Robert Coppola Schwartzman quotes:

  • When you form a band, you form a real relationship that's like a marriage. It's an emotional connection, especially when you're young... because you don't know what's out there.

  • Rooney was like marrying a high school sweetheart. And then you're like, 'I think we need some time to see other people,' and those other people are new musicians. Starsystem is like a new marriage with new musicians.

  • I love all the movies by director John Hughes. I also love John Landis's movies.

  • You don't ever want to devalue music. Music is important; it's necessary product. I always try to make sure that there's a value - that people appreciate music and realize that there's a value to it.

  • I kind of feel like we're all humans; we all live on this planet. I kind of always wish there was more of a partnership - a really healthy relationship between people, working together to do things and make it good and change.

  • That's the thing about music: It's forever. Hopefully, you captured a moment musically that has a timeless quality people will find relevant to their lives at any point. That's the whole idea about what I love about art and music.

  • I've always loved Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and I watched the Petty documentary 'Running Down A Dream'. I was directly influenced, it made me want to go write.

  • I've always wanted to do a project with space imagery because I've always loved these amazing sci-fi electro book covers. I've always loved science fiction. I feel like space imagery has no boundaries.

  • There are certain topics songwriters stay away from because it's hard to go there. I didn't sit down and go, 'I want to write something about my dad now.'

  • I started using the Internet when I was 12 years old. I would go into chat rooms and flirt. It was the beginning of the Internet for young people.

  • I've always been real close to film world. I love film, and I will do things in film, but music is more satisfying. It feels more like me.

  • I'm definitely still putting effort into my lyrics, for them to be emotional and tell a story.

  • It would have been more obvious to go into film, based on the generation before me, but the generation before them were all composers or classical musicians.
