Audry Fulquard Quotes in The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)


Audry Fulquard Quotes:

  • Audry Fulquard: Don't worry, you're gonna be another Luther Glendale.

    Seymour Krelboin: Pasadena.

    Audry Fulquard: Burbank.

  • Seymour Krelboin: Don't waste your pity on me, Audrey. I'm not worth it.

    Audry Fulquard: Who says you're not?

    Seymour Krelboin: Everybody.

    Audry Fulquard: Yeah, I know.

  • Gravis Mushnik: Now that is what I call a salad. What do you call that salad?

    Audry Fulquard: Caesarean.

  • Audry Fulquard: I wish you'd break out and tell me.

    Gravis Mushnik: All right, I'll tell you tomorrow right after I am telling the police.

    Sgt. Joe Fink: [voice-over] But Mushnik didn't come to the police. If he had, that might have been the finish of the unhappy story. It was not.

  • Audry Fulquard: [excited about the overnight growth of Audrey Jr] Isn't it empirical?

    Gravis Mushnik: It grows like a cold sore from the lip.

  • Audry Fulquard: Why don't you give him a chance to resurrect himself?

    Gravis Mushnik: I give him chance to quit!

    Seymour Krelboin: I ain't gonna quit!

    Gravis Mushnik: You're a brave boy, you're fired.

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