Pretentious quotes:

  • Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon. -- David Ogilvy
  • No one wants to be pretentious about what they do or take it seriously, because that is just weird. -- Philip Seymour Hoffman
  • I've learned through experience of playing different characters, some of whom were jerks, that when you play a character who is pretentious or obnoxious, in any way, it's important to knock them down a peg. -- Jonah Hill
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  • Stand-up comedy and comedy in general is the ultimate form of free speech, because you get to poke holes in all the pretentious bubbles politicians and pundits and popes and pretenders try to float over our heads. -- Denis Leary
  • I basically love anything that comes in a hot dog bun... except hot dogs. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • I am who I am. I can't pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • When I pass a flowering zucchini plant in a garden, my heart skips a beat. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life. -- Rick Warren
  • She's French, so she's teaching them French, and their previous nanny was Spanish, so they're fluent in Spanish. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • I don't want to sound pretentious, but I love art, I like to go to museums, and I like to read books. -- Rainn Wilson
  • You know, I use organic products, but I get [laser treatments]. It's what makes life interesting, finding the balance between cigarettes and tofu. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it's not like being on set, -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • We're human beings and the sun is the sun-how can it be bad for you? I don't think anything that's natural can be bad for you -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • There's not much longevity in music today. It's so easy to go in, put some pretentious lyrics on, with people saying the same thing over and over and over. -- Patti LaBelle
  • The most wretched people in the world are those who tell you they like every kind of music 'except country.' People who say that are boorish and pretentious at the same time. -- Chuck Klosterman
  • I'm not trying to influence anyone else; I'm not saying, "Do what I do." I think it's a little pretentious to say, "I'm a role model"; I would never say that, and I don't think of myself that way. -- Kim Kardashian
  • I'll never forget it. I was starting to hike up the red rocks, and honestly, it was as if I heard the rock say, 'You have the answers. You are your teacher.' I thought I was having an auditory hallucination. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Too large a proportion of recent "mathematical" economics are mere concoctions, as imprecise as the initial assumptions they rest on, which allow the author to lose sight of the complexities and interdependencies of the real world in a maze of pretentious and unhelpful symbols. -- John Maynard Keynes
  • I felt at some point that I had nothing to lose, and [laughs] maybe I was wrong. I think, you know, there's always these little autobiographical secrets behind things. I think I was really attacking my earlier self, and this kind of pretentious figure. -- Billy Collins
  • ...people today are so accustomed to pretentious nonsense that they see nothing amiss in reading without understanding, and many of them at length discover that they can without difficulty write in like manner themselves and win applause for it. And so it perpetuates itself. -- George Albert Wells
  • Even actresses that you really admire, like Reese Witherspoon, you think, 'Another romantic comedy?' You see her in something like 'Walk the Line' and think, 'God, you're so great!' And then you think, 'Why is she doing these stupid romantic comedies?' But of course, it's for money and status. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • I don't hold on to fear as much as I used to, because I've learned a lot about genuinely not caring what strangers think about me. It's very liberating. It's very empowering, and I've learned a lot of that from Jay-Shawn Carter-Z, because his approach to life is very internal. It's a very good lesson to learn. -- Gwyneth Paltrow
  • I never want to be pretentious. -- Kesha
  • What I don't like are pompous, pretentious movies. -- Peter Jackson
  • I don't wanna sound pretentious talking about myself. -- Wale
  • Don't call me a journalist; I hate the word. It's pretentious! -- Jimmy Breslin
  • What I'm bringing to the pop table is that I'm not pretentious. -- Kesha
  • I think it's pretentious to create art just for the sake of stroking the artists ego. -- Lou Reed
  • My secret dream is to write an epic poem. That's probably the most pretentious thing I've said. -- Laurie Anderson
  • Sunglasses are great, but I always feel a bit pretentious wearing sunglasses. I mean, I do love to wear them. -- Daphne Guinness
  • I'm not trying to sound pretentious, but we did sell 12 million records on the first album, so we did get paid a little bit. -- Justin Timberlake
  • People need realness, reality. People can sense when someone is being pretentious or fake. It's because you feel it; you see it in someone's body language. -- Afrojack
  • I think energy is the most important thing that we can give to people as performers. Anything else is a little bit pretentious. But energy is not. -- Yoko Ono
  • Sometimes with pop music, you have to see it to love it. With soul music, it's sparse. There's nothing that's pretentious or planned. It's just so gutsy. -- Adele
  • I don't want to sound pretentious, but you could hire a bunch of monkeys to be on a TV show, and if it's successful, then everything's perfect and everybody's happy. -- Scott Caan
  • When I was growing up, I was the most pretentious person I have ever met. I only read obscure books and watched obscure movies and only listened to obscure music. -- Moby
  • I'm so tired of this vision of fashion of a diva with a big ego, and you think of big dark glasses to be pretentious and keep far away from the people. -- Carine Roitfeld
  • I just love real characters; they're not pretentious, and every emotion is on the surface, they're regular working people. Their likes, their dislikes, their loves, their hates, their passions; they're all right there on the surface. -- David O. Russell
  • When I started off with Trainspotting, it was the way the characters came to me. That's how they sounded to me. It seemed pretentious to sound any other way. I wasn't making any kind of political statement. -- Irvine Welsh
  • Independent' means one thing to me: It means that regardless of the source of financing, the director's voice is extremely present. It's such a pretentious term, but it's auteurist cinema. Director-driven, personal, auteurist... Whatever word you want. -- Alexander Payne
  • Ever since I was a small child, I've had this feeling - it's in my nature, and so it's not even pretentious - that if everyone's going one way, I will go the other, just by some kind of spirit of defiance. -- Charlotte Rampling
  • Any image I have, it's just what I do, but it comes off as being very pretentious. When you're a bit in the public astigmatism, anything you do seems like you did it so somebody would see you do it, like showing up at the right parties. -- Tom Waits
  • I don't want to sound too silly or pretentious about this, but, you know, I love being in Paris. I love working at Louis Vuitton. I love fashion. That's why I do it. No one's forcing me to do this. And nobody forces anyone to buy it. It's a real love affair. -- Marc Jacobs
  • It sounds stupid, but there's nothing like walking down the street and seeing a building that's older than 100 years old. I think London - not to sound pretentious - like New York, it's a big melting pot for all things and it's just got this energy that you can't find anywhere else. -- Christian Cooke
  • You live for pretentious metaphors. -- John Green
  • I was a really pretentious teenager, -- Rebecca Hall
  • I don't deal in pretentious kids' parties. -- Rachel Zoe
  • I don't like pretentious films or pretentious people. -- Zoe Kazan
  • You are only pretentious if you are not sincere. -- John Hodgman
  • I must have been a really pretentious little girl. -- Emily Mortimer
  • For a pretentious Master vampire, Darth Sullivan was pretty dreamy." -- Chloe Neill
  • Certainly, anybody who says, "in the eyes of God," is pretentious. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Films are always pretentious. There's nothing more pretentious than a filmmaker. -- John Milius
  • I do consider myself to be something of a pretentious wanker. -- Nicky Wire
  • Yes, of course we were pretentious -- what else is youth for? -- Julian Barnes
  • I am hard to disgust, but a pretentious poet can do it -- Marianne Moore
  • The truth is so simple that it is regarded as a pretentious banality. -- Dag Hammarskjold
  • [Depp] has real ambitions, but he is deeply afraid of being considered pretentious. -- Lasse Hallstrom
  • Anyone without a sense of humor is too pretentious to be a good magician. -- Anton Szandor LaVey
  • In England you're skewered on the altar of pop culture if you become pretentious. -- Mick Jagger
  • Fierce language and pretentious advances are signs that the enemy is about to retreat. -- Sun Tzu
  • I must have been a very strange child. I was very pretentious. Like Adrian Mole. -- Sue Townsend
  • I'm a concert pianist, that's a pretentious way of saying I'm unemployed at the moment. -- Oscar Levant
  • Never use jargon words like 'reconceptualize', 'demassification', 'attitudinally', 'judgmentally'. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass. -- David Ogilvy
  • People are too pretentious in France to like Sarkozy. But he'd be a fabulous president for America. -- Claude Lelouch
  • Well, first of all it's entertainment. That stops us becoming too pretentious or thinking we're great artists. -- Richard Thompson
  • The worst thing for a filmmaker is for a film to be labeled as pretentious or heavy-handed. -- John Curran
  • I felt that the Star Wars series became very pretentious as time went on. Just heavy and leaden. -- John Milius
  • I am a big theater fan. It's mostly just being pretentious, I think, and trying to look smart. -- Brian K. Vaughan
  • Maybe that sounds a bit pretentious, but I think life experience is always more important than technical knowledge. -- Roger Deakins
  • My parents were very patient with my pretentious little adolescent snobberies. It took me awhile to accept them. -- Matthew Specktor
  • I have a dread of sounding pretentious and try not to talk too much about what I do. -- James Herbert
  • This sounds horribly pretentious, but I like to think that if music hadn't existed, I could have invented it. -- Harrison Birtwistle
  • I want to paint. That is probably going to sound so pretentious coming from someone who's been a musician. -- Juliana Hatfield
  • In the numbing hands of pretentious filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen, history does not repeat itself in any way whatsoever. -- Rex Reed
  • When I was in college, I was a semiotics major, which is this hopelessly pretentious body of French literary theory. -- Ira Glass
  • No one would argue against the fact that L.A. leads the country in opportunities for being hip and pretentious. -- Merrill Markoe
  • If I were pretentious I would say that I'm not an average person. But really, I know how that is. -- Karl Lagerfeld
  • If anyone stops us, as long as we mumble something pretentious about the glory of death, we should be fine. -- Derek Landy
  • I went to university in Colorado and studied art history. I did some photography classes there, although it felt really pretentious. -- Pamela Hanson
  • I could almost say it is my religion. I guess that sounds pretentious, but I want to live and breathe cinema. -- Giovanni Ribisi
  • I find a lot of young filmmakers make too much of an effort to be trendy and they can be pretentious. -- Sadie Frost
  • I am kind of a curmudgeonly person, so I don't gravitate to groups or traditions, which is probably just pretentious of me. -- Anne Carson
  • Getting up to dance to your own stuff looks pretty pretentious. And leaving the dancefloor when it comes on is just awkward. -- Sophie Ellis Bextor
  • Getting up to dance to your own stuff looks pretty pretentious. And leaving the dancefloor when it comes on is just awkward. -- Sophie Ellis Bextor
  • I can't see any reason why a film shouldn't be stylized and visually beautiful. I don't think a beautiful set is pretentious. -- Alain Resnais
  • Without sounding pretentious, it's nice to always be surrounded by creative people who inspire me and keep my levels of creativity charged. -- Jaime Winstone
  • Can it really be said that before the day of our pretentious science, humanity was composed solely of imbeciles and the superstitious? -- R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
  • I'm very proud of myself on my, whatever the literacy is, I'm pretentious, totally pretentious. I like to say 'hmm', for example. -- Tom Lehrer
  • I always feel so pretentious talking about comedy and deconstructing it. It always feels somehow self-centred to talk about any sort of process. -- Steve Carell
  • I always feel so pretentious talking about comedy and deconstructing it. It always feels somehow self-centred to talk about any sort of process." -- Steve Carell
  • I can talk about film theory forever and it may sound pretentious or something, but really it's just that I'm fascinated by it. -- John Hyams
  • I was a pretentious child. I grew up without a television. I read a lot of books and I loved Shakespeare. Still do. -- Emily Watson
  • I never called myself a writer because it seemed so pretentious - a writer was what somebody else called you, a title bestowed. -- Nguyen Viet Thang
  • America is supposed to be given over to ugliness. There are a good many ugly things there and the ugliest are the most pretentious. -- Goldwin Smith
  • Oftentimes an originator of new language forms is called 'pretentious' by jealous talents. But it ain't whatcha write, it's the way atcha write it. -- Jack Kerouac
  • I'm into paradoxes. I wanted to make an album about them, but the group told me I was a pretentious fart. They were right. -- Brian May
  • I think good art, if I could be pretentious enough to say, I think good art deals with the micro to explain the macro. -- Philip Seymour Hoffman
  • This may sound pretentious, but I don't like being thought of as 'the Metal Gear guy.' There's a lot more I can do. -- Hideo Kojima
  • The assholes are always puzzled when the order of the universe is restored, when they are held accountable for their cowardly, pretentious, loveless ways. -- Carol Kepnes
  • You lying liar," Vaan said, "who lies to me with lies. Nobody actually likes Shakespeare! They just pretend to sound more cultural and pretentious. -- A.D. Truax
  • Musicians always come off sounding a little bit pretentious, and a little bit... I don't know, hypocritical, from what they do, talking about strong issues. -- James Iha
  • The same people that always think I'm pretentious will think I'm pretentious, and the people who relate to me will continue to relate to me. -- Bradford Cox
  • I remember growing up, saying you're an artist it sounds pretentious but now it's one of the only dignified things that you can call yourself. -- Marilyn Manson
  • I'd love to have a 19th Century Russian book club where all the members had to act like the pretentious minor noblemen they were reading about. -- Gary Shteyngart
  • Call it my little gesture toward social conscience, but I like to think I'm teaching a certain number of people to read. Now that sounds pretentious! -- David Eddings
  • I often wonder, Is it worth waiting only for things you think are going to be truly great, or is that a pretentious attitude to take? -- Jason Schwartzman
  • Japanese people accept that art and commerce will be blended; and, in fact, they are surprised by the rigid and pretentious Western hierarchy of 'high art.' -- Takashi Murakami
  • What passed for society was a loud, giddy whirl of thieves and pretentious hustlers, a dull sideshow full of quacks and clowns and philistines with gimp mentalities. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • What I'm bringing to the pop table is that I'm not pretentious. I'm fighting this war against all that because pop music, in my opinion, should be fun. -- Kesha
  • I hate with a bitter hatred the names of lentils haricots - those pretentious cheats of the appetite, those tabulated humbugs, those certified aridites calling themselves human food! -- George Gissing
  • I decided to dub the room with the good chairs my lutery. Or perhaps my performatory. I would need a while to come up with something suitably pretentious. -- Patrick Rothfuss
  • Whenever there remains any support for the ego within, even if it be only an atom's weight, then you are pretentious and have a devil who leads you astray. -- Ibn Ata Allah
  • There's a side that I want to do just like really retarded arty films like parody, pretentious art films that kind of are supposed to have some deep meaning. -- Andy Milonakis
  • I love driving at Monaco but the rest of it, well, I can absolutely take it or leave it. It's extremely pretentious and really not my cup of tea. -- Mark Webber
  • I did this movie, Predestination, and it's one of my favorite movies I've ever made, because sci-fi really lets you talk about ideas in a way that's not pretentious. -- Ethan Hawke
  • Hume develops his arguments by a series of models. He doesn't call them models in the pretentious way in which we envelope, very often, pure banalities in this jargon -- Lionel Robbins, Baron Robbins
  • Guard your heart and mind against double-minded pretentious beings. Do not allow infiltration beyond the surface. If their influence travels on the inside, they become like an incurable disease. -- Amaka Imani Nkosazana
  • To me, it's important to preserve proximity to the people. I wouldn't do anything pretentious, and nothing that hurts the people who voted for me. Triumphalism isn't my thing. -- Francois Hollande