Nick Wechsler quotes:

  • I feel lucky to be doing TV right now because I get another chance every day.

  • I don't always expect good from people. I always expect the bad and I am pleasantly surprised when they are nice.

  • There is part of me that will always feel wrong for any leading man-type, charming guy or whatever. I am not that guy. I am so weird. I say inappropriate things, and if I have any charm at all, it's in my utter lack of charm.

  • Being funny has always mattered a lot to me. It's why I started acting - to make my friends laugh.

  • I'm not much of an actor, I'm realizing.

  • Any story about revenge is ultimately a story about forgiveness, redemption, or the futility of revenge.

  • Personally, I don't go and seek contact with fans, but if they happen to find me somewhere I'll say hello and speak to them for a while.

  • I go to movies and concerts and stuff - that's why I think all my money would be gone if I weren't working because I just keep spending it, on that, and CDs, and I don't know.

  • It was like, `Do you want a job?' It didn't matter what the pitch was. I had to get something because I was doing nothing. It sounded all right to me. I initially read for the role that Colin (Hanks) got. Then they called me back for the role that I ended up getting. "¦ I know it sounds kind of funny. OK, they're aliens and they're walking among us and they're in high school. My good friends are always picking on me about it.
