Turkeys quotes:

  • Turkeys, quails, and small birds, are here to be seen; but birds are not numerous in desart forests; they draw near to the habitations of men, as I have constantly observed in all my travels. -- William Bartram
  • When turkeys mate they think of swans. -- Johnny Carson
  • If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed - like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese. -- Ted Nugent
  • I always buy the smaller turkeys. On the pre-baste put pats of butter on the meat under the skin, put the skin back on, put a bunch of seasoning on the top, call it a day, put it in the oven. With a 10 - 12 pound turkey you are done in a couple of hours. -- Sandra Lee
  • Turkeys are perfect for feeding larger gatherings. -- Pippa Middleton
  • As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!!! -- Gordon Jump
  • love iz a big fat turkey and every day iz thanksgiving -- Charles Bukowski
  • Coexistence: what the farmer does with the turkey - until Thanksgiving. -- Mike Connolly
  • The best way to thaw a frozen turkey? Blow in it's ear. -- Johnny Carson
  • A two-pound turkey and a fifty-pound cranberry-that's Thanksgiving dinner at Three Mile Island. -- Johnny Carson
  • In Turkey the religious minorities have more rights than they do in Europe. -- Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • Most turkeys taste better the day after; my mother's tasted better the day before. -- Rita Rudner
  • Turkeys know their names, come when you call, and are totally affectionate. They're better than teenagers. -- Elayne Boosler
  • I love Thanksgiving turkey... It's the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • A lot of Thanksgiving days have been ruined by not carving the turkey in the kitchen. -- Kin Hubbard
  • Turkey is undoubtedly one of the best gifts that the New World has made to the Old. -- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
  • Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • We're having something a little different this year for Thanksgiving. Instead of a turkey, we're having a swan. You get more stuffing -- George Carlin
  • What is sauce for the goose may be sauce for the gander, but it is not necessarily sauce for the chicken, the duck, the turkey or the Guinea hen. -- Alice B. Toklas
  • I have no desire to crow over anybody or to see anybody eating crow, figuratively or otherwise. We should all get together and make a country in which everybody can eat turkey whenever he pleases. -- Harry S. Truman
  • It was dramatic to watch my grandmother decapitate a turkey with an ax the day before Thanksgiving. Nowadays the expense of hiring grandmothers for the ax work would probably qualify all turkeys so honored with gourmet status. -- Russell Baker
  • I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There's turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Some one needs to tell the turkey, 'man, just be yourself.' -- Mitch Hedberg
  • Well, after I had the heart attack, it was a very simple choice. What the doctor told me I did and I did it religiously. I ate nothing but lean turkey breast or chicken breast or a piece of fish that was very lean. I mean I stayed away from everything. -- Mike Ditka
  • I felt overstuffed and dull and disappointed, the way I always do the day after Christmas, as if whatever it was the pine boughs and the candles and the silver and gilt-ribboned presents and the birch-log fires and the Christmas turkey and the carols at the piano promised never came to pass. -- Sylvia Plath
  • When I was a kid in Indiana, we thought it would be fun to get a turkey a year ahead of time and feed it and so on for the following Thanksgiving. But by the time Thanksgiving came around, we sort of thought of the turkey as a pet, so we ate the dog. Only kidding. It was the cat! -- David Letterman
  • Turkeys are peacocks that have really let themselves go. -- Kristen Schaal
  • Turkeys are misunderstood. Once I adopted turkeys, I understood this large bird to be a great companion. -- Linda Blair
  • Turkeys energy bill due to imports will fall with the increase in use of renewable energy sources. We have no control over the prices of petroleum and natural gas. -- Ali Babacan
  • Most turkeys taste better the day after, my mother's tasted better the day before. -- Rita Rudner
  • Most people don't realize turkeys are friendly, they're social, they're loyal, they have emotions. -- Shannon Elizabeth
  • Our main deal is pastured livestock. So we have beef cattle, pigs, turkeys, laying chickens, meat chickens, rabbit, lamb and ducks - egg-layer ducks. -- Joel Salatin
  • Grain that is used to feed animals that end up on our tables as turkeys and hams could have gone to feed starving people. -- Peter Singer
  • When I was younger, I used to drive up to a bunch of turkeys, roll down the window and say something. They'd all gobble back at once. -- Levon Helm
  • I know electric knives are excellent for carving turkeys that have had their bones removed and been forced into a mold to shape them. Please note that those turkeys are called hams. -- John Hodgman
  • I work at home, in the country, and days will go by when, except for my husband and son and the occasional UPS man, the only sentient creatures that see me are my chickens and turkeys. -- Susan Orlean
  • I've certainly done some turkeys along the way and made some dumb choices in my career, mostly early on. I'm one of the lucky ones who got to make a lot of mistakes very early when no one was paying attention. -- George Clooney
  • After spending time with the rescued turkeys at Farm Sanctuary's shelter and seeing how similar they are to my furry companion animals at home, I knew I needed to do everything in my power to protect these friendly and curious birds from the daily pain and suffering they endure on factory farms. -- Ginnifer Goodwin
  • I didn't know who she was, but I knew she was hungry, so I started handing out $100 bills and called the office and told them to bring me a bunch more. Then I had my cousin's store deliver a bunch of smoked ham and turkeys. I mean, these people are hungry and living under a bridge. -- Joe Jamail
  • I've been giving back since I was a teen, handing out turkeys at Thanksgiving and handing out toys at toys drives for Christmas. It's very important to give back as a youth. It's as simple as helping an old lady across the street or giving up your seat on the bus for someone who is pregnant. -- Queen Latifah
  • You know, I don't really understand a suburban environment. I want to be out in the woods, I want to be where it's wild, I want to wake up and hear birds, I want to walk outside and see a gaggle of turkeys bouncing across my lawn - I want to be someplace like that - or I want to be right in the middle of an urban environment. -- Karen Allen
  • Do you realize that if the pilgrims have been chasing bobcats instead of turkeys.. we'd all be eating pussy on Thanksgiving?! -- Redd Foxx
  • When in Turkey, do as the turkeys do. -- Honore de Balzac
  • In a strong wind, even turkeys can fly. -- Mark Suster
  • I like to stuff myself at Thanksgiving, not turkeys. -- Kevin Nealon
  • If you associate with turkeys, you will never fly with the eagles. -- Brian Tracy
  • It's hard to soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys. -- Adam Sandler
  • That they can really haul is what most people don't know about wild turkeys. -- Marie Helene Bertino
  • You cannot soar with the eagles as long as you hang out with the turkeys. -- Joel Osteen
  • Thanksgiving day. Let us all give humble, hearty, and sincere thanks now, but the turkeys. -- Mark Twain
  • There are many ways of giving thanks. Eating turkeys doesn't have to be one of them. -- Corey Feldman
  • Eight days ago, we were the toast of the town. Eight days later we're Thanksgiving turkeys. -- Wayne Gretzky
  • If you want to soar like an eagle in life, you can't be flocking with the turkeys. -- Warren Buffett
  • I have cooked turkeys in my day but when Mom`s around I let her do it. -- Tom Cruise
  • The turkeys that most Americans eat for Thanksgiving are turkeys - losers that are mass produced and bland. -- Marian Burros
  • In its sacredness, families get together to (unintentionally?) celebrate one genocide (against Native Americans) by committing another (against turkeys). -- Daniel Brook
  • I'm an expert cook when it comes to preparing the quail, ducks, geese and wild turkeys that I hunt on the farm. -- Jimmy Carter
  • The pilgrims were kicked out of England, quarreled with the Dutch, alienated the Indians, and had an evil reputation among the turkeys. -- Dave Beard
  • The government favors the most diplomatic language. That's why any letter to them should always start with, "Dear turkeys and foul maggots..." -- Christopher Titus
  • On Thanksgiving, you realize you're living in a modern world. Millions of turkeys baste themselves in millions of ovens that clean themselves. -- George Carlin
  • You know, that stuff about pink elephants, that's the bunk. It's little animals. Little tiny turkeys in straw hats. Midget monkeys coming through the keyholes. -- Billy Wilder
  • Take two turkeys, one goose, four cabbages, but no duck, and mix them together. After one taste, you'll duck soup for the rest of your life -- Groucho Marx
  • Every year I volunteer at a hospital on Thanksgiving, deep-frying turkeys in the children's burn unit. I do it just to see the looks on their little "faces." -- Anthony Jeselnik
  • And turkeys are a bird. A very nervous bird. You'd be nervous too if you knew that one day you'd get your head cut off and... filled with stuffing. -- Bob Saget
  • Your choice of people to associate with, both personally and business-wise, is one of the most important choices you make. If you associate with turkeys, you will never fly with the eagles. -- Brian Tracy
  • We're all turkeys! Some of us are running around with our heads cut off, some of us are flapping our wings that hard we're close to flying. But nothing is an eagle bar God... -- Phil Collins