Engineer quotes:

  • Software Engineering might be science; but that's not what I do. I'm a hacker, not an engineer. -- Jamie Zawinski
  • Engineering stimulates the mind. Kids get bored easily. They have got to get out and get their hands dirty: make things, dismantle things, fix things. When the schools can offer that, you'll have an engineer for life. -- Bruce Dickinson
  • I am a Quantum Engineer, but on Sundays I Have Principles. -- John Stewart Bell
  • An Engineer is no match for a Historian with his dander up! -- Philip Reeve
  • The Engineer Corps is charged with all construction, including light railways and roads. -- Kelly Miller
  • God is the Great Engineer, creating circumstances to bring about moments in our lives of divine importance, leading us to divine appointments -- Oswald Chambers
  • George Washington was quite a farmer. He was a farmer, Civil Engineer and gentleman. He made enough at civil engineering to indulge in both the other luxuries. -- Will Rogers
  • I became a welder. I was actually becoming an Engineer and I joined the wrong queue. And so I became a welder, without knowing what a welder was. -- Billy Connolly
  • Science is the study of what Is, Engineering builds what Will Be. The scientist merely explores that which exists, while the engineer creates what has never existed before. -- Theodore von Karman
  • Our future may look fearfully intimidating, yet we can look up to the Engineer of the Universe, confident that nothing escapes His attention or slips out of the control of those strong hands. -- Elisabeth Elliot
  • The "hillbilly" girls were generating more enriched Tubealloy per run than the PhDs had...The District Engineer understood perfectly. Those girls...had been trained like soldiers. Do what you're told. Don't ask why. -- Denise Kiernan
  • To Monsieur Eiffel the Engineer, the brave builder of so gigantic and original a specimen of modern Engineering from one who has the greatest respect and admiration for all Engineers including the Great Engineer the Bon Dieu. -- Thomas A. Edison
  • The Engineer is one who, in the world of physics and applied sciences, begets new things, or adapts old things to new and better uses; above all, one who, in that field, attains new results in the best way and at lowest cost. -- Henry R. Towne
  • I am what prevents the Accelerator from being a bomb.""Except you didn't," said Gracious. "Because you weren't around.""I got bored.""You're a machine.""Machines can become bored, too."Gracious looked suddenly concerned. "My toaster is bored?""Perhaps, " said the Engineer. "I do not know many toasters. -- Derek Landy
  • As you may know, I am a mechanical engineer. -- Bill Nye
  • The writer is the engineer of the human soul. -- Joseph Stalin
  • I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer. -- Neil Armstrong
  • As an engineer I'm constantly spotting problems and plotting how to solve them. -- James Dyson
  • To an engineer, good enough means perfect. With an artist, there's no such thing as perfect. -- Alexander Calder
  • If vampires were a separate species, and they were into genetic engineering, what would they engineer for? -- Octavia E. Butler
  • A good engineer thinks in reverse and asks himself about the stylistic consequences of the components and systems he proposes. -- Helmut Jahn
  • I am an engineer, but what I find important and necessary is that you just learn things as you go along. -- Terrence Howard
  • The study of celestial phenomena at radio wavelengths, radio astronomy came into being after the accidental discovery of cosmic radiation by radio engineer Karl Jansky in 1933. -- Honor Harger
  • You have teenagers thinking they're going to make millions as NBA stars when that's not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is. -- Dean Kamen
  • When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer. -- Corrie Ten Boom
  • The Biblical world view sees Earth and its ecosystems as the effect of a wise God's creation and... therefore robust, resilient, and self-regulating, like the product of any good engineer. -- Christopher Monckton
  • Pictures, abstract symbols, materials, and colors are among the ingredients with which a designer or engineer works. To design is to discover relationships and to make arrangements and rearrangements among these ingredients. -- Paul Rand
  • My background educationally is physics and economics, and I grew up in sort of an engineering environment - my father is an electromechanical engineer. And so there were lots of engineery things around me. -- Elon Musk
  • The worst thing in the world that can happen to you if you're an engineer that has given his life to something is for someone to rip it off and put their name to it. -- Tim Cook
  • Unfortunately, I'm an engineer. I'm always thinking about, what's the task and how do I get it done? And some of my tasks are pretty broad, and pretty fuzzy, and pretty funky, but that's the way I think. -- Michael Porter
  • Design can never be an ultimate explanation for anything. It can only be a proximate explanation. A plane or a car is explained by a designer but that's because the designer himself, the engineer, is explained by natural selection. -- Richard Dawkins
  • I believe destiny and hard work go hand in hand. I was studying to be an engineer when my mom and my brother sent my pictures for the Miss India contest. I didn't even know about it. If that isn't destiny, what is? -- Priyanka Chopra
  • When we are sick, we want an uncommon doctor; when we have a construction job to do, we want an uncommon engineer, and when we are at war, we want an uncommon general. It is only when we get into politics that we are satisfied with the common man. -- Herbert Hoover
  • It's when children are 15, 16 or 17 that they decide whether they want to be a doctor, an engineer, a politician or go to the Mars or moon. That is the time they start having a dream, and that's the time you can work on them. You can help them shape their dreams. -- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  • My grandparents used to pray five times a day, but they were quiet about their own thing. Completely liberal day by day; my grandmother was a social worker and my grandfather was an engineer, but they never talked about religion. My entire life I couldn't remember one conversation I had with them about religion. -- Mohsin Hamid
  • If we study learning as a data science, we can reverse engineer the human brain and tailor learning techniques to maximize the chances of student success. This is the biggest revolution that could happen in education, turning it into a data-driven science, and not such a medieval set of rumors professors tend to carry on. -- Sebastian Thrun
  • I still feel that in India we look upon sports as a recreational activity - which it is - but people have to understand that there is a career in sports. It's not just necessary to be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer, as most of us Indians appear to think that our children should grow up to be. -- Abhishek Bachchan
  • Find something that you love to do, and find a place that you really like to do it in. I found something I loved to do. I'm a mechanical engineer by training, and I loved it. I still do. My son is a nuclear engineer at MIT, a junior, and I get the same vibe from him. Your work has to be compelling. You spend a lot of time doing it. -- Ursula Burns
  • I was Google's first woman engineer. -- Marissa Mayer
  • An engineer cannot participate in irrationality ... -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  • God is a hacker, not an engineer -- Francis Crick
  • A mechanic is just an engineer in blue jeans. -- Daniel H. Wilson
  • The amateur software engineer is always in search of magic. -- Grady Booch
  • The engineer has been, and is, a maker of history -- James Kip Finch
  • Snowden is an orderly thinker, with an engineer's approach to problem-solving. -- Barton Gellman
  • A scientist describes what is. An engineer creates what never was. -- Theodore von Karman
  • I scientifically engineer my music to be as accessible as possible. -- John Mayer
  • My ma is an economist. My dad is a software engineer. -- Suraj Sharma
  • My grandfather was an engineer who invented the automatic pilot for airplanes. -- Temple Grandin
  • For me writing is as close to being an engineer as possible. -- Guy Kawasaki
  • Most of the work performed by a development engineer results in failure. -- Koichi Tanaka
  • I want to be a writer, not an engineer who writes books. -- Paulo Coelho
  • If I had not been a monk, I would have become an engineer. -- Dalai Lama
  • Almost nothing important that ever happens to you happens because you engineer it. -- David Foster Wallace
  • My father was a construction engineer, and my mother was a production engineer. -- Mikhail Khodorkovsky
  • The task of the software development team is to engineer the illusion of simplicity. -- Grady Booch
  • When it comes to political engagement, I'm not a politician - I'm an engineer. -- Edward Snowden
  • An engineer can do for a dollar what any fool can do for two -- Arthur M. Wellington
  • A scientist builds in order to learn; an engineer learns in order to build. -- Fred Brooks
  • A good engineer gets stale very fast if he doesn't keep his hands dirty. -- Wernher von Braun
  • Don't go to the same studio twice, or work with the same engineer twice. -- Stephen Malkmus
  • A lawyer is either a social engineer or he is a parasite on society. -- Charles Hamilton Houston
  • I was a sound engineer. That was my day job when I started writing. -- Graham Moore
  • You are a manipulator. I like to think of myself more as an outcome engineer. -- J.R. Ward
  • The only way to engineer the future tomorrow is to have lived in it yesterday. -- Bill Buxton
  • My father worked for governments all his life as an engineer and public works director. -- Edward Tufte
  • Any good software engineer will tell you that a compiler and an interpreter are interchangeable. -- Tim Berners-Lee
  • When valuing a startup, add $500k for every engineer, and subtract $250k for every MBA. -- Aaron Patzer
  • Whether you're a farmer, builder or engineer, the opportunities are equal: Just add a little innovation. -- Strive Masiyiwa
  • When I was growing up, I installed refrigerators in supermarkets. My father was an electrical engineer. -- Will Smith
  • Failure is Central to engineering. Every single calculation that an engineer makes is a failure calculation. -- Henry Petroski
  • ... the ancient joy of helping the tribe to survive is constantly rekindled in the engineer's heart. -- Samuel Florman
  • Watch with awe and amazement at how quickly an engineer will become totally annoyed by inefficiency. -- Rands
  • My father, who had previously been a civil engineer, died in the great influenza epidemic of 1918. -- James Rainwater
  • The machine unmakes the man. Now that the machine is so perfect, the engineer is nobody. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • I'm an engineer and a writer. And I find that those two things are not uncomplementary. -- Naomi Novik
  • I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay. -- Virginia Satir
  • I need to aspire to be a great CEO and not just a great product engineer. -- Mark Pincus
  • While my mother wanted me to be a musician, I wanted to become an electronic engineer. -- A. R. Rahman
  • I am such a gearhead. In my recording studio, I personally engineer and edit everything on computers. -- Tommy Lee
  • Complexity is not a goal. I don't want to be remembered as an engineer of complex systems. -- David Parnas
  • My mother was a housewife but she was also an artist. My father was an electrical engineer. -- James Cameron
  • Don't drag the engine, like an ignoramus, but bring wood and water and flame, like an engineer. -- Maria Weston Chapman
  • Ive been an engineer, barman, skip lorry driver, coalman, boat window manufacturer, contract grass cutter and builder. -- Neal Asher
  • I went to Carnegie Mellon and was an electrical engineer, but electrical engineering wasn't right for me. -- David M. Kelley
  • No place in the US better exemplifies the ethos to engineer new digital technologies than Silicon Valley -- John Maeda
  • Video games are engineered now, but the step I am trying to take, no one can engineer. -- Bill Budge
  • Instead of becoming an engineer like my brother, I moved to New York to be an actor. -- Anthony Mackie
  • I'm not even an engineer. I don't have a college degree; I hire guys with college degrees. -- Woody Norris
  • I never knew what an engineer did for a living when I was a kid. I still don't. -- Scott Adams
  • Orchids were not made by an ideal engineer; they are jury-rigged from a limited set of available components. -- Stephen Jay Gould
  • I usually describe myself as an engineer; that's basically what I've been doing since I was a kid. -- Elon Musk
  • To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life, comfort, and hope. -- Herbert Hoover
  • I come from a pretty scientific family. My sister is a neurologist and my brother is an engineer. -- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
  • You don't have to be a nerd or a programmer or a network engineer to make a difference. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • I'm an engineer. I see myself as a toolmaker and the musicians are my customers... They use my tools. -- Robert Moog
  • As the son of a racing car designer and mechanical engineer, I was exposed to motorsports from day one. -- Charlie Kimball
  • I done became bigger swervin writin in my peer's lane. Same dudes that used to holla my engineer's name. -- Drake
  • If it weren't for the people always getting tangled up with the machinery... Earth would be an engineer's paradise. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • Having a mother who had been an aeronautical engineer convinced me that more things should be open to women. -- Elizabeth Moon
  • However, the occasional visit of success provides just the excitement an engineer needs to face work the following day. -- Koichi Tanaka
  • The Swedish engineer who invented the zip fastener made a greater intellectual leap than many scientists do in a lifetime. -- Martin Rees
  • --
  • An osteopath is only a human engineer, who should understand all the laws governing his engine and thereby master disease. -- Andrew Taylor Still
  • Life is the steam of the corporeal engine; the soul is the engineer who makes use of the steam-quickened engine. -- Sara Coleridge
  • Using the Internet to secure employment is as vital to a construction worker as it is to a software engineer. -- Leila Janah
  • Everybody is headed for the same place, and they are headed on the same train, and under the same engineer. -- Harry S. Truman
  • I got out of high school, bought a recording studio and started operating it as an engineer and a producer. -- T Bone Burnett
  • If I had one singular galvanizing ambition in life, I would try to reverse engineer toward it, but I don't. -- Chelsea Clinton
  • I went to military college in Canada and graduated as an officer in the Navy but also as an engineer. -- Marc Garneau
  • Don't make me out to be an artist. I am an engineer. I am after the facts, only the facts. -- Harold Eugene Edgerton
  • First rule of engineering; beware prototypes. Along with, avoid anything made by an engineer who doesn't have all his own fingers. -- Simon R. Green
  • The engineer's power was usually limited to a refusal to endorse a given plan, or to the tender of his resignation. -- Samuel Florman
  • Industrialism implies technology and the cutting of time into precise fragments suited to the needs of the engineer and the accountant. -- Harold Innis
  • The human body was designed by a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area ? -- Robin Williams
  • When your parents are Middle Eastern immigrants, you have three choices. You can become a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer. -- Michael Mina
  • I think of myself as an engineer, not as a visionary or 'big thinker.' I don't have any lofty goals. -- Linus Torvalds
  • Indeed, nowadays no electrical engineer could get along without complex numbers, and neither could anyone working in aerodynamics or fluid dynamics. -- Keith Devlin
  • Parking's expensive, so I walk or ride my bike, which is good because my girlfriend's getting her PhD as an environmental engineer. -- Chaz Bundick
  • Time pressure gradually corrupts an engineer's standard of quality and perfection. It has a detrimental effect on people as well as products -- Niklaus Wirth