End of world quotes:

  • The United States has long thought of itself as the land of infinite plenty, and historically we did have abundant resources. But now we are gradually exhausting our fisheries, our topsoil, our water. On top of that, we're coming to the end of world resources. -- Jared Diamond
  • It's not the end of the world to lose. -- Andy Murray
  • Missing your lunch is not exactly the end of the world. -- Mike Jackson
  • If this is the end of the world, give me a fork and a knife. -- Dana Goodyear
  • Part of being young is you think gaining 6 lbs. is the end of the world. -- Melissa McCarthy
  • We can't end poverty if we fail to save the lives of our world's mothers. -- Liya Kebede
  • It's different cultures that make the world go 'round at the end of the day. -- Samantha Fox
  • Hence the end of the world should be awaited with all longing by all believers. -- William Ames
  • At the end of the '60s, I was trying to enter the world of comics. -- Sergio Aragones
  • The '60s was the end of the America that the rest of the world liked. -- Julie Newmar
  • The world may end up under a Sword of Damocles on a tightrope over the abyss. -- Andrei A. Gromyko
  • I don't think, until the end, I had read a positive review of Boy Meets World. -- Will Friedle
  • Avoid the world, it's just a lot of dust and drag and means nothing in the end. -- Jack Kerouac
  • I play 'World of Warcraft,' which means I end up hanging out with teenage boys a lot. -- Jane Goldman
  • The thing about the end of the world is that not just the West collapses, the whole world does. -- Douglas Coupland
  • People in London think of London as the center of the world, whereas New Yorkers think the world ends three miles outside of Manhattan. -- Toby Young
  • The French suffered such catastrophic losses in the First World War. It really was the end of them as a great world power, although they, quote, 'won.' -- Edward Herrmann
  • To me, 'The End of the Jews' - both the title and the novel itself - is about the end of pat, uncritical ways of understanding oneself in the world. -- Adam Mansbach
  • I'm one of those apocalyptics. From the start of my immigrant days, I've been fascinated by end-of-the-world stories, by outbreak narratives, and always wanted to set a world-ender on Hispaniola. -- Junot Diaz
  • God knows when the end of time will come, not some fanatic... The world will end someday, but the end of the world and the end of time are two different things. -- Dolly Parton
  • What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly. -- Richard Bach
  • Time for the world to end. -- Rick Yancey
  • Winning isn't the end of the world -- David Pleat
  • When Slenderman screams, the world will end. -- Jack Goldstein
  • Pain or damage don't end the world... -- Al Swearengen
  • Who knows but the world may end tonight -- Robert Browning
  • The world is coming to an end in 1950. -- Henry Adams
  • The end of the world will be legal. -- Thomas Merton
  • The threat of world's end is the old threat. -- Denise Levertov
  • What a thing friendship is - World without end. -- Robert Browning
  • Somewhere out there the world must have an end. -- Wislawa Szymborska
  • Year's end, all corners of this floating world, swept. -- Matsuo Basho
  • The world exists to end up in a book. -- Stephane Mallarme
  • In every death, a busy world comes to an end. -- Mason Cooley
  • The world began in hazard and will end in it. -- John Fowles
  • Anticipating the end of the world is humanity's oldest passtime -- David Mitchell
  • Thunder and lightning, it's like the end of the world. -- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • I end up saving the world, just to save you -- Hiroya Oku
  • Never mind, love, it's not the end of the world. -- Simon Barnes
  • The world is coming to an end. Please log off.... -- Bob Irwin
  • Hooray! Hooray! The end of the world has been postponed! -- Herge
  • I want my world to start and end with you. -- E. L. James
  • Nothing is permanent. Not even the end of the world. -- Isaac Marion
  • The world doesn't end just because one thing goes wrong. -- Shelley Duvall
  • The end of the world begins the moment you die. -- Billy Graham
  • I don't want to end up simply having visited this world. -- Mary Oliver
  • Everything in the world exists to end up in a book. -- Hosea Ballou
  • People get mad Annabel. Its not the end of the world. -- Sarah Dessen
  • Heaven is important, but its not the end of the world -- N. T. Wright
  • When he died he would not end. The world would end. -- Don DeLillo
  • The end of the world is approaching, maybe by the year 2010. -- Johnny Hart
  • Do not expect too much of the end of the world. -- Bill Vaughan
  • The service of bringing light to a troubled world must never end. -- L. Tom Perry
  • Pale sky, white land; like somewhere past the end of the world -- Rinsai Rossetti
  • I look at the world through the wrong end of a telescope. -- Dr. Seuss
  • The end of the world has come often, and continues to come. -- Jonathan Safran Foer
  • I wanted to end the world but,I'll settle for ending yours. -- Arthur Conan Doyle
  • There is no end to what can be said about the world -- Julia Alvarez
  • Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. -- Robert Frost
  • The jurisdiction of a good man extends to the end of the world. -- Terry Pratchett
  • --
  • In the end, it's the people who are curious who change the world. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • In the end, the world always wins. That's just the way of things. -- Khaled Hosseini
  • I am convinced that to live is to travel towards the world's end. -- Ella Maillart
  • In a world without future, each moment is the end of the world. -- Alan Lightman
  • There is no end To what a living world Will demand of you. -- Octavia Butler
  • Everything in the world exists in order to end up as a book. -- Stephane Mallarme
  • If ants had nuclear weapons, they would probably end the world in a week. -- Bert Holldobler
  • Maybe I should publish the book. The world is coming to an end anyway! -- Bobby Fischer
  • One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • In Christ are treasures that will require digging to the end of the world. -- Thomas Goodwin
  • I will not die, it's the world that will end." paraphrase of unknown philosopher -- Ayn Rand
  • In the end, this world will go under because of the stupidity of people. -- George Harrison
  • So what if I can't spell Armaggedon? ... it's not the end of the world. -- Stewart Francis
  • Well, don't we all feel like jumping to the end of the world sometimes? -- Mick Jagger
  • It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here. -- Adam Jensen
  • If we truly want to have world peace, we have to end human trafficking, -- Jason Mraz
  • The fight scenes in 'The World's End' have a certain balletic quality to them. -- Nick Frost
  • Every time we mention the world, we must remember it is going to end. -- Edwin Balmer
  • What we hoped was that we could stop the coming end of the world. -- Ken Kesey
  • So what if I cant spell Armageddon, its not the end of the world. -- Stewart Francis
  • Misery is the only thing in the world that has no end or edge. -- Irving Stone
  • The world is truly round and seems to start and end with those we love. -- Nelson Mandela
  • Deliver to the world what you would buy if you were on the other end. -- Charlie Munger
  • ...the end of the world hasn't granted the clumsiest among us any measure of grace. -- Patricia Hamill
  • My brain and this world don't fit each other; and there's an end of it. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • Christ is with us until the world's end. Let his little flock be bold therefore. -- William Tyndale
  • As it was in the beginning, ... is now, and ever shall be, world without end. -- Jean Rhys
  • Six pints of bitter, said Ford Prefect. And quickly please, the world's about to end. -- Douglas Adams
  • Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come. -- Haruki Murakami
  • You don't know where you are or where your dreams end and the world begins. -- Rachel Klein
  • I want my world to get bigger and not end up in a small corner. -- Sarah Polley
  • This is that rest this vain world lends, To end in death that all things ends. -- Samuel Daniel
  • But I end up with these bands who have players from literally all over the world. -- Joe Zawinul
  • The passive and overt violence waged against the women and children of the world must end. -- Bryant McGill
  • All the beautiful things in this world are lies. They count for nothing in the end. -- Patrick McCabe
  • Once you've arrived at the end of the world, it hardly matters which route you took. -- Isaac Marion
  • Let me finish my beer." (Stark) "Of course. The end of the world can wait.(Kasabian) -- Richard Kadrey
  • There's no end. There's no endto this world, everlasting.We crumble to dust in its arms. -- Patrick Phillips
  • Why make disciples? Because heaven and hell exist, and the end of the world is coming. -- David Platt
  • Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. -- Charles M. Schulz
  • We cannot change others, but when we change ourselves, we may end up changing the world. -- Melody Beattie
  • America, which leads the world in so many ways, can end childhood hunger within its borders. -- Pierce Brosnan
  • Don't wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects. -- Roger Zelazny
  • Part of being young is you thinking that gaining 6 lbs. Is the end of the world -- Melissa McCarthy
  • It ain't the end of the world, you know. Just the end of what you knew. -- Jasinda Wilder
  • World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same. -- Amit Ray
  • There was a feeling on the air like the eve of the end of the world. -- Billie-Jo Williams
  • To be Irish is to know that in the end the world will break your heart. -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  • Do you think we're going to hit a tipping point and the world's going to end? -- Eric Andre
  • Tonight is not the end of the world. This is our hot tip of the evening. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Edmonton is not the end of the world but you can certainly see it from there. -- Mordecai Richler
  • There was a feeling on the air like the eve of the end of the world... -- Billie-Jo Williams
  • The end of the world started when a pegasus landed on the hood of my car -- Rick Riordan
  • He was saying that the end of the world wasn't an accident; it was a joke. -- Holly Black
  • What does it mean to die when you can live until the end of the world? -- Anne Rice
  • In the end, photography for me is just an excuse to get to know the world. -- Graciela Iturbide
  • You must learn to end the wars in your world by ending them in your minds. -- Barbara Marciniak
  • I couldn't imagine a better place [Australia] for making a film on the end of the world. -- Ava Gardner
  • What about desserts?" I asked. "If the world comes to an end, I'm going to want cookies. -- Susan Beth Pfeffer