Chat quotes:

  • Chat to the ghosts! That's what I do! -- Lee Ryan
  • I don't have the identity of any of them. I only had the nicks that they used on Internet Relay Chat. -- Jon Johansen
  • Le ChatJe souhaite dans ma maison:Une femme ayant sa raison.Un chat passant parmi les livres.Des amis en toute saisonSans lesquels je ne peux pas vivre. -- Guillaume Apollinaire
  • Le ChatJe souhaite dans ma maison:Une femme ayant sa raison.Un chat passant parmi les livres.Des amis en toute saisonSans lesquels je ne peux pas vivre." -- Guillaume Apollinaire
  • Too much agreement kills a chat. -- Eldridge Cleaver
  • Too much agreement kills the chat. -- John Jay Chapman
  • The Internet: transforming society and shaping the future through chat. -- Dave Barry
  • People want chat histories. They're a permanent testimony of a relationship. -- Brian Acton
  • Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically created a level playing field for deaf people. -- Vint Cerf
  • As a kid, I always wanted to be Carol Burnett or Johnny Carson. I love to chat and entertain. -- Caroline Rhea
  • I feel comfortable in Spanish, I chat like a parrot, but I don't have the confidence in Spanish that I do in English. -- Sandra Cisneros
  • When famous people come up to you it's a bit weird, but it's an honour, really, when they recognise you and want to chat to you for a bit. -- Wayne Rooney
  • I don't care how someone lives or how good their spoken English is. I do all of my interviews on Skype text chat - all that matters is their work. -- Matt Mullenweg
  • When I was doing Bean more than I've done him in the last few years, I did strange things - like appearing on chat shows in character as Mr. Bean. -- Rowan Atkinson
  • When topics are complex and meaty, don't create a never-ending email thread. It's amazing how much time people waste composing and reading carefully-worded essays, when a 5 minute in-person chat would resolve the whole thing. -- Justin Rosenstein
  • The future of communicating with customers rests in engaging with them through every possible channel: phone, e-mail, chat, Web, and social networks. Customers are discussing a company's products and brand in real time. Companies need to join the conversation. -- Marc Benioff
  • It's not that I find it hard to meet girls - they do come up and chat me up from time to time. Sometimes I'm interested, I tend not to go for the prettier ones. I prefer the quirkier types. -- Rupert Grint
  • In my household, everything happens in the kitchen. My parents have this pretty big home, and it doesn't matter how big it is, we will all squeeze ourselves in the kitchen and just chat while my mom or dad cooks. -- Selenis Leyva
  • What troubles me is the Internet and the electronic technology revolution. Shyness is fueled in part by so many people spending huge amounts of time alone, isolated on e-mail, in chat rooms, which reduces their face-to-face contact with other people. -- Philip Zimbardo
  • I'm equally guilty of using technology - I Twitter, I text people, I chat. But I think there's something strangely insidious about it that it makes us think we're closer when in fact we're not seeing each other, we're not connecting. -- Jason Reitman
  • While sanctions against Iran and Syria are intended to constrain those countries' governments, they have had the unfortunate side effect of constraining activists' access to free online software and services used widely across the Middle East, including browsers, online chat applications, and online storage services. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • Meg Ryan is a beautiful and courageous woman. I grieve the loss of her companionship but I've not lost the friendship. We talk all the time and that was what our connection was about. She has a wonderful mind and we just like a chat. -- Russell Crowe
  • Young adults living with a stutter is hard work. How do they handle job interviews? What do they do when the phone rings? How do they 'chat someone up'? All these things the average person takes for granted prove to be a stammerer's biggest challenge. -- Gareth Gates
  • I've had great pleasure meeting the likes of Newt Gingrich and having a chat with the fellow on a staircase. I found him completely dishonest and totally likeable, because he doesn't care! He knows what a politician is, and he's a perfect embodiment of one. -- John Lydon
  • I've heard rumors about myself that are true - and nobody likes that. But there's actually something very liberating when you hear a false rumor because you realize there's nothing you can do. People are going to say whatever they want - especially on chat boards. -- Christian Borle
  • Google is my best friend and my worst enemy. It's fabulous for research, but then it becomes addictive. I'll have a character eating an orange, and next thing I'm Googling types of oranges, I'm visiting chat rooms about oranges, I'm learning the history of the orange. -- Liane Moriarty
  • I made so many jokes about poor Russell Crowe, he once knocked on my dressing room door, and told me he wanted to go out on this chat show we were on to laugh with me. Now he's ruined it. I can't make another joke about him. -- Joan Rivers
  • My new passion is to get Internet education mandated in all schools. We've got to start teaching our kids how to be safe in the 40,000 plus chat rooms that are out there. Because they're being had. These sexual predators groom the kids. I know, I've arrested enough of them. -- Erik Estrada
  • If you're working out in front of a mirror and watching your muscles grow, your ego has reached a point where it is now eating itself. That's why I believe there should be a psychiatrist at every health club, so that when they see you doing this, they will take you away for a little chat. -- Lewis Black
  • I was brought up in a very religious household and did a lot of praying throughout a big part of my life and always thought of God as being not only a powerful father figure and the ruler of all time and dimension but also as a friend with whom I could chat and ask questions to and get advice from. -- Paul Feig
  • Too much agreement kills a chat -- Eldridge Cleaver
  • Too much agreement kills the chat -- John Jay Chapman
  • Most people are nice and just want to have a chat. -- Ben Nicholas
  • I do have the cheesiest of cheesy chat-up lines used on me. -- Jesse Metcalfe
  • I'm not really a cutter-off sort of person. I'll chat to anybody. -- Frank Bruno
  • Can it be chat modesty may more betray Our sense than woman's lightness? -- William Shakespeare
  • The pleasures of relaxed chat, of casual conversation, encourage the ethnographer in everyone -- Richard Sennett
  • I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up. -- Taryn Manning
  • I've never used chat-up lines; I don't have the gift of the gab. -- Ricky Whittle
  • Friends meddle with my plan of work. I resent people dropping in for a chat. -- Khushwant Singh
  • I find that your basic Internet chat board is way too vitriolic for my taste. -- Adam Savage
  • At what point is a wasp ever going to have a chat with a spider? -- Karl Pilkington
  • Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically created a level playing field for deaf people. -- Vint Cerf
  • I am not good at small talk. I will hide in a cupboard to avoid chitty-chat. -- Caitlin Moran
  • I'm one of those women who likes to chat and share knowledge and pass it around. -- Jennie Garth
  • Every highly successful person is a maniac on a mission. Too much agreement kills a chat -- Eldridge Cleaver
  • I have spent many a night in an Internet chat room, but not since I've been married. -- Jane Green
  • Sachin Tendulkar is a guy you don't want to chat to period, because he will knuckle down -- Brett Lee
  • It is sometimes necessary for each person. Fill up with delicious food, get drunk, sing loudly and chat frivolously. -- Haruki Murakami
  • I don't think I've ever prayed in my entire life, never sat and had an imaginary chat with God. -- Jim Jefferies
  • I don't do chat-up lines. Girls often tell me I'm cheeky. Being cheeky seems to work OK for me. -- Jermain Defoe
  • I'm that person in the bar who's like, "Can they turn the music down? I would like to chat." -- Domhnall Gleeson
  • Some girls talk to the boys in the chat room, my girls talk to the boys in the backroom. -- RuPaul
  • The dialogue and conversation about food is everywhere - television, chat rooms, social media outlets and among everyday conversations. -- Marcus Samuelsson
  • People can never work out where they know me from. They just come up and chat with me like mates. -- Sheridan Smith
  • I really love the internet. They say chat-rooms are the trailer park of the internet but I find it amazing. -- Carrie Fisher
  • I do chat to my mother in Norwegian, particularly when we want a secret conversation. It is useful that way. -- Alexander Hanson
  • Calcutta's the only city I know where you are actively encouraged to stop strangers at random for a quick chat. -- Tahir Shah
  • Back when 'social' had a broad definition, you could almost say that Yahoo Finance chat was the first social product. -- Carol Bartz
  • There's a demon in me, and he's still around. Without the dope, we have a bit more of a chat these days. -- Keith Richards
  • We chat about clothes and if we're going on the red carpet we definitely talk about what we are going to wear. -- Bonnie Wright
  • There's a documentary film-maker called Werner Herzog, who's a German film-maker. I really dig his stuff, I'd love to chat with him. -- Finn Jones
  • Send her a quick note while you`re stuck in a long meeting. A lighthearted chat definitely makes the time go faster. -- Greg Behrendt
  • There is perhaps no better way to appreciate the dizzying stupidity of the United States than to chat with 25 consecutive morning radio hosts. -- Adam Mansbach
  • I don't really believe in going with somebody to have tea and chat. I don't do that. It's just a waste of time. -- Yoko Ono
  • I was very ill at ease with people in social situations, and I realized that if I photographed I wouldn't have to chat. -- Martine Franck
  • I get embarrassed by people. It's really awkward for me to have a chat with people who have been to see a gig. -- Andrew Lawrence
  • Most novels I come across have all the excitement of a long trip on a bus with a sensitive glee club. Yammer and chat. -- Barry Hannah
  • If the lift is broken, I'll just sit and wait for them to sort it out. I don't believe in friendly conversation or chit-chat. -- Marco Pierre White
  • That's what hell must be like, small chat to the babbling of Lethe about the good old days when we wished we were dead. -- Samuel Beckett
  • When girls walk home we put on lippy and makeup. We chat. Sometimes we pretend to be hunchbacks. But that is it. Perfectly normal behavior. -- Louise Rennison
  • Aunt Mimi possessed a horror of silence, which she battled with endless chat. The Typhoid Mary of the Telephone started her calls at 6:30 each morning. -- Rita Mae Brown
  • I've always been kind of a shy guy. Not very outgoing. I might not start a conversation, but if somebody else does, I'll chat away. -- Retief Goosen
  • Today's evangelism is just as likely to take place via chat rooms and viral videos as it is in a personal conversation or a sermon. -- Martin Lindstrom
  • You can be walking down the street for a chat, but until you've got the selfie out of the way, people aren't ready to talk. -- David Cameron
  • We do not just fear our predators, we are transfixed by them. We are prone to weave stories and fables and chat endlessly about them. -- Peter Benchley
  • Charlie Appleyard can be anybody; but Ive used him sometimes in chat pieces, and these are all chat pieces about the history of Charlie Appleyard. -- Derek Bailey
  • Flip through the channels, and there is no denying it: The world of cable news - and their network chat-show brethren - is very, very white. -- Rachel Sklar
  • It would be interesting to go to Buckingham Palace. I'd just like to see what goes on - I'm not bothered about hearing any political chat. -- Pauline Quirke
  • The fullest instruction, and the fullest enjoyment are never derived from books, till we have ventilated the ideas thus obtained in free and easy chat with others. -- William Matthews
  • My projects are just side effects of what I obsess over, what I chat about, what random things pop into my head, what I dream at night. -- Greg Saunier
  • I don't Twitter or blog. I'm bad at small talk, and don't have good 'chat'. Talk to me about publishing, and I can go on for hours. -- Andrew Wylie
  • The cat that laughs is crazy. Man who does not laugh is below... (Le chat qui rit est un fou. - Homme qui ne rit est dessous...) -- Charles de Leusse
  • It's very intimidating to be photographed, but if I kneel down and chat with you, so you're looking down at me, it makes you feel less threatened. -- Platon
  • As we sit here and idly chat, there are woman, female human beings, rolling around in strange beds with strange men, and we are making money from that. -- Henry Winkler
  • That definitely I feel is part of my generation: social networking, communication over the Internet, whether it's Skype or IRC or some form of text-based chat, text messaging. -- Duncan Jones
  • I read every fan forum and every blog, and every message board, and every chat room. I read it all. There's nothing online that I'm not aware of. -- Joe Budden
  • I started using the Internet when I was 12 years old. I would go into chat rooms and flirt. It was the beginning of the Internet for young people. -- Robert Coppola Schwartzman
  • First, I used some of my own experiences and observations from attending a public high school. Secondly, I joined in some Internet chat rooms for gays and lesbians. -- Ellen Muth
  • I would like to sit down with Oprah, just because I'd like to talk to her. I want to sit down and, like, converse. Like, 'Honey, let's chat!' -- Ross Mathews
  • Now, by the world, it is a lusty wench; I love her ten times more than e'er I did: O, how I long to have some chat with her! -- William Shakespeare
  • I've never been socially outgoing, but I suspect I've gotten more and more ambivalent about making new friends. I'm irritated by how-do-you-do chit-chat, but that's how new relationships usually begin. -- Ariel Gore
  • I cook and I chat. That's what I do. I love to write recipes, but basically, if you had to put it in a nutshell, I cook and I chat. -- Rachael Ray
  • I tend to get starstruck with sports people. I was on a chat show with retired Scottish footballer Denis Law and I just lost it and couldn't talk to him. -- Martin Shaw
  • Although wine when it is read somewhat lacks the savour of wine when it is drunk, wine remains a very pleasant thing both to read about and to chat about. -- William Blake
  • When I'm on the net, someone always wants to chat with me. But outside of MySpace, it's a completely different world. I don't get recognized that much on the street. -- Tom Anderson
  • I think the Internet, particularly the availability of information, is great. I do a lot of correspondence on-line and have a chat line to talk to my fans as well -- Anne McCaffrey
  • I think the Internet, particularly the availability of information, is great. I do a lot of correspondence on-line and have a chat line to talk to my fans as well. -- Anne McCaffrey
  • I really do love social media. I've always been crazy about - even like, remember AOL chat rooms? I always loved message boards, and I was always interacting on the computer. -- Chrissy Teigen
  • With 950 reporters and 79 bureaus, Bloomberg competes to break news with Dow Jones, Reuters and Bridge News along with newspaper Web sites, dozens of smaller Internet sites, and even gossipy chat rooms. -- Alex Berenson
  • If I got involved with the chat rooms and Facebook and everything - I would probably never leave. That's why I don't do it. I literally don't do it. At all. -- Stephen Sondheim
  • I love all those stupid, cheesy chat-up lines like 'Did God take the stars out of the sky and put them into your eyes?' But I never get chatted up. -- Jamelia
  • I still live my life the way that I want to live it, and people are very respectful of my space, but they also want to chat, and I quite like chatting. -- Walton Goggins
  • Mice are terribly chatty. They will chat about anything, and if there is nothing to chat about, they will chat about having nothing to chat about. Compared to mice, robins are reserved. -- Robin McKinley
  • I have spent many a night in an Internet chat room, but not since I've been married. I don't do the chat rooms anymore, but I have become completely addicted to Ebay. -- Jane Green
  • My fan following is intact. They only like to see me in movies, which I am still doing for them. I do not need to do any long interviews or chat shows. -- Mithun Chakraborty
  • I won't lock my doors or bar them either if any of the old coots in the pictures out in the hall want to come out of their frames for a friendly chat. -- Bess Truman
  • Anon, to sudden silence won, In fancy they pursue The dream-child moving through the land Of wonders wild and new, In friendly chat with bird or beast - And half believe it true. -- Lewis Carroll
  • I'm so glad you're here," Aphrodite said. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there's really only one thing to do." "Uh... and that is?" Annabeth ventured. "Why, have tea and chat, obviously -- Rick Riordan
  • The Twitch community loves watching video games, chatting, and broadcasting. The average viewer watches over an hour and a half of video each day. Over two-thirds of our logged-in users chat each day. -- Emmett Shear
  • Birds which are the same color as the foliage in which they nest are less likely to be disturbed by other birds who want to drop in and chat, and therefore last longer. -- Robert Benchley
  • Our lawyers had their chat with the Supreme Court Justice, and promised to repast the chat to other members of the Supreme Court to find out whether they wanted to hear us out. -- Dashiell Hammett
  • I'm not a big fan of TV. It's an unavoidable situation being Ozzy Osbourne, people want you to go on chat shows, and I'm not good at it. I don't feel comfortable doing it. -- Ozzy Osbourne
  • "Community" came to be seen as a chat-group: you switch on as long as your pleasure lasts, then push another button and switch off. Very easy to go in and out, join and leave. -- Zygmunt Bauman
  • I have a credit card and a phone. I answer emails; I answer questions on chat in the middle of the day. Then, late at night, I write against other people who do just that. -- Joshua Cohen
  • Everyone is going to prang out at some point. I don't worry about that stuff too much because most things can be sorted out with a chat, a cup of tea and an arm wrestle. -- Erol Alkan
  • I try to watch as many movies as possible within a group setting instead of just in front of my laptop. It's better to watch something and chat about it with your programming peers afterward. -- Tim League
  • On each side of the war against war, hopes soar, hopes dive, hour by hour now. Resignations abound, timetables slip, and the world waits, mesmerised. I'm off to Melbourne to record an arts chat show. -- Margo Kingston