Claudia Quotes in Heat (1995)


Claudia Quotes:

  • Claudia: this afternoon this neghborhood was terrorized by a bank hold up gone wrong with the streets filled with mid-day shoppers and kids.

  • Claudia: [brought in to Carnegie's office] Where's Solara?

    Carnegie: Out there... her choice. I tried to... bring her back. She refused.

    Claudia: What did you do that she refused?

    Carnegie: [pushes the braille book toward her] Read it.

    Claudia: What did you do to my daughter?

    Carnegie: [raising his voice] Read it!

    Claudia: [shouting and slamming her hands down on the desk] What did you do to my daughter?

    [Claudia's hands brush the braille writing. She realizes why Carnegie needs her to read the book and smiles]

    Carnegie: You can start any time.

    Claudia: [pushing the book away from her] Sorry. It's been so long, I don't remember.

    Carnegie: [pushes the book back to her] Read it...

    Claudia: [smiling vindictively] Do I have to? Really?

    Carnegie: [pleading now] No, you have to... please...!

    Claudia: Your leg.

    Carnegie: It doesn't hurt anymore.

    Claudia: I can smell it.

    [Claudia feels her away around the desk and stretches her hand out toward Carnegie, reaching to touch his head. He leans forward and touches his forehead to her hand]

    Claudia: You worked so hard for that book. You sacrificed so much, so many men. More than you could spare.

    [Claudia starts to lean her face in toward Carnegie, almost nose-to-nose with him]

    Claudia: Now, all those people who were too scared to even say your name, they're downstairs, tearing up the bar right now, did you know that? And there's no one there to stop them. And you're *feverish.*

    [she pushes his head away and straightens up, smiling in satisfaction]

    Claudia: I can't imagine what it must feel like to have what you want so close, and it might as well be a million miles away.

    Carnegie: [as Claudia starts to leave] Stop it!... are you leaving me? Claudia!

    [Claudia keeps walking away, not answering]

    Carnegie: Claudia!

  • Eli: Did you get blinded by the war or the sun after?

    Claudia: I was like this since birth, I was lucky, I was already used to living like this

    Eli: I like the perfume

    Claudia: Its just shampoo but thank you

  • Carnegie: Is he staying?

    Solara: We didn't do much talking.

    Claudia: Solara honey, eat something.

    Solara: Mom, give me your hand. Close your eyes. Mom, trust me... Dear Lord.

    [Carnegie freezes where he is sitting, listening intently]

    Solara: We thank you for our food. Thank you for my mother. Thank you for the roof over our heads and our new friends. And, uh... Well, I guess that's all for now.

    Carnegie: Amen. That's the word you're looking for, Amen. That's how you stop. You said you didn't talk much. But did he do any reading?... I asked you a question.

    Claudia: Bill, don't.

    Carnegie: You, shut your mouth.

    [Solara still says nothing. Carnegie grabs Claudia by her hair, pulling her head back until she screams in pain]

    Carnegie: You're hurting your mother, Solara. He said he read every day. Did he?

    Solara: Stop it!

    Carnegie: [yanking Claudia off her chair and forcing her to her knees, still pulling her hair] Your mother would like you to tell me.

    Solara: [getting very scared] I don't know! I don't know... Yes, okay! Yes, yes, he was reading.

    Carnegie: What kind of book was he reading?

    Solara: I don't know. I don't know! An old leather one.

    Carnegie: And?

    Solara: I don't know, it had some kind of thing on the front of it.

    Carnegie: Show me.

    Solara: I need you to let her go.

    Carnegie: [shouting] Show me!

    [Solara fearfully puts her fingers together into a cross]

  • Claudia: [laughing] Was it worth it? You know what they're going to do to us, baby?

    Foxy Brown: Yep, nothing, in fact, all the doing is going to be done to them.

    Claudia: [laughing] They' gonna kick our ass! But I don't care, it's funny because I know what's going to happen.

    [going into hysterics]

    Claudia: I don't care!

  • Claudia: Those bells haven't rung in years.

    Rusty Griswold: What do they mean?

    Claudia: They're going to hang someone!

    Rusty Griswold: [thinks for a moment, then] DAD!

  • Claudia's Dad: [examining the unconscious Mobu after being struck by the flailing limbs of Bernie] She suffered a concussion. She'll be out for hours.

    Richard Parker: Oh. I'm dead. The sun is setting. Just let me lay down and throw some dirt on me.

    Larry Wilson: Wait! She can't be out! We brought the money to her! She's gotta help Richie and remove the curse!

    Claudia's Dad: She can't do anything like this.

    Larry Wilson: Oh. Claudia! Weren't you telling me that there was a way to reverse a curse put on one person by switching the curse to a different person so that the curse was not on the one person but back on the original person?

    Claudia: It's possible, but you have to believe in the magic for it to work.

    Larry Wilson: In a hypethetical sense, right?

    Claudia: Stop joking!

    Larry Wilson: [motions to Richard slumped against the house] Look at him! He's dying over here, already! I believe!

    Richard Parker: I believe. I believe.

    Claudia: Poppa, you can do that kind of magic. I've seen you do it before.

    Claudia's Dad: It's possible. But, I need the blood of a virgin.

    Claudia: Um...

    Richard Parker: Oh. Goodbye.

    Claudia's Dad: [Larry puts his hand to his chin, walks around behind Claudia's dad, and with his back to him in embaressment, holds out his finger. Claudia's dad looks at Larry's finger, then up to Larry] You?

    Larry Wilson: [Not making eye contact with the Doctor] Just take the blood, Doc.

    [the doctor pricks Larry's finger, Larry faints]

  • Pontius Pilate: [sarcastically] Judea. A fine wedding present your father gave me!

    Claudia: My dear Pontius, it is said whoever can govern Jerusalem can govern anywhere, even Rome.

    Pontius Pilate: Do you think Tiberius really has me in mind as his successor in Rome?

    Claudia: I wish I knew my father's mind as well as I know my husband's ambition.

  • [refering to Roy's hook for a hand]

    Claudia: It must be hard to spank your monkey.

    Ishmael: You have a monkey?

  • Roy: Just because you're familiar with the missionary position doesn't make you a missionary.

    Claudia: Look, Mr. Munster, you're not exactly the smartest guy I ever ran across.

    Roy: Oh yeah? And who are you, Alfred Einstein?

  • Claudia: Ishmael likes me.

    Roy: I promise you, you're not his type.

    Claudia: Oh, I'm his type. I'm every guy's type.

  • Claudia: He said handSOME, not handLESS.

  • Claudia: Your act is about as fresh as a Foghat concert.

  • Claudia: [sees Glen] You killed my mummy and daddy.

    [Glen urinates himself in fear]

    Claudia: And now... You're pissing your pants! You're pissing your pants! YOU'RE PISSING YOUR PANTS!

    Glen: [wakes up from a nightmare] AAAAAHHHH!

    Psychs: Wake up, you're pissing your pants!

  • [first lines]

    Claudia: [after opening up her present, observes it] That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my whole life!

    Claudia's Dad: It certainly is. Who sent it?

    Claudia's Mum: Ooh, well, that's strange. It doesn't say. Where could it have come from?

    Claudia: I don't like it! It's staring at me!

    Claudia's Dad: Well, it's probably one of Uncle Arthur's little jokes.

    Claudia's Mum: Well, I don't think it's funny at all.

    [Claudia throws her present into her toy box]

  • Claudia: Everything is fine. No, nothing is wrong. Hortense... is flat.

  • Claudia: How DARE you mock me?

    Murray: [in a mocking voice] How DARE you mock me?

    Claudia: Cut it Out!

    Murray: Cut it...!

    [before he could finish Claudia grabs his throat]

  • Claudia: Good evening!

    Rena: No, Claudia, No! You really shouldn't be here. You can't be here.

    Claudia: Now, how can you say that I can't be here when I already am? It's just not logical.

    Rena: No, no, no!

    Claudia: This is my faithful companion, Boots.

    Boots: Hi, hi, hi!

    Rena: You know Claudia, since you left us, rumor has it that you've gone into the darkside.

    Claudia: Ha! A witch? Moi? Oh, you can't be serious. Do I look like a witch to you?

    Rena: Well, you know, you really should leave because if Hortense was to see you here, I could lose my own wand.

    Claudia: No, one knows the pain of such a loss more than I. So, I'll go. But, before I do, I remembered what a healthy appetite you have. So, I brought you a little something from my gardn.

    Rena: No thanks, I just had quite a bitof a... Oh, my that is the reddest apple I think I've ever seen.

    Claudia: Oh, it tastes even better than it looks.

    Rena: Well, I...

    Claudia: Yummy!

    Rena: [as she takes the apple and eats it] Mmm!

    Claudia: Now is that the apple of a witch?

    [Rena shakes her head and falls into a deep sleep]

    Claudia: You bet it is!

  • Claudia: Nobody means what they say on Thanksgiving, Mom. You know that. That's what the day's supposed to be all about, right? Torture.

  • Claudia: You don't know the first thing about me.

    Joanne: Likewise, I'm sure. If I just met you on the street... if you gave me your phone number... I'd throw it away.

    Claudia: Well, we don't have to like each other, Jo. We're family.

  • Tommy: She flashed me Claud, she flashed me.

    Claudia: Welcome home!

  • Bernice: I need your opinion on something here. These are my favorite names for the baby so far: "Amaretta," "Caramel," or "Treblinka"

    Claudia: You yokel, naming your baby after a German concentration camp!

    Bernice: I thought Treblinka was one of those cute little fairies from Cinderella.

    Claudia: You moron!

    Bernice: I hope my water breaks all over your fur coat!

  • Claudia: He barely knows I'm alive, he cut my allowance.

    Jessie Bannister: He cut her allowance, honey!

    Mark Bannister: To what? $9000.00 a month?

    Claudia: He makes me drive his old Jaguar.

    Jessie Bannister: Now Claudia, some people have worse problems.

    Claudia: Like Who?

    Jessie Bannister: Like people who don't have cars.

    Claudia: Who cares about them!

  • Claudia: Well, what was I supposed to think. They looked insane.

    Bernice: We're not insane. We're from New Jersey.

    Fred: Yeah, the Garden State.

  • [all the guests are lined up outside the bathroom; C.K. emerges, Claudia goes in and shuts the door]

    Claudia: You repulsive little midget! Next time, *flush*!

  • Jessie: Claudia, I... What are you doing?

    Claudia: Making a list of potential husbands. There are plenty of former suitors just waiting to sweep me off my feet.

    Jessie: Ranked in financial order?

    Claudia: One has to know what one is getting into.

    Jessie: What's the asterisk for?

    Claudia: Over eighty.

  • Claudia: [spray painting Claudia's shoes] Those are pumps from La Don!

    Jessie: [spray painting designer clothes] Now I want you to get your gold diggin' lily white ass OUTTA... MY... HOUSE!

    [notices the fur coat Claudia's holding]

    Jessie: Oooooo!

    Claudia: [running from the room] NOOOOOOOOO!

  • Mark Bannister: [speaking to Claudia's husband Kaddir on the phone] Hi, Kaddir, "salaam" back at you.

    Claudia: I won't talk to him.

    Mark Bannister: [speaking to Claudia] He wanted to know if you were here.

    Claudia: Why?

    Mark Bannister: To let you know he canceled your credit cards.

    Claudia: What? That Middle Eastern maggot! He can talk to my lawyer, the nerve of that towel head!

    Mark Bannister: [back on the phone with Kaddir] Oh, yes, she is very upset about your little love spat, Kaddir.

    [now speaking to Claudia]

    Mark Bannister: He says he will forget everything if you just go home and fix dinner for him.

    Claudia: [shouting into the mouthpiece of the phone] Oh, grind some glass, Ayatollah!

  • Claudia: [going over a list of eliminated rich marriage prospects] Married, turned gay, married, in jail-malpractice, dead! I'm telling you good marriage material is getting tough to find!

  • Jessie: [Through the locked bedroom door] Oh, Claudia...

    Claudia: Uh, I'm not decent.

    Jessie: [kicks the door open, revealing a wild, scary look yet calm demeanor] Tell me something I don't know.

  • Claudia: It's not like I'm gonna be here forever.

  • Charlie Ryan: Whatever happened to all that stuff you said you were gonna do? Remember what I used to call you? Cloud-ia? 'Cause you always had your head in the clouds, always talking about getting outta here, seeing some of the world... I mean, what happened to that girl?

    Claudia: I was eighteen years old and I grew up, that's what happened.

  • Claudia: So what's going on, Kelly? Anything?

    Kelly: Same shit, different day.

  • Charlie Ryan: What's up? Something wrong?

    Claudia: Do you ever think what our lives would be like if we had the baby?

    Charlie Ryan: Yeah... yeah. we'd be miserable.

    Claudia: [scoffs] 'Cause we're just so happy now, huh?

    Charlie Ryan: I'm happy. I'm real happy. Like, Claudia... think about it. If we had kids, we'd be spending every day working hard to feed them, clothe them, put them through school; only for them to tell us to go fuck ourselves when they turn sixteen, y'know? No thanks.

  • Claudia: I wanted to be different. I wanted to be different.

    Mrs. Frankweiler: And did running away from home make you different?

    Claudia: No.

  • Claudia: I haven't had a decent picture taken of me since I've been able to walk.

  • Jamie Kincaid: We're headin' due west now.

    Claudia: Can't you just say left or right. I don't think anyone's used a compass in Manhattan since Henry Hudson.

  • Claudia: You're being conspicuous.

    Jamie Kincaid: You sure picked the right place not be noticed. Nobody looks at nobody in New York.

    Claudia: Nobody looks at anybody.

    Jamie Kincaid: That's what I said!

  • Jamie Kincaid: You know, Claude, for a sister and fussbudget, you're not too bad.

    Claudia: You know, Jamie, for a brother and a cheapskate, you're not too bad either.

  • Jamie Kincaid: Okay, the first thing we have to do is look for fingerprints.

    Claudia: Fingerprints? Michelangelo lived about 500 years ago.

    Jamie Kincaid: So, maybe he got arrested for making statues of naked people and they took his fingerprints.

  • Claudia: How come you didn't take art appreciation lessons that summer when I did?

    Jamie Kincaid: Because I was only in second grade and I was having a tough enough time figuring out who Dick and Jane and Spot were.

  • Jamie Kincaid: I found a picture of Michelangelo!

    Claudia: I've seen that picture before.

    Jamie Kincaid: His nose looks busted.

    Claudia: I just read about that. It was broken in fight when he was young.

    Jamie Kincaid: You mean he was a juvenile delinquent?

    Claudia: Of course, not. He was just a hot tempered genius.

    Jamie Kincaid: Some excuse.

  • Jamie Kincaid: What's the difference between an angel and a cupid?

    Claudia: Angels wear clothes and have wings. Cupids are naked, except for bows and arrows.

  • Jamie Kincaid: I found another penny and a dime! Where'd all the money come from?

    Claudia: People probably throw coins in the pool and make a wish.

    Jamie Kincaid: I guess the quarters are the rich people's money.

    Claudia: I don't think so. Poor people are the ones that have to make big wishes.

  • Claudia: Maybe I'm an illusion.

  • Claudia: What do you expect? You raped his sister!

    Beau Hunter: Oh, come on! She was dyin' for it, don't give me that s***!

    Claudia: You're sick.

    John Hunter: Oh come on, honey, it ain't that important. The girl's probably been raped before.

  • Claudia: Who will take care of me, my love, my dark angel, when you are gone?

  • Louis: Vampires pretending to be humans, pretending to be vampires.

    Claudia: How avant-garde.

  • Claudia: Where's mama?

    Lestat: Mama... mama has gone to heaven, Chérie, like that sweet lady right there. They all go to heaven.

    Louis: All but us.

    Lestat: Shh. Do you want to frighten our little daughter?

    Claudia: I'm not your daughter.

    Lestat: Oh, yes, you are. You're mine and Louis' daughter now. You see, Louis was going to leave us, he was going to go away, but now he's not. Now, he's going to stay and make you happy.

    Claudia: Louis.

    Louis: You fiend.

    Lestat: One happy family.

  • Louis: Do you think I would let them harm you?

    Claudia: No, you would not, Louis. Danger holds you to me.

    Louis: Love holds you to me.

  • Lestat: Listen, Louis. There's life in these old hands still. Not quite Furioso. Moderato? Cantabile, perhaps.

    Claudia: How can it be?

    Lestat: Ask the alligator. His blood helped. Then on a diet of the blood of snakes, toads, and all the putrid life of the Mississippi, slowly, Lestat became something like himself again. Claudia... You've been a very, very, naughty little girl.

  • Claudia: You... fed on me.

    Louis: Yes. And he found me with you, and he cut his wrist and fed you from it, and you were a vampire and have been every night thereafter.

    Claudia: You both did it.

    Louis: [crying] I took your life... He gave you another one.

    Claudia: And here it is, and I hate you both.

  • Louis: Bear me no ill will, my love, we are now even.

    Claudia: What do you mean?

    Louis: What died in that room was not that woman. What has died is the last breath in me that was human.

    Claudia: Yes, Father. At last we are even.

  • Claudia: Goodnight sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest.

  • Claudia: Locked together in hatred. But I can't hate you, Louis. Louis, my love, I was mortal till you gave me your immortal kiss. You became my mother, and my father, and so I'm yours forever. But now it's time to end it, Louis. Now it's time to leave him.

  • Louis: You see that old woman? That will never happen to you. You will never grow old, and you will never die.

    Claudia: And it means something else too, doesn't it? I shall never ever grow up.

  • Lestat: Mon dieu, what melancholy nonsense. I swear you grow more like Louis each day. Soon you'll be eating rats!

    Claudia: Rats? When did you eat rats, Louis?

    Louis: It was a long, long time ago. Before you were born, and I don't recommend them.

  • Claudia: Which one of you did it? One of you did it! Which on of you made me the way I am?

    Lestat: What you are? A vampire gone insane that pollutes its own bed?

    Claudia: And if I cut my hair again?

    Lestat: It will grow back again.

    Claudia: But it wasn't always so. I had a mother once, and Louis, he had a wife. He was mortal the same as she and so was I.

    Louis: Claudia!

    Claudia: You made us what we are, didn't you?

    Lestat: Stop her, Louis.

    Claudia: Did you do it to me?

    [slashes Lestat's face, and it heals immediately]

    Claudia: How did you do it?

    Lestat: Why should I tell you? It's in my power.

    Claudia: Why yours alone? Tell me how it was done.

    Lestat: Be glad I made you what you are. You'd be dead now if I hadn't, just like that damned corpse. Now, get rid of it!

    Claudia: You get rid of it.

  • Claudia: Madeleine, Louis is shy.

    Madeleine: Drink.

    Claudia: Do it, Louis, because I cannot, I haven't the strength. You saw to that when you made me.

    Louis: You haven't the vaguest conception under God what you ask.

    Madeleine: Au contraire, Monsieur, I have.

    Claudia: You have found your new companion, Louis. You will make me mine.

  • Claudia: Louis, what's happening to her?

    Louis: She is dying. It happened to you, too, but you were too young to remember.

  • Lestat: Claudia... Claudia. Claudia! What have you done?

    Claudia: What you told me to do!

    Louis: Leave a corpse here to rot?

    Claudia: I wanted her. I wanted to be her!

  • Lestat: [after Claudia kills the piano teacher] Claudia, what have we told you?

    Claudia: Never in the house.

  • Louis: Claudia, don't!

    Claudia: [Beginning to cut her hair] Why not? Can't I change, like everybody else?

  • Claudia: It's time we were on our way. I'm hungry, and the city awaits.

  • Claudia: I came to make peace with you, even though you are the father of lies.

  • Lestat: Enough! Enough! Stop!

    Claudia: I want some more.

  • Claudia: Do you know what his soul said to me, without saying a word? 'Let him go', he said. 'Let him go'.

  • Claudia: I promise I'll get rid of the bodies.

  • [watching a nude prostitute]

    Lestat: Now that is pure Creole. Trust Claudia to have found her. What, don't you want her?

    Claudia: I want to be her.

  • Claudia: I don't understand. He meets a girl that can give him a new life and he pushes her away?

    Guido: Because he no longer believes in it.

    Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.

    Guido: Because it isn't true that a woman can change a man.

    Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.

    Guido: And above all because I don't feel like telling another pile of lies.

    Claudia: Because he doesn't know how to love.

  • Guido: Could you walk out on everything and start all over again? Could you choose one single thing, and be faithful to it? Could you make it the one thing that gives your life meaning... just because you believe in it? Could you do that?"

    Claudia: I don't know... could you?"

    Guido: No, the character I'm thinking of couldn't. He wants to possess and devour everything. He can't pass anything up. He's afraid he'll miss something. He's drained.

    Claudia: That's how the film ends?

    Guido: No, that's how it begins. Then he meets a girl at the springs. She gives him water to heal him. She's beautiful... young, yet ancient... child, yet already a woman... authentic, complete. It's obvious that she could be his salvation.

    [Looks over at Claudia]

    Guido: You'll wear white... with long hair, just as you do now.

  • Claudia: You're worried that we'll screw up royally tomorrow, aren't you?

    Jaime Escalante: Tomorrow's another day. I'm worried you're gonna screw up the rest of your lives.

  • Jaime Escalante: [about Claudia] This girl's gotta do some work from the neck up. We're going to have to stay late again. Of course you know, we have pizza because they deliver. We can get fried chicken, hamburgers with cheese. We'll need donations. No, really, you owe me money anyway. You don't deserve the grades you're getting.

    [Claudia gets up and leaves]

    Jaime Escalante: Where are you going? Late for another date? She's got more boyfriends than Elizabeth Taylor.

    Claudia: I don't appreciate you using my personal life to entertain this class.

  • [reading girls' palms at a bar]

    Bozz: Well it says here you got a long sex line.

    Claudia: Which line says that?

    Bozz: I ain't no expert, but it says you're gonna have some sex real soon.

    Sheri: Woah, what about me?

    Bozz: Sex for Cheri as well.

  • Sandro: [Admiring the buildings of a small town from a roof top] Such imagination. Such movement. They were concerned with the architectural aesthetics. Such extraordinary freedom. I must go ahead and leave Ettore. I'd like to work on design again. I used to have ideas of my own, you know.

    Claudia: Why did you stop?

    Sandro: Why, why, why? Because it isn't easy to admit that a red floor suits a room when you are thinking exactly the opposite. But the lady wants it red. Because there is always a lady... or a man... and so... Once I was asked to make the estimate for the construction of a school. It took me a day and a half. I earned four million lira. So I went on giving estimates of other people's projects. Why are you looking at me this way?

    Claudia: Because I am convinced you could make really beautiful things.

    Sandro: I don't know. I really don't know about that. Who needs beautiful things nowadays, Claudia? How long will they last? All of this was built to last centuries. Today, ten, twenty years at the most, and then? Well...

  • Claudia: You killed him.

    Karl: Finally, some privacy.

  • [last lines]

    Claudia: Why do you think this happened?

    Doctor: I think about that too. After working here for a while. I don't think there is any reason. No pattern. You get some rest, okay?

  • [last lines]

    Claudia: What are you going to do?

    Ángela: I'll call you...

  • Jefe: We needed her. A pure child, to be perverted from the beginning. And you gave her to me.

    Claudia: What have you done to her?

    Jefe: I don't think you want to know. Now she's our toy. The best.

  • General Pusch: Mr. Concierge, I need to talk to you urgently.

    Leopold: Sorry, my young colleague will service you now.

    General Pusch: I see, you are new here?

    Robby Mertens: Yes sir.

    General Pusch: Well, show me what you can do: Check out the best connection to Fukushima.

    Robby Mertens: Pardon me, where to?

    General Pusch: To Fukushima. Never heard of it? No? Young man, this is a real hole in your education. Fuku...

    [gets interrupted]

    Claudia: Mr. Concierge?

    General Pusch: No, you listen to me now: Fu-ku-shi-ma in Japan. And a bit hurry. Quick, quick.

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