Marissa Mayer quotes:

  • Shifting toward management meant greater responsibility and influence, but it also meant giving up programming day-to-day in my role, which was hard because it took me out of my comfort zone.

  • Vince Lombardi says, you know, in my life there are three things: God, family, and the Green Bay Packers, in that order. For me, it's God, family, and Yahoo, in that order.

  • Really in technology, it's about the people, getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate.

  • When people think about computer science, they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night.

  • I think Google should be like a Swiss Army knife: clean, simple, the tool you want to take everywhere.

  • I really wanted to be a doctor, until my freshman year of college when I realized that while I was good at chemistry and biology, I really wasn't feeling challenged by it.

  • You can be good at technology and like fashion and art. You can be good at technology and be a jock. You can be good at technology and be a mom. You can do it your way, on your terms.

  • I think that there is a generational change, where new generations that have grown up always having access to the internet have a somewhat different view in terms of personal information and what needs to be kept private.

  • I didn't want to lose my sense of myself in my profession.

  • I have a theory that burnout is about resentment. And you beat it by knowing what it is you're giving up that makes you resentful.

  • Product management really is the fusion between technology, what engineers do - and the business side.

  • I pace myself by taking a week-long vacation every four months.

  • Our theory is, if you need the user to tell you what you're selling, then you don't know what you're selling, and it's probably not going to be a good experience.

  • I was always good at math and science, and I never realized that that was unusual or somehow undesirable.

  • The utmost thing is the user experience, to have the most useful experience.

  • It's really wonderful to work in an environment with a lot of smart people.

  • I think it's very comforting for people to put me in a box. 'Oh, she's a fluffy girlie girl who likes clothes and cupcakes. Oh, but wait, she is spending her weekends doing hardware electronics.'

  • Walmart is an amazing story of entrepreneurship and, as one of the world's most powerful brands, touches millions of lives every day.

  • Search occupies this wonderful moment in a user's day where it doesn't even really break along demographics, right?

  • I really believe that the virtual world mirrors the physical world.

  • If you push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking risk, really amazing things can happen.

  • You can't have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you.

  • Employees, especially young people, want more than a paycheck.

  • Beyond basic mathematical aptitude, the difference between good programmers and great programmers is verbal ability.

  • I don't think that I would consider myself a feminist. I think that I certainly believe in equal rights, I believe that women are just as capable, if not more so in a lot of different dimensions, but I don't, I think have, sort of, the militant drive and the sort of, the chip on the shoulder that sometimes comes with that.

  • I had to think really hard about how to choose between job offers.

  • With data collection, 'The sooner the better' is always the best answer.

  • Good students are good at all things.

  • The internet creates more of an appetite for media - it doesn't replace physical books, radio or TV.

  • I refuse to be stereotyped.

  • The prime reason the Google homepage is so bare is due to the fact that the founders didn't know HTML and just wanted a quick interface. In fact, it was noted that the SUBMIT button was a long time coming and hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life.

  • You can wear ruffles; you can be a jock, and you can still be a great computer scientist, or a great technologist, or a great product designer.

  • My maternity leave will be a few weeks long, and I'll work throughout it.

  • The mobile phone acts as a cursor to connect the digital and physical.

  • I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow. When there's that moment of 'Wow, I'm not really sure I can do this,' and you push through those moments, that's when you have a breakthrough.

  • I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that's how you grow.

  • To me, the future is personalization .

  • Theres no such thing as Flickr Pro because today, with cameras as pervasive as they are, theres no such thing, really, as professional photographers when theres everything thats professional photographers. Certainly theres varying levels of skills but we didnt want to have a Flickr Pro anymore. We wanted everyone to have professional quality photo space and sharing.

  • I definitely think what drives technology companies is the people; because in a technology company it's always about what are you going to do next.

  • If I had been more self-conscious about being a woman, it would have stifled me.

  • I had no idea how to eat sensibly.

  • Google has the functionality of a really complicated Swiss Army knife, but the home page is our of approaching it closed... It's simple, it's elegant you can slip it in your pocket, but it's got the great doodad when you need it

  • Search is an unsolved problem.

  • For many people, Google is the most important tool on the Web.

  • Will the social networking phenomenon lessen? I don't think so.

  • I think what's really amazing is that given the scale of the web and getting the compute power we have today, we're starting to see things that appear intelligent but actually aren't semantically intelligent.

  • Geeks are people who love something so much that all the details matter.

  • I don't need much sleep.

  • Well, I think the social networking is really interesting.

  • I could imagine, some number of years from now, starting my own company. But not yet. Not for a while.

  • What you want, when you want it. As opposed to everything you could ever want, even when you don't.

  • For some people, what really matters to them is sleep.

  • Creativity thrives best when constrained.

  • Find something you're passionate about and just love. Passion is really gender neutralizing.

  • For me the core principles of privacy online are transparency, choice and control.

  • I don't believe in balance, not in the classic way.

  • I like to get myself in over my head.

  • I like to stay in the rhythm of things.

  • I love Google. I was there for 13 years, and if you told me I'd be as happy anywhere else, I would've probably doubted it. But I am as happy, if not happier, at Yahoo.

  • I love technology, and I don't think it's something that should divide along gender lines.

  • I realized in all the cases where I was happy with the decision I made, there were two common threads: Surround myself with the smartest people who challenge you to think about things in new ways, and do something you are not ready to do so you can learn the most.

  • I think that ultimately over time we really should strive for a place where most information is available online and is searchable.

  • I think the most interesting thing is what happens next.

  • I was Google's first woman engineer.

  • I'm not a pro, but I know enough to be dangerous.

  • I've come to realize that being a mother makes me a better executive, because motherhood forces prioritization. Being a mom gives you so much more clarity on what is important.

  • If you can find something that you're really passionate about, whether you're a man or a woman comes a lot less into play. Passion is a gender-neutralizing force.

  • If you took the entire internet and laid it end to end, it would weigh more than the other thing. It would weigh more than it would if it wasn't laid end to end. Like, if it was a ball of rolled up internet it would weigh less. I'm pretty sure. It depends on the size of the scale, I think.

  • If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.

  • I'm a geek, I like to code, I even like to use spreadsheets when I cook.

  • Innovation is born from the interaction between constraint and vision.

  • It is wonderful to work in an environment with a lot of smart people. It challenges you to think and work on a different level. If you play with better players, you learn a lot: perspectives, intellectual arguments, new ways of thinking about things.

  • People are more productive when they're alone, but they're more collaborative and innovative when they're together.

  • People ask me all the time: 'What is it like to be a woman at Google?' I'm not a woman at Google, I'm a geek at Google. And being a geek is just great. I'm a geek, I like to code, I even like to use spreadsheets when I cook.

  • Pick something and make it great.

  • Reality is but a poor excuse for not having an imagination.

  • Right now is a great time to be a woman in tech, but there's not enough women in tech,

  • Straight lines don't exist in the human form and are extremely rare in nature, so the human touch in the logo is that all the lines and forms have at least a slight curve.

  • Success is never getting to the bottom of your to-do list.

  • Talent is what drives technology companies,

  • That's how we're going to stay innovative. We're going to continue to attract entrepreneurs who say, 'I found an idea, and I can go to Google and have a demo in a month and be launched in six.'

  • The Googly thing is to launch products early on Google Labs and then iterate, learning what the market wants - and making it great. The beauty of experimenting in this way is that you never get too far from what the market wants. The market pulls you back.

  • There are amazing opportunities all over the world for women, and I think that there's more good that comes out of positive energy around that than negative energy.

  • This is one of my favorites. People think of creativity as this sort of unbridled thing, but engineers thrive on constraints. They love to think their way out of that little box: 'We know you said it was impossible, but we're going to do this, this, and that to get us there.'

  • To me, speed is really about convenience.

  • Today, only about 1% of the World Wide Web is written in Arabic.

  • We were very focused on becoming profitable from a very early time, which was not true of most companies in the bubble

  • What is clear is that users own their data and should have control of how their data is used.

  • You have to ruthlessly prioritize.

  • Your rhythm is what matters to you so much that when you miss it you're resentful of your work...So find your rhythm, understand what makes you resentful, and protect it..

  • Do something youre not ready to do. In the worst case, youll learn your limitations.

  • I've always liked simplicity.
