Chloe Neill quotes:

  • Words have power? That sounds like you're into some Harry Potter juju.

  • For a pretentious Master vampire, Darth Sullivan was pretty dreamy."

  • Jonah and Catcher shared one of those manly, "It's nice to meet you, but I'm going to barely acknowledge your existence with a small nod because that's the manly thing to do" gestures."

  • Top Gun," I whispered to Lindsey. We'd started pointing out Luc's ubiquitous pop culture references, having decided that because he cut his fangs in the Wild West, he'd been entranced by movies and television. You know, because living in a society of magically enhanced vampires didn't require enough willing suspension of disbelief.-Merit in Chloe Neill's Friday Night Bites"

  • I am beginning to remember what it means to need things. Laughter. Companionship. Love. "He leant forward and pressed his forehead to mine. "And I need you, Merit.

  • Morgan and Catcher said their manly hellos - consisting of a symbolic head bob from Catcher (of the "You're in my lair now" variety) and a responding nod from Morgan (of the "You are clearly the king of this castle" variety)."

  • Well, " I began,"I've been roped into shenanigans."Without preface, Catcher muttered a curse ,then leaned over slipped his wallet from his jeans, and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill, which he handed to Mallory."

  • I looked at Ethan and smiled a little."I love you," he mouthed."I love you, too," I mouthed back."And I'm nauseous," Catcher grumbledLet's get on with this. I am seriously in need of a beer and a Lifetime movie."

  • The best revenge is a life well lived.

  • But there was a cost. Being near Ethan was just... incendiary. Part animosity, part ridiculous chemistry, neither conducive to a peaceful home environment. And this was only my first night under his thumb. Not a good sign of things to come.

  • Do you need to reschedule? There are some other things I could take care of while I'm in town."Mallory waved him offNo, today's fine. It's going to be on the exam, so I might as well do it.""Oh, my God, you are Harry Potter," I said, pointing a finger at herI knew it!"She rolled her eyes, then looked at Catcher."

  • Oh nookie in the stacks.Figures you're the type to have that fantasy, grad school and all."

  • Give me a break, I'm trying to Gratefully Condescend."

  • So as I shivered, naked and damp, in front of the bathroom mirror, I raised my eyes skyward. "I hope we're still okay."I got no answer, but then, I didn't really expect one. Answer or not, it didn't matter. That's the thing about faith, I guess.

  • As we left the kitchen, I asked, "Can I hold your sword today?" Catcher glanced back over his shoulder and lifted a browThe sword," I correctedThe sword." We'll see."

  • Better if you don't. Suffice it to say '123kitty' does not a strong password make." - House Rules"

  • Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it's about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn't perfection. The point is doing it anyway.

  • My job is to ensure the sanctity of this House. Ensuring the sanity of its Master seemed like a good start.

  • Consider the possibility that I made a mistake I regret-and that I'll continue to regret that mistake and try to convince you to give me another chance until the earth stops turning.

  • There are those among us who have erred, deeply and significantly. Who have wounded the world and broken themselves. The worst of them lose themselves in their errors. The best of them crawl back, one foot at a time, and seek to amend their breaches. That is the way of the brave.

  • Hey, better than the real thing," I saidWhat do you even do with a chimera?""What wouldn't you do with a chimera?" Jeff askedThey're like the Swiss Army knife of animals.""Party in the front, business in the back," Catcher agreed.That earned a snort and laugh from meAny animal that can be compared to a mullet is a good animal in my book."

  • Don't they feed you at Navarre house?""They throw out some gruel between the indoctrination sessions and propaganda films. Then we're off marching around the grounds and the recitation of sonnets to Celina's loveliness."

  • I stepped back, pivoted on a heel, and swivelled my hip for a side kick. It probably seemed, to a casual observer, that I was warming up, taking a few well-aimed kicks at an inanimate object.But in my mind, THWACK, I was kicking, THWACK, a certain Master vampire, THWACK, in the face.

  • The world isn't perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindrance. Or you can decide the rules are too tough and they shouldn't apply to you, and you can ignore them and make things harder for everybody else. Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it's about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn't perfection. The point is doing it anyway.
