Descended quotes:

  • He was my reason for existence,Descended from my cherished dreamInto my human dull subsistence,An angel, sacred and supreme! -- Tatyana K. Varenko
  • We were descended from royalty. -- Natalie Wood
  • It is hard for the ape to believe he descended from man. -- H. L. Mencken
  • She is descended from a long line that her mother listened to. -- Gypsy Rose Lee
  • Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits. -- Charles Darwin
  • It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man. -- H. L. Mencken
  • From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. -- Winston Churchill
  • If 2,000 Tea Party activists descended on Wall Street, you would probably have an equal number of reporters there covering them. -- Amy Goodman
  • If we descended from space aliens, that's just as viable as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as far as I'm concerned. -- Jon Gries
  • If Mars formed life, then life on Earth could have been seeded by life on Mars, making every life form on Earth descended from Martians. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • When people from organizations like the World Bank descended on Third World countries, they always tried to remove obstacles to development, to reduce economic anxiety and uncertainty. -- Malcolm Gladwell
  • The truth is very few of us are related to Napoleon or Cleopatra. Although, those are bad examples as I am actually descended from both of them. -- Jim Piddock
  • The genius of the French language, descended from its single Latin stock, has triumphed most in the contrary direction - in simplicity, in unity, in clarity, and in restraint. -- Lytton Strachey
  • Freud was a hero. He descended to the Underworld and met there stark terrors. He carried with him his theory as a Medusa's head which turned these terrors to stone. -- R. D. Laing
  • All my life I believed I became an athlete through my own determination, but it's impossible to think that being descended from slaves hasn't left an imprint through the generations. -- Michael Johnson
  • Now when the two armies met, many and fierce were the combats waged between them, and blows were given and received, and swords flashed and showers of arrows descended on all sides. -- Ferdowsi
  • In all religions, the quickening spirit has been symbolically represented as a bird. At the baptism, when Jesus' body was in the water, the Spirit of Christ descended into it as a dove. -- Max Heindel
  • We were also fortunate enough to engage in our service a Canadian Frenchmen, who had been with the Chayenne Indians on the Black mountains, and last summer descended thence by the Little Missouri. -- Meriwether Lewis
  • I shall cheerfully bear the reproach of having descended below the dignity of history if I can succeed in placing before the English of the nineteenth century a true picture of the life of their ancestors. -- Thomas Babington Macaulay
  • October of 2011, Occupy protestors descended upon McPherson Square, and they decided to stay. Despite the clear language of the law, these protestors camped at McPherson Square with the definition of camping being sleeping or preparing to sleep. -- Trey Gowdy
  • The height of the pulleys from the ground was twelve yards, and consequently, when the weights had descended through that distance, they had to be wound up again in order to renew the motion of the paddle. -- James Prescott Joule
  • Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • I think we're very uptight in America. You have to remember that we're descended from Puritans. Whether or not the country is now composed of immigrants, our culture as American really begins with the landing of the Pilgrims and a puritanical view of things. -- Tom Ford
  • So far as female beauty is concerned, the Circassian women have no superiors. They have preserved in their mountain home the purity of the Grecian models, and still display the perfect physical loveliness, whose type has descended to us in the Venus de Medici. -- Bayard Taylor
  • All of the guests on 'Faces of America' were deeply moved by what we revealed about their ancestry. We were able to trace the ancestry of Native American writer Louise Erdrich back to 438 A.D. We found that Queen Noor is descended from royalty, and that's before she married King Hussein of Jordan. -- Henry Louis Gates
  • All my life I believed I became an athlete through my own determination, but it's impossible to think that being descended from slaves hasn't left an imprint through the generations. Difficult as it was to hear, slavery has benefited descendants like me - I believe there is a superior athletic gene in us. -- Michael Johnson
  • We are all descended from monsters. -- Tess Gerritsen
  • An iron curtain has descended over Europe. -- Winston Churchill
  • Aren't most of you descended from pirates? -- Prince Philip
  • This precept descended from Heaven: know thyself. -- Juvenal
  • Upon him the contempt of three planets descended. -- Philip K. Dick
  • If the press descended, the science would surely suffer. -- Carl Sagan
  • Oh no, I am descended from the important Carters. -- Henry Carter Stuart
  • She's descended from a long line her mother listened to. -- Gypsy Rose Lee
  • A penumbra of sombre dignity has descended over his reputation. -- James Atlas
  • Having descended beneath it all, He is perfectly positioned to lift us. -- Dallin H. Oaks
  • Some folks seem to have descended from the chimpanzee much later than others. -- Kin Hubbard
  • People talk too much. Humans aren't descended from monkeys. They come from parrots. -- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • I am descended from a very long line my mother once foolishly listened to. -- Phyllis Diller
  • Mum and I were delighted to find out we were descended from 'bog-trotters.' -- Jasmine Guinness
  • As I descended into impassable rivers I no longer felt guided by the ferrymen. -- Arthur Rimbaud
  • I shall cheerfully bear the reproach of having descended below the dignity of history. -- Thomas B. Macaulay
  • While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats. -- Mark Twain
  • It's better to have won & lost than to have won, stopped trying, & descended into alcoholism. -- Craig Benzine
  • The air crackled with the presage of lightning, and a heavy mist descended around them. -- Stephen R. Lawhead
  • I am a monopolar depressive descended from monopolar depressives. That's how come I write so good. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • It is indeed a desirable thing to be well-descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors. -- Plutarch
  • All Modern Men are descended from a Wormlike creature but it shows more on some people. -- Will Cuppy
  • Snicker on hearing his name: 'the gentleman who thinks we are descended from the apes.' -- Gustave Flaubert
  • The peace and beauty of a spring day had descended upon the earth like a benediction. -- Kate Chopin
  • You know you've completely descended into madness when the matter of shampoo has ascended to philosophical heights. -- Elizabeth Wurtzel
  • Nevertheless, it is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man. -- H. L. Mencken
  • The main conclusion here arrived at ... is that man is descended from some less highly organized form. -- Charles Darwin
  • Literature is the daughter of heaven, who descended upon earth to soften and charm all human ills. -- Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
  • Chances are, when we meet intelligent life forms in outer space they're going to be descended from predators. -- Michio Kaku
  • Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Night descended on Roarhaven like a woolly blanket of blackness with holes in it that were the stars. -- Derek Landy
  • The reason you have descended into physical life is to unleash the power of your soul upon Earth. -- Caroline Myss
  • We will not be driven by fear ... if we remember that we are not descended from fearful men. -- Edward R. Murrow
  • The angel descended when you were least expecting it. Tracy felt something quietly go click in his despairing heart. -- Paul Russell
  • By Mary, God descended from Heaven into the world, so that by her men might ascend from earth into Heaven. -- Fulgentius of Cartagena
  • Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms. -- Charles Darwin
  • For some high-profile men in trouble, women, especially feminist women, became the all-purpose scapegoats-charged with crimes that often descended into the absurd. -- Susan Faludi
  • Like a falling star, he descended on the Tarbh Cró, a Cassiline berserker, his sword biting and slashing like a silver snake. -- Jacqueline Carey
  • His mouth descended on hers in a fierce kiss.He seized, he captured.He dominated.And she loved every second of it. -- Donna Grant
  • If Charles Darwin reappeared today, he might be surprised to learn that humans are descended from viruses as well as from apes. -- Robin A. Weiss
  • My dream went all the way back to the beginning. The rain rose into the clouds, and the animals descended the ramp. -- Jonathan Safran Foer
  • In 1927, my father descended the heights and took his place as the newly appointed water boy for his beloved New York football Giants. -- Jane Leavy
  • He then learns that in going down into the secrets of his own mind, he has descended into the secrets of all minds. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • For aeons past, there were many gods who descended to be humans, yet there were not many humans who ascended back to their divinity. -- Raphael Zernoff
  • LSU fans have descended upon Dallas and reminded us of this truth: when it comes to partying, they're the pros and we're all amateurs. -- Pat Forde
  • Umlaut snaps around and we cut to a blond apparition in her early twenties, clearly descended from Olympus by way of Hugh Hefner's mansion. -- Woody Allen
  • At the moment they vanished they were everywhere, the cool benediction of the night descended, the stars sparkled, and the whole universe was a hill. -- E. M. Forster
  • ... probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed. -- Charles Darwin
  • The ultimate design of the Mysteries ... was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended, ... a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good. -- Plato
  • The philosopher is he to whom the highest has descended, and the lowest has mounted up; who is the equal and kindly brother of all. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • A century ago, people laughed at the notion that we were descended from monkeys. Today, the individuals most offended by that claim are the monkeys. -- Jacob M. Appel
  • On Sunday mornings, as the dawn burned into day, swarms of gulls descended on the uncollected trash, hovering and dropping in the cold clear light. -- Edward Conlon
  • This is where the whole ape-descended thing reveals its worth, I thought madly. Sucks to be you, quadruped. Opposable thumbs - don't leave home without them. -- Ben Aaronovitch
  • People still don't get how astounding Darwinism is. People think what shocked everybody was that Charles Darwin seemed to be saying we had descended from apes. -- Stephen Fry
  • Falsehoods, rob the good in the hood, of the good wood. The good wood, that the good in the hood are descended from, is their birthright. -- Justin K. McFarlane Beau
  • The air is cold and dusk has descended. In the distance lightning flickers and a far away rumble of thunder awakens my thoughts and makes me remember. -- Donna Lynn Hope
  • I have always looked upon the life of our Savior who descended beneath all things that He might rise above all things as an example for His followers. -- Wilford Woodruff
  • We're not descended from fearful men - not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular. -- Edward R. Murrow
  • When flowers are full of heaven-descended dews, they always hang their heads; but men hold theirs the higher the more they receive, getting proud as they get full. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • I fell in love with Rwanda the moment I saw those verdant, rolling hills rise up beneath the wings of the plane as we descended toward Kigali airport. -- Naomi Benaron
  • It is also absolutely correct that some British folk customs have descended directly from pagan rituals, such ... the giving of presents and decoration of homes with greenery at midwinter. -- Ronald Hutton
  • When someone admits one and rejects another which is equally in accordance with the appearances, it is clear that he has quitted all physical explanation and descended into myth. -- Epicurus
  • My mother Diana was a true-blue aristocrat, descended from William the Conqueror and listed in 'Burke's Peerage.' My father David, from a poor Scottish family, was a doctor. -- Celia Imrie
  • There is no more reason to believe that man descended from some inferior animal than there is to believe that a stately mansion has descended from a small cottage. -- William Jennings Bryan
  • The cloud that descended on Black Rock on Monday was not for the past but the future. How much will this debacle chill the pursuit of other risky investigations? -- Tina Brown
  • It is the highest of earthly honors to be descended from the great and good. They alone cry out against a noble ancestry who have none of their own. -- Ben Jonson
  • We have descended into the garden and caught three hundred slugs. How I love the mixture of the beautiful and the squalid in gardening. It makes it so lifelike. -- Evelyn Underhill
  • There is no more reason to believe that man descended from an inferior animal than there is to believe that a stately mansion has descended from a small cottage. -- William Jennings Bryan
  • We in Iraq have not descended from another planet. Just as people in many other countries have gotten over the tragedy of war, Iraq will get over its ordeal. -- Hassan Blasim
  • When we leave Mass, we ought to go out the way Moses descended Mt Sinai: with his face shining, with his heart brave and strong to face the world's difficulties. -- Oscar Romero
  • The whole question of evolution seems less momentous than it did, because, unlike the Victorians, we do not feel that to be descended from animals is degrading to human dignity. -- George Orwell
  • To Harmodius, descended from the ancient Harmodius, when he reviled Iphicrates [a shoemaker's son] for his mean birth, "My nobility," said he, "begins in me, but yours ends in you. -- Plutarch
  • Stock prices have been quoted in fractions for two centuries, based on a system descended from Spanish pieces of eight. Each dollar was cut into eight bits worth 12.5 cents each.. -- Charles Jaffe
  • I have ascended to the highest in me, and look, the Word is towering above that. I have descended to explore my lowest depths, and I found Him deeper still. -- Bernard of Clairvaux
  • and I shut off my anxious heart and my nervous head as dusk descended into another night, another meaningless merging, another attempt to find myself as I gave myself away. -- Amy Harmon
  • We thus learn that man is descended from a hairy quadruped, furnished with a tail and pointed ears, probably arboreal in its habits, and an inhabitant of the Old World. -- Charles Darwin
  • Given that we are all descended from Adam and Eve, genetic defects as a result of intra-family marriage would not begin to crop up until after the first few dozen generations. -- Hugh Ross
  • It is impossible that had Buonaparte descended from a race of vegetable feeders that he could have had either the inclination or the power to ascend the throne of the Bourbons. -- Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • If you pay too much attention to the criticism of the one who is inferior, then you must endure the constraints of the plane to which you have descended without feeling hurt. -- Chico Xavier
  • According to our belief, Japan was founded by the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Omikami, who is revered by the entire nation for her all-pervading virtue, and from whom our Imperial House is descended. -- Sadao Araki
  • I began to see why woman-haters could make such fools of women. Woman-haters were like gods: invulnerable and chock full of power. They descended, and then they disappeared. You could never catch one. -- Sylvia Plath
  • When I got the money, the whole burden descended on me, and the realization of what I had done. And it led me then to make the further step, a change of loyalties. -- Aldrich Ames
  • In all religions, the quickening spirit has been symbolically represented as a bird. At the baptism, when Jesus body was in the water, the Spirit of Christ descended into it as a dove. -- Max Heindel
  • In a way, the American side descended to Saddam's level, which happens often in these types of circumstances. That is why the people in Iraq do not accept the current state of affairs. -- Dario Fo
  • Every real nation is a people of a common blood and descended from the same ancestors. A nation - from the Latin word meaning to be born - can have no other meaning. -- Sam Francis
  • Darwin may have been quite correct in his theory that man descended from the apes of the forest, but surely woman rose from the frothy sea, as resplendent as Aphrodite on her scalloped chariot. -- Margot Datz
  • Of nothing comes nothing: springs rise not above Their source in the far-hidden heart of the mountains: Whence then have descended the Wisdom and Love That in man leap to light in intelligent fountains? -- John Townsend Trowbridge
  • No man saw the building of the New Jerusalem, the workmen crowded together, the unfinished walls and unpaved streets; no man heard the clink of trowel and pickaxe; it descended out of heaven from God. -- John Robert Seeley
  • Quiet descended, a silence so consuming that even the drafty corridors ceased whistling. Bog wasn't certain where to look, so he solved the problem by plucking out his eyes and sticking them in a drawer. -- A. Lee Martinez
  • We were surrounded by thirty-foot-tall giants who were about to kill us. Then the sky opened up, and the gods descended.""Grandad," the kids said, "you are full of schist." "I'm not kidding!" he protested. -- Rick Riordan
  • It was August 28th, 1963, and the greatest civil rights coalition in modern history had descended upon Washington. Hundreds of thousands of protesters trekked through the heat, stretching from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. -- Yvette Clarke