Democrats quotes:

  • Republicans have nothing but bad ideas and Democrats have no ideas. -- Lewis Black
  • I'm not a Democrat, I'm an Independent, but I caucus with the Democrats. -- Bernie Sanders
  • The Democrats have responded to the Republicans' lack of dealing with reality by truly not dealing with reality, either. -- Lewis Black
  • The largest party in America, by the way, is neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. It's the party of non-voters. -- Robert Reich
  • The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too. -- Oscar Levant
  • The Democrats seem to be basically nicer people, but they have demonstrated time and again that they have the management skills of celery. -- Dave Barry
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  • Democrats don't sound united. -- Susan Davis
  • Democrats legislate; Republicans investigate. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
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  • When people think, Democrats win. -- William J. Clinton
  • Democracy can survive anything except Democrats -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • Many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview." -- Karl Rove
  • Many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview. -- Karl Rove
  • Some Democrats deserve to be criticized. -- James Hansen
  • Anarchists are simply unterrified Jeffersonian Democrats. -- Benjamin Tucker
  • Democrats don't relate to middle-class people. -- Chuck Schumer
  • Democrats have simply lost the country. -- Steve Inskeep
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  • Democrats don't relate to middle-class people. -- Chuck Schumer
  • Getting Democrats organized is like herding cats. -- Al Sharpton
  • The Democrats in particular are do-nothing guys. -- Peter George Peterson
  • The political future for Democrats is daunting. -- Susan Davis
  • Democrats proposing failure in Iraq by withdrawing. -- John McCain
  • They [Democrats] don't even want us around. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Real Democrats don't abandon the middle class. -- John F. Kerry
  • The Democrats complain; I choose to compete. -- Jan Brewer
  • They [Democrats] don't even want us around. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Taxes are the killing fields of Democrats. -- Grover Norquist
  • The most biased people are the Democrats. -- Raul Labrador
  • The Democrats are now an upscale party. -- Mark Shields
  • Democrats love employees, it's employers they hate. -- Paul Tsongas
  • Republicans like to indict Democrats as anti-corporate zealots. -- James Surowiecki
  • Republicans campaign like Libertarians and govern like Democrats. -- Harry Browne
  • Right-to-life groups won't fund us because we're Democrats. -- Bart Stupak
  • Democrats proposing success in Iraq by political solution. -- John F. Kerry
  • Democrats and Republicans alike support our military personnel. -- John Spratt
  • Every poll shows that most journalists are Democrats. -- Sally Quinn
  • Real Democrats don't make promises they can't keep. -- Howard Dean
  • I've done work for both Democrats and Republicans. -- Mark Zandi
  • The environment is better and better for Democrats. -- Stuart Rothenberg
  • The Democrats want you to lose your job. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • The Democrats want you to lose your job. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • The Democrats have nothing to cheer but fear itself. -- Henry Grunwald
  • The Democrats generally recoil from the subject of entitlements. -- Bill Keller
  • Democrats don't represent the taxpayers, they represent the tax-consumers... -- Glenn Reynolds
  • It's abundantly clear the Democrats want to eliminate us. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • It's abundantly clear the Democrats want to eliminate us. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • The Republican Party does not want to defeat Democrats. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • The Republicans are 90% corrupt, and the Democrats are 50% corrupt. -- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  • The Republican Party does not want to defeat Democrats. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • Are the Democrats going to dance the mandate Macarena? -- Dan Rather
  • Democrats are the only reason to vote for Republicans -- Will Rogers
  • We have much better policies than the Democrats do. -- Benjamin Carson
  • Republicans go to Sam's Club, Democrats go to Costco. -- Gillian Flynn
  • It's important for us as Democrats to stick together. -- Frank Pallone
  • Its important for us as Democrats to stick together. -- Frank Pallone
  • I don't think the Democrats need a silver bullet. -- Jonathan Chait
  • Republican voters are fed up with Democrats and Democrat policy. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Republican voters are fed up with Democrats and Democrat policy. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Democrats are unified under the premise of total political annihilation. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Gun sales have spiked every time Democrats win elections since 1980. -- Mike Cooley
  • They [Democrats] are the troubadours and the crooners of catastrophe. -- Clare Boothe Luce
  • [Barack Obama] needs to really engage both Republicans and Democrats. -- John Kasich
  • Back when they supported segregation, Lott and Thurmond were Democrats. -- Ann Coulter
  • We don't want Washington Democrats running the House of Representatives. -- George W. Bush
  • You won't catch Liberal Democrats describing trade unionists as wreckers. -- Charles Kennedy
  • Democrats are unified under the premise of total political annihilation. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Democrats have become very good at electing very bad Republicans -- Ralph Nader
  • President Obama and the congressional Democrats have certainly been responsive. -- Nancy Pelosi
  • Many Democrats are sincere in their desire to help others. -- Jim DeMint
  • The fact is that Democrats are not for tax cuts. -- Rosa DeLauro
  • It was the Democrats who were against civil rights legislation -- Allen West
  • I think Democrats keep the commandments of the Lord more. -- Lincoln Davis
  • If you support amnesty, you should vote for the Democrats. -- Ted Cruz
  • All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats. -- Groucho Marx
  • Why did God make so many dumb fools and Democrats? -- William Powell
  • We as Democrats have no apologies to make to anyone. -- Richard J. Daley
  • We tend to talk, Democrats, as a party, in legislative terms. -- Charles Schumer
  • Whenever possible, the left and the Democrats have de-stigmatized irresponsible behavior. -- Dennis Prager
  • There may not be much difference between Democrats and Republicans anymore. -- Tom Daschle
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  • The Christian Democrats always made you feel like the poor relation. -- Helmut Kohl
  • Republicans were more pro-choice than Democrats up until the late 1980s. -- Jill Lepore
  • There's a lot of Democrats, myself included, who have supported right-to-life. -- Joe Manchin
  • Democrats want to fall in love; Republicans just fall in line. -- Mark Halperin
  • After Vietnam, the Democrats became fundamentally the anti-military as a party. -- Heather Wilson
  • The Democrats should not waiver on our core beliefs and principles. -- Barack Obama
  • Democrats embrace The Affordable Care Act. We're very proud of it. -- Nancy Pelosi
  • The Democrats never fight about who is more like Jimmy Carter. -- Marco Rubio
  • We need independents, we need the GOP, we need Reagan Democrats. -- Sarah Palin
  • I'm sorry, dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • Sometimes you have to beat the Republicans before you beat the Democrats. -- Matt Kibbe
  • Tim Kaine kind of gives the warmer, human face of the Democrats. -- Mark Shields
  • Sherrod Brown and President Obama have lost the faith of Jewish Democrats. -- Josh Mandel
  • Since Democrats vs. Republicans has been obliterated, no real difference between parties... -- Matt Drudge
  • Despite our differences, I know that both Republicans and Democrats love America. -- Marco Rubio
  • Right after liberal Democrats, the most dangerous politicians are country club Republicans. -- Thomas Sowell
  • Most guys who don't like me are either Democrats or Yankee fans. -- Curt Schilling
  • The Democrats' response throughout the healthcare debate? Give the people more statistics. -- Simon Sinek
  • The fundamental goal of Republicans and Democrats is to get themselves re-elected. -- Mallory Factor
  • Democrats don't have a lot of time to turn the party around. -- Susan Davis
  • The Republicans do not look on the Democrats as the evil empire. -- William Safire
  • What Democrats call 'nuanced,' most people refer to as 'stupidity.' -- Evan Sayet
  • I'm an independent, probably. I'm not dogmatic. I've supported Democrats and Republicans. -- Jerry Weintraub
  • Whatever the Democrats want, yeah, they should get it. We're for it! -- Rush Limbaugh
  • [Democrats] are trying on every front to increase the role of government. -- Barney Frank
  • We need more Democrats in the Senate -Like Custer needed more arrows. -- Ronald Reagan
  • [Coming back for Democrats] is simply a matter of energy and resources. -- Keith Ellison
  • For Democrats, nothing is any less complex than a 'West Wing' episode. -- Kevin Bleyer
  • [The Democrats'] vision for the future: socialized medicine and Washington-run health care. -- Pete Sessions
  • Democrats believe that the federal government is not our enemy, it's our partner. -- George McGovern
  • Democrats do best in urban centers, Republicans in outer suburbs and rural areas. -- Thomas E. Mann
  • I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans, -- Arlen Specter
  • These are international criminals, and the spineless Democrats are doing nothing about it. -- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
  • We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs. -- Phil Gramm
  • Only the Liberal Democrats have probed the government's failings consistently, thoroughly and effectively. -- Charles Kennedy
  • [Democrats] in their frustration at having lost, they've thrown away the camouflage now. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • We have Democrats saying dumb things every single day, and Republicans as well. -- Emanuel Cleaver
  • We're Democrats [with my father]. So, of course he would [support me]. Absolutely. -- Malaak Shabazz