Pretty quotes:

  • Pretty please. With sugar. -- Jim Butcher
  • Pretty is never beautiful. -- Tori Amos
  • Pretty girls have problems too. -- Chris Rock
  • Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. -- Maya Angelou
  • Pretty women and rich men are rarely wrong. -- Minna Antrim
  • Pretty and demented at the same time, like me. -- Billie Joe Armstrong
  • Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping. -- Oscar Wilde
  • I still live. Pretty. -- Daniel Webster
  • Pretty girls make graves -- Jack Kerouac
  • Pretty girls don't have ugly mouths. -- Karen Marie Moning
  • I'm a one-woman man. Pretty much. -- Robert Cray
  • Pretty is smarter than you think -- Kristen Taekman
  • I played saxophone and trumpet. Pretty nerdy. -- Kesha
  • One of my favorite films is 'Pretty Woman. -- Taye Diggs
  • Pretty much everything about you gets me hot. -- Jayne Ann Krentz
  • One of my favorite films is 'Pretty Woman.' -- Taye Diggs
  • Pretty words, as pretty women, wrinkle up and die. -- Charles Bukowski
  • Pretty much any drug you can name, I've done it. -- Johnny Depp
  • A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money. -- Everett Dirksen
  • Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good. -- Woody Allen
  • Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. -- Albert Einstein
  • It's pretty far, but it doesn't seem like it. -- Yogi Berra
  • You're in pretty good shape for the shape you are in. -- Dr. Seuss
  • Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too. -- Yogi Berra
  • I was not a good-lookin' girl. I was extremely skinny. I wasn't pretty. I wasn't cool. -- Celine Dion
  • One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothin' can beat teamwork. -- Edward Abbey
  • I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face. -- Dana Carvey
  • The trouble with organizing a thing is that pretty soon folks get to paying more attention to the organization than to what they're organized for. -- Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • I was losing interest in politics, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused me again. What I have done since then is pretty well known. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • People are taken aback by a confident, pretty girl who knows what she wants in life and isn't going to let anyone get in her way. And you know what it's all about? Jealousy. -- Summer Altice
  • Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock. -- Kurt Cobain
  • People can try to reinvent themselves. I don't think you can really change who you are, though, because who you are is pretty much where you came from and what you've done up to now. -- Eminem
  • With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying. -- Wilt Chamberlain
  • Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. -- Bruce Lee
  • The Bible and several other self help or enlightenment books cite the Seven Deadly Sins. They are: pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath, sloth, and gluttony. That pretty much covers everything that we do, that is sinful... or fun for that matter. -- Dave Mustaine
  • It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small. -- Neil Armstrong
  • Because, you know, resilience - if you think of it in terms of the Gold Rush, then you'd be pretty depressed right now because the last nugget of gold would be gone. But the good thing is, with innovation, there isn't a last nugget. Every new thing creates two new questions and two new opportunities. -- Jeff Bezos
  • One day I decided that I was beautiful, and so I carried out my life as if I was a beautiful girl. I wear colors that I really like, I wear makeup that makes me feel pretty, and it really helps. It doesn't have anything to do with how the world perceives you. What matters is what you see. -- Gabourey Sidibe
  • I look at my father. He is one of my heroes. He is such an incredible, classy man. He was such a great father and such a great husband in so many ways, and we lived through some pretty tough times losing my mom. When I see all that he did, I think, 'Wow, that's a really wonderful man.' -- Emmanuelle Chriqui
  • As a surgeon you have to have a controlled arrogance. If it's uncontrolled, you kill people, but you have to be pretty arrogant to saw through a person's chest, take out their heart and believe you can fix it. Then, when you succeed and the patient survives, you pray, because it's only by the grace of God that you get there. -- Mehmet Oz
  • It is clear I was never the Pretty Girl. I had my two front teeth knocked out when I was 10 and didn't fix them until I was 19. I have a crooked smile and a nose that looks like it's been broken 12 times but never has been. My nose was always red, so people called me Rudolph. My whole face is off-center. -- Ellen Barkin
  • Did you ever spell a word so bad that your spell check has absolutely no clue what you're trying to spell? What do you end up getting, you end up getting, like, a question mark. You got a million dollars of technology just looking back at you like, 'You got me, buddy. Which is pretty amazing because I have all the words.' -- Bill Burr
  • I'm pretty neurotic. -- Paul Wesley
  • I'm pretty outspoken. -- Miley Cyrus
  • I'm pretty confident. -- Libby Trickett
  • America is pretty split. -- Jolene Ivey
  • I've been pretty fortunate. -- Brett Favre
  • I am pretty self-indulgent. -- Francesca Annis
  • Archers are pretty focused. -- Geena Davis
  • We're all pretty individualistic. -- Stewart Udall
  • No one eats pretty. -- Lauren Conrad
  • I'm pretty normal looking. -- Virginie LeDoyen
  • I'm pretty boring really. -- Brett Favre
  • People are pretty strange. -- Norman Reedus
  • Kids are pretty brutal. -- Jesse McCartney
  • Home is pretty utopian. -- Scott Adams
  • Don't waste the pretty -- Greg Behrendt
  • Comedy is not pretty. -- Steve Martin
  • Beauty is not pretty. -- Erwin Blumenfeld
  • I guess I'm pretty emotional. -- Stephen Chbosky
  • Decoupage hit Mooreland pretty hard... -- Haven Kimmel
  • I'm a pretty emotional person. -- Katey Sagal
  • Humanity can be pretty stinky. -- Barbara Brown Taylor
  • I'm pretty good with languages. -- Marisol Nichols
  • Angels are just pretty insects. -- Christopher Moore
  • I've always been pretty nomadic. -- Minnie Driver
  • Im a pretty organised traveller. -- Penny Lancaster
  • Ive always been pretty energetic. -- David Schwimmer
  • Sex pretty much cures everything. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • 'Sugarland Express' was pretty amazing. -- Janusz Kaminski
  • I've always been pretty athletic. -- Drew Roy
  • Pictures can be pretty deceptive. -- Gayle Forman
  • I'm gay. It's pretty unfortunate. -- Louis Tomlinson
  • I'm a pretty serious Independent. -- Tommy Franks
  • My body feels pretty unbelievable. -- Bryce Harper
  • I'm a pretty psycho-obsessed shrink. -- Robert Englund
  • Deep down, I'm pretty superficial. -- Ava Gardner
  • Batista does look pretty mad. -- Triple H
  • Wit doesn't make girls pretty. -- Jeanne Calment
  • I'm a pretty basic surfer. -- Jeff Bridges
  • I'm a pretty open book. -- Emily VanCamp
  • My head is pretty small. -- Torrey Smith
  • The truth is never pretty. -- Gerard Butler
  • My life was pretty rough. -- Yoko Ono
  • I hate being too pretty. -- Rachel Bilson
  • Death is never very pretty. -- Maj Sjowall
  • I keep things pretty simple. -- Chris Isaak
  • Girls are soft and pretty. -- Adam Sandler
  • It's pretty amazing being me. -- Matthew Morrison
  • I'm pretty as a girl. -- Muhammad Ali
  • I'm a pretty loyal person. -- Alec Baldwin
  • I'm a pretty quiet person. -- Mayim Bialik
  • I have a pretty easy life. -- Josh Hartnett
  • I manage to live pretty normally. -- Nicholas Hoult
  • My gast was pretty well flabbered. -- Jim Butcher
  • I like to get real pretty. -- Adam Lambert
  • Ultimately, it's a pretty confusing moment. -- Skeet Ulrich
  • I'm a pretty big news junkie. -- Eddie Trunk
  • I like starting. It's pretty cool. -- Al Leiter
  • I was a pretty difficult teenager. -- Dan Stevens
  • My parents are pretty cool people. -- Dominic Monaghan
  • I'm pretty much an open book. -- Lee Greenwood
  • Our chances are always pretty good -- Joe Flacco
  • I'm pretty much game for anything. -- Leslie Mann
  • I think Girls is pretty brilliant. -- Zoe Lister-Jones
  • Every pretty girl is a heartbreaker -- Sara Shepard
  • Generally, I'm a pretty mellow guy. -- Shaun White
  • Paris Hilton's house was pretty exciting. -- Israel Broussard
  • We're all pretty ordinary on paper. -- Michael Bergin
  • I'm actually a pretty clean-cut person. -- Andie MacDowell
  • Capitalism is a pretty brutal place. -- Charlie Munger
  • I'm generally a pretty friendly person. -- Rashida Jones
  • I adore pretty things & witty words. -- Kate Spade
  • I am pretty bow-legged. It's annoying. -- Shaun White
  • I'm still pretty terrified of heights. -- Jamie Bell
  • The truth is, I'm pretty lighthearted. -- Matt Berninger
  • You know, Southerners are pretty cool. -- Fred Schneider
  • I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. -- Marilyn Monroe
  • I'm the oldest pretty face around. -- Lauren Hutton
  • Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff. -- Harvey Pekar