just listen to music.

  • I always say Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is my biggest influence. But for painters, I like many, many painters, but I love Francis Bacon the most, and Edward Hopper.

  • I think that commercials can really ruin a song. You know that the person sold the song for a good deal of money, and that was the tradeoff. But, music and picture can marry in a beautiful way, and the reverse also.

  • The cinema is really built for the big screen and big sound, so that a person can go into another world and have an experience.

  • I'm not a real film buff. Unfortunately, I don't have time. I just don't go. And I become very nervous when I go to a film because I worry so much about the director and it is hard for me to digest my popcorn.

  • I don't think that people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I think it makes people terribly uncomfortable. It seems like religion and myth were invented against that, trying to make sense out of it.

  • Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.

  • Negativity is the enemy of creativity.

  • I didn't really grow up listening to blues, because I grew up in the Northwest. It wasn't really the center for blues.

  • My cow is not pretty, but it is pretty to me.

  • Every viewer is going to get a different thing. That's the thing about painting, photography, cinema.

  • To make the script, you need ideas, and for me a lot of times, a final script is made up of many fragments of ideas that came at different times.

  • I think part of the reason ideas haven't come in is that the world of cinema is changing so drastically, and in a weird way, feature films I think have become cheap. Everything is kind of throwaway. It's experienced and then forgotten.

  • I've always loved the electric guitar: to hold it and work it and hear what it does is unreal.

  • I've loved music always, and my music fire was lit by Elvis Presley, really, and all that was happening back then.

  • Happy accidents are real gifts, and they can open the door to a future that didn't even exist. It's kind of nice sometimes to set up something to encourage or allow happy accidents to happen.

  • In Hollywood, more often than not, they're making more kind of traditional films, stories that are understood by people. And the entire story is understood. And they become worried if even for one small moment something happens that is not understood by everyone.

  • What I really like is to be at home, working.

  • I don't know why people expect art to make sense. They accept the fact that life doesn't make sense.

  • I learned that just beneath the surface there's another world, and still different worlds as you dig deeper. I knew it as a kid, but I couldn't find the proof. It was just a kind of feeling. There is goodness in blue skies and flowers, but another force--a wild pain and decay--also accompanies everything.
