Pete Mc Coy Quotes in


Pete Mc Coy Quotes:

  • Pete Mc Coy: Look, Maggie, dear, do you mind if I use your typewriter? Mine isn't writing such good copy, lately.

    Maggie Williams: Maybe it's drinking too much, lately.

    Pete Mc Coy: Maybe it's not drinking enough, lately.

  • Pete Mc Coy: I write pretty good, Maggie. Lousy editing seems to be my problem.

  • Pete Mc Coy: What I can't figure out is Barton's dropping you?

    Maggie Williams: Dropping me for what?

    Pete Mc Coy: Aren't you having an affair with him?

    Maggie Williams: Of course not!

    Pete Mc Coy: Then, what's your problem?

    Maggie Williams: Well, if you must know, that's my problem.

  • Maggie Williams: Pete, at least see Paul. He tried to reach you last night. He wants to talk to you.

    Pete Mc Coy: Sure. Tell him I'll send him a postcard - in color.

  • Pete Mc Coy: Any way I can louse this up further?

    Maggie Williams: Take me out of here.

    Pete Mc Coy: Hold on a minute, flower face, while I explain all this to my little lotus blossom.

  • Paul Barton: Is Maggie in yet?

    Pete Mc Coy: She's picking up the teletype. And go easy on her. She's got a head of glass this morning.

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