Knox Quotes in Batman (1989)


Knox Quotes:

  • Knox: You know what they say? They say he can't be killed. They say he drinks blood. They say...

    Eckhardt: I say... you're full of shit, Knox. Oh, uh, you can quote me on that.

  • [about one of his suits of armor]

    Bruce Wayne: It's Japanese.

    Knox: How do you know?

    Bruce Wayne: Because I bought it in Japan.

  • Knox: Lieutenant, is there a six-foot bat in Gotham City? And if so, is he on the police payroll? And if so, what's he pulling down... after taxes?

  • Knox: Commissioner Gordon, is there a six foot bat operating in Gotham City, and is he on the police payroll, and if so... what's he pulling down... after taxes?

  • Sarah: Look who's decided to join us! You owe me a carton of cigs, Doc. He thought you were dead when we found you.

    Knox: Sounds like a great doctor.

    Doc Potter: Veterinarian, actually.

    Knox: Who're you then? His nurse?

  • Sarah: You may have him convinced, his brain's probably affected by some of that male bonding shit, but that smoke doesn't effect me. I'll be watching you.

    Knox: Thank God. My guardian angel's on vacation.

  • Dooley: Come on, this is gonna be great, a fireball? How often do we get a call like that?

    Knox: Do me a favor, OK? Act like a cop and stop caring.

  • Police Sergeant: Knox, Dooley, got a report on some kind of fireball or something like that over on Liberty Island. Check it out.

    Dooley: A fireball? Ho, we'll get right on it.

    Knox: Sarg, can't you get somebody else to handle it? Come on, we just pulled an all-nighter.

    Police Sergeant: [sarcastically] Aw, I'm so sorry, Mr. Knox. Tell you what, lie down in my office and I'll come by with your blankie and you can get yourself a nice nap.

  • Dalton: Gentlemen, what are the Four Pillars?

    DaltonMeeksNeilKnoxTodd Anderson: Travesty. Horror. Decadence. Excrement.

  • Knox: What are you cooking?

    Ives: It's, uh... stew.

    Knox: Need any help?

    Ives: No, no, no. Perhaps later you might... contribute.

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