Screwed Up quotes:

  • Fiction is about stuff that's screwed up. -- Nancy Kress
  • People who go into show business are screwed up. -- Craig Kilborn
  • My plumbing is all screwed up. Because it turns out, I do not own a garbage disposal. -- Demetri Martin
  • I think it's unfair, but they have the right as fallible, screwed-up humans to be unfair; that's the human condition. -- Albert Ellis
  • I'm sorry your pretty little world got all screwed up, but everybody's does, and you go on. It's how you go on that defines you. -- Karen Marie Moning
  • I was once a student in a punk T-Shirt hooked on screwed-up scenarios. Thats how I became the esteemed cultural figure that I am today. -- Bruce Sterling
  • You hear about how many fourth quarter comebacks that a guy has and I think it means a guy screwed up in the first three quarters. -- Peyton Manning
  • More has been screwed up on the battlefield and misunderstood in the Pentagon because of a lack of understanding of the English language than any other single factor. -- John W. Vessey, Jr.
  • You can almost judge how screwed up somebody is by the kind of toilet paper they use. Go in any rich house and it's some weird coloured embossed stuff. -- Captain Beefheart
  • When I tried to play something and screwed up, I'd hear some other note that would come into play. Then I started trying different things to find the beauty in it. -- Dimebag Darrell
  • I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here. So, how can I find my way? Is there a chain saw of the soul, an ax I can take to my memories or fears? -- Laurie Halse Anderson
  • I sort of became infatuated with soldiers. I got to know some of them and got a little perturbed with Hollywood making a spectacle out of them and making them look like they have screwed up somehow. -- Channing Tatum
  • If babies held the same tendency toward self-criticism as adults, they might never learn to walk or talk. Can you imagine infants stomping, 'Aarggh! Screwed up again!' Fortunately, babies are free of self-criticism. They just keep practicing. -- Dan Millman
  • Don't be so damn hard on yourself. Yeah, you screwed up. You're not perfect, fine. Learn from it. But don't punish yourself. Be kind to you, even when you screw up. You'll bounce back eventually. You'll make up for it. -- Stephanie Klein
  • When I was 9, I went to a birthday party. We were supposed to see a cowboy movie, but the programming got screwed up and we saw 'The Bad Seed' instead. Horrifying. For years I was frightened of girls with pigtails. -- Robert Englund
  • People focus on the darker female characters in my books, but for every one of those, I can also show you an equally screwed up man that no one ever comments about, or a nicer woman that no one comments about. -- Gillian Flynn
  • No one leaves the edit room thinking, 'Yeah, I nailed that one!' Everyone I know goes into their first premiere or their first screening thinking, 'I screwed up so bad. I'm sorry, I messed up.' It's just a real common feeling. -- Mike Mills
  • Look, we know we screwed up when we were in the majority. We fell in love with power. We spent way too much money - especially on earmarks. There was too much corruption when we ran this place. We were guilty. And that's why we lost. -- Eric Cantor
  • As I say the words, I realize how true they are. And maybe that's the trick to getting through it, through life: realizing that everybody, including ourselves, is lugging around some kind of screwed-up baggage. Maybe we are put here to help each other carry the loads. -- Lisa Ann Sandell
  • If you say city to people, people have no problem thinking of the city as rife with problematic, screwed-up people, but if you say suburbs - and I'm not the first person to say this, it's been said over and over again in literature - there's a sense of normalcy. -- Eric Bogosian
  • All of my friends were seeing a therapist, and I thought something was wrong with me that I didn't see a therapist. So I went to a therapist to find out why I wasn't seeing a therapist. And it turns out I'm very screwed up. Thank God I found a therapist to tell me for $125 an hour. -- Ellen DeGeneres
  • If the oncoming mutation to interstellar immortality is screwed up by the politicians, it will be because those of us who see the opportunities in modern science are not adroit enough to outmaneuver the forces of inertia, stupidity and greed. Well, if we're not intelligent enough to overcome such obstacles, then we don't deserve to carry off the mutation at this stage of evolution. -- Robert Anton Wilson
  • We're just as screwed up as you. -- Gerard Way
  • I screwed up. Again. You're shocked, I'm sure. -- Kelley Armstrong
  • Everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy, and scared -- Anne Lamott
  • I know I screwed up my 'Godzilla.' -- Dean Devlin
  • Well, I screwed it up real good, didn't I? -- Richard M. Nixon
  • All my movies got screwed up because of my personality. -- Harvey Weinstein
  • I'm a sucker for a screwed-up protagonist. We all have issues. -- Chelsea Cain
  • I'm screwed up, mixed up, messed around, dive-bombing, crashing and burning. -- Jaclyn Moriarty
  • Families are the deepest, most screwed up relationships that we have. -- Antony Starr
  • Were really screwed up, aren't we?" "In a very large way. -- Janet Evanovich
  • I've screwed up and I've overcommitted and it's typical of me. -- Robert Metcalfe
  • Women always put men first. That's how everything got so screwed up. -- Janet Fitch
  • I'd rather be screwed up with you than smooth with anybody else. -- Nora Roberts
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  • I doubt trees are ever told to 'be the screwed-up ninth-grader.' -- Laurie Halse Anderson
  • Oh yeah, I'm mentally screwed up for life. But I look good. -- Christopher Titus
  • I believe in me. I'm a little screwed up, but I'm beautiful -- Steve McQueen
  • God did create a world without sin. We just screwed it up. -- Wesley Miller
  • No, I don't think 'The Wire' screwed up my career at all. -- Dominic West
  • I think god gave us talent because he screwed up our hair -- Dolly Parton
  • I screwed my knee up once because I fell off the stage. -- Zakk Wylde
  • I can't imagine that anybody is as screwed up as I am. -- Rick Springfield
  • Those who remember the past tend to get the story really screwed up. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • There's tons of people with talent; it's the system that's all screwed up. -- John Kricfalusi
  • Some of the funniest people I know are not screwed up in the head. -- Darrell Hammond
  • Truth I have no trouble with, it's the facts I get all screwed up. -- Farley Mowat
  • I don't know if child actors are necessarily more screwed up than most people. -- Rider Strong
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  • My dad used to flush my mother's head down the toilet. I was so screwed up. -- Jessica Hahn
  • I personally believe a crucial ingredient in rehabilitation is to admit that you completely screwed up. -- Jonathan Aitken
  • That's what makes a character interesting from an actor's perspective - the more screwed up, the better -- Jeri Ryan
  • We, in America, are so screwed up when it comes to sex. That's all we can see. -- William H. Macy
  • It's funny; I actually made poorer decisions when I sobered up then when I was screwed up. -- Corey Feldman
  • My dad used to say that life's a journey, but somebody screwed up and lost the map. -- Rachel Caine
  • You create a fearful culture where you spend a lot of time looking at where you screwed up, -- Alex Bogusky
  • I bet the pill is harder to get than drugs--which shows how screwed up this world really is! -- Beatrice Sparks
  • I very much own the fact that I'm a misfit. The Internet makes everyone realize they're screwed up. -- Jenny Lawson
  • What landed Jesus on the cross was the preposterous idea that common, ordinary, broken, screwed-up people could be godly. -- Mike Yaconelli
  • I think young people have a wonderful reaction to color because it's not screwed up by too many references. -- Jim Hodges
  • I don't write about anything I don't love even if that love sometimes gets all screwed up and tormented. -- Jonathan Lethem
  • The commercial for Diet Dr. Pepper says it tastes just like regular Dr. Pepper. Well, then they screwed up! -- Mitch Hedberg
  • I have no sex appeal and it has screwed me up for life; my gynecologist examines me by telephone. -- Joan Rivers
  • You may have created my past and screwed up my present, but you have no control over my future. -- David Klass
  • When I die, if the word 'thong' appears in the first or second sentence of my obituary, I've screwed up. -- Albert Brooks
  • I wish we did have responsibility for the hair. I have been screwed up by the hair on many occasions. -- Julie Harris
  • My mom was never afraid to say, 'I'm sorry. I screwed up.' I feel like that's an important lesson. -- Miranda Lambert
  • And then I screwed up and the Colonel screwed up and Takumi screwed up and she slipped through our fingers. -- John Green
  • Thank God for Jerry Springer's show. I thought only black folks were that screwed up until I watched Jerry Springer. -- Charles Barkley
  • Our current perception is very cloudy and all screwed up. As our perception increases through meditation, we're seeing life more correctly. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • A good conspiracy is unprovable. I mean, if you can prove it, it means they screwed up somewhere along the line. -- Mel Gibson
  • You can't undo yesterday, you can work on today, tomorrow, you will wonder how you screwed up 2 days in a row -- Eddie Long
  • I grew up reading crime fiction and, especially in the '80s, women were just there to be saved or screwed. -- Karin Slaughter
  • When I was growing up, there were a lot more arts in the public schools. Politically, America has screwed up on that. -- Julie Taymor
  • Of course, screwed up families are not the exclusive province of the famous. Still, most families get to screw up in private. -- Shawn Amos
  • Listen, I would never judge someone who screwed their babysitter for years or knocked up their secretary, so don't ask me to. -- Pat Martin
  • I though I screwed everything up," I say.He smiles. "You're only one person. In the whole universe. You can't screw everything up. -- Caela Carter
  • Given enough time humans will screw up Wikipedia just as they have screwed up everything else, but so far it's not too bad. -- Jimmy Wales
  • I know certain actors are totally screwed up on drugs, yet it gets covered up. Why wasn't I excused for 'exhaustion' or 'the flu'? -- Drew Barrymore
  • The bungle tour is a bit up in the air due to the fact this at we are getting screwed by our overseas label. -- Trevor Dunn
  • As ecstatic as I was at the birth of my daughter, I felt selfish bringing her, and later my son, into our screwed-up world. -- Jill Greenberg
  • gettimg attached to things is pointless. Thats how things get screwed up.People care to much about everything. Let it go. You'll be happier. -- Nick Burd
  • We share out craziness, our neuroses, our little bit of screwed-up-ness that comes from our family. We share it. And it feels like love. -- Patrick Ness
  • It's no surprise that things are so screwed up: everyone that knows how to run a government is either driving taxicabs or cutting hair. -- George Burns
  • People are screwed up in this world. I'd rather be with someone screwed up and open about it than somebody perfect and ready to explode. -- Ned Vizzini
  • I was once a student in a punk T-Shirt hooked on screwed-up scenarios. That's how I became the esteemed cultural figure that I am today. -- Bruce Sterling
  • Who would name their kid Jack with the last words 'off' at the end of the last name? No wonder that guy is screwed up. -- George Clooney
  • You know how screwed up censorship is, two girls just agreed to make out naked in front of their fathers, and we went wait, don't curse. -- Artie Lange
  • You're an idiot. You've screwed up every play we ever ran. You're too stupid to even remember the plays. We ought to get rid of you. -- Michael Jordan
  • Medical costs are soaring because our health-care system is totally screwed up. Doctors and hospitals have every incentive to spend on unnecessary tests, drugs, and procedures. -- Robert Reich
  • I love being from a screwed up family. We have everything in my family: prescription drug abuse, mental illness, one of my uncles is a Mormon. -- Christopher Titus
  • Quite honestly, a baby covered in blood, still slightly blue, eyes screwed up, in the first few minutes after birth, is not an object of beauty. -- Jennifer Worth
  • Warren Beatty once quipped that the best time for a wedding was noon, because if the marriage didn't work, you hadn't screwed up the entire day. -- Peter Biskind
  • When you screw up in the ring, it's so embarrassing. But the fans don't know you screwed up unless you act like you just made a mistake. -- Jake Roberts
  • Some Pulitzer winners - novelists - have confided to me that getting the prize screwed them up. It messed with their heads. That hasn't been my experience. -- Jeffrey Eugenides
  • Screwed-up people settle fights through violence. Screwed-up people start wars that could kill millions. Normal people settle fights through cookies, cakes, and pies. Normal people are fat. -- Christopher Titus
  • A lot of people are singing about how screwed up the world is, and I don't think that everybody wants to hear about that all the time. -- Mariah Carey
  • I remember playing John Wayne Gacy, serial killer, very sick, neurotic, screwed-up guy. You know what? There's a part of me there, too, and you explore that. -- Brian Dennehy
  • Shane talking to Claire - "In this whole screwed up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," He whispered. "I love you, Claire -- Rachel Caine
  • Even if I screw up in my personal life, as long as I'm not destroying myself, I just think, "Okay, I screwed up." I'm not Mother Theresa. -- Steve Coogan
  • I want to explain everything to him, show him that it's really not as screwed up as it all sounds, but then I remember that it is. -- Jonathan Tropper
  • Your past doesn't define you. Only your present and your future. If your life is screwed up, stop making excuses. What are you going to do about it today? -- Ingrid Weir
  • You can almost judge how screwed up somebody is by the kind of toilet paper they use. Go in any rich house and it's some weird coloured embossed stuff. -- Captain Beefheart
  • there is always something comforting about knowing that you are not alone. That other people feel the way you do. That you are a bit screwed up, but still normal. -- Emily Giffin
  • The Oakland clubhouse is a wonderful place. A lot of these guys feel like rejects. They were rejects and they feel - they can tell you how baseball screwed up. -- Michael Lewis
  • I don't know why people think child actresses in particular are screwed up. I see kids everywhere who are totally bored. I've never been bored a day in my life. -- Jodie Foster
  • I'm fascinated by the people I grew up with and the mistakes I made - and God, I have screwed up. I like writing about where it all went off course. -- Pat Conroy
  • We're all flawed, but basically, effective managers are people whose flaws are not fatal under the circumstances. Maybe the best managers are simply ordinary, healthy people who aren't too screwed up. -- Henry Mintzberg
  • It was my dream that screwed up, the stupid hearthside idea that it would be wonderful to follow one great red line across America instead of trying various roads and routes. -- Jack Kerouac
  • People say 'Poor guy.' That insults me. I despise sympathy. So I screwed up. I made some mistakes. 'Poor guy,' like I'm some victim. There's nothing poor about me. -- Mike Tyson
  • Something got screwed up in terms of your priorities if you think it's more important to get rid of the dividend tax than it is to take care of 11 million kids. -- David Broder
  • Something got screwed up in terms of your priorities if you think it's more important to get rid of the dividend tax than it is to take care of 11 million kids. -- David Broder
  • I think people imagine going back to a time when they knew who they were and they knew what the circumstances were - if you screwed up it was your fault. -- Gore Verbinski
  • Everybody's a bit screwed up, you know. You can take it as symptoms of a disorder, or you can take it as personality. Me, I'd rather think it as parts of personality. -- Jarvis Cocker
  • I have a roommate, and I signed a year lease. I screwed up! That's like I wrote a joke that didn't work, but now I have to tell it for a year. -- Mitch Hedberg
  • We have to laugh at how hard life can be and how screwed up we can be at times... It's a really freeing process when you're not hitting the jokes too hard. -- Brett Gelman
  • One of the torturous things about my job is that, as time goes on, you get more and more clarity on all the things you've screwed up and all the mistakes you've made. -- Matt Cohler
  • But I'm not ready to stop listening to the screwed-up inner voice that's been ordering me around for a lifetime. My head thinks it can kill me... and go on living without me. -- Mary Karr
  • It's great that I get accused of not being politically correct. People need to take themselves less seriously. This world is so screwed up as it is, we've all got to relax a bit more. -- Michael Bay