Bernard Pivot quotes:

  • The more English is heard in the world, the more gratifying it seems to speak French, and above all to know the culture of our country. They find a kind of French social grace in the language and culture.

  • People who do not speak our language very well do complain of feeling rebuffed by French people, who can sometimes be impatient, or even intolerant.

  • They place great stress on the clarity of our language for expressing nuances and showing subtleties.

  • You get the feeling that many of my guests feel that the French language gives them entry into a more cultivated, more intelligent world, more highly civilised too, with rules.

  • All the English speakers, or almost all, have difficulties with the gender of words.

  • French is a language that makes those who speak it both calm and dynamic.

  • It is very difficult to generalise. Everyone's adventure is original.

  • This programme would only really make sense and work properly if it was also broadcast on France's international television channel TV5. So I ended up with a double production, on France 2 and TV5.

  • There is a pride in speaking this language.
