Describe quotes:

  • Describe your perfect man who looks like me... -- Daniel Tosh
  • Describe a circle, stroke its back and it turns vicious. -- Eugene Ionesco
  • Describe Elvis Presley? He was the greatest who ever was, is or ever will be. -- Chuck Berry
  • Describe your product in terms of what it does not in terms of what it is. -- Brian Tracy
  • The Word Lady: Most Often Used to Describe Someone You Wouldn't Want to Talk to for Even Five Minutes. -- Fran Lebowitz
  • Describe the God you've rejected. Describe the God you don't believe in. Maybe I don't believe in that God either. -- Timothy Keller
  • Describe snow to someone who's lived in the desert. Depict the colour blue for a blind man. Almost impossible to fashion the word. -- Andrea Levy
  • I don't try to describe the future. I try to prevent it. -- Ray Bradbury
  • You are absolutely free to describe me as a turtle or something. -- Paul Giamatti
  • Eclectic yet classic with a playful bohemian twist is how I'd describe my style. -- Alice Temperley
  • If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing. -- W. Edwards Deming
  • Reality really is theater. There's no other way to describe it. It's all so nonsensical, ridiculous and chaotic. -- Joe Rogan
  • Natural science, does not simply describe and explain nature; it is part of the interplay between nature and ourselves. -- Werner Heisenberg
  • Asking someone to describe what something sounds like is like telling a blind person to guess what I look like. -- Chester Bennington
  • There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles. -- Jared Padalecki
  • Traditions are the guideposts driven deep in our subconscious minds. The most powerful ones are those we can't even describe, aren't even aware of. -- Ellen Goodman
  • I don't think I could ever describe myself as unlucky because people would look at me, playing football for a living, and say: 'Are you winding me up?' -- Jermain Defoe
  • If you look in real life, it is very hard to describe people as good people, bad people, heroes or villains. People aren't bad people. They all have their justifications. -- Lennie James
  • The Coke bottle is a masterpiece of scientific, functional planning. In simpler terms, I would describe the bottle as well thought out, logical, sparing of material and pleasant to look at. -- Raymond Loewy
  • It's hard to describe yourself as a hero - I just like to think of myself as a policeman. People can look to you like that, as a good guy who can help people. -- Steve Wilkos
  • Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. -- C. S. Lewis
  • The best word to describe my father? Thoughtful. There was a tender quality to Dad that his sense of fun could sometimes mask. But, above all, he was sensitive and looked out for those he loved. -- Jennifer Grant
  • A miracle is really the only way to describe motherhood and giving birth. It's unbelievable how God has made us women and babies to endure and be able to do so much. A miracle, indeed. Such an incredible blessing. -- Jennie Finch
  • Having Down syndrome is like being born normal. I am just like you and you are just like me. We are all born in different ways, that is the way I can describe it. I have a normal life. -- Chris Burke
  • I love to play golf, and that's my arena. And you can characterize it and describe it however you want, but I have a love and a passion for getting that ball in the hole and beating those guys. -- Tiger Woods
  • It's like trying to describe what you feel when you're standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon or remembering your first love or the birth of your child. You have to be there to really know what it's like. -- Jack Schmitt
  • Shabiha' is a difficult word to translate into English. It comes from the word Syrians used to describe the luxury Mercedes favored by the Assad family's operatives that the enforcers of the regime used to move money, smuggle weapons and intimidate opponents. -- Richard Engel
  • I would describe myself as emotional and highly strung. If something upsets me, it really upsets me. If something makes me angry, I get really angry. But it's all very upfront. I can't hide it. I'm also loyal and I hope I'm fun. -- Nicole Kidman
  • In our quest to define and describe the world, we have crisscrossed the oceans and continents, compiling exhaustive knowledge about its life forms and features, and extended our physical reach through technology, which provides us instantaneous and pervasive access to information about seemingly everything. -- Alan Huffman
  • It's rather splendid to think of all those great men and women who appear to have presented symptoms that allow us to describe them as bipolar. Whether it's Hemingway, Van Gogh... Robert Schumann has been mentioned... Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath... some of them with rather grim ends. -- Stephen Fry
  • If I had to describe myself to an alien I'd say I was bigger than the average human, enjoy a drink or two with a good meal and have a bigger head than most. I'd also say I'm really handsome - especially if they were a female alien. -- Dwayne Johnson
  • Sarcasm is weird. Even not in acting, in life I feel like 'sarcastic' is a word that people use to describe me sometimes so when I meet someone, it's almost like they feel like they have to also be sarcastic, but it can sometimes just come off as mean if it's not used in the right way. -- Aubrey Plaza
  • I'm thankful to God for having a family that's been there for me. He's been there from the time I was a child to even now with my family helping with my little boy. It's worth more than words could ever describe. That's one of the ways I've been able to stay grounded is thanks to family and God. -- Ashton Shepherd
  • Only describe, don't explain. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Painting taught literature to describe. -- Orhan Pamuk
  • The critic should describe, and not prescribe. -- Eugene Ionesco
  • The critic should describe, and not prescribe.... -- Eugene Ionesco
  • Words are impotent to describe certain emotions. -- Ella Maillart
  • You want me to describe Elvis, WOW. -- Shania Twain
  • I describe myself as a human being. -- Jimmy Kimmel
  • It's tough to describe my dream girl -- Sidharth Malhotra
  • To describe happiness is to diminish it. -- Stendhal
  • I would describe myself as a filmmaker, period. -- Chika Anadu
  • Human language can but imperfectly describe God's ways. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • But once you describe something, you destroy it. -- Barry Webster
  • Mellow doesn't describe me. I'm hungry every day. -- Alan Rickman
  • Agile, athletic, sleek-all these things describe my game! -- Lance Berkman
  • I would definitely describe myself as a workaholic. -- Sharlto Copley
  • I should probably never describe myself as adorable. -- Lee Pace
  • It is the duty of the writer to describe. -- Virginia Woolf
  • Oh, you can't describe someone you're in love with! -- Tennessee Williams
  • I would describe my dancing talents as incredibly deep. -- Taylor Phinney
  • I describe in a realistic form a nonrealistic Reality. -- Fernando Botero
  • The best way to describe myself would be...unpredictable. -- Kendrick Lamar
  • I don't think culture is something you can describe. -- Bill Gates
  • I'd describe myself as a pragmatist tinged with idealism. -- Vernon A. Walters
  • I wouldn't describe myself as a master of anything. -- Toby Young
  • Job was what you'd technically describe as a loony. -- Peter Cook
  • All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness. -- Tennessee Williams
  • I would describe my look as 'ladylike rock chick. -- Felicity Jones
  • I'm running out of words to describe this lad. -- Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Words are worthless. How can you describe the other worlds? -- Frederick Lenz
  • Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. -- C. S. Lewis
  • The writing process, it's too mysterious to try and describe. -- Mick Jones
  • Our sins describe us, and our prohibitions describe our sins. -- Russell Banks
  • Immature is aword boring people use to describe fun people. -- Will Ferrell
  • We cannot describe sound, but we cannot forget it either. -- Igor Stravinsky
  • God is gracious beyond the power of language to describe. -- Francis Asbury
  • "Exciting" is a dull world to describe the wrestling business. -- Alexander Nderitu
  • At this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe. -- Dante Alighieri
  • Man can only describe God in his own poor language. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • I would describe my look as 'ladylike rock chick.' -- Felicity Jones
  • To suggest is to create; to describe is to destroy. -- Robert Doisneau
  • I want to describe myself, not be described by others. -- Johnnie Cochran
  • I don't really know how to describe my personal style. -- Blake Lively
  • I can describe to you the taste of government cheese. -- John Scalzi
  • I don't know how to describe my sense of humor. -- Michael Angarano
  • I love myself so much, I simply cannot describe it. -- Carolina Herrera
  • Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring? -- Neltje Blanchan
  • The kindest word to describe my performance in school was Sloth. -- Harrison Ford
  • Hackers often describe what they do as playfully creative problem solving. -- Heather Brooke
  • Don't try to describe the ocean if you've never seen it. -- Jimmy Buffett
  • I'm emotionless right now. It's hard to describe how I'm feeling. -- Wes Short, Jr.
  • I'd describe myself as a Christian who doesn't believe in God. -- Helen Mirren
  • How to explain? How to describe? Even the omniscient viewpoint quails. -- Vernor Vinge
  • A theory is just a mathematical model to describe the observations. -- Karl Popper
  • I would describe myself as a 'total conservative, a conscientious one. -- Mike Huckabee
  • Why does mathematics describe nature. That's a deeper question than most. -- Terence McKenna
  • Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • We all had to search for more words to describe things. -- Tim Gunn
  • Things you call wrong, describe your levels of acceptance and understanding.. -- Himmilicious
  • Even now I can't describe why I love skating so much. -- Nancy Kerrigan
  • I don't know if there are words to describe my motivation. -- Lorrie Fair
  • No language which lends itself to visualizability can describe quantum jumps. -- Max Born
  • Being a black sheep is a way I would describe myself. -- Gin Wigmore
  • If I had to describe myself in one word, 'Hercules.' -- Bryce Harper
  • Photos have no narrative content. They only describe light on surface. -- Garry Winogrand
  • "Easy" is a word that's used to describe other people's jobs. -- Jason Fried
  • How would you describe the worst run you ever had? Precious! -- Hal Higdon
  • There's no way to describe what I do. It's just me. -- Andy Kaufman
  • We might describe our world as having retail sanity, but wholesale madness -- Peter Thiel
  • What humans do with the language of mathematics is to describe patterns... -- Lynn Steen
  • I always describe my career as something where nothing ever popped overnight. -- Emmanuelle Chriqui
  • Culture is the ability to describe Jane Russell without moving your hands -- Bob Hope
  • I would describe myself as a 'total conservative, a conscientious one.' -- Mike Huckabee
  • You reveal your own character most clearly when you describe someone else's. -- Nicky Gumbel
  • Your schedule and your spending describe what you really love in life. -- Mike Murdock
  • I loved Elijah Muhammad with a love that I can't adequately describe. -- Louis Farrakhan
  • I think that physical actions are always hard to describe, to translate. -- Ann Goldstein
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  • The very word 'Anfield' means more to me than I can describe. -- Bill Shankly
  • I describe myself as a simple Buddhist monk. No more, no less. -- Dalai Lama
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  • I describe not men, but manners; not an individual, but a species. -- Henry Fielding
  • Easy' is not a word I would ever use to describe touring. -- Rivers Cuomo
  • Characters limit will be short, when I start to describe my status. -- Gaurav GRV Sharma
  • You could almost describe psychedelics as enzymes for the activity of the imagination. -- Terence McKenna
  • Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul. -- John C. Maxwell
  • I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse. -- R. J. Palacio
  • It's probably a merciful thing that pain is impossible to describe from memory -- Christopher Hitchens