Rachel Quotes in Heat (1995)


Rachel Quotes:

  • Rachel: [he just walked up to the crime scene, hands him a photograph] here's how we found her

    Vincent Hanna: [hands her the photograph] how old?

    Rachel: sixteen to seventeen, been here about six hours

    Vincent Hanna: how'd she die?

    Rachel: he beat her head in, same as the others: Cerebral Hematoma

    Vincent Hanna: [referring to the crowd of people watching nearby] who's that?

    Rachel: mother and siblings...

    Vincent Hanna: [interrupts her] what the hell are they doing here?

    Rachel: it's their block so I guess someone knew the girl and called the family

    Vincent Hanna: [telling her to lift up the sheet covering the body] ok let me see it

    Rachel: when I run the DNA and check the semen, my intuition is it's the same guy, so it's a series and ending up in your court

    Vincent Hanna: is the Sheriff's homicide getting anywhere yet?

    Rachel: [before the Hooker's Mother runs past the police line and Vincent stops her] not yet

  • Rachel: I don't want my boy to get lynched. Or beat. I want him to go to a school. I don't want him to drop his eyes every time a white man walk by. I don't want him to be a "boy" no more once he turn into a man.

  • Rachel: The winds are shifting and you can't fight it this time.

    Newton Knight: There's plenty left to fight for.

  • Connor MacLeod: What are you looking at, Rachel?

    Rachel: The eyes in the back of your head. People are asking about you. What am I supposed to tell them?

    Connor MacLeod: Simple. Tell them I'm immortal.

  • Rachel: Will you listen to me for one moment? You can't hide your feelings from me! I've known you too long.

    Connor MacLeod: What feelings?

    Rachel: How about loneliness?

    Connor MacLeod: I'm not lonely. I've got everything I need right here.

    Rachel: Oh no you don't. You refuse to let anyone love you.

    Connor MacLeod: Love is for poets.

  • Rachel: Well, you don't look like a bodyguard.

    Frank: What'd you expect?

    Rachel: Well, I don't know, maybe a tough guy?

    Frank: This is my disguise.

  • Rachel: Will you grab that jacket for me? The red one, please?

    Frank: I'm here to keep you alive, not help you shop.

  • Rachel: [after Frank has killed the culprit and is lying on the stage bleeding] It's not my blood! It's not me!

    [They get ready to restrain Frank]

    Rachel: Wait! He's my Bodyguard! Get some help!

    [to Frank]

    Rachel: Stay with me! Frank! Stay with me!

  • Rachel: You afraid I might get picked off in my snazzy running suit?

    Frank: No, I'm afraid that I might have to jog with you.

  • Rachel: And you're ready to die for me?

    Frank: It's the job.

    Rachel: And you'd do it? Why?

    Frank: I can't sing.

  • [as Rachel heads towards the waiting paparazzi]

    Frank: Is this really necessary?

    Rachel: Quit bitchin', Farmer, this is the part you *do* get paid for!

  • Rachel: So, can we get you anything?

    Frank: Yeah, orange juice.

    Rachel: Straight?

  • Rachel: What's going on, Frank?

    Frank: I want to keep it straight in my head what job I'm doing.

    Rachel: And what is that exactly? Making me feel like shit?

  • Rachel: You know, Farmer, you're a self-righteous son of a bitch.

    Frank: [chuckles]

    Rachel: And don't you laugh at me! Don't you dare judge me!

    Frank: Oh, give me a break, will ya? I didn't tell you to fuck everybody in the hotel!

  • Rachel: But I can't go out on a date because you have to be with me every minute. I mean, what if he wants to invite me up to his place afterwards? Are you gonna come too?

  • Rachel: I don't trust discipline. I know, at that crucial moment, I'd cop out.

  • Devaney: [In the limo] We'll go straight back to the green room, right Frank? You got that, Tony?

    Frank: Tony knows what he is doing.

    Rachel: You know, I wish you guys would relax a little bit. Nothing bad's gonna happen out there. Alright?

    [Sits back]

    Rachel: Unless I lose the fuckin' award.

    [She laughs and Sy gives her a glare]

    Rachel: Jesus, what a group!

    [Puts on lipstick]

    Rachel: Screw it. I'm tired of worrying about it. When your time is up? It's up.Right, Frank?

  • Rachel: [Skip is nervously prompting Rachel to return to her seat before her award category is presented] I'm moving as fast as I can, Skip, why don't you go twitch somewhere else?

  • Frank: Aw, Christ, I told you why! I - I can't protect you like this.

    Rachel: So that's it for me? That's it?

    Frank: Yeah.

    Rachel: Well, I don't believe it!

    Frank: Well, you can live with it, or you can fire me.

    Rachel: But I can't fuck you.

  • Rachel: [sees her son, Fletcher, getting into a boat] You know, Fletcher can't swim very well.

    Herb Farmer: I guess he'd better stay in the boat, then.

  • Rachel: And I want to be able to eat brunch with my friends.

    Frank: So go on Tuesdays.

    Sy Spector: Tuesday morning brunch? Where'd you get this guy, Bill?

  • Rachel: [to Frank] What are you looking at? You've probably never had a heavy night in your whole damn disciplined life.

  • Sebastian: So Hanna, is your mum and Dad still together?

    Hanna: My mother is dead.

    Sophie: [to Sebastian] Nice one, Dad.

    Sebastian: I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my mum when I was very young, so...

    Hanna: It's all right. It happened a long time ago.

    Rachel: Hanna, what did your mum die of?

    Hanna: Three bullets.

    [Sebastian chokes on his wine]

  • Rachel: I feel so grounded in the countryside. The city stifles me, emotionally, creatively, spiritually. Places like this bring us closer to God.

    Hanna: God?

    Rachel: Well, not in any monotheistic sense. Buddha, Krishna, the god within. Whatever you believe in.


    Rachel: What do you believe in, Hanna?

    [gets no response, laughs]

    Rachel: Nothing.

  • Sophie: Mum is against plastic surgery.

    Rachel: I am.

    Sophie: Mum doesn't even wear makeup.

    Rachel: I don't. I think it's dishonest. This is my face, take it or leave it. If you study history of art or anthropology...

    Sebastian: [interjecting] Rachel got a first at Cambridge.

    Rachel: [continuing] ... you learn that red lipstick mimics arousal and suggests the geography of the labia minora.

    Sophie: [interrupting] Puke!

    Rachel: [continuing] Whereas I have a lot of natural red pigment in my lips, so I really don't need it.

    Sophie: Vomitorium!

  • [in the river]

    Rachel: Harry, you see that car coming at us?

    Harry Dalton: I see it.

  • Rachel: Do you have a family?

    Harry Dalton: No.

    Rachel: Why not?

    Harry Dalton: Well, for one thing, I move around alot. Mexico, Alaska, South America, The Philippines, New Guinea, basically where there's a volcano with an attitude.

  • Rachel: A man who looks at a rock must have a lot on his mind.

  • [Dante's Peak explodes a massive dark grey cloud]

    Graham Wando: [terrified] What is that?

    Rachel: [scared] Mum?

    Rachel: [looks at Harry] What is that?

    Harry Dalton: *That* is a pyroclastic cloud.

  • Graham Wando: Show us one more trick.

    Lauren Wando: Maybe one more?

    Rachel: Maybe Harry's tired.

    Harry Dalton: [putting down his drink] One more.

  • Amy: Sometimes magma can find one of those fissures and rise up through it.

    Roark: What's magma?

    Rachel: Lava.

    Roark: Lava? Right here in L.A?

    Amy: It is one of the possibilities.

    Roark: We have a history of that here in the downtown area?

    Rachel: Paracutin... 1943, a Mexican farmer sees smoke coming out of the middle of his cornfield. A week later there's a volcano a thousand feet high. There's no history of anything until it happens. Then there is.

  • Rachel: I'm with B.N.S.

    Kelly Robinson: Yeah, what's B.N.S. stand for? Bitch that Needs some Slapping?

  • Rachel: There's one thing that will always make a man talk.

    Alexander Scott: Cutting... my belt?

  • Rachel: The switchblade is undetectable through radar, infra red, even the human eye.

  • Rachel: Having a bad day?

    Mac: No, I'm having a terrible day. Say something nice to me, will ya, please.

    Rachel: You have very strong lookin' thighs for a white man.

  • Lance: What if I can end this? What if I can stop all of this pain and suffering? Isn't that work the risk?

    Rachel: Do you really think you can make a difference?

  • Rachel: [Rachel decides to leave with the Savages] Take me with you.

    Pigiron: You think you're good enough to hang with me.

    Rachel: I can suck start a Harley. Please.

    Pigiron: [Pigiron decides to take Rachel with him] Ge on.

    [Rachel gets on the back of Pigiron's motorcycle]

  • Katie Rand: [Katie arrives at the bar and sits down with Stryker and Tick] Well, I'm sorry I'm late.

    Katie Rand: [Rachel insults Katie] Yeah, I thought you were just plain sorry.

    Rachel: [Rachel says goodbye to Stryker in a sweet way] See you later, sugar.

    Katie Rand: [Katie is sarcastic about Rachel] Deep down she is a real sweet girl... way deep down.

  • Rachel: Where am I?

    Zaroff: You are on an Island.

    Rachel: Why?

    Zaroff: So that you could survive here.

  • Zaroff: Game had become a terrible bore. A terrible thought occurred to me.

    Rachel: What kind of a game?

    Zaroff: The most dangerous game that you can think of Miss Stalward.

  • Rachel: Hello?

    Rachel: Help!

    Rachel: Help please!

  • Rachel: HELLO?

  • Zaroff: Animals have their instincts, but man has the ability to think and reason; to act irrationally.

    Rachel: And what does that mean for me?

    Zaroff: Fate will decide.

  • [Morning arrives, Manny wakes up and feels for the baby in his trunk, only to discover that the Baby is gone. He stomps over to the sleeping Diego who wakes up with a start]

    Manny: WHERE'S THE BABY?

    Diego: You lost it?

    [They look at each and notice Sid is not there]

    MannyDiego: [shouts] SID!

    [Scene shows Sid with the baby in a jacuzzi like mud hot spring; using the baby as a 'chick magnet' to attract two female sloths]

    Rachel: Oh, he's lovely. Positively adorable!

    Jennifer: [baby-talking to the baby] Hello Pumpkin. Hello, little bunny baby...

    Rachel: [to Sid] Where did you find it?

    Sid: Ah, poor kid was all alone in the wild. Sabers were cornering him, So I just snatched it!

    Rachel: Oh, so brave of you!

    Sid: Yeah, well... He needed me...


    Sid: And I wished I had one of my own, too...

    Jennifer: [excited] REALLY?

    [she calms herself down]

    Jennifer: I'm... I'm attracted that quality in a male.

    Sid: [unaware that the baby is sinking into the mud hot spring] Who wouldn't be?

    Rachel: [gushing] You caring for a baby...

    Sid: [notices that Roshan the baby is gone and pulls the muddy baby up] Yeah, well... You know...

    [the baby playfully throws mud on Sid's face; they both laugh]

    Sid: [as he grabs something to wipe the mud off his face] Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying ladies... uh...

    [wipes the 'something' on his face, which is Manny's trunk; he realizes and gasps]

    Sid: Oh, hey! Hey... Manny!

    Manny: [taking the giggling baby away] What's the matter with you?

  • Rachel: He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family man these days.

    Jennifer: Tell me about it. All of the sensitive ones get eaten.

  • Rachel: I heard that you have an unusual brown bear.

    Ranger Smith: Brown bear?

    Rachel: One that talks, those are so rare.

    Ranger Smith: None that I can think of.

    Rachel: I think he's... trying to steal your lunchbox.

  • Ranger Smith: [to Rachel] Is he still filming?

    Rachel: I needed more footage, so I told him to keep it rolling.

    Ranger Smith: Then I can plug that into the video camera right up there. I just need a way to distract the guards.

    Yogi Bear: I think we can take care of that.

  • Rachel: [grabs the assistant] I have lived with gorillas! I know rage! You do not want me to go gorilla on you!

  • Rachel: Haven't you ever been in love?

    Satan: I am darkness made visible. I am the Prince of Princes. I once basked in the light of God's love.

    Rachel: Then you must know how we feel.

    Satan: I know how everyone feels.

  • [Making out in a car]

    Rachel: Charlie... Charlie, not in a Ford Pinto.

    Charlie: Just close your eyes and picture a Porsche.

  • Rachel: The killer whale. He is a mammal with warm blood, found in every sea.

  • Rachel: I'd insisted on leaving South Harbor with them. I told myself that somehow I was responsible for Nolan's state of mind. That I had filled his head with romantic notions about a whale capable not only of profound grief, which I believed, but also of calculated and vindictive actions, which I found hard to be believe, despite all that had happened.

  • Rachel: [while listening to Orca's sounds through a hydrophone] What is he saying?

    Captain Nolan: You're me, he says... I'm you, he says... you're my... drunk driver... he says...

  • Rachel: He followed you. He saw you on the deck of the boat.

  • Rachel: He deliberately left you your boat because he wants to fight you alone on the sea.

  • Rachel: Did I tell you that that animal has a right to be left alone?

    Captain Nolan: No, but I have a notion you're about to.

  • Rachel: You're planning to capture and sell a fellow creature! He's like you - he has warm blood, he breathes air, he's a mammal, but with intelligence!

  • Rachel: There's a word for you.

    Captain Nolan: And I've been called it. Many times.

  • Captain Nolan: If you're so sure I can't catch a killer whale, why are you so upset?

    Rachel: Listen, you won't catch one, but you might butcher a couple dozen in the attempt!

    Captain Nolan: Oh, that's not my style at all.

  • Rachel: [after Orca's mate washes ashore, dead with Nolan's harpoon in her, mockingly to Nolan] You won't kill one. Its not your *style*.

  • Captain Nolan: I won't fight him at all.

    Rachel: But you'll murder him - you'll sit here safe on the jetty, and shoot him through the eye? You're not a man, you're an animal! Its creatures like you science should be observing!

  • Rachel: Their sonar is like X-ray vision. If we could see in each other if someone was happy or sad, indifferent or aroused, healthy or suffering from a tumor, it would be meaningless to say, How are you? What we call language they might call unnecessary, or retarded.

  • Rachel: With the growing cold came a growing quiet. From the crew, from Nolan, everything.It was numbing like the chill, and palpable.

  • Rachel: Viagra works for Bob.

    Belmont: I'll turn truck-stop queer and blowjob-giver before I use that shit.

  • Pete Perkins: What's Belmont doing?

    Rachel: He went on vacation. He said that it wasn't his problem, that it was between you and the Border Patrol, and he wanted to go to Sea World.

  • Mr. Jones: Listen. They're hunting him.

    Rachel: Then help him.

    Mr. Jones: It's too late. I told you - alone he's nothing.

    Rachel: Take me to him now.

    Mr. Jones: No. Your brother's already as good as dead.

  • Rachel: I'll fucking cut you.

  • Rachel: We must take her to him.

    Jairus: What?

    Rachel: We must take her to Jesus.

    Jairus: Rachel...

    [Cleopas arrives]

    Rachel: Oh Cleopas... you must tell him.

    Cleopas: How is she?

    Rachel: She's dying.

    Jairus: No! She is not dying Rachel!

    Rachel: Oh Jairus! Are you that afraid of them? They have such a hold over your life!

    Jairus: God is my life! Not man... not any man!

    Cleopas: I think we should listen to this Jesus.

    Jairus: What?

    Cleopas: No one ever lost their soul by listening to a liar. Only by believing him and following him. And if he speaks the truth...

    Simon the Pharisee: The truth?

    Cleopas: We have nothing to fear from the truth, do we?

    Simon the Pharisee: No, no. We must question Jesus, see how he defends himself.

    Rachel: Yes! We must listen.

    Simon the Pharisee: Why should the people think their leaders do not listen? I will invite Jesus and his band of followers to my home, and we'll see whether he really is God's prophet.

  • Jesus: Come to me, come and listen to me. Come to me!

    Tamar: [sees Jesus] Mother!

    Rachel: Come on Tamar, I should never have brought you to the fields today.

    Tamar: It's him! The carpenter from Sepphoris!

  • Tamar: [gasping for air] Father?

    Jairus: [taking her in his arms] Yes, I'm here.

    Tamar: Am I going to die?

    Jairus: No.

    [holds her close]

    Jairus: *No.*

    Rachel: She keeps saying his name. Jesus.

    Tamar: Yes. Take me to Jesus.

    Pharisee: [in Jairus' memory] Anyone who follows Jesus is an enemy of God!

    Jairus: No.

    [Tamar and Rachel weep]

    Jairus: No. No I will not listen to them. I will go. I will go to Jesus.

    Rachel: You will?

    Jairus: Yes.

    [points to Tamar]

    Jairus: And you will be healed by his power.

    [Tamar smiles]

    Jairus: By the power of God!

  • Guy: Now, shake it! Come on!

    [Rachel scowls]

    Lil: Don't do it, Rach. He's a big guy and you're still on probation.

    Rachel: Don't worry, those classes are really paying off!

    [slams the back of her fist into the guy's face]

  • Rachel: Lil, do we serve water with our whiskey?

    Lil: Only water I serve's got barley and hops in it. Hey everybody, do we serve water in this bar?

    Everybody: Hell, no H2O!

  • Rachel: Girl, you could be dancin' on the floor. I wanna see your bras!

  • Rachel: Hey, hey! This is not a gas pump, son.


    Rachel: Wait your turn!

  • Rachel: Holy shit!

    Claire: Language!

    [Sees Darnell]

    Claire: Holy SHIT!

  • Rachel: You're an asshole!

    Ethan: Yeah, maybe I am. But i'm the only asshole here who gives a shit about you.

  • [Rachel falls on the dance floor in pain]

    Dex: Are you alright?

    Rachel: Yeah, no, I think I just pulled something.

    Darcy: Your vagina?

    Rachel: No, I didn't pull my vagina! I just pulled... near my vagina.

  • Rachel: You're like a shark.

    Marcus: That kind of hurts my feelings a little bit. I'm actually a pretty sensitive guy.

    Rachel: Oh, really?

    Marcus: Once when I was nine years old, I saved the life of a chipmunk.

    Rachel: A chipmunk.

    Marcus: He fell out of our tree and almost died. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't even move. So I built a tiny little splint for his tiny, broken leg. And I carried him around in a BabyBjörn. And all the kids in my neighborhood, they laughed. They made fun of me, they threw rocks at me, but I didn't care. You know why?

    Rachel: Why?

    Marcus: Because all I saw was this little fur ball that needed love.

    Rachel: That's... really sweet.

    Marcus: I know. So next time you wanna call somebody a shark, just remember the chipmunk.

  • [repeated line]

    Rachel: Ethan, stop.

  • Ethan: So why do you do it? Why do you let her win?

    Rachel: Because that's what Darcy does. Darcy wins. She always has. She sees things, she wants them, she gets them. Ethan, she got into Notre Dame. Do you know how hard it is to get into Notre Dame? It is impossible. But she did. And with her grades?

  • Rachel: What the hell was that?

    Ethan: Me? You broke my nose.

    Rachel: I'm sure I didn't break your nose.

    Ethan: God. And what is all this about us having sex? Jesus, Rachel, just leave me out of your goddamn soap opera.

    Rachel: No one asked you to get involved, Ethan.

    Ethan: Really? So why have I been listening to this bullshit all summer? Rachel, do something. Because this is just pathetic. But you know what? At the end of the day, you two deserve each other 'cause he's never gonna do anything. You're never gonna ask him to, and let's be honest... you and I both know that, even if you did, she will never let you have him.

  • Ethan: Rachel. Okay, look, I get it. You're in a tough spot because you love him. But you gotta do something about it, Rachel. Because he's being a coward. If he breaks your heart, I'm gonna take a swing at him. Then I'm gonna let him beat me up.

    Rachel: I gotta go to work. I'm late.

    Ethan: I know! Rachel, that's the point. Be late. Better yet, quit. At least it would be a decision. Rachel! You're all going to hell anyway, so you might as well do something for yourself. For once. Rachel, you deserve to be happy.

    Rachel: Then butt out. That would make me happy. I'll figure it out on my own.

    Ethan: Oh. Oh, that's great. Let me know how that goes.

  • Rachel: [Running back to Dex in the rain] Dex! Dex! Dex!

    Dex: What's wrong?

    Rachel: I shouldn't have left.

    Dex: No, it's okay. I understand.

    Rachel: No. Six years ago. That night. I shouldn't have left. It wasn't okay what happened. None of it was okay.

    Dex: Rachel...

    Rachel: No, no, no, let me say it. Cancel the wedding. Tell her you can't marry her. I love you. I've always loved you. And I should've told you a long time ago, but I'm telling you now before it's too late. Before it's really too late. You're not the only one who hasn't been living his life. I haven't either, but I wanna live it now. And I wanna live it with you.

    Dex: I can't, Rachel. I'm so sorry. I can't.

  • Darcy: [to Dex] You liar!

    Dex: Are you kidding me?

    Darcy: I thought you told me there was nobody in...

    Dex: Darcy, you are pregnant! Are you pretending you're the wronged party here?

    Darcy: Rachel? How could you do this to me?

    Rachel: No, I never wanted to hurt you, Darcy. I never wanted to hurt you!

    Darcy: Rachel! Rachel! How could you do this to me?

    Rachel: Darcy, I never wanted to hurt you.

    Darcy: I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I never want to speak to you again! EVER!

  • Darcy: [On the phone at the hair salon] You're where? It is one week before my wedding, Rachel, and you're in London?

    Rachel: I know. I...

    [Ethan shows Rachel what to say to Darcy. Notepad writes 'You're fiancé's a douche.' 'I just need some time.']

    Rachel: I just need some time.

    Darcy: You're my maid of honor. And you needed time? Are you kidding?

    Rachel: I...

    [notepad writes 'I'm madly in love w/Ethan!']

    Darcy: Rachel, Rachel, the band you picked sucks. The caterer is a nightmare. You need to get back here right now. Right now.

    Rachel: Darcy...

    Darcy: Right now!

    Rachel: No.

    [hangs up]

  • Ethan: [about Dex] Oh my God. So when are you gonna tell him? Do you want me to tell him? I would love to tell him.

    Rachel: It's none of your business. I told Darcy to marry him. I'm bowing out.

    Ethan: Rachel, she just told you she's cheating. You want your opportunity, take it.

  • Ethan: I don't really get it. I don't get how you let her win all the time.

    Rachel: Wow.

    Ethan: Oh, no. "Wow" nothing. Because if the tables were turning, you'd think she'd let you win?

    Rachel: Will you stop? What is it with you two? Why do you hate her so much?

    Ethan: What are you talking about? I don't hate her. I hate the fact that you yield at her at every turn.

  • Ethan: You're kidding, right? You're not kidding? Did you see her acceptance letter?

    Rachel: What are you talking about?

    Ethan: Rachel, did you see the acceptance letter? Because I didn't. Do you remember when she asked Michael Jordan to the prom and they sent a form letter back saying he couldn't make it? How many times did she show us that letter? I could recite it right now. And that was a rejection. Do you really think if she were accepted that she would make us memorize that letter, too? Rachel, come on.

  • Rachel: Dear Pittsburgh State Admissions, I'm writing on behalf of someone who gave me half a year of his life at the time when I was at my most difficult to be around. He has a very low opinion of himself, which is why I think it's necessary that you hear from someone who sees him as he actually is: A limitlessly kind, sweet, giving, and genuine person. No matter how much he would deny it. The drop in his academic performance this year is the consequence of all the time he spent with me and the time he spent making things for me and how hard that was for him. You can ask him about it, but his sort of over the top humility will probably get in the way. No one has done more to make me smile than he has. And no one ever could.

  • Rachel: So you and Greg are coworkers?

    Earl: Naw, we just friends. He just hates calling people his friend. Dude's got issues.

    Rachel: Yeah, he does. What's going on?

    Earl: Man, I don't even know. It might be his folks. I mean, dude's mom always tellin' him how handsome he is, which he ain't. So now he think he can't trust anybody close to him. Dude's weird-ass dad don't socialize with anybody 'cept the cat. So that's a role model ain't got no friends. Bottom line, dude's terrified of callin' somebody his friend...

  • Rachel: Is that a black power salute?

    Greg: No, I was going in for a fist bump.

    Rachel: I can't fist bump you from up here.

    Greg: Yeah, I realize that.

  • Rachel: I'm ugly, Greg! Everyone feels like they have to lie to me and no one realizes how insulting that is. Everyone thinks they're helping, and they're not."

  • Greg: We're on drugs.

    Earl: Oh shit!

    Rachel: Why are you on drugs?

  • Greg: We, uh, we make films.

    Rachel: Movies?

    Greg: Yeah, we've been making them for a few years now.

  • Rachel: Ali has trouble meeting new people. You see, the last guy I went out with, well, he wasn't all good news.

    Ali: [loudly] He was a liar!

    Rachel: All right Ali.

  • Rachel: Will, how do you use this blender thing?

    Will: You don't.

  • Rachel: Allie finds all this rather difficult.

    Will: Well yeah, so does Marcus. Don't ya mate, divorced parents and not knowing how to feel about new people.

    Marcus: Absolutely. That's absolutely the way I feel.

  • Cindy Campbell: That last lightning bolt smelled like...

    Rachel: ...A giant turd...

    Tom Ryan: Yeah... the lightning...

  • Rachel: What does the lily mean?

    Luce: The lily means...


    Luce: The lily means, "I dare you to love me".

  • Luce: Don't forget me.

    Rachel: I won't remember anything else.

  • Rachel: You make me feel something I absolutely cannot feel.

  • Heck: It's not you leaving that's going to kill me. It's you loving someone more.

    Rachel: No. you're not walking way. Don't... don't walk away from me.

    Heck: Yeah keep saying that. Pretend this is my choice.

    Rachel: What do you MEAN?

    Heck: Oh come on Rachel. We both know you'd have left me in the end.

    Rachel: That's not true.

    Heck: YES IT IS!

    Heck: [quieter]

    Heck: Yes it is. I want you to be happy. More than anything else I wanted to be the cause of happiness in you. But if I'm not, then I can't stand in the way, you see? Because what you're feeling now, Rachel, is the unstoppable force. Which means that I've got to move.

  • Rachel: Everyone promises you happily ever after... but life turns into a different kind of fairy tale.

  • Luce: You can put an end to this!

    Rachel: How?

    Luce: Tell me to go. Tell me that's what you want, and I will walk away and you will never see me again.

    Rachel: Is that what you want?

    Luce: I want *you.*

    Rachel: Luce...

    Luce: I know.

    Rachel: I can't...

    Luce: I know.

  • Rachel: Alright. Well... umm... tell me about the lily.

    Luce: You don't want to know about the lily.

    Rachel: It's my favorite.

    Luce: Ask me about the azalea.

    Rachel: Oh, alright. What about the azalea?

    Luce: The azalea means 'may you achieve financial security'. See?

    Rachel: [laughs] Lovely. Now, tell me about the lily.

    Luce: The lily means... the lily means 'I dare you to love me'.

  • Rachel: Do you guys believe in love at first sight?

    Zina: Well, it saves time.

    Rachel: No, really, that you could meet someone, or just... across a room, and with that one glance you could look in their eyes and see their soul. Do you believe that could happen?

    Beth: [long pause, takes a breath] No.

    Zina: Absolutely not.

  • Ned: So, who's the lucky chap? What's his name?

    Rachel: Her name... is Luce.

    Tessa: Luce? As in a woman? As are you a woman? So you mean you two are lesbifriends?

    Rachel: It doesn't matter what you call it, it's not going to happen.

  • Rachel: I can't...

    Luce: I know.

  • Rachel: She's gay...

    Heck: As a tennis player.

  • Luce: [It's the day after Luce and Rachel's "date" where Rachel almost kissed Luce. Upon seeing Rachel approaching her store, Luce, beams a smile] Hi!

    Rachel: [In a rush walks into the store] No! No! You're not happy to see me! You can't! I don't want you to be happy to see me!

  • Luce: [Has come for a glass of punch, but finds Rachel blocking the way] What, is something wrong? I'm here to help.

    Rachel: My ring. I was getting some of this punch crap and...

    Luce: Your wedding ring?

    Rachel: It fell off. Off and in there. My wedding ring is in there.

    Luce: And you tried the ladle?

    Rachel: Nothing.

    Luce: And you can't empty...

    Rachel: No.

    Luce: No, it's too big. Right. Only one thing to do. Cover me.

    [Starts to roll up her sleeves]

    Rachel: What?

    Luce: Use the dress.

    [Moves Rachel so that her body covers Luce's actions]

    Luce: I'm going in.

    Rachel: You can't just...

    [Looks over her shoulder as Luce prepares to fish around for the ring]

    Rachel: Oh, yes, really, you can.

    [Luce sticks her arm in the punch bowl]

  • Heck: [Rachel and Heck are having breakfast in bed] I like this jam. It's really good jam. I should make jam. I could, you know.

    Rachel: 'Course you could.

    Heck: You don't think I could.

    Rachel: Not for a second.

    Heck: Anyway, I was talking to Rob yesterday.

    Rachel: That man's an ass.

    Heck: That man *is* an ass. But he's got this really sweet girlfriend. God knows what she found to love about him, but she does. He cheats on her like a nutter.

    [Rachel gets up and starts to get dressed]

    Heck: Oh, come back to bed.

    Rachel: I'm up now. Does she know?

    Heck: Well, I'm like, 'If you want to leave, tell her.' Are you really up?

    Rachel: I really am. Maybe he doesn't want to leave. Maybe he doesn't know what he wants.

    Heck: Anyway, he should figure it out before someone gets hurt... Why are you looking at me?

    Rachel: 'Cause you're a good person.

    Heck: You wait till I make jam. Then I'll rock your world.

  • Rachel: [reading to coworkers] In her acceptance speech, the distinguished scientist paid tribute to her husband, Dr. Chris Davis. Tomorrow the pair celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary after eloping together on the day they met. When asked how they could possibly have known that it would all work out. Professor Harrison replied in true scientific fashion: "We don't know, you can never be sure. But you take the plunge anyway. Sure is for people who don't love enough."

  • Heck: It's porn, right? It's degrading. It's offensive.

    Rachel: God yes.

    Heck: Yeah. Let's watch it anyway. Come on, Rach, I mean, things have been getting slack in that department recently. I know it's my fault, and it's... yeah.

    Rachel: No, it's mine... I... uh... but I don't want to watch this.

    Heck: [sadly] Why not?

    Rachel: It doesn't turn me on.

    Heck: Makes one of us.

  • Rachel: Okay. So do you see? You have to see. I... I can't do this. I can't actually do this. So whatever it is, or was, it's got to stop, and it's got to stop now, do you understand? It's over.

  • Rachel: I forgot to pee.

  • Rachel: BOOM! Hold that thought!

  • Rachel: Tank, okay since you have yet to ask me anything at all. I should tell you a little bit about myself, I'm a social worker, yea I know what you are thinking, It is challenging work but so important.

    Tank: Woah, woah there big time. I'm a customer satisfaction rep at Airmeister air filtration systems. That is important work because without air, we cannot live.

  • Rachel: Fuck, I sound like a gay grandma.

  • Rachel: Is this Grandmaster Munchie Mega Mellow Mix, volume seven?

    Malachi: It's Mega Mellow Mix, volume eight... The one I made just for you.

    Rachel: That was a good mix tape.

    Malachi: It was.

  • Rachel: No shit! Now I remember you. You sang with Mick Jagger once.

    Cheyenne: I know him. He's a good singer, I like the way he dances.

    Rachel: Listen your cheeseburger is a bit too well done. You don't mind do ya? Unfortunately, that's life!

    Cheyenne: You know what the problem is... Rachel?

    Rachel: What?

    Cheyenne: Without realizing it, we go from an age where we say: "My life will be that" to an age where we say: "That's life."

  • Cheyenne: Now that I realize it, it's too late.

    Rachel: It's better late than never.

    Cheyenne: That's not true. Late is late.

  • Rachel: There is an air force base nearby. A lot of military live here. We also have the biggest pistachio in the world here. It's a sculpture. It's even in the Guinness Book of Records.

    Cheyenne: And the littlest one, where is that?

  • Rachel: So are you two in school or something?

    Oliver: I'm at Columbia and as far as this year's challenge for Igby, we're still waiting to hear back from this fun parochial school in D.C.

    Igby: "Perchance to dream."

    Oliver: He's already done the Protestant circuit. Mom must have some compromising photos of the head priest with an altar boy for them to even be considering Igby.

  • Rachel: How you doin'?

    Igby: Good.

    D.H. Banes: Igby, Igby... how you doin'? Well. You're doing "well". How's the work coming along there, stud?

    Igby: Uh... well?

  • Rachel: [being consumed by the oil slick-like creature] H-Help! It hurts!

  • Rachel: We can all survive Simon, you just don't have to look so damn sad doing it.

  • Simon: [to Harlan] Hey!

    Rachel: ...is for horses, better for cows, and pigs don't eat it 'cause they don't know how.

  • Rachel: This has nothing to do with him.

    Simon: This has everything to do with him. He tried to take away all the things that would let you love me without being in my bed, like a friend or a father. This has everything to do with him. This is about knowing the difference between right and wrong, between the truth and a lie. He took that from you. And if you can't tell the difference, then you can't trust anyone. And if you can't trust, you can't love.

    Rachel: What's it like to be so sure of yourself?

  • Harlan: You're a dangerous girl, aren't you?

    Rachel: It depends on what you define as dangerous.

    Harlan: Safer to get thrown from a horse.

    Rachel: But you don't have to brush me or feed me after riding me.

  • Rachel: Oh my God! You're hard! Dude, it was a fight! You don't pull a boner in a battle!

  • Rachel: You don't look evil.

    Georgia: Make-up helps.

  • Rachel: Try and jerk me around, Grandma.

    Georgia: Go fuck yourself.

  • Rachel: Hi, wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rachel Wilcox. Nice to meet you.

    Grace Cunningham: Grace Cunningham.

    Rachel: [turning to Grace's friends] Hi, girls. How you doing?

    [turning back to Grace]

    Rachel: Look I just drove over here to tell you that Harlan and I- we're just friends now. Nothing's going to happen again, I promise. Scout's honor. So you guys can go and do whatever it is you do- I dont' know- have your summer fun and tell June that we're apart, even if we're not apart 'cause nothing's gonna happen and whatever has happened has happened already- so that's the end of it.

    Grace Cunningham: Fine. Now why don't you just go home and leave us all alone?

    Rachel: Okay, see, I tried to be nice, but let me put this a different way because you're not really getting it right now. If you call me a name, if you throw something at me- ever again!- if I see you talking to Harlan, yelling at Harlan, having anything AT ALL to do with Harlan, I will find all of your boyfriends and I will fuck them stupid. Okay? Get it? Thanks guys.

    [as she's walking away]

    Rachel: Thanks for your time. Have a good summer!

    Grace Cunningham: I am gonna pray for her.

  • Rachel: You tell Harlan Wilson that if he's looking for a little danger... I'd love a ride.

  • Rachel: You don't have to brush me or feed me after riding me.

  • Harlan: You have to go with me to talk to June. I want to tell her in person.

    Rachel: Tell her what?

    Harlan: That we have to get married.

    Rachel: What?

    Harlan: It's the only way God will forgive us!

    Rachel: Oh my God, Harlan, I gave you a blow job!

    Harlan: [suddenly embarrassed] Um, thank you for breakfast, Miss Georgia. Rachel, I'll see you in the truck.

    Rachel: [to her grandmother, exasperated] No good deed goes unpunished!

  • Simon: Do you need to call someone or are you a surprise?

    Rachel: I would. My mother cut my phone service off. She's a gem.

    [tosses phone out of car]

  • Rachel: Surprise. Saddling up your truck?

    Harlan: Now I had it figured that you'd done away with Simon, buried his body and taken off for the city with his cash and car.

    Rachel: And leave you alive?

  • Harlan: Just how disturbed are you?

    Rachel: I prefer "unique."

  • Simon: I wasn't really going anywhere.

    Rachel: That's where I'm going.

    Simon: Where?

    Rachel: Anywhere.

    Simon: Well, I was going there alone.

    Rachel: Well, now you're not. Consider yourself very lucky.

    Simon: I would if you weren't here.

    Rachel: Consider yourself stuck.

  • Simon: I don't like to talk.

    Rachel: Perfect. I don't like to listen.

  • Lilly: You don't know where you're going.

    Rachel: Yes, I do.

    Lilly: You don't know where you are.

    Rachel: Yes, I do. I'm in hell.

  • Rachel: You know, if you weren't such a nutcase, then we could've flown here like normal people and been done with this sh*t. You won, ok? You won. I'm out of your life.

    Lilly: No one has won.

    Rachel: I am out of your life. Now if you please, would you just get out of mine?

    [bangs purse on car hood]

  • Rachel: It is physically impossible to French-kiss a man who leaves the new roll of toilet paper resting on top of the empty cardboard roll. Does he not see it? DOES HE NOT *SEE* IT?

  • Rachel: You were our Fred and Ethel Mertz!

    Katie Jordan: Funny, we thought you were OUR Fred and Ethel Mertz.

  • Rachel: Marriage is the Jack Kevorkian of romance.

  • Rachel: [to Katie] But that's Ben - that's who you fell in love with. Katie, you are at 80 who you are at 8. People don't *change*!

    [following scene]

    Rachel: [to Ben] People *change* over time - you've got to expect that. Ben, the only way a relationship works is if people grow and change together!

  • Rachel: It's not an affair. Theresa never had sex with him, they just kissed.

    Katie Jordan: A kiss is an affair.

    Liza: You think so?

    Katie Jordan: Absolutely. Once you establish anything truly intimate with another person, even talking, it has to affect the person you're supposed to be the most intimate with.

    Liza: But the crazy thing is that Theresa could fuck her husband. She just couldn't kiss him, I mean really kiss him.

    Rachel: It's not so crazy. There have been times when I'm so angry at Stan that I could fuck him but I don't want that count on anyone near me.

    Katie Jordan: A kiss can be so much more intimate than sex.

    Liza: Yeah. Why is that?

    Rachel: Because fucking means "yeah, yeah, I love you" but a kiss, a kiss means "I like you".

  • Melanie Miller: [to Rachel] I used to have a rat named Rachel!

    Rachel: [repulsed] Um... cool?

    Rafe: [repulsed] That's a detail.

  • Cliff: [looking at a poster of Van Gogh's "Starry Night"] Whoa. Which one of you painted this?

    Rachel: Uhh... I did.

    Cliff: It's soooo smooth.

  • [repeated line]

    Rachel: Do I have to do everything? Drunken sot!

  • Mrs. Boyle: Leaving him alone again I see.

    Rachel: Sticking your sweet face in everybody's business again I see.

  • Rachel: It is always women like you who are most victimized by anti-choice: indigent women, third-world women, women of color.

    Ruth: I'm not a colored woman!

  • Rachel: Oh shit! A vigil.

  • Jon: [after Plan Q is activated] Don't worry, I've seen this bit a thousand times; the heroes always save the day

    Hannah: Right, so where are the heroes?

    Rachel: We're the heroes, you muke

  • Hannah: [Runs out of the hotel room screaming] AAAGGGHHHH!

    Bradley: What goin-

    [trips up]

    Jon: [comes out with a baseball bat] Nobody move-

    [trips over Bradley]

    Rachel: [comes out with her eyes covered] Guys why has it gone all dark?-

    [trips over Jon]

    Tina: What are you lot doing down there?

    Rachel: Am I dreaming? What's this big hard thing?

    Tina: Jon

    Jon: Get off!

    Rachel: Oh sorry

    Jo: What is going on in here?

    Hannah: [still screaming] AAAGGHHHH!

    Hannah: Look at the time! We've missed our flight! Alistair's gonna kill us!

    [Everyone starts screaming]

  • Rachel: [after entering a room full of clones] Is that Posh Spice eating a steak and kidney pie?

    Hannah: Well that proves she's not the real thing.

    Hannah: There's Robbie Williams having a food fight with Eminem.

    Tina: And Ozzy Osbourne! I can't believe they cloned Ozzy Osbourne.

    Bradley: No, that's the real Ozzy Osbourne. Victor never cloned him. He's a mad scientist, but he's not insane.

  • Nicole: [entering, modeling outfit] What do you think?

    Claire Hopkins: Classy. Yet slutty.

    Nicole: I know!

    [to Rachel]

    Nicole: I told you she'd love it!

    Rachel: She said it was slutty.

    Nicole: And classy.

  • Nicole: [entering, modeling outfit] What do you think?

    Claire: Classy. Yet slutty.

    Nicole: I know!

    [to Rachel]

    Nicole: I told you she'd love it!

    Rachel: She said it was slutty.

    Nicole: And classy.

  • Nicole: [entering, modeling outfit] What do you think?

    Claire Hopkins: Classy. Yet slutty.

    Nicole: I know!

    [to Rachel]

    Nicole: I told you she'd love it!

    Rachel: She said it was slutty.

    Nicole: And classy.

  • Martha: Rachel... It's about the uniform.

    Rachel: Oh, you want me to wear regular clothes so people will think I'm just your black friend who dropped by to clean your house because I ain't got nothin' better to do?

    Martha: Could you?

  • Rachel: You can't argue the subject with me because you just used a word that does not exist.

    Laura: Really? And what word is that?

    Rachel: Always. You used the word always, and always is the key to every woman's heartbreak.

    Laura: Why?

    Rachel: Because we expect that he will always be there, we expect that we will always be loved no matter what we do or what we look like, well that is clearly not the case now is it, because we get fat and we get old, we get traded in for younger models every day. So the simple truth is the only always is that everything changes. And in my experience men's whims are the most changeable of all, so No, I guess is the answer to your question is no I do not want some guy to tell me that he is Always gonna be there to protect me from the scary noises at night because then I'm gonna know he's a liar. I can protect myself just fine thank you very much.

  • Rachel: HEY! HEY! YOU WHORE!

  • Rachel: I need to remember.

  • [last lines]

    Rachel: [narrating] Today, I sit in a different car and I can look ahead. Anything is possible, because I am not the girl I used to be.

  • [first lines]

    Rachel: [narrating] My husband used to tell me I have an overactive imagination. I can't help it. I mean, haven't you ever been on a train and wondered about the lives of the people who live near the tracks? The lives you've never lived. These are things I want to know. Twice a day, I sit in the third car from the front where I have the perfect view into my favorite house: Number 15, Beckette Road.

    [seeing a woman on her back porch in the morning]

    Rachel: I don't know when exactly, I suppose I started noticing her about a year ago, and gradually as the months went past, she became important to me. I'm not the girl I used to be. I think people can see it on my face.

    [seeing the same woman at night with her husband]

    Rachel: She's what I lost. She's everything I want to be.

    Rachel: [now sitting in the train station, drawing] I imagine she's a painter. She's creative. He's a doctor or an architect. He has a good laugh. She can't cook. I wonder what they say to each other before they go to sleep.

    Rachel: [now on the evening train again] Today her name is Jess. Tomorrow it could be Lisa or Amber - it all depends on the day. It depends on my mood. The truth is, I don't know her name.

  • Rachel: He posted another picture of the baby. It was a cute picture.

    Cathy: Yeah?

    Rachel: Yup.

    Cathy: Facebook and drunk ex-wives do not make good friends.

  • Rachel: Um... I'm here because I... Because I... Because I woke up, um, covered in blood. And I had bruises all over my arm, um... It's usually from when I've fallen and someone's helped me up. My husband... He used to tell me what I'd done the night before. And I learned when you wake up like that, you just say you're sorry. You just say you're sorry for what you did, and you're sorry for who you are, and you're never gonna do it again. But you do. You do it again...

  • Rachel: [to Michael] There's something very powerful about being absent.

  • [last lines]

    Rachel: Michael. Right?

  • Tommy Dundee: Heard you moved.

    Michael Chambers: My mother's getting married.

    Rachel: To who?

    Michael Chambers: Good guy.

    Rachel: Never heard of him.

  • Rachel: This is my problem: when I think about trying with you again, I have no idea if it's a moment of strength, or a moment of weakness.

  • Rachel: [Speaking of Raikes] His wife ran off with an English stud, which is an oxymoron.

  • Rachel: Some day you'll wiggle that bottom of yours just once too often.

  • Charlie St. Cloud: Oh, um, ever since the werewolf bite, I tend to only come out during the full moons.

    Rachel: The moon isn't full.

    Charlie St. Cloud: Then I guess it's your lucky night.

  • Nelson Wright: When my body temperature hits 86 degrees, you're going to hit me with 200 Joules. The electric current will stop my heart. When the heart is dead, take the mask off... I'm going to draw 20 ccs. You handle the injections. When the EEG flatlines, the brain is dead. I'll be exploring. Give me 30 seconds. Flip the blanket on to 'warm.' Take me up to 93 degrees slowly. Inject 1 cc of Adrenaline, and at one minute, Joe, you come in with the defibs. And you bring me back to life.

    Rachel: [entering room] With brain damage. Resembling in many ways a cabbage patch doll.

  • Rachel: See you soon.

  • Dan: What're you doing here?

    Rachel: Came to check out some basketball. Heard this was the place.

    Dan: We need a little work, but we're having fun, so... yeah.

    Rachel: How are you?

    Dan: Same old, same old.

    Rachel: I'm happy to see you.

    Dan: It's good to see you, too. You look good.

    Rachel: Come on, I got fat.

    Dan: Oh, I know, but it looks great. You look healthy.

    Rachel: Do you wanna go get some...

    Dan: I can't. I got to...

    Rachel: Just like a quick coffee. I just want to...

    Dan: Get some coffee?

    Rachel: Yeah.

    Dan: I can't tonight. Do you wanna do it another night?

    Rachel: OK.

    Dan: OK. Hey. How's your mom?

    Rachel: Did you get my messages?

    [Walks away]

  • [Henry flicks a wad of paper at Rachel in the library]

    Rachel: [whispers] Dad, stop it!

    [He flicks another wad of paper at her]

    Rachel: [whispers sternly] Dad, I'm serious!

    Henry: I know. Very.

  • Henry: No thanks, I don't like eggs.

    Rosella: What?

    Rachel: Eggs are your favourite!

    Henry: Okay, then give me lots of eggs.

  • [Charlie Rawlins has asked Ben for permission to marry Rachel]

    Rachel: Well, Ben; you ain't goin' to shoot Charlie now are you?

    Ben: I'm thinkin' about it. If I wasn't so short-handed I might.

  • Rachel: Kym, you took Ethan for granted. Okay? You were high for his life. You were not present. Okay? You were high.

    Kym: [Whispering] Yes.

    Rachel: And you drove him off a bridge... and now he's dead.

    Paul: [Tearfully] Rachel, it was an accident.

    Kym: Yes, I was. Yes, I was stoned out of my mind. Who do I have to be now? I mean, I could be Mother Teresa and it wouldn't make a difference, what I did. Did I sacrifice every bit of... love I'm allowed for this life because I killed our little brother?

  • Joe: [lookin' up from the baby] She smiled at me.

    Rachel: Don't get excited. She's just hungry. It's biology, remember.

    Joe: No, it's not. It's not biology. It's fantastic.

  • Frank: If you want to turn two people into two-headed fire-breathing dragons overnight, just put rings on their fingers.

    Rachel: Shhhhhh!

    Joe: No, he's right.

    Joe: Cos you-re a fucking expert aren't you?

    Joe: When you're not sexing up the au pair to within an inch of her life, you're a fucking authority!

    Joe: And when you're not marching on Poland, you're a fucking sage, aren't you pal?

    Joe: Tell me something, tell me something, cos I always wanted to know this.

    Joe: Don't you ever tire of letting your dick do the thinking?

  • Rachel: That was my first kiss using my tongue. I probably shouldn't admit that.

  • Rachel: Rachel Mary Ellen. The Rachel is silent.

  • Rachel: You think I'm someone from a mental institution, don't you?

    Lloyd: Are you?

  • Rachel: Who's Mistress Eakens? I'm supposed to take this to Mistress Eakens? Do you know who she is? Mistress Eakens? Do you know what I'm talking about?

    Trish: No.

    Rachel: Mistress Eakens, I think he said.

    Trish: Mister Seakins?

    Rachel: Oh, I thought he said Mistress Eakens. I thought that was an unusual name.

  • Rachel: Oh, God, I thought I was getting shorter!

  • Rachel: I was thinking about how people in movies and books are always getting puppies on Christmas. But you never have to see anyone cleaning up the...

    Therapist: Shit?

    Rachel: ...or get hit by cars. You just see them with a big red bow, and the kids are smiling.

  • Therapist: Is it difficult for you to make a decision?

    Rachel: No.

    Therapist: Are you sure?

  • Rachel: You wanna smoke a joint...

    Sam: Are you serious?

    Rachel: When I'm nervous I hum oldies, I eat red licorice and I blaze phatties, so just say yes or no, k?

  • Rachel: Getting married isn't going to unfuck her, you know that right?

  • Sam: How do you feel?

    Rachel: Awake.

  • Rachel: I *knew* it, Geoffrey, I *told* you I wasn't barmy! I knew aliens existed.

    [Walking up to Oliver for the first time]

    Rachel: I've met a talking leprechaun called Richard. It's nice to meet you.

  • Rachel: Geoffrey!

    Geoffrey: What-?

    Rachel: You've just ruined it now.

    Geoffrey: Ruined what?

    Rachel: My big news! You don't cut off one person's Big News with your own Big News. It ruins the impact of the first Big News and is just frankly rude.

    Geoffrey: But my Big News links into your Big News, so I thought that together they could make a Big-Big News.

    Rachel: A Big-Big News? Geoffrey, you worry me sometimes.

  • Chloe: [after stabbing Rachel] Did that surprise you?

    Rachel: Why?

    Chloe: Because you talk too much!

    [stabs Rachel again]

    Chloe: Now shut the fuck up and watch the movie.

  • Rachel: A fucking 'Facebook' killer... you're kidding me right?

    Chloe: I guess now it would be Twitter, that'd make more sense.

  • Rachel: [Risen from the dead] Darling!

  • Rachel: It's okay, Ellie! You just had a bad dream.

    Ellie: It wasn't a dream, it was Paxcow! Paxcow says daddy is going to do something really bad!

    Rachel: Who is this Paxcow?

    Ellie: He's a ghost! He's a good ghost! He was sent to warn us!

  • Rachel: I'd hate myself but I used to think "Isn't Zelda dead yet?"

  • [Rachel and Ellie read the Pet Sematary sign]

    Ellie: What's it say mommy?

    Rachel: It says Pet Sematary, honey. It's misspelled, but that's what it says.

  • [the Creed family enter the Pet Sematary]

    Jud Crandall: I told you it was a bad road Louis. It's killed a lot of pets and made a lot of kids unhappy. At least something good come of it. This place. Couldn't plant nothing but corpses here anyway, I guess.

    Rachel: How can you call it a good thing? A graveyard for pets killed in the road, built by broken hearted children.

    Jud Crandall: Well, they have to learn about death somehow. Now, don't they Mrs. Creed?

  • [Louis promises his daughter that Church will be fine]

    Louis Creed: Church will be just the same. Well, almost the same, and we won't have to worry about him getting run over in the road by trucks. Church will be all right, honey.

    Ellie: You promise, daddy?

    Rachel: Don't shilly-shally, Louis, give the little girl a promise.

    Louis Creed: Church will be fine. I promise.

    Ellie: Yay!

  • [Rachel kisses her husband before he leaves for work]

    Rachel: Still friends, doc?

    Gage: [Rachel and Louis kiss while Rachel holds Gage] I kissed you.

    Rachel: [Rachel chuckles] Have a great first day at school, doc.

  • [Louis wakes up from his sleep]

    Rachel: You up, doc?

    Louis Creed: Getting there.

  • Rachel: Gavin thinks some sinister force has taken over the Cradle Bay meatheads.

    Steve: A sinister force?

    Rachel: You know, evil. Nowhere to turn, no one to trust, altogether ooky.

  • Rachel: [Rachel has just discovered her car completely flipped over] What the Fuck!... MY FUCKING CAR!

    Ricky: I guess that's what the bottom of a car looks like.

    Rachel: I don't think that's funny.

  • Ricky: [Sees a painting] Check this out!

    Rachel: What is it supposed to be?

    Ricky: I don't know.

    Cece: It's a milking ceremony. It's an old Haitian ritual. The Mambo is saving the man's soul, clensing him of evil. It's his last rites. The snakes are charmed by the Mamboto suck out the man's evil, so that his soul may pass on.

  • Sean: That can't be Ray.

    Rachel: It's Ray, Sean.

    Sean: Yeah, but Ray is dead.

    [Ray throws a chain through the window, wrapping around sean's neck, dragging him out]

    RachelEden SinclairEricCece: SEAN!

  • Cece: I can make a doll.

    Eden Sinclair: A doll? What would that do?

    Cece: The evil is inside Ray's body. I can't stop that, but maybe I can stop his body long enough for us to get out of here. It's worth a try.

    Eden Sinclair: Are you talking about a voodoo doll?

    Cece: If I had something of Ray's, like some, some hair, or some clothing, some actual part of him, I could make a doll.

    Eric: So who's gonna go outside and pull a lock of hair?

    Eden Sinclair: Will blood work?

    Rachel: What are you talking about?

    Eden Sinclair: Sean is his son. Ray's blood is running through him. That would work, right?

    Cece: Blood works best.

  • Rachel: [about Ray] That man gives me the wheebies.

    Eden Sinclair: It's just a scar, Rachel.

    Rachel: Forget the scar. It's his eyes. The way he stares you down.

    [Walks her fingers up Eden's arm]

    Rachel: Creepy...

  • Rachel: [Eden grabs her means of transportation; a bike] That's getting embarassing.

    Eden Sinclair: Tuition... car payment... tuition... car payment.

    Rachel: "Oh, who's that scrub on the bike?" "Oh, that's Dr. Sinclair! She clips coupons, too."

    Eden Sinclair: Good night, Rachel.

    Rachel: Good night, Eden.

  • Rachel: [takes Jamie's hands] I'll be back in two days, okay?

    [Jamie nods]

    Rachel: Mom and Dad send their love.

    [they hug; all of the sudden the window shatters. Tina comes back in, as Loomis picks up a brick with a note taped to it. "The evil child must die!" it reads; cut to Rachel and Loomis outside]

    Rachel: How could they? When are they going to realize that she is not him? She's just a child.

    Loomis: They know that Michael Myers is her uncle and that she attacked her foster mother. That's why they fear her, especially on Halloween.

    Rachel: I never should have let my parents talk me into leaving. I don't know what I was thinking.

    Loomis: You're afraid.

    Rachel: I am not.

    Loomis: You're afraid the whole thing might start to happen again. There's nothing wrong with being afraid.

    Rachel: And I suppose there's nothing wrong with just leaving my little foster sister here alone?

    Loomis: You can telephone her from the cabin. She'll be properly looked after.

  • Rachel: Well, what about Max?

    Deputy Nick: A doby, right?

    [Max comes running down the sidewalk]

    Rachel: This is not happening to me! Max! Max, what have you done? I'm so embarrassed.

    Deputy Nick: That's what we're here for.

    Deputy Tom: Rescue cats.

    Deputy Nick: Find dogs.

    Deputy Tom: That's our job.

    Deputy Nick: And we love it.

  • Rachel: [on the phone] Bye, sweetie. I love you. You be a good girl. Bye.

    Loomis: [hangs the phone up] So, she was perfectly all right. Come on, Billy, I think Jamie needs to get some rest.

    Billy: Jamie, are you okay?

    [tries to touch her, but she slaps him away]

    Loomis: Come on.

    [Billy leaves, Loomis stays and closes the door; he gets a pen and paper]

    Loomis: You sense something, don't you? Tell me. Tell me what you know.

    [she is crying and trying to speak]

    Loomis: Here. Write, write, write. Write what you know! Jamie, please. Please.

  • Rachel: They've brought Area 51 to Manhatten.

    Jason: We won't be complaining about the rats any more.

  • Jason: Thanks Babe!

    Rachel: You haven't called me babe in months.

    Jason: You haven't saved my life before.

  • Rachel: See I'm telling you. No bacteria in any of the eggs. Everything on earth has bacteria in it.

  • Rachel: Maybe we can flag someone down

    Ken: First we've got to do something about this stiff

    Rachel: But it's not our fault

    Ken: Rach We're foreigners in a strange country, think about it we don't even know who the fuck he is? They HANG people for shit like this right

    Marco: He's right

    Ken: Let's take him back to shore, that's where he came from that's where he fucking well stays

  • Rachel: Your covered in blood!

    Ken: It's Marco's

  • Rachel: [on seeing the wrecked ships] She did this Silka! Can't you hear it?

    Ken: What do you mean?

    Rachel: Lets go we've got to stop the song they put wax in their ears to stop the singing

  • [last lines]

    Ken: I've always loved you forever and forever

    [last lines]

    Rachel: I love you too

  • Spencer: Kyle, slow down! She said she was sick.

    Kyle: Look, I'm feeling sick too, all right? Now everyone shut the fuck up and let me concentrate!

    Rachel: Will you please be careful?

    Kyle: Listen, Rachel, we know it's your dad's shitty RV! We've heard it a million fucking times!

    Spencer: Well, this should be a fun weekend.

    Rachel: No shit.

  • John: [driving behind slow truck] Ah, come on!

    Rachel: John, just go around him.

    John: I'll try - he's all over the place.

    [he passes truck; later, truck passes him; after this, the scene has numerous horn sounds between dialogues]

    John: You have to be fucking kidding me.

    [he passes truck again]

    Rachel: He's picking up speed.

    Tiffany: Oh my God!

    John: What? Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.


    John: He let us pass.

    Rachel: John, he is getting really close.

    John: Yeah, I see him. Maybe he'll just go around. Never mind.

    Rachel: What does he want? What did we do?

    John: I don't know.

    Jenn: John?

    John: Yeah, I see him!

    Jack: [truck slams in the back of them] Ugh! What the fuck is going on?

    John: [looking in side mirror] Shit, alright, we've learned our lesson!

    Jenn: John, just pull over.

    John: Aw, come on, you fucker. The road's wide open. Maybe I can make him hit this car.

    Rachel: [they get hit again] Seriously, John, we have to pull over now.

    John: All right; all right. So unless anyone else has anything to say, or any suggestions, then I'm gonna pull over.

    Rachel: What?

    John: I really hope this is a good idea.

    Tiffany: Someone needs to get out and apologize.

    John: For what?

    Tiffany: I don't know! Clearly we pissed him off!

    John: I'll take care of this.

    Jenn: No, no, you've done plenty!

  • Rachel: Damn it Tommy, can't you take a piss somewhere else? This is just a slasher picture waiting to happen.

  • [first lines]

    Jason: [impassive tone] Look... you know this is for the best. I love you, but I want to enjoy my college experience. I'll be away from my parents for the first time in my life. And I'll be making new friends... and I'll have the opportunity to grow as a person. And you can do the same thing. Hey, baby doll? We had a good run. We were together most of senior year and most of the summer. Don't be sad. Just focus on the good times we had. This isn't bad. This is good. Come on... gimme a smile. There she is. There's my little angel face. You know that I never wanted to hurt you.

    [Jason leans forward to kiss Rachel who suddenly punches him in his face]

    Rachel: Fucking asshole! You're a selfish, fucking asshole! You couldn't have decided to break up with me nine hours ago before you fucked me with that little dick of yours?

    Jason: Little? Really? You're just think that way because you're a whore!

    Rachel: And you're a little bitch!

    Jason: I am not! And you're a crazy bitch!

    Rachel: Damn right I'm a crazy bitch.

  • Amy: Last night was great.

    Rachel: Yeah? I was great? YOU were great.

    Amy: Oh... I am in trouble.

    Rachel: [chuckles] Why?

    Amy: Because you're so fucking amazing. And because... I work for your dad. And I don't think this could happen again. He would not approve.

    Rachel: My dad should have nothing to do with your personal life, right?

    Amy: But he's my boss and you're his sweet, innocent daughter. He put his neck out for me to give me this job and I cannot just... date you.

    Rachel: I make you feel dirty, right?

    Amy: Maybe. And maybe a little naughty.

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