People Dying quotes:

  • When I think of Cool Britannia I think of old people dying of hypothermia. -- Tony Benn
  • A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa. -- Mark Zuckerberg
  • It's you people dying from nothing that are screwed. I got all sorts of neat gadgets waiting for me...oxygen tent, iron lung. -- Bill Hicks
  • There are 38,000 people dying of hunger each day and most are children. And, being a celebrity, I communicate about it as much as I can. -- Raul Julia
  • If there was no New Orleans, America would just be a bunch of free people dying of boredom." -Judy Deck in an e-mail sent to Chris Rose -- Chris Rose
  • The next time someone tells you we can trim the budget by cutting aid, I hope you will ask whether it will come at the cost of more people dying. -- Bill Gates
  • If you grow up in the suburbs, you hear of people dying of old age, car wrecks, cancer. In the city, it's always people dying of violence or stray bullets. -- Suge Knight
  • When it comes to war, we focus more on the mainstream coverage of the event, rather than the event itself. People dying is never funny. Protest puppets are always funny. -- Mo Rocca
  • Heal the World, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race, there are people dying, if you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me.... -- Michael Jackson
  • I have great luck. I'm used to people dying and going away. Not used to it exactly - but I expect it. Like, whenever people go off on a trip, I save their phone messages because I think they might die. -- Rose McGowan
  • But when I went to Hiroshima and began to study or just listen to people's descriptions of their work, it was quite clear they were talking about death all the time, about people dying all around them, about their own fear of death. -- Robert Jay Lifton
  • I'm willing to engage or indulge real ideas, but if we don't do something [about global warming], we're all going to die! What's it going to take, a big f--ing disaster with all kinds of people dying? We need to change our priorities fast. -- James Cameron
  • Nobody's life is a bed of roses. We all have crosses to bear, and we all just do our best. I would never claim to have the worst situation. There are many widows, and many people dying of AIDS, many people killed in Lebanon, people starving all over the planet. So we have to count our lucky stars. -- Yoko Ono
  • The federal government overrules state laws where state laws permit medicinal marijuana for people dying of cancer. The federal government goes in and arrests these people, put them in prison with mandatory, sometimes life sentences. This war on drugs is totally out of control. If you want to regulate cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, it should be at the state level. -- Ron Paul
  • We're the end of the baby boomers, and we participated in many social changes. Who would of thought, for example, when the AIDS epidemic came along that so many would die, because it was gay people dying. And what emerged was a grassroots movement that developed, and succeeded in getting things done. The pinpointing of that movement evolved into the changes that we have today. -- Todd Haynes
  • The media covers what's new - and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it's easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it's difficult to keep our eyes on the problem. It's hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don't know how to help. And so we look away. -- Bill Gates
  • Dying people often become childish. -- Georg Buchner
  • Dying ain't in people's plans, is it? -- Cormac McCarthy
  • Why do dying people never shed tears? -- Max Frisch
  • Very evil people cannot really be imagined dying. -- Theodor Adorno
  • People - and dogs - are dying to be trained. -- Ian Dunbar
  • Dying people don't need medicine, the ones who remain do. -- Jose Rizal
  • Sarcasm is the language of people whose emotions are dying. -- Barry Webster
  • People are scared to death of dying. I am the opposite. -- Taylor Caldwell
  • People continue to fear dying, only because no one ever has. -- Sylvia Browne
  • There are more people dying of malaria than any specific cancer. -- Bill Gates
  • If people thought you were dying, they gave you their full attention. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • Death is never easy when you know the people doing the dying. -- Oliver North
  • If people are not afraid of dying, why threaten them with death? -- Laozi
  • I thought about dying whenever I got bad news about other people. -- Jonah Lomu
  • Everybody knows everybody's dying, that's why people are as good as they are. -- Michael Moriarty
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  • I was dying. Like all the other people who live in this world. -- Haruki Murakami
  • Young people have a marvelous faculty of either dying or adapting themselves to circumstances. -- Samuel Butler
  • People in the BBC are always dying to get out of their open-plan offices. -- Andrew Davies
  • People are dying who haven't had that opportunity to say yes to the Lord. -- Michael Scott
  • High school is just like glee, a bunch of people dying of drug overdose. -- Daniel Tosh
  • Sensible people get the greater part of their own dying done during their own lifetime -- Samuel Butler
  • It was an indulgence, learning last words. Other people had chocolate; I had dying declarations. -- John Green
  • People is themselves when they are children, and not again till they know they'm dying. -- Dorothy Richardson
  • My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying. -- Ed Furgol
  • Most people come to fear not death itself, but the many terrible ways of dying. -- Polly Toynbee
  • Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you're born to die. -- Walter Breuning
  • They're feeding the people a line of bull, and they are spinning and people are dying. -- Ray Nagin
  • Big part of the challenge to innovation is that people too easily resign themselves to dying. -- Peter Thiel
  • I've handed life and death back to the people who do the living and the dying. -- Alfred Bester
  • Gossip is dying out because fewer and fewer people care to talk about anything besides themselves. -- Mason Cooley
  • Most of the time people feel okay. Probably it's because at the moment they're not actually dying. -- George Carlin
  • Dying people in pre-industrial cultures typically died in the context of an extended family, clan, or tribe. -- Stanislav Grof
  • There were worse things than dying, and those worse things happened to the people you left behind. -- P. C. Cast
  • Rock & roll is dying because people became OK with Nickelback being the biggest band in the world, -- Patrick Carney
  • I have a no-die clause in every movie. The black people can't be dying all the time. -- Queen Latifah
  • People's whole lives do pass in front of their eye before dying. The process is called "Living -- Terry Pratchett
  • It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance. -- Elizabeth Taylor
  • In countries where innocent people are dying, the leaders are following their blood rather than their brains. -- Nelson Mandela
  • The world is full of promise and places and people and experiences that are dying to be explored. -- Kris Radish
  • Young people are dying for no reason all over the world that don't know why. It's ugly, everywhere. -- Ice Cube
  • Rock n' roll is dying because people became OK with Nickelback being the biggest band in the world. -- Patrick Carney
  • Dying was apparently a weaning process; all the attachments to familiar people and objects have to be undone. -- Lisa Alther
  • America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for... -- Cindy Sheehan
  • When people asked him why he didn't work with those viruses, he replied, I don't particularly feel like dying. -- Richard Preston
  • Think what you like. There are people who die by remaining alive and others who gain life by dying. -- Eiji Yoshikawa
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  • The Earth is not dying-it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses. -- Utah Phillips
  • It is a fact that, today, up to seven million people a year are dying from fossil fuel pollution. -- Mark Ruffalo
  • Half the people in Hollywood are dying to be discovered and the other half are afraid they will be. -- Lionel Barrymore
  • Some people want to achieve immortality through their works or their descendants. I prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. -- Woody Allen
  • People will listen to you only when they know you're dying, otherwise they're just waiting for their turn to talk. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • A dying people tolerates the present, rejects the future, and finds its satisfactions in past greatness and half remembered glory -- John Steinbeck
  • When you see people suffering and dying and hungry, this job gives you the ability to do something about it. -- Frank R. Wolf
  • The music is all. People should die for it. People are dying for everything else, so why not the music? -- Lou Reed
  • Now people with HIV are no longer dying, but living many years - we are around longer to potentially affect others. -- Sean Strub
  • People start to act very unusually when they find out that they're dying, that they don't have that many years left. -- Oliver Platt
  • Why are people more appalled at what they term an unnatural form of dying than by an unnatural form of living? -- Norman Cousins
  • Bravest thing about people is how they go on loving mortal beings after finding out there's such a thing as dying. -- Anne Tyler
  • One of the Republicans' major products is dream making. People are dying to get into this country... not out of it. -- J. C. Watts
  • A surgeon is surrounded by people who are sick, discouraged, afraid, embittered, dying - but also courageous, loving, wise, compassionate and alive. -- Bernie Siegel
  • People say you have to hit rock bottom, and, I can tell you, almost dying is as rock bottom as it gets. -- George Best
  • It is not because other people are dead that our affection for them grows faint, it is because we ourselves are dying. -- Marcel Proust
  • Do the unexpected. Take 20 minutes out of your day, do what young people all over the world are dying to do: vote. -- Rick Mercer
  • I've never been involved with anyone who's set out to hurt people, to break legs. It is a bit of a dying art -- Steve Bruce
  • Well, we're all dying in increments. I don't mind people knowing what I look like, but I don't want them thinking I'm dying. -- Roger Ebert
  • Enlightenment is a lot like dying. You might wonder why there aren't more enlightened people. It is because they are afraid to die. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • When people ask, 'What role are you dying to play?' I always say, 'The one being written for me right now.' -- Bryan Batt
  • You go back and look at things like Civil War, World War II, Vietnam, a lot of people dying in state-sponsored arm conflict -- Juan Williams
  • People come. They go. Dying is the same as rehab or moving back to Missouri. It just means I won't be seeing them again. -- James St. James
  • The definition of what it means to be dying has changed radically. We are able to extend people's lives considerably, including sometimes, good days. -- Atul Gawande
  • I'm sick and tired of black and white people of good intent giving aspirin to a society that is dying of a cancerous disease. -- Ralph Abernathy
  • It's a strange thing now how people will know they're dying themselves when no one else could suspect anything wrong at all with them. -- Katharine Tynan
  • Being fired has some of the advantages of dying without its supreme disadvantages. People say extra-nice things about you, and you get to hear them. -- Howard Zinn
  • Everyday hundreds of people came to the hospital... dying, and I have to introduce life into them again... my duty was to compete with death. -- Ala Bashir
  • I wanna survive an avalanche. I wanna be one of those people a dog finds buried under a ton of snow, almost dying of starvation." -- Tre Cool
  • I wanna survive an avalanche. I wanna be one of those people a dog finds buried under a ton of snow, almost dying of starvation. -- Tre Cool
  • If I'm president, we're not going to have people dying on the streets. I don't call it a mandate, I just say it's common sense. -- Donald Trump
  • When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure. -- Rudolf Bahro
  • The people who pretend that dying is rather like strolling into the next room always leave me unconvinced. Death, like birth, must be a tremendous event. -- J. B. Priestley
  • People with HIV are still stigmatized. The infection rates are going up. People are dying. The political response is appalling. The sadness of it, the waste. -- Elton John
  • President Bush says he is concerned about the Iraqi people, but if Iraqi people are dying in numbers, then American policy will be challenged very strongly. -- Peter Arnett
  • More people are killed by stray bullets every day in America than have been killed by Ebola here. More are dying because of poverty and hunger. -- Robert Reich
  • I really connect with those moments of doing missionary work down there and just seeing the people that are dying from disease and hunger and malnutrition. -- Deborah Cox
  • It seems people spend the majority of their lives believing they're dying, with the only consolation being that at one point they get to be right. -- Edward St Aubyn
  • the human race was dying out Noone left to scream n shout People living on the moon Smog will get you pretty soon Ship of Fools -- Jim Morrison
  • My first movie was a movie that had a bunch of people dying in it - the typical popcorn movie. That's where I got my start. -- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
  • All my life's about is cracking up people and them cracking me up and trying not to think about dying. That doesn't cost very much money. -- Norm MacDonald
  • People with mental illnesses are dying on our streets. More than 350,000 are in jails and prisons. Most are people whose only real crime is they got sick. -- Pete Earley
  • I had seen AIDS patients in India and Africa, and knowing that people were dying even though drugs existed that could help them was shattering for me. -- Yusuf Hamied
  • People always say things like, Oh, well, he was suffering so much that he was better off dying. But that's not true. You're always better off living. -- Dashiell Hammett
  • I feel sorry for people who don't drink or do drugs. Because someday they're going to be in a hospital bed, dying, and they won't know why. -- Redd Foxx
  • If the truth be known, we are on the verge of losing an entire generation of our young people, killing and dying in the streets of America. -- Ron Dellums
  • Dying is for fools. I'm proud of what I created. I exposed people to magic. I exposed people to things they would never see in their normal lives. -- Charlie Sheen
  • Our reluctance to honestly examine the experience of aging and dying has increased the harm we inflict on people and denied them the basic comforts they most need. -- Atul Gawande
  • You said, 'How is it possible for democracy to work with an illiterate people who are dying of hunger?' But with that people we made a democracy work. -- Indira Gandhi
  • [...]when two people have become present to each other, the waiting of one must be able to cross the narrow line between the living or dying of the other. -- Henri Nouwen
  • Some are bound to die young. By dying young a person stays young in people's memory. If he burns brightly before he dies, his brightness shines for all time. -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • I have heard of people dying from prostate cancer, and they are the unlucky ones, the people who didn't know they had got it, and it went on the rampage. -- Ian Mckellen
  • I've known a lot of people go mad over the years, and it is more distressing than people dying. People dying is quite natural, people going mad is the complete antithesis of that. -- Alan Moore