Feel proud quotes:

  • I am a good mother and I feel proud about it. -- Emily Mortimer
  • I'd rather stay out of the limelight until I've done something I feel proud of. -- Rachel Stevens
  • As we take stock of this century of achievement, Ulster Unionists have every reason to feel proud. -- David Trimble
  • If you don't feel apologetic for slavery, if you don't feel apologetic for colonialism, if you feel proud of it then say that. -- Jesse Jackson
  • I want to feel good, I want to feel proud, I want to feel that I give someone enough and that I get enough. -- Nastassja Kinski
  • Citizenship rights is about making all Iranians feel they are part of one nation, one identity, under one umbrella they can feel proud of. -- Hassan Rouhani
  • Americans are hungering to feel proud and patriotic again. -- Ronald Reagan
  • What have you done today, to make you feel proud? -- Heather Small
  • Marry...into a family that will enable your children to feel proud of both sides of the house. -- Robert E. Lee
  • Future generations should feel proud of our accomplishments in space...We are destined to explore and colonize the universe. -- Robert McCall
  • I wanna make music that I feel proud of when I'm onstage, that I feel like I put my all into. -- ASAP Rocky
  • I'm a size 8, and I feel proud of that, because it's healthy. I've never felt compelled to be a skinny actress. -- Mariska Hargitay
  • I don't sort of sit in a chair and pompously feel proud of myself about all the things we might have accomplished. -- Vidal Sassoon
  • It always pays off to focus on things that will make you feel proud. Remember this during every difficult decision you face. -- Richard Branson
  • If you make something your life's work, make sure it's something you can feel proud of when you're an old relic like me. -- Patrick Carman
  • I'd like to, when it's all said and done, say that I have at least a few stories that I feel proud of. -- Viggo Mortensen
  • We know how difficult it is to do something that works and that you feel proud of. When it happens, it's like a miracle. -- Miguel Angel Silvestre
  • Being proud of something is a very tricky word and I sometimes think it has a bad connotation. I don't feel proud, I feel grateful. I'm lucky. -- David Canary
  • Embrace your curves and who you are. I feel proud if young girls look up to me and say, "I'm curvy, and I'm proud of it now". -- Kim Kardashian
  • Sourav Ganguly has been an excellent captain, his record speaks for himself. I found him to be a tough competitor and every Indian should feel proud of Sourav. -- Nasser Hussain
  • Acting for me is not a business, it's about trying to make pieces of art that I believe that I feel proud of. And it's the journey of that. -- Nicole Kidman
  • All you can do is make something that you like and feel proud of and then just hope for the best and try to get out of its way. -- St. Vincent
  • I didn't feel sad or happy. I didn't feel proud or ashamed. I only felt that in spite of all the things I'd done wrong, in getting myself here, I'd done right. -- Cheryl Strayed
  • People see musicians on a huge stage playing a festival for 80,000 people and are like, "Oh, they have such magnetism," but it always embarrasses me more than it makes me feel proud. -- Geoff Rickly
  • I know what kind of pitcher Whitey was, and I know what kind of person Whitey is. It makes me feel proud to be a Yankee. We're keeping this in the family. -- Mariano Rivera
  • If we were humble, nothing would change us-neither praise nor discouragement. If someone were to criticize us, we would not feel discouraged. If someone would praise us, we also would not feel proud. -- Mother Teresa
  • If you want to feel proud of yourself, then do good. Take action that will make you proud. . . . And if you really want to feel proud, then do something to help someone else. -- Oseola McCarty
  • You have to be really vigilant and appreciative of what you have and not get too excited about anything. But it's important to celebrate what you have and feel proud for a minute. -- Sophia Amoruso
  • A laugh is a weird sound, and when you get a couple thousand people making it at once, it's really strange. But when I can feel proud of myself for causing it, it's great. -- Billy Crystal
  • If you are honest with yourself and can look into a mirror and believe that you have given 100 percent, you should feel proud. If you cannot, then there is more work to be done. -- John Havlicek
  • I'm three-quarters Russian, so I've always felt an outsider. But I don't think you can be in a play with John Of Gaunt's 'This sceptred isle' speech and not feel proud to be British. -- David Suchet
  • French people are charming, adorable but not extremely generous with foreigners, but they believe in what they do. I feel proud in exchange because what I did in restoration is something I did for La France. -- Valentino Garavani
  • For my first pretty big international competition and the Olympics, I think I did pretty well. Medals aren't everything. It's all about you going out there and having a good time. I feel proud of myself. -- Kimmie Meissner
  • There's a lot of talk about self-esteem these days. It seems pretty basic to me. If you eat to feel proud of yourself, you've got to do things you can be proud of. Feelings follow actions. -- Oseola McCarty
  • One of the key problems is that the Germans know what they do because everywhere they go there's a 'made in Germany' label on it - they can feel proud of Volkswagens and Audis and Mercedes. -- Evan Davis
  • I try to take the time to appreciate and I certainly do appreciate and I do feel proud but that is probably one of the things I need to work on, building a bit of time for myself. -- Orlando Bloom
  • I start from experience and read. . .always between polarities - loud and not-loud, young and old, spring and winter. If I can make black and white behave together instead of shooting at each other only, I feel proud. -- Josef Albers
  • In a way players at the top should try to promote the game in their own countries as that is the legacy that makes you feel proud. If you have not done that you have failed as a sportsperson. -- Viswanathan Anand
  • When I started out jumping around with a tennis racket, I never thought I would end up on a list of the best guitar players in the world. It makes me feel proud of the hard work I've put in. -- Gary Hoey
  • I know the British press is very attached to the lobby system. It lets the journalists and the politicians feel proud of their traditional freedoms while giving the reader as much of the truth as they think is good for him. -- Tom Stoppard
  • I feel proud that I have been counted worthy to have blood shed by a traitor, and to suffer torture at the hands of those who have undertaken to trail our Flag in the dust. Signed, Yours as Ever, Franklin M. Haven. -- Franklin Marion Havens
  • I know that I am my worst critic. I know that if I can walk away from the set at the end of the day and feel that I did the best job I could and feel proud, that's what will satisfy me. -- Emmy Rossum
  • I think that a show that is as successful as 'The Golden Girls' is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. If you don't feel proud to be part of a show that has that kind of track record, then shame on you, because that's a privilege. -- Betty White
  • Success is a process for all of us, and as long as you are making consistent progress towards your goals - sincerely giving your best effort more often than not - then you are already successful and deserve to feel proud of yourself. -- Hal Elrod
  • I wish I had it in my power to furnish you with accommodation I should feel proud to do it, shall be happy to hear from you at anytime when you engagements will allow you an hour and remain with best wishes for yourself, family and circuit. -- John Hawley
  • I have to represent. I feel proud to have a culture that's different... and proud to be a Latina. We're not all categorized as one type of person... there's people from everywhere doing different things who have different types of cultures. Being Latina for me is also being a strong woman. -- Natalie Martinez
  • I have to represent. I feel proud to have a culture that's different and proud to be a Latina. We're not all categorized as one type of person there's people from everywhere doing different things who have different types of cultures. Being Latina for me is also being a strong woman. -- Natalie Martinez
  • People in the Middle East may consider the U.S. an evil hegemony that has tainted their culture, but when I look at the growth of racial and ethnic tolerance and understanding in my generation in the U.S., and see those sentiments make it around the world, it makes me feel proud. -- Aloe Blacc
  • I realized quickly what Mandela and Tambo meant to ordinary Africans. It was a place where they could come and find a sympathetic ear and a competent ally, a place where they would not be either turned away or cheated, a place where they might actually feel proud to be represented by men of their own skin color. -- Nelson Mandela
  • The point of my job is to entertain and make it look easy, so I guess it's the parts you don't often see which make me feel proud. All the behind the scenes work, the fears and insecurities I have to face and overcome to improve myself as a person and performer, all of the people who believe in me and encourage me. -- Kylie Minogue
  • No buts," he said, "because there are none. You see yourself as someone who couldn't get away. I see the courageous woman who escaped. You see yourself as someone who should be ashamed or guilty because she let it happen. I see a kind, beautiful woman who should feel proud because she stopped it from happening ever again. Not many women have the strength to do what you did.. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • I'm proud of what I write and feel endorsed by my readers. -- Marian Keyes
  • I feel very, very proud that so many people have copied me. -- Alec Issigonis
  • If you feel that you are good, don't be too proud of it. -- Abraham Cahan
  • Words cannot describe the indignation a proud woman feels for her sex in disfranchisement. -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • My main concern is getting out an album that I feel really proud of. -- Carly Rae Jepsen
  • My nature is to be linear, and when I'm not, I feel really proud of myself. -- Cynthia Weil
  • I feel good about the work I do on Survivor and am proud of my contribution. -- Jeff Probst
  • I'm incredibly proud of 'Hannibal' and the cast - I feel like we're doing really good television. -- Bryan Fuller
  • Latina' has become part of the Becky G family, and I feel very proud to say that. -- Becky G
  • I feel very proud of the work from the '80s because it is very bright and colorful. -- Annie Leibovitz
  • I am really proud of what I have done for cancer awareness, but do I feel like Bono? No. -- Andy Rourke
  • In every single 'Tinker Bell' movie, I feel like there's a message that I'm proud to communicate with kids. -- Mae Whitman
  • I feel sick if I have to do something for the money. I can't breathe. I'm not proud of myself. -- Eva Green
  • I am very proud to be British. I'm very conscious of carrying my country with me wherever I go. I feel I need to represent it well. -- Julie Andrews
  • I actually feel very proud of my age. -- Sutton Foster
  • I feel very, very proud that so many people have copied me -- Alec Issigonis
  • I feel as proud to be Jewish as I feel to be black -- Sophie Okonedo
  • I feel very fortunate to go surrounded by love. I'm proud of the life I lived. -- Brittany Maynard
  • I'm never proud of my old work. I always feel as though my skills have since improved. -- Criss Jami
  • I feel like I'm truly and genuinely proud and unafraid. I'm not scared of who I am. -- Drake
  • When did you feel most fulfilled? When did you impress yourself, or otherwise feel most proud of yourself? -- David Maister
  • I've never made any concessions, so I am 100% responsible for my films. This makes me feel very proud. -- Jean-Pierre Jeunet
  • I feel quite proud to be an ambassador for women who realize that being fit is better than being skinny, -- Ellie Goulding
  • We feel free. We're independent. People can be openly proud of being Estonian. I have a lot of belief in Estonia. -- Carmen Kass
  • I'm slowly feeling more Chinese and feel I should be more proud of being Chinese and appreciate where I've come from. -- Patrick Chan
  • I do always feel very proud and flattered by being asked to be a part of American productions playing American characters. -- Toby Jones
  • Frankly, I like new things. I feel like I made a contribution to building a more interactive world. And I'm proud of that. -- Steve Case
  • I'm proud to be one. I feel a lot stronger, a lot sexier and I think that all of that is reflected in my music. -- Lisa Stansfield
  • I feel very proud in what we've created in the 'Spiderwick' stories. And, frankly, I am glad we are ending the series on a high-note. -- Tony DiTerlizzi
  • I'm a sexually liberated woman that earned that liberation. I am very proud of the fact that I feel comfortable in certain forums discussing sex. -- Gennifer Flowers
  • I feel fantastically geeky. [But] I'm not one of those people who's enormously proud of being a geek, but nor am I particularly ashamed of it. -- China Mieville
  • Watch a movie that makes you laugh or listen to a song that makes you cry. Embrace your emotions and be proud of what you feel. -- Demi Lovato
  • We're [with Ilana Glazer] both totally upfront and proud feminists. We're not being all secretive about it. I feel like we're pretty blatant in our approach. -- Ilana Glazer
  • I do feel very American. I think it's something I'm proud of and proud to be by chance born here. Honestly, that's something I think about. -- Dakota Fanning
  • I'm very proud to be a woman - you're part of a tribe. Automatically, you feel connected to another woman when you meet them. That's really special. -- Dakota Fanning
  • Honestly, it's not the medals that I feel so proud of. It's the way I conducted myself as an athlete, the hard work that I put forward. -- Kyle Shewfelt
  • The best form of flattery is to be admired, imitated or respected. I've always felt proud our fans look up to us or feel we are inspirational. -- Cheryl James
  • I think my films kind of walk this line that Im proud of, that they feel sort of like films of my youth, which were far more commercial. -- J. C. Chandor
  • Congratulate yourself as a good beginner. Feel proud of God for choosing you to begin the work at hand. Accept the work freely and get started. Be grateful. -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • Father, thanks for reaching out and lovingly,saying that you've always been proud of me,I needed to feel that so desperately,you're always alive inside of me. -- Mariah Carey
  • It's impossible to feel good about yourself if you are doing things that you aren't proud of. . . . It's essential that you . . . [do] things you can respect and admire. -- Ellen Bass
  • What has made me most proud - the things that I've done that I feel the most pride about - is helping people care about making the world better. -- Patrick Rothfuss
  • I feel so Scottish when I go abroad, and I'm so proud of it, but for me, it's not a political statement - I just happen to be Scottish. -- Michelle Gomez
  • Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. -- Abraham Lincoln