Laura Chapman Quotes in The Day After Tomorrow (2004)


Laura Chapman Quotes:

  • Laura Chapman: I've got one. Your favorite vacation?

    Sam Hall: Besides this one?

  • Laura Chapman: I'm fine... s'can't sleep... My mind keeps going over all those worthless Decathlon facts.

    Sam Hall: Mm.

    Laura Chapman: 'S pretty stupid, huh?

    Sam Hall: No, it's alright. I guess you just haven't had time to adjust yet.

    Laura Chapman: How'm I supposed to adjust, Sam? Everything I've ever cared about, everything I've worked for... has all been preparation for a future that no longer exists. I know you always thought I took the competition too seriously... you were right. It was all for nothing.

    Sam Hall: No, no... No I just, I just said that to avoid admitting the truth.

    Laura Chapman: The truth about what?

    Sam Hall: ...About w-why I joined the team... I joined it because of you.

  • Laura Chapman: [on the plane, Sam is scarfing down peanuts] You alright?

    Sam Hall: Hmm?

    Brian Parks: He's afraid of flying.

    Sam Hall: I'm fine.

    Brian Parks: [the plane rattles due to turbulence] You know, statistically, the chance of a plane going down because of turbulence is less than what, one in a billion? Or is it a million? I can't remember if it's...

    Laura Chapman: Shut up, Brian.

  • Sam Hall: [after nearly drowning in freezing water that's flooded an underground tunnel] My hands are shak... shaking.

    Laura Chapman: That's okay. Here. Here. Come here.

    [Laura embraces Sam]

    Sam Hall: What are you doing?

    Laura Chapman: I'm using my body heat to warm you. If we let the blood from your arms and legs rush back to your heart too quickly, your heart could fail.

    Sam Hall: Where did you learn that?

    Laura Chapman: Some of us were actually paying attention in health class.

  • Laura Chapman: Everything I've ever cared about, everything I've worked for... has all been preparation for a future that no longer exists. I know you always thought I took the competition too seriously. You were right. It was all for nothing.

    Sam Hall: No, no... No I just, I just said that to avoid admitting the truth.

    Laura Chapman: The truth about what?

    Sam Hall: About why I joined the team.

    [Laura stares at him]

    Sam Hall: I joined it because of you.

    [Laura smiles and Sam looks away]

    Laura Chapman: Hey.

    [they kiss]

  • Laura Chapman: [to Sam] Sam, can I have my hand back?

  • Laura Chapman: She left her bag in the cab. Her passports. I'll get it for her.

    Sam Hall: Laura! Laura!

    Brian Parks: Sam!

    J.D.: No! Brian, no!

    Sam Hall: Laura! Laura, look! Come on! Come! Come on!

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