True Enough quotes:

  • We must love one another, yes, yes, that's all true enough, but nothing says we have to like each other. -- Peter De Vries
  • Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread. -- Francois Mauriac
  • Certainly, it seems true enough that there's a good deal of irony in the world... I mean, if you live in a world full of politicians and advertising, there's obviously a lot of deception. -- Kenneth Koch
  • This is true enough, but success is the next best thing to happiness, and if you can't be happy as a success, it's very unlikely that you would find a deeper, truer happiness in failure. -- Michael Korda
  • True enough, nature has endowed me with a fair measure of patience and composure, yet I should be lying if I told you that, having seen the reporter off on his way to make his deadline, I fell peacefully asleep. -- Leon Jouhaux
  • True enough, Osama bin Laden is dead and other al-Qaeda leaders have joined him. But, the assassination of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi is a brutal reminder that radical Islamic terror groups have not disappeared and certainly are not dormant. -- Bob Beauprez
  • Opponents of U.S. sanctions have made 'unilateral sanctions' their special target. They argue that sanctions observed by many nations would be much more effective. True enough. Far better for trade with an outlaw regime to be restricted by many nations than by just one. -- Elliott Abrams
  • Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self. -- Queen Latifah
  • Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough. -- James M. Barrie
  • This is enough was always true. We just haven't seen it. -- Rumi
  • Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true. -- Niels Bohr
  • Few people are modest enough to be estimated at their true worth. -- Luc de Clapiers
  • Death is teacher enough, true faith is wealth enough, and worship is action enough. -- Umar
  • It's not enough to vanquish the darkness. True victory lies in spreading the light. -- Sarah Brownlee
  • I've never had a dream that didn't come true, if I waited long enough. -- Raymond Massey
  • I guess it's true what they say: if you wait long enough everything changes. -- Junot Diaz
  • A moment's fruition of a true felicity is enough and eternity not too much. -- Coventry Patmore
  • I am old enough to know that laughter, not anger, is the true revelation. -- Erica Jong
  • Only in growth, reform, and change, paradoxically enough, is true security to be found. -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
  • Nothing has to be true forever. Just for long enough, to tell you the truth. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I wish you would be more true to your demographic profile. Life is confusing enough. -- Tony Kushner
  • For true happiness, it is not enough to be successful oneself . . . one's friends must fail. -- Gore Vidal
  • People are longing to rediscover true community. We have had enough of loneliness, independence and competition. -- Jean Vanier
  • Tis not enough your counsel still be true; Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do. -- Alexander Pope
  • I believe that true beauty of chess is more than enough to satisfy all possible demands. -- Alexander Alekhine
  • 'Tis not enough your counsel still be true; Blunt truths more mischief than nice falsehoods do. -- Alexander Pope
  • My parents always felt if I worked hard enough I could make any dream come true. -- Derek Jeter
  • If it is true that we have a personal relationship with God, then that's enough for me. -- T Bone Burnett
  • Impossible is just the possible that someone has not put enough effort to make it come true. -- Miguel Nicolelis
  • True enough, the country is calm. Calm as a morgue or a grave, would you not say? -- Vaclav Havel
  • If you let a person talk long enough you'll hear their true intentions. Listen twice, speak once. -- Tupac Shakur
  • True revolution comes from true revulsion; when things get bad enough the kitten will kill the lion. -- Charles Bukowski
  • True enough and opposites don't just attract they freaking catch fire and burn the entire city down. -- Jay Crownover
  • In show business the saying seems too often true: it isn't enough to succeed; someone else must fail. -- Gene Tierney
  • You see, if you make believe hard enough that something is true, then it is true for you. -- Burt Lancaster
  • Stick around long enough to be someone's friend. Because true friendship, once recognized, in its essence is effortless. -- Vera Nazarian
  • You have the approval of yourself. That's quite enough for we who know true inner peace! - Charmainism -- Charmaine
  • What your heart desires is not too good to be true. It is good enough to be true. -- Alan Cohen
  • It's enough to indulge and to be selfish but true happiness is really when you start giving back. -- Adrian Grenier
  • My idea of a true feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants. -- Lana Del Rey
  • If enough things that are untrue are said about you, no one will know what really is true. -- Tom Stoppard
  • True leaders must be willing to suffer for the sake of objectives great enough to demand their wholehearted obedience. -- J. Oswald Sanders
  • We cannot let external criticism, even if it's true, fortify our internal foe. That foe is strong enough already. -- Steven Pressfield
  • True fans stick behind bands through thick and thin and we've been lucky enough to have some amazing fans. -- Johnny Christ
  • Be true to what naturally interests you - and be brave enough to turn an obsession into a profession. -- Shelly Branch
  • Wisdom comes from experience, but experience is not enough. Experience anticipated and experience revisited is the true source of wisdom. -- John Grinder
  • Life is full of strange absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true. -- Luigi Pirandello
  • My feeling about fears is, if you voice your fears, they may come true. I'm superstitious enough to believe that. -- Meryl Streep
  • This was my modest dream come true: unambitious flight. The kind that never even got high enough for a view. -- Lorrie Moore
  • Hard times and funky living can season the soul, true enough, but joy is the yeast that makes it rise. -- Tom Robbins
  • Success comes to those that dare to dream dreams and are foolish enough to try and make them come true. -- Vinod Khosla
  • That, they knew, was true friendship. And they knew, if you're lucky enough to find it, you hold on to it. -- Sarah Addison Allen
  • Embrace your dreams and never lose faith in yourself. Your dreams can come true if you work hard enough for them. -- Dahvie Vanity
  • If someone tells you you're crazy enough times, eventually it becomes true. It's that old psychiatrist's joke: insanity's all in your head. -- Madeleine Roux
  • We only need to be as true to others as we are to ourselves, that there may be grounds enough for friendship. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • I'm not the best player in the history of tennis. I think I'm amongst the best. That's true. That's enough for me. -- Rafael Nadal
  • An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true. -- Vinod Khosla
  • It is true what is said in Washington - 'No matter how cynical you get, it's never enough to catch up.' -- Louie Gohmert
  • Madame, all stories, if continued far enough, end in death, and he is no true-story teller who would keep that from you. -- Ernest Hemingway
  • And the dangerous thing about excuses is that if we recite them enough times, we actually come to believe they are true. -- Robin S
  • I had always suspected that one could build an entire house from what went into the landfill, and, sure enough, it's true. -- Dan Phillips
  • The secret of unleashing your true power is setting goals that are exciting enough that they truly inspire your creativity and ignite yourpassion. -- Tony Robbins
  • Wow, monitor lizards are pretty gnarly creatures. I want to go with the monitor lizard. That's just weird enough to be true. No? -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • True contentment depends not upon what we have; a tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world was too little for Alexander. -- Charles Caleb Colton
  • They say it's always darkest until right before the dawn. I've worked on enough projects to know how true this saying really is. -- Meg Cabot
  • It is not enough to recognize what is right and true. One must control the impulse to do what is wrong and easy. -- Andy Andrews
  • That is the one eternal education: to be sure enough that something is true that you dare to tell it to a child. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • It may be true that love is blind, but only for what is ugly: its sight is keen enough for what is beautiful. -- Ivan Panin
  • That is the one eternal education: to be sure enough that something is true that you dare to tell it to a child. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • Is it not enough to shine,To know that friends are true?That love is born of friendship,And who you are is you? -- Frederic M. Perrin
  • Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. -- James M. Barrie
  • I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true but proving them to be false. -- Lawrence M. Krauss
  • It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to be itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true. -- Patrick Rothfuss
  • Kitsch is deceptive. It has many different levels, and some of them are high enough to be dangerous to the naive seeker of true light. -- Clement Greenberg
  • Journalists say a thing that they know isn't true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true. -- Arnold Bennett
  • Creativity is not enough... the skill of the true artist is to show the real in the light of the ideal and so transfigure it. -- Roger Scruton
  • If you want something to be true badly enough, you can rewrite it that way, in your head. You can even start to believe it. -- Jodi Picoult
  • The only thing true about what you just said was the storybook damsel part - and that only because you're pretty enough to be one. -- Richelle Mead
  • For some it takes a lifetime to find true love, But for the lucky ones a lifetime is merely enough to share the love they've found. -- Judith Viorst
  • Perhaps it's true that I'm very hard on myself, but that's better than exhibiting mediocre work... too few were satisfactory enough to trouble the public with. -- Claude Monet
  • It may be true that you can't fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country. -- Will Durant
  • My biggest dream to connect people through music has come true. In a world where there are enough reasons to separate us, the Oscars have unified us. -- A. R. Rahman
  • It's often difficult for those who are lucky enough to have never experienced what true depression is to imagine a life of complete hopelessness, emptiness and fear. -- Susan Polis Schutz
  • Go to it. Be bold. Be true. Be kind. Rotate your tires. Don't drink so much. There aren't going to be enough liver transplants to go around. -- Richard Russo
  • It's enough to have faith in one aspect of God. But never get into your head that your faith alone is true and every other is false. -- Ramakrishna
  • But it is curious how you can see that an idea is absolutely true and correct and yet not believe it deeply enough to act on it. -- Lydia Davis
  • If you truly love someone, you're going to be pure because true love comes from God, and God tells us to remain pure. That's good enough for me. -- Jon Foreman
  • Hey, metaphysics seminar is on the roof. Just take the elevator up and keep walking until you hit the sidewalk. Anything is true if enough people believe it. -- David Mitchell
  • Hey, metaphysics seminar is on the roof. Just take the elevator up and keep walking until you hit the sidewalk. Anything is true if enough people believe it." -- David Mitchell
  • Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough. -- Elif Safak
  • Children are the true believers, and some of us are lucky enough to make the transition to adulthoood without ever losing the ability to see through young eyes. -- Anne Geddes
  • Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough. -- Elif Safak
  • That's how the scientists discover new science. They start out with a hypothesis--an idea--and then others believe enough in the idea that they make it true. You see? -- Esther Hicks
  • Love or perish" we are told and we tell ourselves. The phrase is true enough so long as we do not interpret it as "Mingle or be a failure. -- Phyllis McGinley
  • It's true that some of us become better writers by living long enough. But this is also how we become worse writers. The trick is to die in between. -- Don DeLillo
  • It's not enough merely to exist. Every man has to seek in his own way to make his own self more noble and to relize his own true worth. -- Albert Schweitzer
  • One of the greatest motivators is desire. If the desire is strong enough you will do whatever it takes to achieve. Just connect your actions with your true desires. -- Ralph Marston
  • It is not enough to invent new machines, new regulations, or new institutions. We must understand differently and more perfectly the true purpose of our existence on this earth. -- Vaclav Havel
  • Scientists often have a naive faith that if only they could discover enough facts about a problem, these facts would somehow arrange themselves in a compelling and true solution. -- Theodosius Dobzhansky
  • Sounis had been thinking of Ambiades. "He would have been a better man under different circumstances." Gen looked at him. "True enough," he said. "But does a good man let his circumstances determine his character? -- Megan Whalen Turner