John McEnroe Quotes in Jack and Jill (2011)


John McEnroe Quotes:

  • Jack Sadelstein: Did I ever tell you Todd is an atheist?

    Jill Sadelstein: A WHAT?

    Todd: Oh, God.

    Jack Sadelstein: Have a great time, guys.

    Jill Sadelstein: No! How could there be a Grand Canyon if God didn't exist?

    Todd: Right. That's a very good point. I'm just saying, you know, maybe...

    Jill Sadelstein: Maybe God wouldn't have given you a rat face if you believed in him.

    Todd: I don't have a rat face.

    Jill Sadelstein: Yes, you do have a rat face! It's scary.

    John McEnroe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. This guy doesn't believe in God?

    Jill Sadelstein: No!

    Todd: No, no, I'm just saying that there's not real proof.

    John McEnroe: IDIOTS like you really make me MAD!

    Michael Irvin: Fight! Fight!

  • John McEnroe: I like the way you beat up those guys who were making fun of you. It was pretty cool.

    Longfellow Deeds: Yeah I bet you know what it's like to get all riled up Johnny Mac.

    John McEnroe: That I do.

  • [nearly getting run over]

    John McEnroe: [yelling after the car] What kind of driving is that?

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