Innocent Mwatsikesimbe quotes:

  • Your destiny is shaped in your moments of decision.

  • By taking control of the present, you are choosing to alter the past you are making for yourself, and your future too.

  • Lack teaches you the importance of what you are lacking.

  • When times get tough and your path gets rough, just hold on. You'll get there soon enough.

  • Education, possessions, or people cannot replace passion, but they are given meaning by your passion in life.

  • Action gives a decision power and finality.

  • Well, I think the first thing to do when trying to let go of the past is to accept it. Denial only delays the problem for later. Deal with it now.

  • Your heart is your compass in the journey of life; follow it.

  • Avoiding things that you deem unattainable on first sight will limit you.

  • Idleness is seductive.Just relax and do nothing, it says.

  • Passively sitting around and waiting for things to happen only leaves things up to chance, which you have no control over.

  • Not knowing what to do with your life is a painful thing.

  • What inspires you to do what you do is the reason why you persist, even in the face of trouble.

  • Your opposition is the most powerful tool you can use to rise up.

  • Take one more step because it might be the last one needed.

  • As soon as you start wanting something, then your eyes can see; your mind will be open to identify all the possible ways of obtaining it.

  • What you do now will be in the past right after you do it.

  • Hearts everywhere bear scars of one form of hurt or the other, and it is necessary to keep this in mind when trying to understand why a person is the way he or she is.

  • Can trust be trusted?

  • There will never be another day such as this one, with all the variables of life combining in such a way to form this opportunity. So don't let it go, grab it.

  • So each time a person decides to wait for 'time to change things', he or she is actually waiting for other people to change his or her fortunes.

  • Those that know where they are going will not take any path they see in front of them, but they will take the one that goes in the direction they want.

  • Acceptance.Good and bad,Fortune and misfortune,Pleasure and pain,I want it all,Because it's mine.

  • No one knows the future, but the present offers clues and hints on its direction.

  • We all have dreams; things we want to achieve, to have or to own, to be or to see.

  • Heart to heart we speak the same language.

  • I wonder what will happen when you actually enjoy the pains that life gives us sometimes. You'll be above them.

  • It is what you do about the fear you feel that sets you apart, to be a coward or a courageous person.

  • Fear of failure is deceptive.Don't do it, you'll fail, it says.Courage is inceptive.It's where success starts.

  • Most problems can be effectively dealt with before they are in full swing.

  • Silence, when correctly timed, can speak multitudes of words to a person, without any extra effort on your part.

  • People usually gossip about people they don't quite understand, are jealous of, or have other negative feelings for.

  • Some say they love you, but some actually "do" the loving. These are the ones that truly love you, because love is seen in actions.

  • No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but not all of us admit to mistakes made.

  • What they say doesn't matter because it can be lies, but it's what they do that matters because it always speaks truth.

  • One of the most liberating things a person can do is to admit that he or she is human and is flawed.

  • If you are humble enough to admit to your flaws then you are capable of correcting them.

  • The good don't masquerade their goodness, they just are.

  • Learn from all, but copy none and just be yourself.

  • Running away, avoiding life's battles or giving up robs you of the opportunity to grow and be stronger.

  • It is us who change. We grow stronger, and the problems appear less imposing.

  • Okay, let's recap.So I lost a few good things, but wait;There's other fish in the sea.And my heart's still here: the bait.It has a few cracksAnd a couple of shark bites,But it's alright.A bleeding heart is never one to wait in the water for long.I wonder what my next catch will be..

  • I feel relieved, reborn, I'm me again.Free from heartbreak, that strong yet invisible chain,That stymied me from living again.

  • I can't think of a better way to revenge someone who tried to break you,Than to live and love life more without them.

  • Now,Because I put you in the past,My life is like:A path paved,Fit for your feet.Now other women walk on it;And not one of them fits.Walking crooked, on a path that's straight.I watch them.They don't even have your gait.

  • I know someone said it's over,And shattered all your dreams.Come here, oh tattered soul.Broken dreams, you say.Now that you're awake,Let me show you something I learned the same hard way.Get up and give yourself a shake.Life is for living, so don't die for anyone's sake.What I say heals her heart.

  • I tell her that the best thing to do when you fall is to get up,And she is up, so she's moving in the right direction.

  • Asking why you should retaliate often solves the problem better than retaliation itself.

  • I'm strong beyond appearances reveal,But I'm human, and have weak moments still.

  • Pain strengthens and failure teaches us the proper way to do things.

  • You can always learn to do more than you can at any point in your life.

  • Goals are set in life to enable concentrated and directed effort to be employed toward a desired end. Without goals, it will be easy to derail, and it will also be hard to track progress.

  • You can never rightly judge another person's life because as a person, you only know the truth, with certainty, of your own experiences.

  • There's no point in being an unhappy success, and there's not much sense in being a happy failure either.

  • A responsible person accepts the results of his choices, attributing blame or praise to himself; that is what makes you happy with the way you turned out.

  • What makes you happy might not make the other person happy. What you consider ahead of you, another sees behind.

  • True happiness involves the freedom to be yourself.

  • Freedom to be yourself is among the most valuable freedoms I know.

  • Do not blindly accept anyone's definition of your life and define it yourself.

  • If you emit positive energy, even people who don't like you will not be negative when around you.

  • As days are numbered and life is short, why waste days feeling bad for yourself~?

  • Trust is hard to gain, but it is even harder to regain once lost.

  • To make mistakes is to live, because no one is born knowing everything.

  • In fact, mistakes are life's way of teaching us the right way to do things.
