Happiness word quotes:

  • I am weary of happiness, both as a word and as a concept. -- Meghan Daum
  • The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. -- Carl Gustav Jung
  • When you look at the books about well-being, you see one word - it's happiness. People do not distinguish. -- Daniel Kahneman
  • I think the problem with the word 'happiness' is that it sounds fluffy. It sounds like something trivial that we shouldn't be concerned with. -- Daniel Goldstein
  • For me, however, that beloved, glowing little word happiness has become associated with everything I have felt since childhood upon hearing the sound of the word itself. -- Herman Hesse
  • The word 'happiness' always bothered me, partly because it was scientifically unwieldy and meant a lot of different things to different people, and also because it's subjective. -- Martin Seligman
  • I think depression creates in me an urgent need to write, but I also believe that daily stress, and even the positive 'stress' of intense happiness, can compel me to express myself through the written word. -- Francesca Lia Block
  • Is anyone serious about the politics of happiness? David Cameron dipped a toe in the water, using the word lightly, but denying the hard policies it implies. Labour shies away from it, but should take up the challenge. -- Polly Toynbee
  • I don't like the word 'balance.' To me, that somehow conjures up conflict between work and family... as long as we think of these things as conflicting, we will never have happiness. True happiness comes from integration... of work, family, self, community. -- Padmasree Warrior
  • The first person who ever told me that happiness was work was this manic-depressive artist I knew when I was in my 20s. I was like, 'What are you talking about? Happiness just happens. That's even the root of that word. How could it be work?' -- Ariel Gore
  • Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought. Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime! -- Lawrence G. Lovasik
  • A 5 letter word for happiness: MONEY. -- Mr. Krabs
  • Happiness is the most tired word in any language. -- Erol Ozan
  • Happiness is a very proud word of our whole cultural heritage. -- Erich Fromm
  • Her happiness flowed into every word in the song giving it new life -- Anamika Mishra
  • Perhaps the most important word in success and happiness is the word,"ask." -- Brian Tracy
  • The word happiness exists in every language; it is plausible the thing itself exists. -- Jorge Luis Borges
  • The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. -- Carl Gustav Jung
  • Every word, every look, every action, and every smile can bring happiness to others. -- Nhat Hanh
  • Power, wealth and immortality--they don't bring happiness. You will never know what the word means. -- Christopher Pike
  • I always tell people happiness comes in one word: progress. I don't care what you achieve. -- Tony Robbins
  • Happiness is a strange word. So conclusive. Happiness is a thing that happens for a moment. -- Kelly Reichardt
  • Do you want my one-word secret of happiness? It's growth - - mental, financial you name it. -- Harold Geneen
  • The materialistic view of happiness of our age starkly revealed in our understanding of the word "luxury. -- Alain de Botton
  • Gratitude is a word that I cherish. Gratitude is what defines the happiness and humanity of the human being. -- Elie Wiesel
  • Sometimes it feels as though happiness is just a word people say to hide the despair of not knowing anything. -- Michael Gilbert
  • Fey...a Scotch word...It means the kind of exalted happiness that comes before disaster. You know--it's too good to be true. -- Agatha Christie
  • The seventy-five years and twenty million dollars expended on the Grant Study points to a straightforward five-word conclusion: Happiness is love. Full stop. -- George Vaillant
  • The word happiness is used to indicate at least three related things, which we might roughly call emotional happiness, moral happiness, and judgmental happiness. -- Daniel Gilbert
  • What is called virtue in the common sense of the word has nothing to do with this or that man's prosperity, or even happiness. -- James Anthony Froude
  • Everyone contributes a word, a sentence, an image, but in the end it all makes sense: the happiness of one becomes the joy of all. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Used in a personal sense, the phrase 'achieve an end' seemed to her a small-minded snare. She preferred the word life, and, on rare occasions, happiness. -- Roberto Bolano
  • I know exactly what I want. Everything. Calm, peace, tranquility, freedom, fun, happiness. If I could make all that one word, I would - a many-syllabled word. -- Johnny Depp
  • For me, however, that beloved, glowing little word happiness has become associated with everything I have felt since childhood upon hearing the sound of the word itself. -- Herman Hesse
  • Read the Declaration of Independence to your children as a tradition every Fourth of July. Make sure they understand why the word "pursuit" precedes the word "happiness." -- Jeff Bezos
  • The form of government which communicates ease, comfort, security, or, in one word, happiness, to the greatest number of persons, and in the greatest degree, is the best. -- John Adams
  • I loved most when his eyelashes twitched and he blinked, and suddenly happiness was there inside his eyes. Unmistakable. Like a single word printed on a clean white page. -- Augusten Burroughs