Major Hamilton Quotes in


Major Hamilton Quotes:

  • Major Hamilton: McGregor, you'll meet the two replacement officers this morning. lieutenants Forsythe and Stone.

    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: Yes, sir. Stone?

    Major Hamilton: His son.

    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: His what?

    Major Hamilton: I said, his son.

    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: [chuckles] I can't imagine the old Ramrod ever having been that human.

    [imitating Col. Stone]

    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: Madam, you'll marry me Tuesday the 29th. Be at the church at 10:00. That's an order!


    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: Furthermore, you're improperly dressed!

  • Major Hamilton: [the men are arguing over Col. Stone's refusal to disobey orders in order to go after his captured son] He'll have nothing, if his boy doesn't carry on in this regiment.

    Lieutenant Forsythe: Then he'd have everything?

    Major Hamilton: Of course he would! That's what it means to him. But d'you think he'd let that make any difference to his orders, to his job?

    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: Well, why shouldn't it? Why can't he be a little less of a soldier and more of a man? Why can't he forget his blasted duty for once?

    Major Hamilton: Man, you *are* blind! Have you never thought how, for generation after generation here, a handful of men have ordered the lives of 300 million people? It's because he's here, and a few more like him! Men of his breed have *made* British India. Men who put their jobs above everything. He wouldn't let death move him from it. But he won't let love move him from it. When his breed of man dies out - that's the end. And it's a better breed of man than any of us will ever make. Good night, gentlemen.

  • Lieutenant Alan McGregor: I suppose if it were your son, you'd sit here too, like a dummy.

    Major Hamilton: No, I should probably ordered the regiment out. But that's because I'm not the man the Colonel is. Nor the soldier.

    Lieutenant Alan McGregor: Well, if that's what you call being a man, or a soldier, I don't want any part of it.

  • Lieutenant Alan McGregor: That kid needs him, it's his own blood, and if he cared a hang for him...

    Major Hamilton: Oh, of course he cares! But what's that got to do with it? He loved his wife too, and he lost her. She was American. Couldn't stick the service, couldn't understand. So he chose the regiment then, just as he's doing now. But that doesn't mean he didn't care.

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