Speak language quotes:

  • You who speak languages, you are such liars. -- Orson Scott Card
  • My own view is that one cannot be religious in general any more than one can speak language in general; at any given moment one speaks French or English or Swahili or Japanese, but not 'language. -- Susan Sontag
  • I would like to speak 10 languages. -- Leon Redbone
  • I speak the language of television. -- Randy Falco
  • I speak two languages, Body and English. -- Mae West
  • I want a language that speaks the truth. -- Studs Terkel
  • I feel that I speak the musical language. -- Marsha Norman
  • Heart to heart we speak the same language. -- Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
  • There is a pride in speaking this language. -- Bernard Pivot
  • Money speaks sense in a language all nations understand. -- Aphra Behn
  • The Germans and I no longer speak the same language. -- Marlene Dietrich
  • The German language speaks Being, while all the others merely speak of Being. -- Martin Heidegger
  • Language is a personality as well. People are different when they speak different languages. -- David Bezmozgis
  • In order to be a diplomat, one must speak a number of languages, including doubletalk. -- Carey Williams
  • I can speak English. I can speak Hindi. I can understand one or two other languages. -- Azim Premji
  • I think somebody who speaks the language is going to notice immediately that I'm not Russian. -- Nicholas Lea
  • Speaks cheerful English and in the past has written this language with a paintbrush that talks. -- Jimmy Breslin
  • Language is an archaeological vehicle... the language we speak is a whole palimpsest of human effort and history. -- Russell Hoban
  • I speak a little Spanish but I am so impressed by people who can speak a lot of different languages. -- Matthew Morrison
  • Great art speaks a language which every intelligent person can understand. The people who call themselves modernists today speak a different language. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • After all, when you come right down to it, how many people speak the same language even when they speak the same language? -- Russell Hoban
  • Speak with the language of love. -- Rumi
  • As humans we speak one language... -- Avril Lavigne
  • Touch is the first language we speak. -- Stephen Gaskin
  • Language transcends us and yet we speak. -- Maurice Merleau-Ponty
  • Peace is the language we must speak. -- Pope Francis
  • English is the easiest language to speak badly. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • Javier Chevanton don't speak the language too good. -- Kevin Bond
  • i couldn't speak the language of his feelings -- Jonathan Safran Foer
  • Armenian is the language to speak with God. -- Lord Byron
  • There is no language that love does not speak. -- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  • To speak another language is to have another soul -- Charlemagne
  • Speak the language of the person you want to become. -- Adam Braun
  • A thug only understands you when you speak his language -- Alexander Lukashenko
  • Knowledge and Experience do not necessarily speak the same language. -- Benjamin Hoff
  • I speak only one language, and it is not my own. -- Jacques Derrida
  • Language most shows a man, speak that I may see thee. -- Ben Jonson
  • An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language. -- Martin Buber
  • I could teach you how to speak my language, Rosetta Stone. -- Drake
  • Playing characters that speak a very violent language was my livelihood. -- Greg Bryk
  • Language creates reality. Words have power. Speak always to create joy. -- Deepak Chopra
  • People appreciate when you make an effort to speak their language. -- Sam Altman
  • Speak any language, Turkish, Greek, Persian, Arabic, but always speak with love -- Rumi
  • To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture. -- Frantz Fanon
  • To speak of atrocious crimes in mild language is treason to virtue. -- Edmund Burke
  • Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world. -- Rumi
  • It's fascinating when you're from another place, but you don't speak the language. -- Marcus Samuelsson
  • Men and women may speak the same language, but we interpret words differently. -- Pamela Cummins
  • Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language. -- Meister Eckhart
  • To speak with the shadow, you must know the language of the darkness! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Too many women in too many countries speak the same language, of silence... -- Hillary Clinton
  • All mystics speak the same language, for they come from the same country. -- Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
  • I speak the truth but I guess that's a foreign language to ya'll! -- Lil Wayne
  • As you can see, I speak many languages, including the language of sex. -- Kristen Schaal
  • French is a language that makes those who speak it both calm and dynamic. -- Bernard Pivot
  • The English Language is my bitch. Or I don't speak it very well. Whatever. -- Joss Whedon
  • They call our language the mother tongue because the father seldom gets to speak. -- George W. Bush
  • My communication with aliens is not verbal - we speak the language of light. -- Valeria Lukyanova
  • I like to be in a European city where I can speak my language. -- Rashida Jones
  • Lie, illusion, deception, she said--was that it truly, the universal language we all speak? -- Cynthia Ozick
  • Speak the language of high intelligence, and thus you speak the language of God. -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Our government should speak a common language with the American people - plain English. -- Alan Siegel
  • Was there a language of loss? Did everyone who suffered speak a different dialect? -- Jodi Picoult
  • He would always speak the language of the heart with an awkward foreign accent. -- Orson Scott Card
  • I'm very political without being political. I don't know how to speak proper political language. -- Taki Theodoracopulos
  • The heart has its own language. The heart knows a hundred thousand ways to speak. -- Rumi
  • No matter what your cultural sophistication or what language you speak, everyone can understand images. -- Tibor Kalman
  • Once I started singing, I realized it was a language I'd forgotten I could speak. -- Rene Marie
  • The music takes over the words and makes them speak to me in another language. -- Roger Scruton
  • And how does God speak to you?" "In the language of everything that is beautiful. -- Mark Helprin
  • My French is still good. That's a beautiful language and I'm happy to speak it. -- Famke Janssen
  • I grew up with the piano. I learned its language as I learned to speak. -- Keith Jarrett
  • To know a language intimately is to understand the soul of those who speak it. -- Margaret Wander Bonanno
  • Let the music speak to us of tonight, in a happier language than our own. -- Wilkie Collins
  • It is only possible to speak in the language and in the spirit of one's time. -- Eugene Delacroix
  • Having an international voice is not really about whether we speak Persian or any other language. -- Abbas Kiarostami
  • Esperanto was a very useful language, because wherever you went, you found someone to speak with. -- George Soros
  • When people speak their own language you get a much better sense of who they are. -- Bruno Tonioli
  • When a person has an accent, it means he can speak one more language than you -- Fernando Lamas
  • Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language. -- Walt Disney
  • Those are the facts but not the truth, which does not even speak the same language. -- Sonja Livingston
  • Color is the language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege. -- Keith Crown
  • The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • Only in North America is it regarded as a major achievement to speak one language moderately well. -- Dick Pound
  • I learned Spanish at home and, since half my family doesn't speak English, it's my first language. -- Odette Annable
  • I make music to touch the souls of people as it's a language we all can speak. -- Andre Rieu
  • I don't speak, I operate a machine called language. It creaks and groans, but is mine own. -- Frank Herbert
  • It probably helps that my background is in the sciences and I can speak the scientists' language. -- David Chalmers
  • Even when people can't speak your language, they can tell if you have love in your heart. -- Pat Nixon
  • Listen with ears of tolerance! See through the eyes of compassion! Speak with the language of love -- Rumi
  • Consider the way you speak and your use of language; it's a reflection of your warrior spirit. -- Frederick Lenz
  • The nature of language may determine what most people say, but I always speak my own meaning. -- Mason Cooley
  • I don't speak ... I operate a machine called language. It creaks and groans, but is mine own. -- Frank Herbert
  • Consider the way you speak and your use of language; it's a reflection of your warrior spirit. -- Frederick Lenz
  • Speak the language of the company you are in; speak it purely, and unlarded with any other. -- Lord Chesterfield
  • To get someone to pose, you have to be very good friends and above all speak the language. -- Pierre-Auguste Renoir
  • To be successful in my native France, where people speak the same language and understand me, is nothing. -- Edith Piaf
  • Regardless of whether you speak the language or are familiar with a culture, the picture should hold up. -- Herb Ritts
  • Shakespeare is a wonderful language to speak, but it's also a world to get your mind into thematically. -- Orlando Bloom
  • Mathematics to me is like a language I donĂ¢??t speak though I admire its literature in translation. -- David Quammen
  • Language is the currency of consciousness. We speak to fill the void. We write it down to remember. -- Andrew Lakey
  • We're all brothers and sisters. It doesn't matter what language you speak or what color your skin is. -- Shay Carl
  • I don't use those terms [like Uncle Tom], and I would never speak in that kind of language. -- Jill Stein
  • We must learn to speak the language women speak when there is no one there to correct us. -- Helene Cixous
  • I'm Language Gal. I can speak any language presented to me. And I look exactly like Halle Berry. -- Ilana Glazer
  • I love performing in front of people, no matter where they come from or what language they speak. -- Juanes
  • What religion a man shall have is a historical accident, quite as much as what language he shall speak. -- George Santayana
  • People who speak the same language can hate one another as easily as can people who speak unrelated languages. -- Peter Farb
  • I think the most annoying language is a tie between all the ones I don't know how to speak. -- Demetri Martin
  • Language has not the power to speak what love indites: The soul lies buried in the ink that writes. -- John Clare
  • I speak to you in one tongue/ but every moment that ever mattered to me/ occurred in another language. -- Marvin Bell
  • If I do not speak in a language that can be understood there is little chance for a dialogue. -- bell hooks
  • Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you speak. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Dance is so important in the world. It needs no language. Our bodies speak a language of its own. -- Ibrahim Farah
  • All of us are displaced. Few people live where their great-grandparents lived or speak the language their great-grandparents spoke. -- Hephzibah Menuhin
  • Poetry at its best is the language your soul would speak if you could teach your soul to speak. -- Jim Harrison
  • It's my language, the language I speak. I've spent a lot more time playing music than talking or writing. -- Nitin Sawhney
  • I just don't like big guys who speak cryptically and act like they understand the language better than me. -- Robert Downey, Jr.
  • Somebody said to me that I speak English almost like somebody for whom English is not their first language. -- Christopher Walken
  • I don't think that someone who does not speak the original language can ever expect to produce a real translation. -- Christian Wiman