Albert Torena Quotes in Heat (1995)


Albert Torena Quotes:

  • Albert Torena: Where's your empathy, brother? It's a substance abuse problem.

    Vincent Hanna: Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my motherfucking time.

  • Vincent Hanna: So, what do you got for me?

    Richard Torena: Before we even get into that, there's something we gotta get straight. There's a garage over off Sunset and Fig'. Now if someone were to pay it a visit tonight, they might find a pair of Turbos and a 911 Slope.

    Vincent Hanna: You're looking to rid yourself of your competition.

    Richard Torena: Well lemme put it another way, cousin. How do I know, that when I tell you what you wanna know, that you're gonna do what I need fucking done?

    Albert Torena: Richard, look! Vincent's cool man! He and I have dealings all the time, brother!

    Vincent Hanna: [puts his arm around Richard's shoulders] I ain't your cousin you rat motherfucker. And you know, because I *say* you know!

  • Vincent Hanna: You were supposed to get back to me last night, where the fuck have you been?

    Albert Torena: I couldn't break free

    Sgt. Drucker: Let's violate his ass right now

    Vincent Hanna: I "do" for you, you don't "do" for me is that it?

    Albert Torena: I swear I was out all night generating leads and shit for you, I'm cutting it real smooth. I'm a dancer

    Sgt. Drucker: Bullshit, you're a speed freak you're jacking amphetamines again

    Vincent Hanna: Did you fall in love last night? Just tell me that, I'll buy that

    Albert Torena: I swear my brother Richard's is going to talk to you, he'll meet you tonight he'll meet you at BJ'S at 2AM

    Vincent Hanna: You be there too

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