Auggie Quotes in Summer Catch (2001)


Auggie Quotes:

  • Ryan: [to Pete after he tells Ryan that he's a great pitcher] Yeah? Well... What you think don't mean shit!...

    [Pete and Auggie are confused]

    Ryan: ...What?... Look all that matters is making it... Getting signed and cashing a check! And right now, I'm lucky if some scout from Po-dunk lets me pitch batting practice for the next couple of seasons!

    Auggie: No you're wrong!

    Ryan: Bullshit! That's all that matters!

    Auggie: No bullshit! What matters is there's some of us who would say you've already made it! Some of us - Some of us who've been there for you... Who drove to Boston College to see you pitch and who went to Framingham State, and sat at your Mom's wake with you... And who cleaned you up behind the OASIS when you couldn't pick YOURSELF up off the ground! And who let you live with me... When you and your old man were at it!... Yeah we matter... I matter... You bet your ass what I think matters... I ain't missed one game Ry... Not one game! And I'm - I'm proud as hell you've done what you've done... When you hit that mound man, I got all I can do to keep from cryin' thinkin about what we've been through... Me and him and your Father and Mike... None of us has missed a game... This ain't just about a paycheck Ry... It's - It's about having pride in what you do... Cuz - Cuz I do...

  • Pete: You think if I cut my arm off they'd let me in the special Olympics? I really want to win a medal.

    Auggie: Pete, I want you to go sit by the garbage and think about what you just said. That's messed up Pete!

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