Science and magic quotes:

  • William knows that science and magic are the same thing; magic is only science that hasn't been explained yet. Tonight he has made chemistry into magic for her. -- Joshilyn Jackson
  • Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic. -- Thomas Szasz
  • I have always loved magic realism as a form of writing. I have also been fascinated for a long time with the intersection of science and religion. -- Alan Lightman
  • This is magic we're talking about. It's supposed to go places science can't, defy logic, wink at technology, fill us all with the sensawunda that comes of gazing upon a fictional world and seeing something truly different from our own. -- N. K. Jemisin
  • Weapons of mass destruction aren't pulled out of a black hat like a white rabbit at a magic show. They're produced in factories. There's science and technology involved. They're not produced in a hole in the ground or in a basement. -- Scott Ritter
  • I'd studied 16th century science and magic. I thought it was strange that people were interested in the same kinds of things my research was about. The more I thought about it, the more intriguing it became and pretty soon I was writing a novel about a reluctant witch and a 1500-year-old vampire. -- Deborah Harkness
  • When I write my books, actually, I'm known for very logical rule-based magic systems. I write with one foot in fantasy and one foot in science fiction. -- Brandon Sanderson
  • I'm very into science-fantasy, that kind of swordfights and magic and technology thing. -- Gary Numan
  • I combine magic and science to create illusions. I work with new media and interactive technologies, things like artificial intelligence or computer vision, and integrate them in my magic. -- Marco Tempest
  • A hit show takes Hollywood magic indeed, but it also takes a lot of math and science, plus the study of polls and trends to make and sell a TV show. -- Kristoffer Polaha
  • Indubitably, magic is one of the subtlest and most difficult of the sciences and arts. There is more opportunity for errors of comprehension, judgment and practice than in any other branch of physics. -- Aleister Crowley
  • Magic is something that happens that appears to be impossible. What I call 'illusion magic' uses laws of science and nature that are already known. Real magic uses laws that haven't yet been discovered. -- Doug Henning
  • The SF genre, of course, is really an organically evolved, marketplace-determined, idiosyncratic grab bag of themes and signifiers and characters and icons and gadgets, some of which hew to the realistic parameters and paradigms embraced by science, others of which partake more of fantasy and magic. -- Paul Di Filippo
  • I loved theatre and did magic, too, but I was never the best at it - there was never a teacher saying, 'You're great, you have to make this your career!' I was good at science and math. I figured I'd go into science and become a dentist. -- Nathan Fielder
  • Science is magic that works. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • Magic is the science of the jungle. -- Carl Jung
  • The real name for 'science' is magic. -- Harlan Ellison
  • Science is just magic with better PR. -- Patrick Rothfuss
  • Science, you don't know, looks like magic. -- Christopher Moore
  • Magic's just science that we don't understand yet. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • Any sufficiently badly-written science is indistinguishable from magic. -- Aaron Allston
  • There's a lot of magic in science, so to speak. -- Larry Wilmore
  • A little science. A little magic. A little chicken soup. -- Diane Duane
  • Going viral isn't random, magic, or luck. It's a science. -- Jonah Berger
  • There's tons of magic in the world, and it's all science. -- Martha Beck
  • Maybe science is just magic with delusions of lack of grandeur. -- Peter David
  • Magic [makes] possible today what science will make a reality tomorrow. -- Marco Tempest
  • BEFORE I DISCOVERED THE miracles of science, magic ruled the world. -- William Kamkwamba
  • Magic is a science.Miracle is the work.Mind is a laboratory. -- Toba Beta
  • The world is magic. Science is but an insipid style of sorcery. -- Rudy Rucker
  • Magic is the sole science not accepted by scientists, because they can't understand it. -- Harry Houdini
  • The central opposition between magic and science is the opposition between power and knowledge. -- Jacob Bronowski
  • [In] the post-Enlightenment world, science [has] taken the place of magic, miracles, and superstition. -- Jonah Goldberg
  • Magic and all that is ascribed to it is a deep presentiment of the powers of science. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • In the hands of a genius, engineering turns to magic, philosophy becomes poetry, and science pure imagination. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  • Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images to achieve changes in consciousness -- Alan Moore
  • Magic is never totally scientifically explainable, but science has always been, at one time or another, considered magic. -- Anton Szandor LaVey
  • A lot of science started off as magic, where people were burned at the stake for doing science basically. -- Larry Wilmore
  • Magic is the practice of causing change through the use of powers as yet not defined or accepted by science. -- Scott Cunningham
  • A dream is a massive magic trick of the mind. No amount of science could explain away the mysterious wonder. -- Dave Matthews
  • When I was a kid, I was very much interested in magic and science. They fueled interest in one another. -- Larry Wilmore
  • Where science is a dignified waltz in three-quarter time, magic is an improvised saxophone solo: all gut checks and synchronicities. -- Michael G. Williams
  • I love fairytales. I like fantasy a lot, science fiction, I like magic. I like to create magic. I love magic. -- Michael Jackson
  • There's a good part of Computer Science that's like magic. Unfortunately there's a bad part of Computer Science that's like religion. -- Hal Abelson
  • Magic is not science, it is a collection of ways to do things ways that work but often we don't know why. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • Virality isn't luck. It's not magic. And it's not random. There's a science behind why people talk and share. A recipe. A formula, even. -- Jonah Berger
  • Magic provides a way of still having room for possibilities, an unlimited sense of what the world offers. Magic is always there when science is found wanting. -- Deborah Harkness
  • Magic could not be measured and explained in scientific terms, for magic grew through destroying the very natural principles that made science as people knew it impossible. -- Ilona Andrews
  • Man masters nature not by force but by understanding. This is why science has succeeded where magic failed: because it has looked for no spell to cast over nature. -- Jacob Bronowski