Alzheimer quotes:

  • I'm in awe of people out there who deal with Alzheimer's, because they have to deal with death 10 times over, year after year. -- Marcia Wallace
  • Caring for an Alzheimer's patient is a situation that can utterly consume the lives and well-being of the people giving care, just as the disorder consumes its victims. -- Leeza Gibbons
  • Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, brain and spinal cord disorders, diabetes, cancer, at least 58 diseases could potentially be cured through stem cell research, diseases that touch every family in America and in the world. -- Rosa DeLauro
  • You get the health benefits of coffee up through about the first twenty-four ounces. It's the biggest source of antioxidants for Americans, and we think it helps prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's as well. -- Mehmet Oz
  • It seems that when you have cancer you are a brave battler against the disease, but when you have Alzheimer's you are an old fart. That's how people see you. It makes you feel quite alone. -- Terry Pratchett
  • Laura Bush went on national television during the week of my father's funeral and spoke out against embryonic stem cell research, pointing out that where Alzheimer's is concerned, we don't have proof that stem-cell treatment would be effective. -- Patti Davis
  • My father started growing very quiet as Alzheimer's started claiming more of him. The early stages of Alzheimer's are the hardest because that person is aware that they're losing awareness. And I think that that's why my father started growing more and more quiet. -- Patti Davis
  • Alzheimer's disease is never an 'accident' in a marriage. It falls under the purview of God's sovereignty. In the case of someone with Alzheimer's, this means God's unconditional and sacrificial love has an opportunity to be even more gloriously displayed in a life together. -- Joni Eareckson Tada
  • Irish Alzheimer's: you forget everything except the grudges -- Judy Collins
  • Being on a sitcom stops me from getting Alzheimer's -- Jerry Stiller
  • I think it would be interesting if old people got anti-Alzheimer's disease where they slowly began to recover other people's lost memories. -- George Carlin
  • Ronald Reagan's well documented final battles with Alzheimer's disease were fought with the same conviction and courage that his many public battles were fought. -- Bill Jenkins
  • I often hear people say that a person suffering from Alzheimer's is not the person they knew. I wonder to myself - Who are they then? -- Bob DeMarco
  • Alzheimer's is a devastating disease. It was painful for me and my family to watch my grandfather deteriorate. We must find a cure for this horrible disease. -- David Hyde Pierce
  • I believe that if your brain has to get to grips with complicated words, then you won't get Alzheimer's. I'm sure it's not true, but I do believe it. -- Jo Brand
  • Dedicated researchers seek better treatments and cures for diabetes, kidney disease, Alzheimer's and every form of cancer. But these scientists face an array of disincentives. We can do better. -- Michael Milken
  • People think it's a terrible tragedy when somebody has Alzheimer's. But in my mother's case, it's different. My mother has been unhappy all her life. For the first time in her life, she's happy. -- Amy Tan
  • New drugs and surgical techniques offer promise in the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's, tuberculosis, AIDS, and a host of other life-threatening diseases. Animal research has been, and continues to be, fundamental to advancements in medicine. -- Daniel Kahikina Akaka
  • In addition to relieving patient suffering, research is needed to help reduce the enormous economic and social burdens posed by chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. -- Ike Skelton
  • I hate Alzheimer's. It is one of the most awful things because, here is a loved one, this is the woman or man that you have loved for 20, 30, 40 years, and suddenly, that person is gone. They're gone. They are gone. -- Pat Robertson
  • I gave three years of my life to take care of my dying mother who had Alzheimer's disease. Being there for her every need for three years might have looked codependent but it wasn't because it was what I wanted to do. -- Melody Beattie
  • If you don't have imagination, you stop being human; animals don't have imagination; Alzheimer's is the death of imagination. -- Devdutt Pattanaik
  • One thing I have no worry about is whether God exists. But it has occurred to me that God has Alzheimer's and has forgotten we exist. -- Jane Wagner
  • Alzheimer's caregivers are heroes. -- Leeza Gibbons
  • Postmodernism is Modernism with Alzheimer's. -- Walter Darby Bannard
  • Jewish Alzheimer's is forgetting everything except a grudge. -- Maureen Lipman
  • Alzheimer's disease is death before death, and I'm terrified of it. -- Joey Comeau
  • Charlton Heston announced again today that he is suffering from Alzheimer's. -- Liz Smith
  • If you want to avoid Alzheimer's disease, sleep 8 hours a night. -- Deepak Chopra
  • I think I'm getting a little bit of Alzheimer's. Just a little. -- Christopher Walken
  • It's the end game that people dread and that's what I'm scared of -- Terry Pratchett
  • Alzheimer's usually comes later than AIDS, but I decline to call that progress. -- Mason Cooley
  • Alzheimer's disease locks all the doors and exits. There is no reprieve, no escape. -- Patti Davis
  • People with Alzheimer's deserve to be seen, so that we can find a cure! -- Julianne Moore
  • Some genetic variants can be informative about one's risk for Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. -- Anne Wojcicki
  • Do you know what Irish Alzheimer's is? It's when you forget everything but your grudges. -- Dana Gould
  • Even slight elevations in blood sugar have been shown to increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. -- David Perlmutter
  • I said, 'The nice thing about Alzheimer's is you get to hide your own Easter eggs.' -- John McCain
  • If God gave Dad Alzheimer's, He's got to understand when Dad forgets what church he belongs to. -- Joanne Fluke
  • The best thing I ever did with my life was stand up and say I've got Alzheimer's. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I think the best thing I ever did with my life was stand up and say I've got Alzheimer's. -- Terry Pratchett
  • Never let the brain idle. "?An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's. -- George Carlin
  • Alzheimer's disease starts when a protein that should be folded up properly misfolds into a kind of demented origami. -- Gregory Petsko
  • My father, who suffered from hardening of the arteries, was diagnosed as having that tragic thief of the mind, Alzheimer's. -- Robyn Carr
  • My own father had died of Alzheimer's. George [Mitchell] had been also, I think, deeply moved by a similar tragedy. -- Barbara Mikulski
  • It is my belief that people who speak of high school with a sugary fondness are bluffing away early-onset Alzheimer's. -- Sloane Crosley
  • These disorders - schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, depression, addiction - they not only steal our time to live, they change who we are. -- Edward Boyden
  • Before my mother's diagnosis with Alzheimer's, I had heard of the disease, but hadn't known anyone who had suffered from it. -- Kevin Whately
  • You can't converse with Alzheimer's sufferers in the way you do with others; the dialogue tends to go round in circles. -- Kevin Whately
  • I'd rather die on my feet making a speech than die of Alzheimer's - and that's what I'm planning to do. -- Tony Benn
  • I know three people who have got better after a brain tumour. I haven't heard of anyone who's got better from Alzheimer's. -- Terry Pratchett
  • Inflammation is the cornerstone of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis - all of the neurodegenerative diseases are really predicated on inflammation. -- David Perlmutter
  • I must admit I am nervous about getting Alzheimer's. Once it hits, I might tell my best joke and never know it. -- Joan Rivers
  • Alzheimer's ... it is a barren disease, as empty and lifeless as a desert. It is a thief of hearts and souls and memories. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • [A primate ban] would force us to abandon research that could lead to treatments for Alzheimer's, motor neurone disease, strokes and many other illnesses -- Tipu Aziz
  • The thing about Alzheimer's is that it's... it's sort of like all these little, small deaths along the way, before they actually physically die. -- Lucinda Williams
  • Ronald Reagan's well documented final battles with Alzheimer's disease were fought with the same conviction and courage that his many public battles were fought. -- Bill Jenkins
  • I lost my mother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, and we had to relocate my dad after 58 years in the family home. That was tough. -- Doug Davidson
  • Each form of Alzheimer's disease should perturb different brain networks and so influence the concentration of different proteins that can be measured in the blood. -- Leroy Hood
  • People do not realize that Alzheimer's is not old age. It is a progressive and fatal disease, and staggering amounts of people develop Alzheimer's every day. -- Melina Kanakaredes
  • People do not realize that Alzheimer's is not old age. It is a progressive and fatal disease and staggering amounts of people develop Alzheimer's every day. -- Melina Kanakaredes
  • I have a particular passion and focus on Alzheimer's and diseases of dementia. There's just so much scientifically that we don't know, and we can know. -- Miles D. White
  • Love is blind, there was no doubt about it. In Tara's case it was also deaf, dumb, dyslexic, had a bad hip and the beginnings of Alzheimer's -- Marian Keyes
  • That so many people respond to me is fabulous. It is like having a kind of Alzheimer's disease, where everyone knows you and you don't know anyone. -- Tony Curtis
  • In 1989, my father died after a prolonged struggle with Alzheimer's disease. All four of his siblings followed him into the shadow lands of that fascinating, maddening affliction. -- Charlie Pierce
  • In Wisconsin, We're at the forefront of research that might one day bring cures for diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers, and we must seize its great potential. -- Jim Doyle
  • It occurred to me that at one point it was like I had two diseases - one was Alzheimer's, and the other was knowing I had Alzheimer's. -- Terry Pratchett
  • With Alzheimer's patients, you have to be very careful what you say when you're looking at them over their bed. Because once in a while, they understand it. -- Nancy Reagan
  • The great tragedy of Alzheimer's disease, and the reason why we dread it, is that it leaves us with no defence, not even against those who love us. -- P. D. James
  • There is a version of Alzheimer's which is early onset Alzheimer's. And it's - it's horrible, because people do get it in their 50s and 60s. And it's terrible. -- Patti Davis
  • A nation which fails to adequately remember salient points ofits own history, is like a person with Alzheimer's. And that can be asocial disease of a most destructive nature. -- S.M. Sigerson
  • Promise me that if I ever get Alzheimer's or dementia, and I don't remember anyone that you'll visit me every day and read to me like Noah read to Allie. -- J.A. Redmerski
  • Well, I hate to tell youbut if you have a flu shot for more than five years in a row, there's ten times the likelihood that you'll get Alzheimer's disease. -- Bill Maher
  • We are living in the United States of Alzheimer's. A whole country has lost its memory. When it can't remember yesterday, a country forgets what it once wanted to be. -- Studs Terkel
  • Some of my best friends are Venture Capitalists, but let's face it, a hamster with Alzheimer's could make those kind of numbers. It's great work if you can get it. -- Scott Adams
  • The modern rise of Alzheimer's Disease in the twentieth century is not a sign of failure. It's a sign of success. Success in living long enough to see that disease expressed. -- S. Jay Olshansky
  • I think the earlier stages of Alzheimer's are the hardest. Particularly because the person knows that they are losing awareness. They're aware that they're losing awareness, and you see them struggling. -- Patti Davis
  • With Alzheimer's, recent memory is affected first. At the start, you count the memory loss in days, then hours - then in minutes. But there's also an insidious backward creep of deterioration. -- Laurie Graham
  • I'm always giving myself the Alzheimer's test. My shrink told me to do this. It takes one minute. You name every word that comes to mind that begins with the letter F. -- Ray Romano
  • Decades later I would look into my father's eyes and try to reach past the murkiness of Alzheimer's with my words, my apology, hoping that in his heart he heard me and understood. -- Patti Davis
  • Competition got me off the farm and trained me to seek out challenges and to endure setbacks; and in combination with my faith, it sustains me now in my fight with Alzheimer's disease. -- Pat Summitt
  • I play an 89-year-old man whose wife has Alzheimer's in a movie called 'Still.' I play a World War II veteran, I acted with my son and it's called 'Memorial Day.' -- James Cromwell
  • When I was a medical student in the 1950s, we practically never spoke about Alzheimer's disease. And why is that so? And that is because people didn't live long enough to have Alzheimer's disease. -- Eric Kandel
  • I regard music therapy as a tool of great power in many neurological disorders -- Parkinson's and Alzheimer's -- because of its unique capacity to organize or reorganize cerebral function when it has been damaged. -- Oliver Sacks
  • As life expectancy extends beyond 80 years in some parts of the world, more people are struggling with brain diseases. For older people, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other conditions become a major impediment to quality of life. -- Bill Maris
  • New drugs and surgical techniques offer promise in the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's, tuberculosis, AIDS, and a host of other life-threatening diseases. Animal research has been, and continues to be, fundamental to advancements in medicine. -- Daniel Kahikina Akaka
  • Forget politics. The real story is the advancements being made in medicine. We're on the verge of conquering cancer and Alzheimer's and numerous other diseases. The DNA revolution has just begun. Scientific advancement usually trumps politics. -- Douglas Brinkley
  • It is leashed. Now drop the subject or I'll tell Sin you've seen me naked. (Kat) I will never bring this topic up again. Oh wait. What topic? I have Alzheimer's. I know nothing at all. (Kish) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • Our intention is not to create cloned human beings, but rather to make lifesaving therapies for a wide range of human disease conditions, including diabetes, strokes, cancer, AIDS, and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. -- Robert Lanza
  • I often imagine what it would be like if my father were still here to mark his 100th birthday, if Alzheimer's hadn't clawed away years, possibilities, hopes. What would he think of all the commemorations and celebrations? -- Patti Davis
  • Not much shocked me. You know, I worked in a home for Alzheimer's patients and my dad used to be really into murders and stuff, so I saw dead bodies. It desensitised me to a lot of things. -- Ellie Goulding
  • Suffering is always hard to quantify - especially when the pain is caused by as cruel a disease as Alzheimer's. Most illnesses attack the body; Alzheimer's destroys the mind - and in the process, annihilates the very self. -- Jeffrey Kluger
  • If I had been Terry Pratchett the farmer, or Terry Pratchett the dentist, nobody would have paid any attention if I had announced I had Alzheimer's. But there is something fascinating about an author losing the power over words. -- Terry Pratchett
  • Although there have been warnings that it was coming for years, the Alzheimer's epidemic is here now and millions more families will be touched by this progressive - and ultimately fatal - disease unless its course can be altered. -- Jeanne Phillips
  • Alzheimer's is a family disease...It requires countless hours of care, which are typically provided by family caregivers...Wi thout professional help, it can be impossible to juggle providing that care with jobs, raising kids or just time for yourself. -- Seth Rogen
  • Dementia is often regarded as an embarrassing condition that should be hushed up and not spoken about. But I feel passionately that more needs to be done to raise awareness, which is why I became an ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society. -- Kevin Whately
  • I am saddened when I hear these words -this is not the person I knew - because those words objectify the person suffering from Alzheimer's. When you objectify a person you also dehumanize them. Once dehumanized the person becomes a villain. -- Bob DeMarco
  • Politicians nowadays treat Americans like medical orderlies treat Alzheimer's patients, telling them anything that will keep them subdued. It doesn't matter what untruths the people are fed because they will not long remember. But in politics, forgotten falsehoods almost guarantee new treachery. -- James Bovard
  • Doesn't matter whether it's a teen girl who's pregnant, hasn't told her parents, or an elderly couple dealing with one of them being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Those are real people to me. Those are the people I dealt with every single day. -- Mike Huckabee
  • Alzheimer's is a disease for which there is no effective treatment whatsoever. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical agent, no magic pill that a doctor can prescribe that will have any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease. -- David Perlmutter
  • The fact that I have a risk genetically for Alzheimer's and blindness is not great news. But the reality is that any one of us will have dozens of these risks, and what we have to learn is how to deal with them. -- Craig Venter
  • My mother, who died aged 82, had Alzheimer's. Losing your memory is bad enough, but everything shuts down. You can't remember how to eat or go to the toilet. It's a terrible disease and so distressing to watch it take over someone you love. -- Bonnie Tyler
  • My mother was a dramatic and egocentric person, and she died before my father, who died of Alzheimer's disease. But I'd often thought, God, we were so lucky that was the order in which they died because she would have felt put upon. -- Sue Miller
  • The incidence of Alzheimer's disease is growing at a pace like never before, affecting people at a younger and younger age. This is the direct effect of nuclear radiation polluting the air of our planet from the power stations and other nuclear experimentation. -- Benjamin Creme
  • You're young forever when you write. Alfred Hitchcock directed until the day he died. As long as you don't have any dementia or Alzheimer's, if you have your All-Bran every day and clear yourself out, I think your brains are gonna be all right. -- Mel Brooks
  • Somehow, knowing that Alzheimer's is coming mocks all one's aspirations - to tell stories, to think through certain issues as only a novel can do, to be recognised for one's accomplishments and hard work - in a way that old familiar death does not. -- Jane Smiley
  • This is why Alzheimer's is such a terrible disease: the body of the person you love is there, but they've gone - your husband is gone - and they become your child, and you have to look after them as you would a child. -- Judy Parfitt
  • The bottom line is that this author, a practicing neurologist dealing with Alzheimer's disease on a daily basis, believes we need to expand the public awareness that modifiable lifestyle factors have a profound role to play in determining who will or won't get this disease. -- David Perlmutter
  • The Alzheimer's Association is what I am passionate about. My grandfather had it. My mom has it. It's a horrible disease, and with our aging population, it's a growing problem. It's terrible to lose your brain and your power to be conscious or in the moment. -- Graham Shiels
  • The type of Alzheimer's Dad has is rare - posterior cortical atrophy or PCA - and it affects his spatial awareness and the way he judges distance. His first symptoms were erratic typing and spelling, but to talk to him, you'd never know there was a problem. -- Rhianna Pratchett
  • What really scares me is Alzheimer's or premature senility, losing that ability to read and enjoy and to write. And you do it, and some days maybe aren't so good, and then some days, you really catch a wave, and it's as good as it ever was. -- Stephen King
  • There's no such thing as ageing gracefully. I don't meet people who want to get Alzheimer's disease, or who want to get cancer or arthritis or any of the other things that afflict the elderly. Ageing is bad for you, and we better just actually accept that. -- Aubrey de Grey
  • As a writer, I have to admit, there is something darkly compelling about Alzheimer's because it attacks the two things most central to a writer's craft - language and memory, which together make up an individual's identity. Alzheimer's makes a new character out of a familiar person. -- Charlie Pierce
  • The Faustian trade of the 20th century was, we got 30 years of additional life, but in return we got heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's and sensory impairments. The question is: What Faustian trade are we making now, as we go after heart disease, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer's? -- S. Jay Olshansky
  • As far as protecting yourself against Alzheimer's disease, well, it turns out that fish oil has the effect of reducing your risk for Alzheimer's disease. You should also keep your blood pressure down, because chronic high blood pressure is the biggest single risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. -- Gregory Petsko
  • You don't just wake up one day with dementia or Alzheimer's; these conditions are developmental. Even when a problem triggers the need to collect data, it's reviewed by a specialist and filed away. There's no central repository allowing information to be shared across a multitude of researchers worldwide. -- Tan Le
  • It's from the newspapers that people I know - relatives and co-workers - have got the idea that crosswords are a prophylactic against Alzheimer's. Newspapers are of course also the place where crosswords (and now sudokus) are most readily available, so the association is presumably good for circulation. -- Alan Connor
  • My father lived with me the last five years of his life and passed away of Alzheimer's, and at that point he was saying to anyone who would listen, "We all hated the war in Vietnam." Well, it was easy to hate the war in Vietnam 40 years on. -- Bill Ayers
  • One of the great changes wrought by the increased public awareness of Alzheimer's - and thank you, Nancy Reagan, you wonderful tough old dame, you - is that people in the early stages of the disease are now speaking out while they still have the capacity to do so. -- Charlie Pierce
  • Why give chemotherapy or even antibiotics to people with end-stage Alzheimer's disease? Keep them pain free and clean, love them but don't automatically try to get the last technology-produced breath from them. Start a preschool program instead or do something about the atrocious state of obesity in our children. -- Richard Lamm