Alright quotes:

  • I just trust people and they sense everything's gonna be alright. -- Gregory Corso
  • If I change my name again y'all can have me certified as crazy. Alright? -- Puff Daddy
  • I knew that my niece was working nearby with some bank, so my wife rang up the mother and the mother called back to say that shes just called up to say she was alright. -- Lee Kuan Yew
  • Barack Obama doesn't believe in free enterprise. He's never going to admit it. For instance, he's never going to come straight out and say, 'If you own a business you didn't build it.' Alright, maybe he will. -- Marco Rubio
  • If you ever start feeling like you have the goofiest, craziest, most dysfunctional family in the world, all you have to do is go to a state fair. Because five minutes at the fair, you'll be going, 'you know, we're alright. We are dang near royalty.' -- Jeff Foxworthy
  • Ageing's alright, better than the alternative, which is not being here. -- George H. W. Bush
  • Alright, so I'm a manic depressive. What do you want from me? -- Claire Forlani
  • Vince McMahon said alright, we're going to call you the Blue Blazer. -- Owen Hart
  • As long as you keep getting born, it's alright to die some times. -- Orson Scott Card
  • The movies I'm in not a lot of people see, but it's alright. -- Catherine Keener
  • Death is the last enemy: once we've got past that I think everything will be alright. -- Alice Thomas Ellis
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with cosmetic surgery at all. I think it's great. But I don't think it's alright to distort yourself. -- Sharon Stone
  • Let me tell you about being executive producer. It is not a job, it's a title. Don't go around asking executive producers what they do because they don't do anything, alright? -- Morgan Freeman
  • Nobody heard records of you playing whatever the melody was on those low strings. It worked out good, you know, about 25 or 26 million records later. I guess it worked out alright. -- Lee Hazlewood
  • Since I was doing all of it myself, I had to decide where I wanted to go with the songs, how to proceed with the chords, if the sound was alright, and all that detail on my own. -- Utada Hikaru
  • All I can say to the kids is if you've a problem in fishing or life, if you talk to an older person, you're gonna end up alright, because nine times out of 10, they've been through the same thing. -- Rex Hunt
  • Sometimes I think that I was forced to withdraw into depression because it was the only rightful protest I could throw in the face of a world that said it was alright for people to come and go as they please, that there were simply no real obligations left. -- Elizabeth Wurtzel
  • One of the great things to pretend is that you're not only alright, you're in great shape. Now to have that come true - I've actually gone on stage depressed and that's worked its magic on me, 'cause if I can convince you that I'm alright, then maybe I can convince me. -- Carrie Fisher
  • I'm very happy with the way I look. I wake up some morning, catch myself in the bathroom mirror, and go, 'hey girl, you're alright'. But on the other hand, I find the website stuff, and the polls, something completely removed from my own personal life. You can't take anything like that too seriously, otherwise you'd end up in the loony bin. -- Cameron Diaz
  • Everything's gonna be alright. -- Alicia Keys
  • Whistle through your teeth and spit cuz, it's Alright -- Jerry Garcia
  • Alright, manly man, he saysGo prove that you're a man. -- Jessica Sorensen
  • Alright, manly man," he says. "Go prove that you're a man. -- Jessica Sorensen
  • Alright, remember, alcohol equals puke equals smelly mess equals nobody likes you. -- Adam Sandler
  • Don't worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright -- Bob Marley
  • I think Britain would be alright, if only we had a different Government. -- William Hague
  • You know, Elizabeth Taylor must be in Heaven going, 'Alright, fire two honey!' -- Dana Carvey
  • My girlfriend said she wanted me to tease her, so I said "Alright, fatty." -- Jimmy Carr
  • If I change my name again y'all can have me certified as crazy. Alright? -- Puff Daddy
  • I hope some day to make you all a cup of coffee. Alright, peace. -- Johnny Depp
  • Alright, let's admit it, we Jews killed Christ - but it was only for three days. -- Lenny Bruce
  • The Side Effects of Dying in Your Pants isn't really funny"¦ Alright, it's a little funny. -- John Green
  • Alright, he's chucking his toys out the basket and Gary Shaw has a big mouth and shouts a lot. -- Joe Calzaghe
  • My kids are always awake. It's they're taking shifts. 'Alright, I'll annoy 'em from midnight to . Who wants to ?' -- Jim Gaffigan
  • Tomboy. Alright, call me a tomboy. Tomboys get medals. Tomboys win championships. Tomboys can fly. Oh. And tomboys aren't boys. -- Julie Foudy
  • Voila, pleasurable indeed. Oh yeah, satisfy my need. Alright, how I long to be. My soul on fire and my spirit free. -- Michael Tolcher
  • Anyone can love you when things are alright. It takes courage to love when things are not good and it does not feel right. -- Yolanda Adams
  • Alright, the secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do and then direct all of your energy towards doing it. -- Robin Sharma
  • I got into acting my junior year of high school. We got a new hot drama teacher and I was like 'Alright, I'll try drama.' -- Miles Teller
  • Alright, Colby. How we wanna play this? In through the skylight? Side entrance? Sneak in the back?Are you kidding? Fuck all that shit. Poyo don't sneak. -- John Layman
  • Alright guys, I want to get out there and vote tomorrow. And not because it's cool, because it's not. You know what is cool? Smoking. Smoke while you vote. -- Jon Stewart
  • Michael: Thing is, I'd like to go out with you. What are you doing on Saturday?Siobhan: Committing suicide.Michael: Alright then, what are you doing on Friday?(from Stormling, 2014) -- John Hennessy
  • Cocaine is yucky. I did it once: I was at a party; I was bored. I was like, 'Alright, I'll do a line.' Then I was just bored longer. -- Bonnie McFarlane
  • Michael: "Thing is, I'd like to go out with you. What are you doing on Saturday?"Siobhan: "Committing suicide."Michael: "Alright then, what are you doing on Friday?"(from Stormling, 2014) -- John Hennessy
  • Alright, good night, he said, his words a little slurredBut before I pass out, I want you to know that you're the hottest biscuit this side of the gravy boat. -- Erin McCarthy
  • We were having tea with my mother-in-law the other day and out of the blue she said, "I've decided I want to be cremated." I said, "Alright, get your coat." -- Dave Spikey
  • It's alright all of us all living saying 'oh well there's enough of us so we won't have anymore, don't let anybody else live.' I don't believe in that. -- John Lennon
  • Alright, you'll get your bonus, buy play nice with her. Keep your sarcasm to a minimum. (Kyrian)Yes, O Great Lord and Master. Be nice to woman, keep mouth shut. (Nick) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • There would be brilliant songs, but, as [Bob] Dylan admitted on the recent Martin Scorsese documentary about him (No Direction Home), the specific muse that inspired "It's Alright Ma" would not return. -- Bob Dylan
  • In the meantime [1963-65], [Bob] Dylan was writing some of the best love songs in the genre, like "Girl From the North Country," "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright," and "It Ain't Me, Babe." -- Jay Michaelson
  • Everything is ecstasy inside. We just don't know it because of our thinking-minds. But in our true blissful essence of mind [it] is known that everything is alright forever and forever and forever. -- Jack Kerouac
  • I'm too tired, too tired hearing your mean-wording, your pretending, your name-calling, sorry, not sorry, words you write, I should forgive because you didn't mean them right? Oh plus I deserved them? Alright. -- Coco J. Ginger
  • Obviously when you're a teen you have no money, so you make, like, three outfits out of one dress. You're like, 'OK cut the arms here. Alright: New party, cut them to here.' -- Marina and the Diamonds
  • Alright, all right," I said. "What if I tell you a story, instead?" Highlanders loved stories, and Jamie was no exception. "Oh, aye, " he said, sounding much happier. "What sort of story is it? -- Diana Gabaldon
  • I look to nature because I think the animals are smarter than we are. Animals mate; humans date. There's no dating in the animal kingdom. No dinner, no movie - just a quick sniff, 'Alright, let's go.' -- Adam Ferrara
  • Thank heavens when the first single Bye Bye came off this album work started to pick up, then I'm Alright has taken us across the world. Radio has been very good, it has chosen to be kind to us. -- Jo Dee Messina
  • I'll cry!! Ububu... BUEEEEEEE!! I... Ichigo, you thupid! Baldy!! Piece of poop!Ichigo: Alright! Alright! I get it already, stop crying!Nel: Impotent!Ichigo: I'm not impotent!!Rukia: What's he shouting about?Nel: Virgin!!!Ichigo: SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!! -- Tite Kubo
  • Alright, macho babe boy, I'm not some little ditz to bat my eyelashes at the buff stud in black leather. Don't try your he-man tactics with me. I'll have you know, in my office, I'm known as the ball-breaker. (Amanda) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • Alright, alright, I admit it: my husband is the quiet, kind, accepting parent, and I'm the one who wants so much to be part of our two daughters' lives than I can't even let them finish a story without interrupting. -- Robin Marantz Henig
  • Alright, well, we're going to go tell Maggie's father. Kyle came forward to inspect Caleb's face closelyDude, what are you doing?Just memorising your pretty face before it gets all mangled.Caleb laughed and shoved Kyle who laughed tooShut up, man. -- Shelly Crane
  • "Helena Bonham Carter and Jeff Bridges waved at me. And, of course, it would be absurd if they were waving at me, so I just stared at them. I stared at both of them. And they were like, 'Alright, fine.' -- Jennifer Lawrence
  • When Julia and I broke up and I was really scared to go into a market or anywhere because I thought, Oh God, everyone must hate me. And that wasn't the case. People said, I'm sorry this happened, man. Are you alright? -- Kiefer Sutherland
  • Alright then, let's explain it this way. There are four basic kinds of Daimons or vampires; bloodsuckers, soulsuckers, energy/dreamsuckers, and slayers. (Talon) You guys are the slayers. (Amanda) (Hunter snorted) What? Were you born with a remote in your hand? (Kyrian) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • You like a cracker?What kind of cracker?Graham, chocolate, cocoanut, whatever you want.Maybe just a plain cracker.I don't have plain crackers. I got graham, chocolate and cocoanut.Alright, a graham cracker.They're in the kitchen, in the closet.Maybe later. -- Neil Simon
  • One of the hardest things I've had to learn is to let it go. At the end of the show or the end of the rehearsal day to just take a deep breath and say, "Alright, that was it. That was the day." -- Taissa Farmiga
  • He came in and took a piss in my hotel bathroom without even closing the door as I'm standing right there. I'm like, Alright. You're comfortable. It was like we knew each other for four or five years, even though we had never met. -- Peter Seibel
  • Alright, listen up. I'm supposed to give you some fatherly and wise advice at this time in your life. Listen up, if you're wondering if a boy's thinking about you, he's not. He's thinking about sex, or he's hungry: those are the only two options. -- Eric Taylor
  •'s the deal. What's happening in this piece is very simple, over here on this see that there is a very scared little kinda guy over there...wanna know why he's scared? Because this guy over here is trying to eat him. -- Chester Bennington
  • Alright then, I guess that's settled, Lilly said, then she turned to Fane, Lay a paw on my little girl and you will be a three legged Lassie, got it? Fane winced and then asked, You both do realize I'm a wolf not a dog right? -- Quinn Loftis
  • When I was 12 years old, or however old I was when Bringing It All Back Home came out, I'd just skip back and forth endlessly between 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' and 'It's Alright, Ma' and 'Mr. Tambourine Man,' and now my Dylan roots are showing big time. -- Rodney Crowell
  • Just friends? Alright friend we won't kiss goodnight, and I won't hold you tight and wish that you were mine just for one night. I will separate my dreams from my eyes, separate my heart from my spine, keep clean the lines between my hands and your innards. -- Coco J. Ginger
  • It's gotten to the point where I think my friends would rather hang out with their own kids than hang out with me. And I'm like, "Alright, but where's the loyalty, man. I've known you for twenty-five years. How long have you known your baby, like, a month?" -- Arj Barker
  • The Vow,' I didn't know if people were going to want to see it, but we felt good about it. We we're like, 'Alright, either way, I liked the movie for what it was,' and I think we knew exactly what we were trying to do. -- Channing Tatum
  • The word 'retirement' doesn't really sit well with me. There comes a time when you reach a position in society or culture where people will not let you retire. You can say, 'Alright, I'm going to hang up my guitar,' but people will still not let you retire. -- Kirk Hammett
  • Progress might have been alright once, but it has gone on too long. -- Ogden Nash
  • I'm always sort of anticipating life being difficult, but on a basic level, that's sort of on the surface, on a basic level, I'm optimistic in the sense that I think it's all going to be alright in the end. -- Emily Mortimer
  • As long as your intention is pure, and you know what you're in it for, then you're alright. And I'm in it because I enjoy it. I take it seriously... real seriously. I mean I could sit and talk all day about the music. -- Trey Anastasio
  • I don't like telling people where I stand on this, although I'm surprised anybody wonders. I suppose if I say I'm pro-choice, if I make that clear, it let's the audience off the hook, then they can sort of relax. Okay, it's alright he's pro-choice then I can enjoy this. -- Todd Solondz
  • I was on some TV shows with Lady Gaga the other week, and you could see the difference in reaction between her fans and my fans outside. She comes out, and she looks like a star, and the reaction is just tears, crying, people going, 'Oh my God, Oh my God.' My fans are like: 'Alright, Ed.' -- Ed Sheeran
  • It will be alright. -- Katherine Hannigan
  • I hit something...alright. -- Tite Kubo
  • Don't forget to remember me, alright? -- Kahlen Aymes
  • Rose: You're trembling.Jack: I'll be alright. -- James Cameron
  • You'll be alright, I say, Mum likes you. -- J.A. Buckle
  • Nothing else is alright. But we are. -Tobias -- Veronica Roth
  • Of course it's alright for librarians to smell of drink. -- Barbara Pym
  • Being a fool for God was not merely alright but liberating. -- Joy Davidman
  • I'm older than I'd like and I'm creaky, but I'm doing alright. -- David Crosby
  • You better peel your eyes out so you don't miss a thing, alright! -- Kazue Kato
  • Something different was happening to William alright, as if Winkleberry wasn't different enough. -- S.Z. Berg
  • Billy Pilgrim: You guys go on without me. I'll be alright.Slaughterhouse-FiveKurt Vonnegut -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • I lead a simple life. I get residuals. I have a family; we're doing alright. -- Robert Morse
  • She's alright,for a thirteen-year-old, he thought, Shame she won't be around for much longer. -- Chloe Gadsby Jones
  • I'm sorry to go, but its alright. Rivers dry up; tides ebb; the sea goes on. -- Seanan McGuire
  • What's the big fucking deal? Lots of amazing people have committed suicide, and they turned out alright. -- Emilie Autumn
  • There was a slight rapping at my bathroom doorAre you alright in there?No. I respondedI'm drowning. -- Khalia Hades
  • It's okay, mummy's in there lying on the floor. She'll be alright in an hour or so. -- Margaret Atwood
  • If you can come to the Olympic Games and leave with a medal then that is alright. -- Yohan Blake
  • It was alright to be afraid of something, as long as you didn't let the fear control you. -- Katie MacAlister
  • If I died tonightEverything would be alrightThe pain would be goneAnd life, life would be a new song -- Atarah L. Poling
  • Dad rubbed his foreheadNo Sophie, its alright. That's what I hoped you would do. You hoped I'd commit mirrorcide? -- Rachel Hawkins
  • Who says I'm insane?Oh you're sane alright. You're so sane, you scare me.You're so sane, it's insane. -- Neal Shusterman
  • There is a great fear that plagues only romantics and children... it is that they might be alright alone. -- Merrit Malloy
  • Remember, do the things that you fucking believe in, alright? This is what it's all about right now. [MTV Awards 2005] -- Billie Joe Armstrong
  • You can do this, Adria. Don't wolf-out on me, especially not in my lap, alright? These are my favorite jeans. -- J.A. Redmerski
  • She was scaredUnpreparedLost in the darkFalling apartI can't surviveWithout you by my sideWe're gonna be alrightThis is what happens whenTwo worlds collide. -- Demi Lovato
  • The 2nd time leads to the 3rd, the 5th, the 7th time,I feel so alive, it won't last but it's alright -- John Legend
  • I need Your loving hand to guide meThrough the maze of all the things inside me Then I'll know that I'm alright -- Hawk Nelson
  • But still I feel I waste a lot of time leaning on my elbow and thinking to myself, alright sucker, now what? -- Peter S. Beagle
  • Every time you get a movie, you get a medical. So you know, you know you're alright for a couple of weeks. -- Michael Caine
  • They like life alright, but that they would like it even better if they could know that it was going to end sometime. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • Ah, man, if I could ever hook up with Tom Waits, I'd be the happiest camper in Yellowstone, alright? That's the one guy. -- Al Jourgensen
  • Just a tiny little pain,Three days of heavy rain,Three days of sunlight,Everything will be alright,Just a tiny little pain. -- Antonia Michaelis
  • We came to see Jace. Is he alright?I don't know, Magnus saidDoes he normally just lie on the floor like that without moving? -- Cassandra Clare
  • Mercy is the mark of a great man! (stabs defeated opponent) I guess I'm just a good man. (stabs opponent again) Well ... I'm alright. -- Jane Espenson
  • This women's orchestra made a demure picture in their muted dove grays, alright, but they played like they were gowned in scarlet and gold. -- Bailey Bristol
  • He could hear me alright...but he didn't answer me right away. He was the kind of guy that hates to answer you right away. -- J. D. Salinger
  • You're something, alright. I laughed into his bare chest, my eyes closingI'm your something... His voice trailed off into a wisper as I drifted off. -- J. Sterling
  • Follow through.Make your dreams come true.Don't give up the fight.You will be alright.Cause there's no one like you in the universe -- Muse
  • You held me down, but I got upHey!Alrighty brushing off the dust You hear my voice You hear that soundLike thunder gonna shake the ground-Roar -- Katy Perry