Pretty Good quotes:

  • You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in. -- Dr. Seuss
  • Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all. -- Johnny Depp
  • If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. -- Edith Wharton
  • What I've realized over the years is that I have some pretty good friends. -- Anthony Kiedis
  • I was a pretty good fighter. But it was the writers who made me great. -- Jack Dempsey
  • Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too. -- Yogi Berra
  • I think it's a pretty good day if I can get through it without lifting a finger. -- Jane Kaczmarek
  • I'm a pretty good winner. I'm a terrible loser. And I rub it in pretty good when I win. -- Tom Brady
  • Volleyball, I could be pretty good. After a few practices I could be that striker, or whatever they call it. -- LeBron James
  • The Senate is a place filled with goodwill and good intentions, and if the road to hell is paved with them, then it's a pretty good detour. -- Hubert H. Humphrey
  • I'm very comfortable with how I look. I always have been. I think I look pretty good. There's nothing I want to change. I'm pretty happy with what I've got. -- Avril Lavigne
  • Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day. -- Emo Philips
  • We were pretty good mates until the Beatles started to split up and Yoko came into it. It was more like old army buddies splitting up on account of wedding bells. -- Paul McCartney
  • A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life. -- Hugh Sidey
  • I went through a lot in my life that scarred me pretty good. I built a wall around myself to the point where nobody knew what was really going on inside of me, including myself. -- Jake Roberts
  • I'm quite bullish. We're coming up on year 15 of a flat stock market. Historically that's a pretty good sign. So I'm not a hedge-fund manager but if I was I think I'd be feeling pretty good. -- Marc Andreessen
  • I had a stick of CareFree gum, but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble, but as soon as the gum lost its flavor, I was back to pondering my mortality. -- Mitch Hedberg
  • I treat myself pretty good. I take lots of vacations, I eat well, I take supplements, I do mercury detox, I get plenty of sleep, I drink plenty of water and I stay away from drama and stress. -- Reba McEntire
  • I've been pretty good at reading people. If you rockin' with me cause you're just a solid individual, then we're rockin'. But if you got a motive or something, I am going to probably see right through that. -- Marshawn Lynch
  • I think the greatest hip-hop artist of all time is Jay-Z, without a doubt. He just keeps amazing me with his performance, and since '96, that guy has been producing at least one hit every summer and every winter. That's a pretty good resume. -- John Cena
  • As far as the Animals breaking up - it was my fault. I wanted out. We took it to the max, as far as we could take it. Our reunion tour in 1983 went pretty good until we left America. Then we pushed it too hard and it fell apart. -- Eric Burdon
  • The story was such that I couldn't make a graceful ending and then make a graceful new beginning. I could have, but I didn't want to. So, it isn't the most graceful way of writing a story. This new story is, I think, is pretty good stuff. I'm pleased with it anyway. -- Jack Vance
  • When you finish a series like 'Ugly Betty,' there are so many voices around you telling you what you should be doing next and what would be good for your future, sometimes you can't hear yourself. I've gotten pretty good at tuning everyone else out. Now it's just me; what pleases me creatively. -- America Ferrera
  • For bipolar in adults, I think there's pretty good agreement about what this looks like. For bipolar in children, there is some considerable debate about where are the boundaries. At the mild end, are these just kids who are active? Is this the class clown at the very severe - is this something other than a mood disorder? -- Thomas R. Insel
  • I wasn't in school often enough to really belong to a 'clique,' but my friends all studied hard and got pretty good grades. They were good people with self-respect. I still like to be friends with people I admire something about; I really believe that we become like the people we're surrounded by, so I choose my friends carefully! -- Danica McKellar
  • I have always despised people who thought they were better than others, and I made a promise to myself that I'd never turn into that kind of person. My family also helps to keep me grounded. Whenever I get a 'diva moment,' as they like to call it, they let me know it and say, 'Stop acting like a diva!' They're pretty good at it, too. -- Jackie Evancho
  • I'm pretty good with languages. -- Marisol Nichols
  • Chicago is a pretty good town. -- Joe Torre
  • I'm a pretty good chess player. -- Joel Kinnaman
  • Gyrating J.R., pretty darn good! -- Jerry Lawler
  • Pretty good. Pretttttttty, pretttttttttty, pretttttty good. -- Larry David
  • Our chances are always pretty good -- Joe Flacco
  • For my second match it's pretty good. -- Anastasia Myskina
  • I'm actually a pretty good tennis player! -- Randy Jackson
  • I'm lucky. I've got pretty good genes. -- Kate Walsh
  • Fred Armisen does a pretty good me. -- Bill Hader
  • I know I have pretty good instincts. -- Ashley Tisdale
  • Im a pretty good judge of character. -- Ed Weeks
  • Mother Nature is a pretty good bioterrorist. -- Jonathan Tucker
  • I make pink look pretty damn good. -- Dolph Ziggler
  • I'm pretty good for an old geek. -- Peter Capaldi
  • Keep low expectations and life gets pretty good. -- Anthony Hopkins
  • I have a pretty good understanding of animals. -- Eric Stonestreet
  • My track record is pretty good on predictions. -- Ann Coulter
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  • I was always pretty good at designing things. -- Yves Rossy
  • I think I am a pretty good sister. -- Miley Cyrus
  • The global economy is in pretty good shape. -- John W. Snow
  • I've got a pretty good appetite right now. -- Tracey Gold
  • I think I'd make a pretty good girlfriend. -- Vanessa Hudgens
  • It was a pretty good year for predators. -- Don Henley
  • It was pretty good. Even the music was nice. -- Yogi Berra
  • Getting to play superheros is a pretty good job. -- Shawn Ashmore
  • Like with anything, good writing suggest itself pretty strongly. -- Martin Freeman
  • Clinton was a pretty good president for a Republican. -- Michael Moore
  • I reckon domesticated cats have a pretty good life. -- Ben Whishaw
  • My life is okay, my life is pretty good. -- Shia LaBeouf
  • Ten years is a pretty good run for anything. -- Babatunde Adebimpe
  • I've run my mouth pretty good about my beliefs. -- Stephen Baldwin
  • I'm supposed to be a pretty good theater actor. -- John Malkovich
  • I do a pretty good job at casting actually. -- Ridley Scott
  • Yes, I've had some pretty good luck finding wonderful talent. -- Gene Krupa
  • Dysfunctional families have sired a number of pretty good actors. -- Gene Hackman
  • A pretty girl is certainly comparable to a good horse. -- William Shatner
  • I think Ive got a pretty good sense of humor. -- PJ Harvey
  • I always had a pretty good knack for raising hell -- Brandon Lee
  • Look, even bad years are pretty good years I think. -- Robert Downey, Jr.
  • I always had a pretty good knack for raising hell. -- Brandon Lee
  • Thanks to Bart Simpson, I have a pretty good life. -- Sam Simon
  • I rowed for Cambridge. I was pretty good at that. -- Hugh Laurie
  • As a kid, I was a pretty good little sprinter. -- Mary Lou Retton
  • I have a pretty good record of winning in court. -- Jan Brewer
  • Being single is pretty good. It's a nice sense of irresponsibility. -- Michael Douglas
  • Bachelor's degrees make pretty good placemats if you get 'em laminated. -- Jeph Jacques
  • Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good. -- Johnny Miller
  • I'm pretty much good at heroic narratives and making people laugh. -- Joss Whedon
  • I definitely run up right, and I've got pretty good speed. -- Adrian Peterson
  • My body's feeling sore, but my soul is feeling pretty good. -- Seth Rollins
  • I think there's a good pop song in pretty much anything. -- Kesha
  • I should remember more, and I have a pretty good memory. -- Cesar Romero
  • I like to think I'm pretty good at what I do. -- John Carmack
  • They smell good. They look pretty. I love women. I do. -- Tom Cruise
  • I don't want to brag, but I'm a pretty good driver. -- Piper Perabo
  • Mozart didn't have Pro Tools, but he did a pretty good job. -- Kate Bush
  • I am basically a pretty good autodidact. I can teach myself things. -- Dean Koontz
  • When I'm aggressive and physically feel pretty good, I'm hard to stop. -- Pau Gasol
  • The Da Vinci Code' was pretty awful. A good idea disappointingly handled. -- Ruth Rendell
  • You understand what good directing is, you can identify it pretty easily. -- Scott Eastwood
  • Look what we've done so far. We're pretty good at the impossible. -- Richelle Mead
  • I think my husband did a pretty good job in the 1990s. -- Hillary Clinton
  • I like writing my own material - Im pretty good at it. -- Jackee Harry
  • I usually have pretty good intuition on projects that I work on. -- Joel Kinnaman
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  • I've always been pretty good at remembering the details about certain things. -- Chris Jericho
  • Goldstein, you'd be a pretty good boy if you wasn't so chicken. -- Norman Mailer
  • But magic is like pizza: even when it's bad, it's pretty good. -- Neil Patrick Harris
  • In college I castrated 21 rats, and I got pretty good at it. -- Lisa Kudrow
  • I don't know about you, but rattlesnake sounds pretty damn good right now. -- Joe Teti
  • But I'm pretty good with collaborative thinking. I work well with other people. -- David Bowie
  • If anyone thinks my show was 'pretty good,' then I've completely failed. -- Jay Mohr
  • The Chinese are good at repression and can be pretty ruthless about it. -- Salman Rushdie
  • Worrying about things beyond your control is a pretty good formula for illness. -- Robin Sharma
  • Tommy (Thompson) is a good listener, and he's a pretty good actor, too. -- George W. Bush
  • I was a pretty good coach and working with marketing was like coaching. -- Bernard Ebbers
  • My wife cooks. I can't cook. I can remix leftovers pretty good, though. -- Big Boi
  • Pretty really comes from inner confidence; it's when you feel good about yourself. -- Jay Manuel
  • I read pretty voraciously. If it's good, I don't care what it is. -- Richard Russo
  • If I manage to get seven hours' sleep, I'm a pretty good parent. -- Ed Stoppard
  • I put Catholic guilt to work pretty good for a rich rock star. -- Bono
  • I'm a pretty bad liar, and I'm not very good at keeping secrets. -- Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • Judd Apatow is pretty good, both as a producer and as a director. -- Mel Brooks
  • I know my serve stinks, but I was a pretty good tennis player. -- George H. W. Bush
  • Sometimes I regret not being Catholic. I think I'd make a pretty good saint. -- Zach Braff
  • She seems to be having a pretty good time despite her worrying. That's Lily. -- Dashiell Hammett
  • My parents are pretty good about keeping me humble. They brought me up good. -- Taylor Lautner
  • Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity? -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • I've had the pretty good fortune of working with some decent guys and gals. -- Ryan Reynolds
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  • Prayer and hard work are a pretty good one-two punch to get things done. -- Rick Santorum
  • Me, I'm good at nothing but walking on the set with a pretty dress. -- Sandra Dee