Always Be Nice quotes:

  • I wish my fans will always be nice to one another. Don't waste time & enjoy life -- Jessica Jung
  • Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home. -- Phyllis Diller
  • Always be nice to those younger than you, because they are the ones who will be writing about you. -- Cyril Connolly
  • Always be nice to people. Whatever how bad they are to you. To show them you are not like them. -- Louis Tomlinson
  • Always be nice to everyone in the firm on the way up. You never know who you may meet on the way down. -- Jilly Cooper
  • I'm a very positive person, but this whole concept of having to always be nice, always smiling, always happy, that's not real. It was like I was wearing a mask. I was becoming this perfectly chiselled sculpture, and that was bad. That took a long time to understand. -- Alicia Keys
  • Good men and good women have fire in the belly. We are fierce. Don't mess with us if you're looking for someone who will always be 'nice' to you. Nice gets you a C+ in life. We don't always smile, talk in a soft voice, or engage in indiscriminate hugs. In the loving struggle between the sexes we thrust and parry. -- Sam Keen
  • A change is always nice. -- Euripides
  • People are always very nice. -- Alison Krauss
  • A generous figure is always nice! -- Mimi Imfurst
  • It's always nice to be challenged. -- Cillian Murphy
  • It's always nice to receive a compliment. -- Steven Morrissey
  • Nice girls aren't always what they seem. -- Taylor Cole
  • It's always nice to receive a compliment. -- Steven Morrissey
  • It's always nice to be thought of. -- Martina McBride
  • It's always nice to meet friends of friends. -- Meital Dohan
  • It's always nice when the eccentrics show up. -- Alex Cox
  • It's always nice when your work is recognized. -- Gustavo Santaolalla
  • It's always good to be around nice-looking people. -- Ed Westwick
  • We're living proof that nice guys always finish last. -- Matthew Cooper
  • It's always nice to make friends; friends is good. -- Slim Jimmy
  • It's always nice to start the season with a win. -- Yao Ming
  • It's always nice to start off with a good result. -- Robbie Keane
  • It's nice to always make an effort when you get photographed. -- Rita Ora
  • Twins are so practical. It's always nice to have a spare. -- Billie Burke
  • It was and is always nice to work with the kids. -- Willie Nelson
  • People are always surprised at what a nice guy I am. -- Tony Parsons
  • Its always nice to have a stud muffin at the table. -- Janet Evanovich
  • I always hold doors open, I always try to be nice. -- Kat Dennings
  • I'm always buying nice watches for my husband - Bentley Breitlings. -- Bonnie Tyler
  • It's always nice when people say nice things or are complimentary. -- Gary Carr
  • It was - it's always very nice to be somebody rather grand. -- Maggie Smith
  • It's always nice to have people love the things that you do. -- Justin Bartha
  • However, it is always nice to be expected, and not to arrive. -- Oscar Wilde
  • It's always nice being wanted. Even if it's by the wrong person. -- Tabitha Suzuma
  • There's always an adjective before my name, and it's never a nice one. -- Joan Rivers
  • I always like to make sequels. It's a nice business to be in. -- Joel Silver
  • I always aspire to just be really nice to people. To be kind. -- Taylor Swift
  • I'm always playing the nice guy in most of the projects that I do. -- Sean Patrick Thomas
  • It's always nice to have more than just two hands if you're making cakes. -- Zoe Sugg
  • The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. -- Robert De Niro
  • I met Victoria Justice once. She was so nice. I've always been a fan. -- Nolan Sotillo
  • Where has change ever been clean and nice? It has always been messy and painful. -- Zainab Salbi
  • Robert Plant was always my favorite singer-and hes said nice things about me, you know. -- Freddie Mercury
  • I've always enjoyed things going at a nice pace, nothing too fast, nothing too crazy. -- Luke Bryan
  • Guys always attract my attention when they wear nice clothes and they make an effort. -- Georgia Salpa
  • It's always nice to end your sentences with an exclamation mark, and not a comma. -- Joey Santiago
  • Be nice to everyone, always smile & appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow. -- Cory Monteith
  • Fans are almost always nice. I really find that they rarely come on too strong. -- Stan Lee
  • I think second place is always the most difficult one. It's not a nice feeling. -- Bill Vaughan
  • People are always nice; I never get anything mean said to me on the street. -- Chris Lilley
  • It's very sweet to have people say nice things about you, and I always accept that. -- Don Rickles
  • It's always nice to do a family movie, because I do a lot of R-rated stuff. -- Craig Robinson
  • Whenever anything nice happens in the world I always expect something appalling to happen immediately afterwards. -- Charlie Brooker
  • I love a star print. I always get a lurch if I see a nice one. -- Bella Freud
  • When you travel so many weeks a year, it's always nice to have a home-cooked meal. -- Maria Sharapova
  • It's always nice to come home and work in Australia with friends I've known since I started. -- Alyssa Sutherland
  • I use Twitter a lot. That's how I communicate with international fans. Everyone's always really, really nice. -- Maisie Williams
  • It's always nice to anticipate working in something that you know people will have an appetite for. -- Harrison Ford
  • Nothing comes cheap, though the educated eye will always spot very nice things for the least money. -- Albert Hadley
  • Definitely, I'm always nice. Sometimes I wish I could be naughty, I'm just a little too boring. -- Gabrielle Dennis
  • The worst memories stick with us, while the nice ones always seem to slip through our fingers. -- Rachel Vincent
  • I've always tried to be nice to people, so that sort of translates into popularity, I guess. -- Andy Richter
  • I always compare human beings to animals. It's a nice way to figure out who they are. -- Vincent Cassel
  • I like Comic-Con. It's always nice to talk to people who are fans of 'Children's Hospital.' -- Ken Marino
  • I'm always happy when I'm left alone, but if somebody comes and is nice, then we talk. -- Maximilian Schell
  • I am the good girl and I always play the good girl. It's nice to do that. -- Jessica Alba
  • It's always nice to get good feedback, and a bit of encouragement can go a long way. -- Andy Murray
  • From my apartment in Arlington, I could see Washington. It was always nice to be near home. -- Edward P. Jones
  • Im always happy when Im left alone, but if somebody comes and is nice, then we talk. -- Maximilian Schell
  • It's always nice when two people who don't got no one else find each other as friends. -- Patrick Ness
  • On the personal level, the people that follow you on Twitter are always nice to hear from. -- Jim Rash
  • I've always liked older ladies. I'm comfortable with it. They seem to be nice. They've seen it all. -- Adam Sandler
  • It is always nice when you are honoured. The Lifetime award makes me feel old. I am only 55. -- Kapil Dev
  • I've always liked the format of YouTube, sharing things for free, which is a nice exchange between people. -- Bo Burnham
  • My fans are pretty normal, they are always really nice and polite, and they don't interrupt my meals. -- Drew Carey
  • It was nice to focus on things outside of my body. Music has always done that for me. -- Nanci Griffith
  • I always wanted to be able to buy nice things, but the appeal of music was the escapism. -- Paul Young
  • His faith perhaps in some nice tenets might be wrong; his life, I'm sure, was always in the right. -- Abraham Cowley
  • A conflagration always made such a nice backdrop to a battle. Fire made everything so much more joyously apocalyptic. -- Stuart Hill
  • That's when I remember if you have a choice, always ask friends to leave in a very nice voice. -- Lorraine Loria
  • Well, it's always nice to know the fans didn't forget what you did when you played in the NHL. -- Guy Lafleur
  • It's very nice having my mum as my agent. You know that she's always doing what's best for you. -- Freddie Highmore
  • I love writing to my little sister. It's a very nice, easy kind of way I always find inspiration. -- Jillian Hervey
  • Stolen sweets are always sweeter, Stolen kisses much completer, Stolen looks are nice in chapels, Stolen, stolen be your apples. -- Leigh Hunt
  • The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile. -- Ed Sheeran
  • I'd always thought that if Python was going to go on at all, it'd be nice to get into storylines. -- Terry Jones
  • Things don't always tie up in a nice bow. Even when you make strides with people and relationships, it's complicated. -- Aaron Tveit
  • I like to do nice things for my grandchildren - like buy them those toys I've always wanted to play with. -- Gene Perret
  • It's always nice to be able to capture your life's experiences in a song and hold the emotion in that way. -- James Blunt
  • I think that fans are always looking for someone to blame. Wouldn't it be nice if they looked in the mirror? -- Michael Lewis
  • It's always wonderful when you can have safe places where you can dance with the not-so-nice you in a fun way. -- Jada Pinkett Smith
  • Of course, it is always nice to poll well, but if you don't get representatives elected, then what is the point? -- Marta Andreasen
  • I don't always expect good from people. I always expect the bad and I am pleasantly surprised when they are nice. -- Nick Wechsler
  • I'm tactile, very tactile. A woman who has really nice, looked-after skin is such a turn-on for me. It's always sexy. -- Idris Elba
  • It's always nice when people appreciate your work because it means you've affected them, which is great. And so that feels good. -- Kirsten Dunst
  • Whether you're playing in the minor leagues or major-league divisions, wherever you are, it's always nice to be recognized as an All-Star. -- Gaby Sanchez
  • Without sounding pretentious, it's nice to always be surrounded by creative people who inspire me and keep my levels of creativity charged. -- Jaime Winstone
  • It always feels good to come back here. I love New York... it's just nice to see a lot of familiar faces. -- Latrell Sprewell
  • I have always had severe problems with Austrians. ... Musical, churchy, uptight... nice legs... hypocritical... authoritarian... always insist their dustbins are very clean. -- Peter Greenaway
  • I have a nice house. And when somebody says it's a palace, I always feel like we're digging a little or something. -- Dennis Miller
  • When you're eating something and someone asks 'Is that nice?' No it's really revolting - I always eat stuff I hate. -- Billy Connolly
  • It's always nice to have people say you're good-looking. But I do get told I'm not right for parts because I'm too good-looking. -- Rupert Penry-Jones
  • It was always so nice to step away from figure skating and school with hockey. To this day I'm still a huge fan. -- Charlie White
  • If I go on a diet and work out, I'm always in a bad mood. I'd rather be a little heavier but nice. -- Salma Hayek
  • People are always nice, so I can't complain. My name used to be SNL! More and more, people call me by my name. -- Fred Armisen
  • It's cool to have critical success because it's always nice for your peers to say, 'Good job.' But who cares about them? -- Zac Hanson
  • Nice tights," I snorted. Or I tried to snort, anyway. I'm not exactly sure how, though people in books are always doing it. -- Rebecca Stead
  • I think it's always nice to have a film where the underdog comes out on top, doing their best, and surpasses everybody's expectations. -- Kimberly Elise
  • The funny thing is, the girls that I'm always up against for roles are pretty nice and cool, like Emma Watson. She's awesome. -- Amanda Seyfried
  • Secretariat' was such a magnificent animal, unbelievably beautiful and powerful. It's always nice to see something that close to perfection, a reason to celebrate. -- John Malkovich
  • As confusing, unpredictable and stressful as life may be, always remember, it is never incorrect to be kind. When lost, just do nice things. -- Sean Plott
  • Trying to always be the nice guy, to appear good, can be limiting. Avoiding confrontation has closed up a number of possibilities for me. -- Stefan Sagmeister
  • n this changing world, it's nice to know that one thing is forever... you'll always be my sister! Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Sister -- Rob Jackson
  • I'm glad you think so. I've always considered my sense of humor to be largely underappreciated, so it's nice to finally meet a fan. -- Rachel Vincent
  • I love women and I love the women I have been with. I always try to be kind and cautious and treat people nice. -- Kid Rock
  • Prior to 'The Karate Kid', I did commercials - Kool-Aid, Pepsi, milk - and I had always been cast as the all-American nice guy. -- William Zabka
  • I give dating advice on a regular basis. It's not that I'm any expert, but it's always nice to share that with your friends. -- Ashley Tisdale
  • Be nice wont you?" "I am nice, I'm always nice." "But not too nice. I mean don't make a religion out of it, niceness. -- David Nicholls
  • Being a nice girl from the Mid-West, my inclination is always to give in and say yes because I want people to like me. -- Cindy Crawford