Honeymoon quotes:

  • Honeymoon lasts not nowadays above a fortnight. -- Samuel Richardson
  • Conversation like television set on honeymoon... unnecessary. -- Peter Sellers
  • From my subjective position, there was no honeymoon. -- John Hickenlooper
  • It was just that we had this phenomenal honeymoon relationship that just kept on going. -- James Levine
  • I'll be on my third honeymoon, so I'm more of an authority than I care to be. -- Alan Thicke
  • My clothes are great for a honeymoon: They're light and sexy, colorful and pretty, and not expensive. -- Diane von Furstenberg
  • Go to a place where you're not going to be stressed, because a honeymoon itself can be a stressful thing. -- Diane von Furstenberg
  • Especially during the first nine months, there was so much going on with trying to hire 55 people to run the city, it was hard to imagine any honeymoon. -- John Hickenlooper
  • My fiancee and I recently eloped. We went on a fabulous honeymoon to Europe, and I was able to see and do everything I wanted without worrying about taking it easy. -- Lee Majors
  • I love England though; I've been back a few times and just love it. My favorite thing to do there is going to museums and all the castles. Oh, and my husband and I went mountain biking across England on our honeymoon! -- Catherine Bell
  • Honeymoon's overtime to get married. -- Julius J. Epstein
  • Honeymoon: A short period of doting between dating and debting. -- Mike Binder
  • Actually, if you ask my really close friends, they would say that 'Honeymoon' is more me than anything else I've written. -- Jason Robert Brown
  • The nice thing about 'Honeymoon in Vegas' is we're not talking about some crazy smash hit where everyone is coming and comparing my performance to Nicholas Cage. -- Rob McClure
  • In 'Honeymoon in Vegas,' after Nicolas Cage tells his fiancee that he's given her away to pay for his gambling debts, she gets into a tizzy as if she were a 6-year-old. I couldn't believe it. -- Allison Anders
  • Aside from doing publicity for this film [The Longest Yard], I have Auto Maniac coming on the History Channel and since I got married recently, we are going to get to that Honeymoon we had to put off. -- Bill Goldberg
  • My humor is - was quite different. Mine was "Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother" and "The World's Greatest Lover" and "Haunted Honeymoon," "The Woman In Red," things - "See No Evil, Hear No Evil." But his was much broader, and I think much funnier, too. -- Gene Wilder
  • Clinton had absolutely zero honeymoon, none whatsoever. -- Dee Dee Myers
  • The honeymoon phase always ends, for everyone. -- Rose Leslie
  • Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase. -- Katie Holmes
  • I finally had a honeymoon with my husband in Italy. -- Cate Blanchett
  • My honeymoon night was spent on the floor in the bathroom with my mother. -- Ronnie Spector
  • A husband may forget where he went on his honeymoon, but he never forgets why. -- Evan Esar
  • The honeymoon is the only period when a woman isn't trying to reform her husband. -- Evan Esar
  • U.S.-Israel relations are often depicted as an extended honeymoon, but that's a false image. -- Elliott Abrams
  • The honeymoon is not actually over until we cease to stifle our sighs and begin to stifle our yawns. -- Helen Rowland
  • I dragged my wife from our honeymoon in Africa and landed her in Ontario, Canada, when it was -40 degrees, -- Ryan Reynolds
  • I have a fantastic husband. Here's the honeymoon part: I still think he's the funniest, wittiest, most clever man I've ever known. -- Sarah Jessica Parker
  • Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • I've been married three times, but I'll never forget my first trip as a young man, on my honeymoon, with my new wife. -- Joe Pesci
  • Women have to be careful to not wear out their husbands on their honeymoons, or they get so weak that they can't go to work! -- Victor Villasenor
  • Accepting a government grant with its accompanying rules is like marrying a girl and finding out her entire family is moving in with you before the honeymoon. -- Ronald Reagan
  • A pig's trotter is a fantastic thing. The first night of my honeymoon in Paris, my wife fell asleep in her steak tartare, so my trotter kept me company. -- Fergus Henderson
  • A love affair should always be a honeymoon. And the only way to make sure of that is to keep changing the man; for the same man can never keep it up. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • If I can give you one strong piece of advice, when you go away for that romantic weekend, whatever you do, do not accept or take the upgrade to the honeymoon suite. -- Gordon Ramsay
  • That honeymoon phase is so much fun in real life, when you meet and discover somebody new and fall in love and chase them. The pursuit. And that climactic final moment of ultimate togetherness. -- Lucas Neff
  • Travel magazines are just one cupcake after another. They're not about travel. The travel magazine is, in fact, about the opposite of travel. It's about having a nice time on a honeymoon, or whatever. -- Paul Theroux
  • I don't remember a drama on TV that had shown a couple could be married but still love each other very much, spend every day as if they were still on their honeymoon, be sensuous, and have fun together. -- Aaron Spelling
  • No man will ever bring out of that office the reputation which carries him into it. The honeymoon would be as short in that case as in any other, and its moments of ecstasy would be ransomed by years of torment and hatred. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • My wife Juliana and I first saw Eurovision while on our honeymoon in Greece in 2006, and we were amazed by it. They basically recreate a music video onstage, and pyro cannons, LED video screens, background dancers, fireworks, costume changes, and wind machines are their tools. -- Seamus Dever
  • I always dreamt that I would marry in the Piazza Del Campo in Siena and go on my honeymoon down the Amazon, up the Nile, on a gallop through the pyramids, to Nepal and Kerala, on a safari and finally to Lake Titicaca in Peru. -- Jasmine Guinness
  • My wife is very patient. On our honeymoon in 1992, we got a motor home and drove from L.A. to Idaho and then down the coast. I was running a lot, then so she would drop me off, drive six miles, park and wait for me. -- Sean Astin
  • Elaine and I got married in summer 1979, we went on our honeymoon and came back for the premiere of 'Scum.' All of sudden my face was on billboards in Leicester Square and people were crowding outside the cinema, going mad about the film. It was a complete shock. -- Ray Winstone
  • My wife and I were on our honeymoon in Turks and Caicos, in the middle of nowhere, and I'm sitting on this deserted beach, and I see one lone person walking along the shore. He walks right up to me and says, 'I love 'Laser Cats,' and then just walks away. -- Bill Hader
  • My first real foreign holiday was my honeymoon 20 years ago, and we went to Bali. It was particularly special for that reason, I enjoyed it very much - I had packed music scores and a practice drum pad, suspecting that I would be completely bored, but actually they remained in my case. -- Evelyn Glennie
  • It was in 1942 and I flew from St. Louis to Mexico City. I had just gotten married and we were on our honeymoon. I hit .397 and led the Mexican League with 20 home runs and was named the MVP of the league. It's when I realized I could compete with anyone at any level. -- Monte Irvin
  • How it is I know not; but there is no place like a bed for confidential disclosures between friends. Man and wife, they say, there open the very bottom of their souls to each other; and some old couples often lie and chat over old times till nearly morning. Thus, then, in our hearts' honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg - a cosy, loving pair. -- Herman Melville
  • It can't always be a honeymoon -- Tony Parsons
  • Marriage is the dark side of the honeymoon -- Marilyn Monroe
  • Would Colonel [Bernie] Sanders honeymoon in the Soviet Union? -- Joe Biden
  • I love San Francisco. It would be a perfect place for a honeymoon. -- Kim Novak
  • It is not lost on me that I'm spending my honeymoon at Comic Con. -- George Clooney
  • Never carry the baggage of your past relationships on the honeymoon of your future relationships. -- Faraaz Kazi
  • I know this is our honeymoon. But just sometimes, I wish Luke was a girl. -- Sophie Kinsella
  • I'm not afraid of death, I'm just not sure there is life after the honeymoon. -- Jarod Kintz
  • Niagara ... is the first disappointment in the married life of many Americans who spend their honeymoon there. -- Oscar Wilde
  • We get an apartment together, and after a whirlwind courtship you marry my sister and honeymoon in Vegas. -- Eoin Colfer
  • [O]ur honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine. -- Charlotte Bronte
  • You might be a redneck if you saved lots of money on your honeymoon by going deer hunting. -- Jeff Foxworthy
  • I found out I was pregnant seven days after my wedding. I was on honeymoon with my family. -- Bryce Dallas Howard
  • Sonny Von Bulow, who said to her husband Claus on their honeymoon, Stop needling me. Never got a dinner! -- Red Buttons
  • I don't think Hillary Clinton will get any sort of political honeymoon like George W Bush or Barack Obama enjoyed. -- Christopher Michael Cillizza
  • People always go to Paris for their honeymoon. It's like they think because the distances are closer, it's much warmer. -- Louis Garrel
  • Guess the honeymoon is over!" Denise muttered once we are outside. "Next I suppose I'll be sleeping in the wet spot.. -- Jeaniene Frost
  • After winning Ascot's Queen Alexandra Stakes on Brown Jack- If you'd been on your honeymoon, you couldn't have had a happier time. -- Steve Donoghue
  • I read them (articles TR wrote on his honeymoon) all over to Edith and her corrections and help were most valuable to me. -- Doris Kearns Goodwin
  • Don't expect to drop into matrimonial harmony with the end of the honeymoon; you have not thoroughly learned to know each other's foibles by that time. -- Blanche Ebbutt
  • Romantic love has its place but to define relationship solely in romantic terms is like describing marriage only by what a couple does on their honeymoon. -- Dermot Davis
  • You Americans, you treat the Third World in the way an Iraqi peasant treats his new bride. Three days of honeymoon, and then it's off to the fields -- Saddam Hussein
  • Next to hot chicken soup, a tattoo of an anchor on your chest, and penicillin, I consider a honeymoon one of the most overrated events in the world. -- Erma Bombeck
  • I do want an expensive honeymoon. Not because I'm extravagant, but because a honeymoon is a solemn, important thing ... a symbol. And it ought to be done -- well, adequately. -- Arnold Bennett
  • The second Mrs. Helstone, inversing the natural order of insect existence, would have fluttered through the honeymoon a bright, admired butterfly, and crawled the rest of her days a sordid trampled worm. -- Charlotte Bronte
  • The wonder is not that some married people are less happy than they hoped to be, but that any married people, out of the honeymoon, or even in it, are ever happy at all. -- Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
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  • Whatever they announce, they announce. They're in their honeymoon period, and anything they announce gets hype ... They will obviously branch out beyond Internet search, but I think the expectations won't live up to reality. -- Bill Gates