John Bunyan quotes:

  • There was a castle called Doubting Castle, the owner whereof was Giant Despair.

  • If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot.

  • The greatness of God, of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is that, if rightly considered, which will support the spirits of those of his people that are frighted with the greatness of their adversaries.

  • It could be a sign of pride in your life if a word of reproof or admonition is not able to be received with the same grace, whether it be given by the poorest of saints or the most educated person.

  • To go back is nothing but death; but to go forward is fear of death and life everlasting beyond.

  • You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

  • In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

  • What a fool, quoth he, am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon, when I may as well walk at liberty! I have a key in my bosom, called Promise, that will, I am persuaded, open any lock in Doubting Castle.

  • My sword I give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage, and my courage and skill to him that can get it.

  • The best prayers have often more groans than words.

  • a man there was, though some did count him mad, the more he cast away the more he had.

  • Follow your heart

  • The best prayer I ever prayed had enough sin to damn the whole world.

  • Yet my great-grandfather was but a water-man, looking one way and rowing another: and I got most of my estate by the same occupation.

  • I have given Him my faith, and sworn my allegiance to Him; how, then, can I go back from this, and not be hanged as a traitor?

  • Faithful is also a reminder of how important companionship is to the Christian walk, but not more important than the desire for eternal life that motivated Faithful to keep fleeing for his life, no matter how strong the desire for friendship.Chapter

  • At the day of Doom men shall be judged according to their fruits. It will not be said then, did you believe? But, were you doers or talkers only?

  • Riches and power, what is there more in the world? For money answereth all things-that is, all but soul concerns. It can neither be a price for souls while here, nor can that, with all the forces of strength, recover one out of hell fire.

  • There is enough sin in my best prayer to send the whole world to Hell.

  • I will stay in jail to the end of my days before I make a butchery of my conscience.

  • The more he cast away, the more he had.

  • Thou art beaten that thou mayest be better.

  • No child of God sins to that degree as to make himself incapable of forgiveness.

  • Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.

  • When you pray, rather let your heart be without words than your words without heart.

  • Then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gates of heaven.

  • He that is down needs fear no fall. He that is low, no pride; He that is humble, ever shall have God to be his Guide.

  • Another part or piece,' said Diabolus, 'of mine excellent armour, is a dumb and prayerless spirit, a spirit that scorns to cry for mercy, let the danger be ever so great; therefore be you, my Mansoul, sure that you make use of this.

  • The law, instead of cleansing the heart from sin, doth revive it, put strength into, and increase it in the soul, even as it doth discover and forbid it, for it doth not give power to subdue.

  • Whoso beset him roundWith dismal storiesDo but themselves confound;His strength the more is."

  • Grace can pardon our ungodliness and justify us with Christ's righteousness; it can put the Spirit of Jesus Christ within us; it can help us when we are down; it can heal us when we are wounded; it can multiply pardons, as we through frailty multiply transgressions.

  • One leak will sink a ship: and one sin will destroy a sinner.

  • His love is what makes us live, love, sing, and praise forever.

  • Hope has a thick skin and will endure many a blow; it will put on patience as a vestment and will endure all things (if they be of the right kind) for the joy that is set before it. Hence patience is called patience of hope,' because it is hope that makes the soul exercise long-suffering under the cross until the time comes to enjoy the crown!

  • I will stay in prison till the moss grows on my eye lids rather than disobey God.

  • Care, mad to see a man sae happy, E'en drouned himsel amang the nappy.

  • Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as the lion that reared upon Samson; but if we overcome them, the next time we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them.

  • If that a pearl may in a toad's head dwell, And may be found too in an oyster shell.

  • But pleasures are like poppies spread: You seize the flower

  • Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.

  • And, indeed, this is one of the greatest mysteries in the world; namely, that a righteousness that resides in heaven should justify me, a sinner on earth!

  • Admittance into the true church of Christ is based on regeneration, not merely on an affirmation of a creed or doctrine. The

  • Now, according to the strength or weakness of his faith in his Savior, so is his joy and peace, so is his love for holiness, so are his desires to know Him more and to serve Him more single-mindedly in this present world.But

  • Christian may have entered the Valley of Humiliation overconfident and puffed up with false pride, but he departs with humble reliance on the Word of God and prayerful gratitude to the Lord of the Highway who has come to his aid and saved him from the Destroyer. He goes forward with his sword drawn. He has learned his lesson and now relies consciously on God's Word for protection.5.

  • What God says is best, is best, though all the men in the world are against it.

  • Now, Mr. Great-heart was a strong man, so he was not afraid of a lion.

  • Nothing can hurt you except sin; nothing can grieve me except sin; nothing can defeat you except sin. Therefore, be on your guard, my Mansoul.

  • For to speak the truth, there are but few that care thus to spend their time, but choose rather to be speaking of things to no profit.

  • You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan.

  • In prayer, it is better to have heart without words, than words without heart. Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin entice a man to cease from prayer. The spirit of prayer is more precious than treasures of gold and silver. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.

  • The difference between true and false repentance lies in this: the man who truly repents cries out against his heart; but the other, as Eve, against the serpent, or something else.

  • Prayer is a shield to the soul

  • Christ is the desire of nations, the joy of angels, the delight of the Father. What solace then must that soul be filled with, that has the possession of Him to all eternity!

  • We know not the matter of the things for which we should pray, neither the object to whom we pray, nor the medium by or through whom we pray; none of these things know we, but by the help and assistance of the Spirit.

  • In times of affliction we commonly meet with the sweetest experiences of the love of God.

  • He that forgets his friend is ungrateful to him; but he that forgets his Saviour is unmerciful to himself.

  • Words easy to be understood do often hit the mark; when high and learned ones do only pierce the air.

  • It beareth the name of Vanity Fair, because the town where 't is kept is lighter than vanity.

  • The Lord uses his flail of tribulation to separate the chaff from the wheat.

  • Our heart oft times wakes when we sleep, and God can speak to that, either by words, by proverbs, by signs and similitudes, as well as if one was awake.

  • He who bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again, and ten times more.

  • If my life is fruitless, it doesn't matter who praises me, and if my life is fruitful, it doesn't matter who criticizes me.

  • The reason why the Christians in this day are at such a loss as to some things is that they are contented with what comes from man's mouth, without searching and kneeling before God to know of Him the truth of things.

  • It is sad to see how the most of men neglect their precious souls, turning their backs upon the glorious gospel, and little minding a crucified Jesus, when, in the meanwhile, their bodies are well provided for, their estates much regarded, and the things of this present life are highly prized, as if the darling was of less value than a clod of earth; an immortal soul, than a perishing body; a precious Saviour, than unsatisfying creatures.

  • Take heed of driving so hard after this world, as to hinder thyself and family from those duties towards God, which thou art by grace obliged to; as private prayer, reading the scriptures, and Christian conference. It is a base thing for men so to spend themselves and families after this world, as that they disengage their heart to God's worship.

  • Nothing can render affliction so insupportable as the load of sin. Would you then be fitted for afflictions? Be sure to get the burden of your sins laid aside, and then what affliction soever you may meet with will be very easy to you.

  • Talkative represents the man or woman who delights in talking about divine things but has only theoretical knowledge of such things. No actual personal heart experience correlates to the matters they love to discuss so eloquently. They are often highly esteemed by others, but those closest to them would quickly betray a life out-of-sync with their words. The mask fashioned by fluency with all subjects divine hides their real life.

  • I have often thought that the best Christians are found in the worst of times.

  • If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the Man Christ without, and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the word of God.

  • No man, without trials and temptations, can attain a true understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

  • The truths that I know best I have learned on my knees. I never know a thing well, till it is burned into my heart by prayer.

  • I found it hard work now to pray to God, because despair was swallowing me up

  • Doth Jesus Christ stand up to plead for us with God, to plead with him for us against the devil? Let this teach us to stand up to plead for him before men, to plead for him against the enemies of his person and gospel.

  • The man that takes up religion for the world will throw away religion for the world.

  • Such is the effect of the grace of God in the heart of a pilgrim; while on one hand he sees the propensity of his evil nature to every sin which has been committed by others, and is humbled; he also confesses, that, by no power of his own, is he preserved, but ever gives the glory to the God of all grace, by whose power alone he is kept from falling.

  • I saw, moreover, that it was not my good frame of heart that made my righteousness better, nor my bad frame that made my righteousness worse; for my righteousness was Jesus Christ himself, the same yesterday and today and forever.

  • There is a warning here for true pilgrims. Beware of the talker, but also be careful not to judge too quickly those whom God has blessed with both genuine grace and a fluency to speak of divine mercy in ways more eloquent than others. The proof is in the life-not a perfect life, but a life that both delights in divine truth and magnifies God, the only giver of the sovereign grace that always produces the truly fruitful, fragrant life.

  • If people really see that Christ has removed the fear of punishment from them by taking it into Himself, they won't do whatever they want, they'll do whatever He wants.

  • It is possible to learn all about the mysteries of the Bible and never be affected by it in one's soul. Great knowledge is not enough.

  • If you have sinned, do not lie down without repentance; for the want of repentance after one has sinned makes the heart yet harder and harder.

  • ...Great sins do draw out great grace; and where guilt is most terrible and fierce, there the mercy of God in Christ, when showed to the soul, appears most high and mighty...

  • It gave me no pleasure to see people drink in my opinions if they seemed ignorant of Jesus Christ and the value of being saved by Him. Sound conviction for sin, especially the sin of unbelief, and a heart set on fire to be saved by Christ, with a strong yearning for a truly sanctified soul-this was what delighted me; those were the souls I considered blessed.

  • Our sins, when laid upon Christ, were yet personally ours, not his; so his righteousness, when put upon us, is yet personally his, not ours.

  • Whatever contradicts the Word of God should be instantly resisted as diabolical.

  • He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day.

  • Christians are like the several flowers in a garden that have each of them the dew of heaven, which, being shaken with the wind, they let fall at each other's roots, whereby they are jointly nourished, and become nourishers of each other.

  • Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Spirit, for such things as God has promised.

  • The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and they that lack the beginning have neither middle nor end

  • The Swamp of Despond is that place set before the narrow gate where true and false pilgrims alike are assaulted by their own internal corruption and pollution. The dirt and scum that has attached itself to our hearts and minds is agitated and revealed by both the workings of a guilty conscience and the devouring avarice of the enemy of our souls.The

  • Though there is not always grace where there is the fear of hell, yet, to be sure, there is no grace where there is no fear of God.

  • Sincerity carries the soul in all simplicity to open its heart to God.

  • You have chosen the roughest road, but it leads straight to the hilltops.

  • If you release me today, I'll preach tomorrow.

  • The God in whose hands are all our days and ways, did cast into my hand one day a book of Martin Luthers; it was his Comment on Galatians . . . . I found my condition in his experience so largely and profoundly handled, as if his book had been written out of my heart . . . . I do prefer this book of Martin Luther upon the Galatians, excepting the Holy Bible, before all the books that ever I have seen, as most fit for a wounded conscience.

  • Christian, let God's distinguishing love to you be a motive to you to fear Him greatly. He has put His fear in your heart, and may not have given that blessing to your neighbor, perhaps not to your husband, your wife, your child, or your parent. Oh, what an obligation should this thought lay upon your heart to greatly fear the Lord! Remember also that this fear of the Lord is His treasure, a choice jewel, given only to favorites, and to those who are greatly beloved.

  • He that comes to Christ cannot, it is true, always get on as fast as he would. Poor coming soul, thou art like the man that would ride full gallop whose horse will hardly trot. Now the desire of his mind is not to be judged of by the slow pace of the dull jade he rides on, but by the hitching and kicking and spurring as he sits on his back. Thy flesh is like this dull jade, it will not gallop after Christ, it will be backward though thy soul and heaven lie at stake.

  • Conversion is not the smooth, easy-going process some men seem to think... It is wounding work, this breaking of the hearts, but without wounding there is no saving... Where there is grafting there will always be a cutting, the graft must be let in with a wound; to stick it onto the outside or to tie it on with a string would be of no use. Heart must be set to heart and back to back or there will be no sap from root to branch. And this, I say, must be done by a wound, by a cut.

  • "¦just as Christian came up to the Cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, fell from off his back, and began to tumble down the hill, and so it continued to do till it came to the mouth of the sepulchre. There it fell in, and I saw it no more!

  • The covetous man feareth not God. This also is plain from the word because it setteth covetousness and the fear of God in direct opposition. Men that fear God are said to hate covetousness, Exod. xviii. 21. Besides the covetous man is called an idolater and is said to have no part in the kingdom of Christ and of God, Col. iii. 5. And again; 'The wicked boasteth of his heart's desire and blesseth the covetous whom the Lord abhorreth,' Psa. x. 3.

  • I live because I am a Warrior and because I wish one day to be in the company of [She] for whom I have fought so hard

  • Faith is a fruit, work, or gift of the Spirit of God, whereby a poor soul is enabled through the mighty operation of God, in a sense of its sins and wretched estate to lay hold on the righteousness, blood, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and coming again of the Son of God which was crucified without the gates of Jerusalem, for eternal life.

  • To run and work the law commands, but gives us neither feet nor hands. But better news the gospel brings, it bids us fly and gives us wings.

  • Let dissolution come when it will, it can do the Christian no harm, for it will be but a passage out of a prison into a palace; out of a sea of troubles into a haven of rest; out of a crowd of enemies, to an innumerable company of true, loving, and faithful friends; out of shame, reproach, and contempt, into exceeding great and eternal glory.

  • The spirit of prayer is more precious than treasures of gold and silver.

  • As your faith is, such your hope will be. Hope is never ill when faith is well, nor strong if faith be weak.

  • It is not the mouth that is the main thing to be looked at in prayer, but whether the heart is so full of affection and earnestness in prayer with God, that it is impossible to express their sense and desire; for then a man desires indeed, when his desires are so strong, many, and mighty, that all the words, tears, and groans that can come from the heart, cannot utter them.

  • There can be but one will the master in our salvation, but that shall never be the will of man, but of God; therefore man must be saved by grace.

  • Temptation provokes me to look upward to God.

  • Pray and read, read and pray; for a little from God is better than a great deal from men.

  • Every time you have with your mouth said well of godliness, and yet gone on in wickedness; or every time you have condemned sin in others, and yet have not refrained it yourselves; I say, every such word and conclusion that hath passed out of thy mouth, sinner, it shall be as a witness against thee in the day of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • There hath not one tear dropped from thy tender eye against thy lusts, the love of this world, or for more communion with Jesus Christ, but as it is now in the bottle of God.

  • He that is down needs fear no fall.

  • Now while they were thus drawing towards the gate, behold, a company of the heavenly host came to meet them; to whom it was said by the other two Shining Ones, These are the men that have loved our Lord when they were in the world, and that have left all for his holy name; and he hath sent us to fetch them, and we have brought them thus far on their desired journey, that they may go in and look their Redeemer in the face with joy. Then the heavenly host gave a great shout, saying, 'Blessed are they that are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'

  • Old truths are always new to us, if they come with the smell of heaven upon them.

  • The road of denial leads to the precipice of destruction

  • Without the Spirit man is so infirm that he cannot, with all other means whatsoever, be enabled to think one right saving thought of God, of Christ, or of his blessed things.

  • Words easy to be understood do often hit the mark, when high and learned ones do only pierce the air.

  • Hope is never ill when faith is well.

  • This hill though high I covent ascend; The difficulty will not me offend; For I perceive the way of life lies here. Come, pluck up, heart; let's neither faint nor fear.

  • He hath given me rest by His sorrow, and life by His death.
