Fear of death quotes:

  • People living deeply have no fear of death. -- Anais Nin
  • The appeal of cinema lies in the fear of death. -- Jim Morrison
  • My only fear of death is reincarnation -- Tupac Shakur
  • The fear of death comes from limited awareness. -- Deepak Chopra
  • The fear of death is the beginning of slavery. -- Robert Anton Wilson
  • Less base the fear of death than fear of life. -- Edward Young
  • Let your hope of heaven master your fear of death. -- William Gurnall
  • I don't have a fear of aging or a fear of death. -- S. Jay Olshansky
  • I have no fear of death, except I hate waiting for it. -- Doug Stanhope
  • Defeat the fear of death and you welcome the death of fear. -- G. Gordon Liddy
  • I believe that fear of life brings a greater fear of death. -- David Blaine
  • I have no fear of death. More important, I don't fear life. -- Steven Seagal
  • Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. -- Tecumseh
  • I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated. -- Tupac Shakur
  • To go back is nothing but death; but to go forward is fear of death and life everlasting beyond. -- John Bunyan
  • The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead. -- Albert Einstein
  • They were afraid, never having learned what I taught myself: Defeat the fear of death and welcome the death of fear. -- G. Gordon Liddy
  • The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. -- Mark Twain
  • The weariest and most loathed worldly life, that age, ache, penury and imprisonment can lay on nature is a paradise, to what we fear of death. -- William Shakespeare
  • I don't have any fear of death. I do, however, have an inordinate fear of becoming dependent on other people. To me, that's the severest test, not death. -- Huston Smith
  • I have absolutely no fear of death. From my near-death research and my personal experiences, death is, in my judgment, simply a transition into another kind of reality. -- Raymond Moody
  • When life demands more of people than they demand of life - as is ordinarily the case - what results is a resentment of life almost as deep-seated as the fear of death -- Tom Robbins
  • I am death-fearing. I don't think I'm morbid. That seems to me a fear of death that goes beyond the rational. Whereas it seems to me to be entirely rational to fear death! -- Julian Barnes
  • The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
  • When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home. -- Tecumseh
  • Fear seems to have many causes. Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt, and so on, but ultimately all fear is the ego's fear of death, of annihilation. To the ego, death is always just around the corner. In this mind-identified state, fear of death affects every aspect of your life. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • Every fear is fear of death. -- Wilhelm Stekel
  • Never live life in fear of death -- Zayn Malik
  • ...but fear of death gives us strength. -- Neil Gaiman
  • Uncommon extension of the fear of death. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Walk with the dead For fear of death. -- Philip Larkin
  • The fear of death was a powerful aphrodisiac. -- Lisa See
  • God is the pain of the fear of death -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • My biggest fear of death is to come back reincarnated -- Tupac Shakur
  • Timor mortis conturbat me. The fear of death disturbs me. -- William Dunbar
  • Laughter allows us to get past the fear of death. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Let thy hope of heaven master thy fear of death. -- William Gurnall
  • Preventive war is like committing suicide out of fear of death. -- Otto von Bismarck
  • The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself. -- Publilius Syrus
  • Those who have known death from inside lose all fear of death. -- Rajneesh
  • The desire to survive and the fear of death are artistic sentiments -- Salvador Dali
  • My day-to-day local issues are rooted in an underlying fear of death. -- Alex Karpovsky
  • Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • Our culture's zeal for longevity reveals our incredible collective fear of death. -- Ram Dass
  • Can any man be courageous who has the fear of death in him? -- Plato
  • It is not death therefore that is burdensome, but the fear of death. -- Ambrose Burnside
  • Entertainment alleviates the fear of life, but art vanquishes the fear of death -- Dean Cavanagh
  • Don't let anyone tell you that age purchases your freedom from fear of death. -- James Lee Burke
  • How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset. -- George MacDonald
  • The more you live in the present moment, the more the fear of death disappears. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • This fear of death infused me with the desire to live, and to live harder. -- Josh Lucas
  • Our piety must be weak and imperfect if it do not conquer our fear of death. -- Francois Fenelon
  • Not one has shown an iota of fear of death. They want to end this agony. -- Jack Kevorkian
  • Whenever ego suffers from fear of death & your practice turns to seeing impermanence, ego settles down. -- Tsoknyi Rinpoche
  • The elimination of the fear of death transforms the individual's way of being in the world. -- Stanislav Grof
  • I have absolutely no fear of death. Why would I? There's nothing to fear-only joy to experience. -- Don Piper
  • The desire of death will not always lead you to death but the fear of death will. -- Santosh Kalwar
  • Mortality applies to every aspect of life. The fear of death is the driving fear of life. -- Nick Tosches
  • Men are so thoughtless, nay, so mad, that some, through fear of death, force themselves to die. -- Epicurus
  • Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully. -- Frances Moore Lappé
  • Coming to terms with the fear of death is conducive to healing, positive personality transformation, and consciousness evolution. -- Stanislav Grof
  • One wants to live, of course, indeed one only stays alive by virtue of the fear of death. -- George Orwell
  • All fears are one fear. Just the fear of death. And we accept it, then we are at peace. -- David Mamet
  • It's an unavoidable truth. Fear of life closes off more opportunities for us than fear of death ever does. -- Agnes Moorehead
  • I might be deceiving myself but I do not think that I do have an inordinate fear of death. -- A. N. Wilson
  • The fear of death often proves mortal, and sets people on methods to save their Lives, which infallibly destroy them. -- Joseph Addison
  • The most rational cure after all for the inordinate fear of death is to set a just value on life. -- William Hazlitt
  • The heart, when it is too much alive, aches for that brown earth, and ecstasy has no fear of death. -- Willa Cather
  • The best way to live above all fear of death is to die every morning before you leave your bedroom. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • If people live in constant fear of death, and if breaking the law is punished by death, then who would dare? -- Laozi
  • The fear of death is indeed the pretence of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being the appearance of knowing the unknown. -- Plato
  • If you look at the horror genre, that work is all about making people uncomfortable by stimulating our fear of death. -- Ottessa Moshfegh
  • Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave realizes it is water. At that moment, all fear of death disappears. -- Nhat Hanh
  • There is a fear of voluptuousness that is itself voluptuous, just as a certain fear of death can itself be deadly. -- Joseph Roth
  • HELPED are those who lose their fear of death; theirs is the power to envision the future in a blade of grass. -- Alice Walker
  • Perhaps the best cure for the fear of death is to reflect that life has a beginning as well as an end. -- William Hazlitt
  • Love, I thought, is stronger than death or the fear of death. Only by it, by love, life holds together and advances. -- Ivan Turgenev
  • Let thy hope of heaven master thy fear of death. Why shouldst thou be afraid to die, who hopest to live by dying! -- William Gurnall
  • The fear of death is far greater than the death itself. But the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all! -- The Undertaker
  • So, the fear of death might be described as the fear of not being able to become whom one had planned to be. -- Pascal Mercier
  • The song and dance didn't stop us dying. It just stopped the fear of death swallowing us up while we were still alive. -- Jackie French
  • Running away for fear of death, leaving one's dear ones, temples or music to take care of themselves, is irreligion; it is cowardice. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • An important consequence of freeing oneself from the fear of death is a radical opening to spirituality of a universal and non-denominational type. -- Stanislav Grof
  • A real man will never let his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood. -- George S. Patton
  • The day, man will find that he never really dies; that his Soul persists beyond death; he will have no more fear of death. -- Swami Vivekananda
  • It is not the fear of death which creates the desire for immortality, but the desire for immortality which causes the fear of death. -- Otto Weininger
  • The fear of death is the fear of the end of an illusion; so long as the illusion persists so long will the fear remain. -- Christmas Humphreys
  • I don't think people ever were free of fear of death, but clinging to life and being so unprepared for it is a modern experience. -- Katy Butler
  • Life and death are the same thing. When we realize this fact, we have no fear of death anymore, nor actual difficulty in our life. -- Shunryu Suzuki
  • When you erode the fear of death with the knowledge that you already died [in Christ], you will find yourself moving toward a simple, bold obedience. -- Edward T. Welch
  • The way we regard death is critical to the way we experience life. When your fear of death changes, the way you live your life changes. -- Ram Dass
  • I think it's just fear of death. I can't bear to go to sleep. There's very little, you know, between an entrepreneur and a crazy person. -- Anita Roddick
  • You get rid of the fear of death by understanding that it is an integral fact of our existence. You do that through will and reason. -- G. Gordon Liddy
  • I will not yield to any man contrary to what is right, for fear of death, even if I should die at once for not yielding. -- Socrates
  • How does he do it? Live. With the fear of death every day. I don't fear death as much as I fear the thought of living. -- Julie Anne Peters
  • Why, do you not know, then, that the origin of all human evils, and of baseness, and cowardice, is not death, but rather the fear of death? -- Epictetus
  • Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour. -- Khalil Gibran
  • Few men who have liberated themselves from the fear of God and the fear of death are yet able to liberate themselves from the fear of man. -- Lin Yutang
  • I don't think fear necessarily is a core human emotion, but I do think fear of death is something that is at the core of every person's existence. -- Zachary Cole Smith
  • The fear of death is for all of us everywhere, but for the great intelligence of the opium eater it is beautifully narrowed into the crux of drugs. -- John Cheever
  • Motherhood is neither a duty nor a privilege, but simply the way that humanity can satisfy the desire for physical immortality and triumph over the fear of death. -- Rebecca West
  • Topography is one of my chief themes in my poetry..about the country, the suburbs and the seaside... then there come's love... and increasingly; the fear of death. -- John Betjeman
  • I think my work is about the different strategies man has invented to deal with desire, frustration, fear of death, exhaustion. It's very much about life on earth. -- Camille Henrot
  • I have no fear of death whatsoever. I suspect that few people do, what they all fear is what might happen in the years or months before death. -- Terry Pratchett
  • Americans have an abiding belief in their ability to control reality by purely material means... airline insurance replaces the fear of death with the comforting prospect of cash. -- Cecil Beaton
  • If I hazard a guess as to the most endemic, prevalent anxiety among human beings-including fear of death, abandonment, loneliness-nothing is more prevalent than the fear of one another. -- R. D. Laing
  • Britannia's shame! There took her gloomy flight, On wing impetuous, a black sullen soul . Less base the fear of death than fear of life. O Britain! infamous for suicide. -- Edward Young
  • The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears. -- Rajneesh
  • Dying before dying has two important consequences: It liberates the individual from the fear of death and influences the actual experience of dying at the time of biological demise. -- Stanislav Grof
  • Most men ebb and flow in wretchedness between the fear of death and the hardship of life; they are unwilling to live, and yet they do not know how to die. -- Seneca the Younger
  • It is the fear of death--24/7 in every shade of hospital white and doomsday black--that sells the pharmaceutical, political, financial, film, and food product promising to make good the wish to live forever. -- Lewis H. Lapham
  • What I wanted to express very clearly and intensely was that the reason these people had to invent or imagine heroes and gods is pure fear. Fear of life and fear of death. -- Frida Kahlo
  • Perhaps we don't need these religious concoctions to pillow the fear of death. Just the fact that there is an unknown, and something greater, can bring a feeling of peace. That's enough for me. -- Brad Pitt
  • Only those few who are able to surpass their fear of death completely can fully experience the highest forms of life; not the mundane life of the mortal, but the godly life of the resurrected. -- Zeena Schreck
  • I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending, that haunts our sleep so much as the fear that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived. -- Harold S. Kushner
  • I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much as the fear... that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived. -- Harold Kushner
  • I think What Dreams May Come is the most important (read effective) book I've written. It has caused a number of readers to lose their fear of death the finest tribute any writer could receive. ... Somewhere In Time is my favorite novel. -- Richard Matheson
  • Part of the magic of a startup is the fear of death. You have only so much money in the bank, and if you don't get to the right milestone before you run out, then the company goes under - it's over. -- Scott Weiss
  • Without fullness of experience, length of days is nothing. When fullness of life has been achieved, shortness of days is nothing. That is perhaps why the young have usually so little fear of death; they live by intensities that the elderly have forgotten. -- Lewis Mumford
  • No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa. -- Eugene Ionesco