Terry Rapson Quotes in The Day After Tomorrow (2004)


Terry Rapson Quotes:

  • Simon: [their final lines in the movie] Gentlemen,


    Simon: To England!

    Terry Rapson: To mankind!

    Dennis: To Manchester United!

  • Jack Hall: Professor, it's time you got out of there.

    Terry Rapson: I'm afraid that time has come and gone, my friend.

    Jack Hall: What can we do?

    Terry Rapson: Save as many as you can.

  • Terry Rapson: [after Simon suggests that the scotch might serve as fuel to keep them alive] Are you mad? That's a 12-year-old scotch!

  • Simon: I just wish I could have seen him grow up, you know.

    Terry Rapson: The important thing is he will grow up.

    Dennis: Amen!

  • Jack Hall: When this storm is over, we'll be in a new ice age.

    Terry Rapson: My God.

  • Terry Rapson: [over the phone] Several hours ago, three helicopters went down over Scotland. They crashed because the fuel in their lines froze.

    Jack Hall: At what temperature does...

    Terry Rapson: [interrupting] Negative one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit.


    Terry Rapson: They had to look it up!

  • Jack Hall: What do you mean?

    Terry Rapson: One of our NOMAD buoys registered a thirteen-degree drop in surface temperature the other day. I've sent you an email.

    Jack Hall: Hold on.

    Terry Rapson: At first we thought it was a malfunction. But there are four more across the Atlantic showing the same thing.

    Jack Hall: This is unbelievable.

    Terry Rapson: You predicted it would happen.

    Jack Hall: Yes, but not in our life time. This is too fast.

    Terry Rapson: There are no forecast models remotely capable of plotting this scenario, except yours.

    Jack Hall: My model is a reconstruction of a prehistoric climate shift. It's not a forecast model.

    Terry Rapson: It's the closest thing we have. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

    Jack Hall: At least not in the last ten thousand years.

  • Jack Hall: Who is it?

    Terry Rapson: Terry Rapson. Sorry to call you so early.

    Jack Hall: No, professor. It's alright. What is it?

    Terry Rapson: Well we've found something extraordinary... extraordinary and disturbing, that is. You recall what you said in New Delhi about how polar melting might disrupt the North Atlantic current?

    Jack Hall: Yes.

    Terry Rapson: Well... I think it's happening.

  • Simon: What are the odds of two buoys failing?

    Terry Rapson: Remote.

    [another buoy seen on the computer screen fails]

    Terry Rapson: Make that three.

  • Simon: Hello, professor. How was India?

    Terry Rapson: Oh, you know what these scientific gatherings are. All dancing girls, wine and parties.

  • [they're snowed in at Scotland]

    Terry Rapson: We've got our own genny, enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship. We'll be fine! As long as the loo doesn't back up again.

  • Simon: Is that Neville's handiwork?

    Terry Rapson: Neville's way beyond stick figures. He's six already.

  • Terry Rapson: We'll be fine.

  • Terry Rapson: [to Simon] Are the lads winning?

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