Devil Jay 2 Quotes in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)


Devil Jay 2 Quotes:

  • Devil Jay: [appears out of nowhere] Mua-ha-ha-ha! Man, what the fuck are you waiting for? She went for the set up. Reach in your pants and pull your cock out, bitch! Girls like that kinda shit.

    Devil Jay 2: [appears out of nowhere] Mua-ha-ha-ha! Right about here is where the angel's supposed to show up and tell you NOT to pull your dick out, but we bitch-slapped that motherfucker and send him packing, so it's smooth sailing. Let it rip boy...

    [Both devils disappear]

    Angel Jay: [with a black eye, appears out of nowhere and singing] Jesus loves the little children...

    [Stops singing]

    Angel Jay: Oh sorry I'm late. So what's the deal here?

    [looks down at Jay's erection]

    Angel Jay: Oh shit! Don't tell me your thinking of whipping your dick at that fine piece of woman, are you?

    [Jay nods. Angel slaps Jay with his harp]

    Angel Jay: Tell you what... Look over at Silent Bob and see if he thinks that a good idea to whip your dick out.

    [Jay looks at Silent Bob with a questioning look. Silent Bob shakes his head]

    Angel Jay: That's it boy, put the dick down. You gotta go from the heart, yo. No little perv-bullshit's gonna work for this one. Be smooth. Be Don Juan de la Nooch. Now I gotta beat the shit out of those punch-sucker little bitches. Remember: Don't pull your dick out 'till she asks, or until she's sleeping. BOOOONG...


  • [contemplating whether to pull his dick out on Justice]

    Devil Jay: [appears on his shoulder] What the fuck are you waiting for? She went for the set up, just reach in and pull your dick out. Girls like that shit.

    [a second devil pops in on Jay's other shoulder]

    Devil Jay 2: Right about here is where the angel is supposed to show up and tell you NOT to pull your dick out. But we BITCH-slapped that mother fucker and sent him packing. So it's smooth sailing from here. Let 'er rip, boy.

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