Relieve quotes:

  • Relieve stress through hysterical screaming. -- Tim Dorsey
  • Relieve your pain.Shedding tears is good for the soul. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • People are always asking, "What's the purpose of life?" That's easy. Relieve suffering. Create beauty. Make gardens. -- Dan Barker
  • To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike. -- Horace Mann
  • There's nothing like music to relieve the soul and uplift it. -- Mickey Hart
  • Laughter can help relieve tension in even the heaviest of matters. -- Allen Klein
  • Running is a great way to relieve stress and clear the mind. -- Joan Van Ark
  • I have never known any distress that an hour's reading did not relieve. -- Baron de Montesquieu
  • The final causes, then, of compassion are to prevent and to relieve misery. -- Joseph Butler
  • Almost everybody is enthusiastic about the promise of biotechnology to cure disease and to relieve suffering. -- Leon Kass
  • True compassion means not only feeling another's pain but also being moved to help relieve it. -- Daniel Goleman
  • Art is basically made by dissatisfied people who are willing to find some means to relieve the dissatisfaction. -- John Chamberlain
  • The role of a clown and a physician are the same - it's to elevate the possible and to relieve suffering. -- Patch Adams
  • Massage therapy has been shown to relieve depression, especially in people who have chronic fatigue syndrome; other studies also suggest benefit for other populations. -- Andrew Weil
  • Among the remedies which it has pleased Almighty God to give to man to relieve his sufferings, none is so universal and so efficacious as opium. -- Thomas Sydenham
  • In the housing projects, people talked of ways to reduce crime, relieve overcrowding, and they were good ideas that we plan to study, and possibly implement. -- Jane Byrne
  • Try to help others. Consult their weaknesses, relieve their maladies; strive to raise them up, and by so doing you will most effectually raise yourself up also. -- Joseph Barber Lightfoot
  • I have not the slightest pretension to call my verses poetry; I write now and then for no other purpose than to relieve depression or to improve my English. -- Alfred Nobel
  • We already know that anonymous letters are despicable. In etiquette, as well as in law, hiring a hit man to do the job does not relieve you of responsibility. -- Judith Martin
  • People who relieve others of their money with guns are called robbers. It does not alter the immorality of the act when the income transfer is carried out by government. -- Cal Thomas
  • The good news, to relieve all this gloom, is that a democracy is inherently self-correcting. Here, the people are sovereign. Inept political leaders can be replaced. Foolish policies can be changed. Disastrous mistakes can be reversed. -- Theodore C. Sorensen
  • People are learning to feel more comfortable hearing one another's dreams. It used to be that if you told a dream in public, someone had to make a joke to relieve the tension introduced by that alternative reality. -- Henry Reed
  • What triggered a migraine for me may have no effect on someone else. For many people, coffee can relieve symptoms somewhat, but for me it was a trigger. You really have to find out what affects you individually. -- Morgan Fairchild
  • My kids say if there's any family dinner that doesn't result in somebody crying, it's not a good dinner. They cry because it helps relieve them of a guilt or some onerous emotional burden. It's like a family tradition. -- William Shatner
  • The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. -- Ulysses S. Grant
  • Perhaps one of the only positive pieces of advice that I was ever given was that supplied by an old courtier who observed: Only two rules really count. Never miss an opportunity to relieve yourself; never miss a chance to sit down and rest your feet. -- King Edward VIII
  • I take the view that anything you can do to relieve suffering or improve human health will usually be widely accepted by the public - that is to say, if cloning actually turned out to be solving some problems and was useful to people, I think it would be accepted. -- John Gurdon
  • I think health care is more about love than about most other things. If there isn't at the core of this two human beings who have agreed to be in a relationship where one is trying to help relieve the suffering of another, which is love, you can't get to the right answer here. -- Donald Berwick
  • Visit those who are sick, or who are in trouble, especially those whom God has made needy by age, or by other sickness, as the feeble, the blind, and the lame who are in poverty. These you shall relieve with your goods after your power and after their need, for thus biddeth the Gospel. -- John Wycliffe
  • I relieve rappers just like Tylenol -- Big Daddy Kane
  • Show true religion, cause words don't relieve -- Francis Chan
  • Divine is the task to relieve pain -- Hippocrates
  • Humor is a great way to relieve stress. -- Christina Maslach
  • a few italics really do relieve your feelings. -- Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • The quickest way to relieve anxiety is ACTION! -- Walter Inglis Anderson
  • And here goes Aguero, looking to relieve himself. -- Mike Ingham
  • To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always. -- Edward Livingston
  • The practice of lovingkindness can uplift us & relieve sorrow & unhappiness. -- Allan Lokos
  • Our top priority is to relieve suffering of human beings. -- Tsoknyi Rinpoche
  • Being "in love" shouldn't cause stress; it should relieve it. -- Jeanne Phillips
  • The mind can be trained to relieve itself on paper. -- Billy Collins
  • To say you have no choice is to relieve yourself of responsibility. -- Patrick Ness
  • RECREATION, n. A particular kind of dejection to relieve a general fatigue. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • When I go onstage, I want to relieve your mind, your pressures. -- Bernie Mac
  • This society is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls. -- Joseph Smith, Jr.
  • Similes prove nothing, but yet greatly lighten and relieve the tedium of argument. -- Robert South
  • I have never known any distress that an hour's reading did not relieve. -- Baron de Montesquieu
  • I relieve myself from the rigours of directing by casting the movie correctly. -- John Huston
  • One is guilty of all abjection that one does not help to relieve. -- Jose Marti
  • Affliction's sons are brothers in distress; A brother to relieve, how exquisite the bliss! -- Robert Burns
  • To heal divisions, to relieve the oppress'd, In virtue rich; in blessing others, bless'd. -- Homer
  • Empty is the argument of the philosopher which does not relieve any human suffering. -- Epicurus
  • He wished he could relieve himself of his doubts and guilts half as easily. -- George R. R. Martin
  • --
  • Farmers, get out your sense of humor. Congress meets to relieve you again next week. -- Will Rogers
  • Nothing can relieve the pain. Not crying, laughing, screaming, begging. Nothing can change the past. -- Tabitha Suzuma
  • We should try our best to relieve the suffering of others in whatever way we can. -- Mata Amritanandamayi
  • I write books to relieve ­myself of pain. That's the prime motivator to write. Period. -- Bret Easton Ellis
  • Rotation of crops and less automobiles will relieve the farmers whenever they decide to try it. -- Will Rogers
  • I early conceived a liking for, and sought every opportunity to relieve the sufferings of others. -- Rebecca Lee Crumpler
  • My true desire is to relieve others of their pain, though I myself may fall into hell. -- Bassui Tokusho
  • Let us now relieve the Romans of their fears by the death of a feeble old man. -- Hannibal
  • By compassion we make others' misery our own, and so, by relieving them, we relieve ourselves also. -- Thomas Browne
  • Compassion refers to the arising in the heart of the desire to relieve the suffering of all beings. -- Ram Dass
  • Nothing can occur beyond the strength of faith to sustain, or, transcending the resources of religion, to relieve. -- Thomas Binney
  • You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, relieve stress, and find emotional freedom -- Judith Orloff
  • His most frequent ailment was the headache which he used to relieve by inhaling the steam of coffee. -- Samuel Johnson
  • One word of God can do more than ten thousand words of men to relieve a distressed soul. -- John Flavel
  • I'm not giving away oil for free. Just using oil, first to benefit our people, to relieve poverty. -- Hugo Chavez
  • Egotism is the anesthetic given by a kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a damned fool -- Bellamy Brooks
  • The gift of water, air, soap, and time allows us to heal and relieve our psyche and soul. -- Byllye Avery
  • I'm back in the old attic again, writing to relieve my pains.Pen and Paper keeps me sane. -- CHARMAINE FORDE
  • What else is there for the rich to do, If not to relieve the poor of their misery? -- Pancho Villa
  • By speaking of our misfortunes we often relieve them. [Fr., A raconter ses maux souvent on les soulage.] -- Pierre Corneille
  • The friendliness and charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow citizens in misfortune. -- Grover Cleveland
  • Stress is the reason for crime and all other kinds of frustration. To relieve it will eliminate everything else. -- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
  • The aim of psychoanalysis is to relieve people of their neurotic unhappiness so that they can be normally unhappy. -- Sigmund Freud
  • Quotations in my work are like wayside robbers who leap out armed and relieve the stroller of his conviction. -- Walter Benjamin
  • When I sing or play music, I'm able to relieve myself of whatever it is that I'm struggling with. -- Demi Lovato
  • It looks to me like the candidates are trying to relieve the farmer of his vote, instead of his debts. -- Will Rogers
  • Compassion is a call, a demand of nature, to relieve the unhappy as hunger is a natural call for food. -- Joseph Butler
  • Compassion is a call, a demand of nature, to relieve the unhappy as hunger is a natural call for food -- Joseph Butler
  • Let's stop judging others, and relieve them of the heavy burden they are carrying on their shoulders because of us. -- Saurabh Sharma
  • The venerable dead are waiting in my library to entertain me and relieve me from the nonsense of surviving mortals. -- Samuel Davies
  • Putting a little time aside for clean fun and good humor is very necessary to relieve the tensions of our time. -- Hattie McDaniel
  • Laughter can relieve tension, soothe the pain of disappointment, and strengthen the spirit for the formidable tasks that always lie ahead. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • The providence of God does not relieve us of our human responsibility: it doesn't call for inactivity, it calls for activity. -- Alistair Begg
  • If We allow Slaves, we act against the very Principles by which we associated together, which was to relieve the distressed. -- James Oglethorpe
  • I don't want to have so much humor [in films] that it undermines the jeopardy, but enough to sometime relieve tension. -- David Twohy
  • Some tribes of birds will relieve and rear up the young and helpless, of their own and other tribes, when abandoned. -- William Bartram
  • There is a natural law, a Divine law, that obliges you and me to relieve the suffering, the distressed and the destitute. -- Conrad Hilton
  • Levity is the lubricant of a crisis. We resort to jokes, pranks and good natured kidding to relieve tension, stress and boredom. -- Wally Schirra
  • Comedy is a necessity to get through life with the fewest scars. Humor is the best antidote to help relieve all struggles. -- Suzy Kassem
  • Sometimes, to relieve stress, he would soak his feet in the toilet, a practice that was not as soothing for his collegues. -- Walter Isaacson
  • Spending one's last moments prostrated before the toilet is the supreme act of repentance. It allows one to relieve a heavy inner burden." -- Bauvard
  • Compassion is ethical intelligence: it is the capacity to make connections and the consequent urge to act to relieve the suffering of others. -- Will Tuttle
  • Living in a society, instead of on a desert island, does not relieve a man of the responsibility of supporting his own life. -- Ayn Rand
  • The task of resisting our own oppression does not relieve us of the responsibility of acknowledging our complicity in the oppression of others. -- Beverly Daniel Tatum
  • Therapy is not to 'talk about' things, but to change the person's life, and to relieve suffering, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems. -- David D. Burns
  • We may have uneasy feelings for seeing a creature in distress without pity; for we have not pity unless we wish to relieve them. -- Samuel Johnson
  • I am certain that a Sewing Machine would relieve as much human suffering as a hundred Lunatic Asylums, and possibly a good deal more. -- Margaret Atwood
  • I realized that making music can help me to convey my feelings, and if it can relieve me, maybe it can help someone else? -- Marilou
  • Jesus who cannot suffer long to keep you in affliction will come to relieve and comfort you by infusing fresh courage into your soul. -- Pio of Pietrelcina
  • Everything said, you couldn't hope for a nicer day to have a half dozen ex-soldiers with hunting bows relieve you of everything you owned. -- Patrick Rothfuss
  • Wit never appears to greater advantage than when it is successfully exerted to relieve from a dilemma, palliate a deficiency, or cover a retreat. -- Christian Nestell Bovee
  • Our lives are full of stress. Some meditate, some walk, some sing and dance. Nature offers us garlic, maitake and hibiscus to relieve stress -- Gunter Pauli
  • Conceited men often seem a harmless kind of men, who, by an overweening self-respect, relieve others from the duty of respecting them at all. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • Therapy is not to 'talk about' things, but to change the person's life, and to relieve suffering, such as depression, anxiety, or relationship problems. -- David D. Burns
  • I am committed to cultivating loving speech and deep listening in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering. -- Nhat Hanh
  • This session of Congress is also to relieve the farmer again, relieve him of any encouragement that he might have received during the last one. -- Will Rogers
  • You know some religious scholars believe that when faced with overwhelming temptation you should commit a small sin just to relieve the pressure a bit. -- Bree Despain
  • Tis unpleasant to meet a beggar. It is painful to deny him; and, if you relieve him, it is so much out of your pocket. -- Charles Lamb
  • I'm not a politician. I only want to help relieve the suffering in communities, and I want to help people see their community in each other. -- Russell Simmons
  • He leaned close to whisper in her ear, "Is there any other tension I can relieve for you, cher? I am willing and most certainly able. -- Nancy Gideon
  • Attachment has to do with suffering, so it's really close to Buddhism, because Buddhism wants to relieve you from suffering; you're supposed to escape from suffering. -- Gerald Stern
  • Serious poetry deals with the fundamental conflicts that cannot be logically resolved: we can state the conflicts rationally, but reason does not relieve us of them. -- Allen Tate
  • A lot of things run through your head when you're going in to relieve in a tight spot. One of them was, "Should I spike myself?" -- Lefty Gomez
  • Most diseases are the result of medication which has been prescribed to relieve and take away a beneficent and warning symptom on the part of Nature. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • He plants his feet stubbornly, adopting what he must think is an heroic post. He's just begging for a pigeon to fly by and relieve itself. -- Libba Bray
  • While there are many influences on gas prices in America, I believe the passage of a national energy bill will help relieve this burden on our country. -- Paul Gillmor