Things that really matter quotes:

  • You can't have everything you want, but you can have the things that really matter to you. -- Marissa Mayer
  • There is nothing as dead and as damned as an important thing. The things that really matter are casual, insignificant little things. -- Patrick Kavanagh
  • People in this world of superficial communication find themselves isolated and lonely and have difficult in talking about personal things that really matter to them. -- Theodore Zeldin
  • If you're lucky enough to be famous, then it's great if you can use your fame and the power your fame gives you to draw attention to things that really matter. -- Michael Schumacher
  • What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people's lives. -- Oprah Winfrey
  • There are things I am more interested in than the clone thing. How are they trying to find their place in the world and make sense of their lives? To what extent can they transcend their fate? As time starts to run out, what are the things that really matter? -- Kazuo Ishiguro
  • The things that really matter don't mix with idle chatter. -- Mose Allison
  • We forget to remain focused on the things that really matter. -- Pope Francis
  • Artistic expression, sex, and truth are the only things that really matter. -- John Frusciante
  • Your fixed convictions concerning the things that really matter mold your destiny. -- Emmet Fox
  • Having money gives me the freedom to worry about the things that really matter. -- Johnny Carson
  • It's only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that really matter. -- Scott Belsky
  • I believe the only things that really matter in investing are the bubbles and the busts -- Jeremy Grantham
  • Generosity helps us cultivate awareness of things that really matter. Opportunities that make a real difference in the world. -- Andy Stanley
  • Death focuses the mind on the things that really matter: why are we here, and what should we do? -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • The only thing you'll find on the summit of Mount Everest is a divine view. The things that really matter lie far below. -- Roland Smith
  • We're in a battle for our lives for things that really matter to us. There's a shell game going on like I've never seen before. -- John F. Kerry
  • The End of the Affair is a good movie because it about things, things that really matter. Love, sex, death. Have you ever seen romance? -- Stephen Rea
  • The discipline of personal mastery...starts with clarifying the things that really matter to us (and) living our lives in the service of our highest aspirations. -- Peter Senge
  • We,re in a battle for our lives for things that really matter to us. There's a shell game going on like I've never seen before. -- Senator John Kerry
  • And it's one more shitty thing to write about somebody, in between getting really, really, really upset at female Ghostbusters and Gamergate, and the things that really matter. -- David Cross
  • When we learn to say a deep, passionate yes to the things that really matter, then peace begins to settle onto our lives like golden sunlight sifting to a forest floor. -- Thomas Kinkade
  • Essentialism: only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter. -- Greg McKeown
  • The highest things, the things that really matter, we cannot achieve on our own; we have to accept them as gifts and enter in to the dynamic of the gift, so to speak. -- Pope Benedict XVI
  • Why is it so difficult to assemble those things that really matter in life and to dwell among them only? I am referring to certain landscapes, persons, beasts, books, rooms, meteorological conditions, fruits. -- James Salter
  • For me, punk is about real feelings. It's not about, 'Yeah, I am a punk and I'm angry.' That's a lot of crap. It's about loving the things that really matter: passion, heart and soul. -- Joey Ramone
  • Because only slow food can teach us the things that really matter - care, beauty, concentration, discernment, sensuality, all the best that humans are capable of, but only if we take the time to think about what we're eating. -- Alice Waters
  • I don't regret not going to college. Students learn up to the age of 21, then stop. I'll always be learning - the things that really matter in life. How to sign on, how to get free food, how to be streetwise. -- Caitlin Moran
  • Pope Francis seems to be a much nicer man than Pope Benedict, but I'm not sure that his views on things that really matter are all that different. Whereas Benedict was perhaps a wolf in wolf's clothing, Francis is perhaps a wolf in sheep's clothing. -- Richard Dawkins
  • I wanted to dedicate myself completely to the things that matter to me and let everything else go, and I think that's a really rewarding thing. -- Tift Merritt
  • Now more than ever is the time to really work on learning a money management system that can work, no matter how low things seem right now. -- T. Harv Eker
  • I also think stress is related to control. When you're in charge of your life, you tend to not care about losing control of things that don't really matter like traffic jams. -- Marilu Henner
  • I don't have to do things just to please people. It's okay to do what I love because what I love, my fans love. And they're really the only ones that should matter. -- Nicki Minaj
  • I'm doing naughty things, I'm drinking too much, I'm going to clubs. It really didn't matter to me, other than the fact that some parents wouldn't let their kids hang out with me. -- Macaulay Culkin
  • And I know that the younger generation is doing things that are so ingenious. And for them it's not a matter of a political belief or an environmental stance. It's really just common sense. -- Daryl Hannah
  • What we really need to be understanding is that all of these things matter and they all stem from the fact that certain people live with power and authority and they want to maintain it. -- Anita Hill
  • To the Kenyan families, school doesn't really matter because none of them are going on to college. Almost all of drop out of school and so, they're spending their time learning things that are important to them. -- Robert Sternberg
  • The only thing that really matters in the initial part of my career, the worst mistake I've ever made was try to do things to please the audience thinking how the audience is going to respond if I do this. -- Terrence Howard
  • One of the things that comedy has given me over the years is a really good ability to laugh at myself and to not take things that don't matter too much too seriously. I feel that very little offends me anymore and I'm really grateful for that because I think I was a pretty uptight little kid. -- Anna Faris
  • Fame is really strange. One day you're not famous, and then the next day you are, and the odd thing is that you know intellectually that nothing in the world is different. What mattered to you yesterday are the same things that matter today, and the rules all still apply - yet everyone looks at you differently. -- Matt Damon
  • The hard part of running a business is that there are a hundred things that you could be doing, and only five of those actually matter, and only one of them matters more than all of the rest of them combined. So figuring out there is a critical path thing to focus on and ignoring everything else is really important. -- Sam Altman
  • I'm an aesthetic empiricist. If you like something, it doesn't matter who made it. There really is no objective standard other than your own taste. You develop your own tastes, you find things that do or do not fit your tastes, and therefore are or are not 'good.' Whether they have been labeled as produced by the right person is another matter. -- Arthur Phillips
  • Most of the things that really matter require faith. 'How do I know that my wife loves me?' 'How do I know that Mozart's 'Jupiter Symphony' is sublime and beautiful?' There are all sorts of things which come at a more lowly level than that - 'How do I know that two plus two equals four?' There are different layers, different types of knowing. -- N. T. Wright
  • Nothing really matters except a few things that really don't matter very much. -- Ashleigh Brilliant
  • Set aside those things that don't really matter and do something with eternal consequences. -- Richard G. Scott
  • Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter. -- Francis Chan
  • Dear young people, Christ asks you to be wide awake and alert, to see the things in life that really matter. -- Pope Francis
  • That things are changed, and that nothing really perishes, and that the sum of matter remains exactly the same, is sufficiently certain. -- Francis Bacon
  • Of all the things that matter, that really and truly matter, working more efficiently and getting more done, is not one of them. -- Mike Dooley
  • Men and women really do want the same things. We just need each other to bring it out. That's really the truth of the matter. -- Steve Harvey
  • Things that really matter are the things that gold can't buy, so let's have another cup o' coffee and let's have another piece o' pie. -- Irving Berlin
  • And I was really saying that no matter how bad things are there is always a calm after a storm, so don't give up on things. -- Desmond Dekker
  • I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter. -- Bob Goff
  • I just think swing is a matter of some good things put together that you can really pat your foot by. I can't define it beyond that. -- Count Basie
  • People forget they have options. And they forget that those things really don't matter. They should concentrate on what they have and not what they don't have. -- Cecelia Ahern
  • It is only after a fair portion of one's life that one really knows what are the things that matter, the things that will remain until the end. -- Esther Meynell
  • It's really hard to stay healthy over the long term of making a movie so that's why those things matter when you're trying to keep your health, literally. -- Elizabeth Banks
  • When you die, you know, you hear the insistent pounding that defines all things, whether of matter or energy, since there is nothing in the universe, really, but proportion. -- Mark Helprin