Specialty quotes:

  • Talkers are usually more articulate than doers, since talk is their specialty. -- Thomas Sowell
  • The scientist rigorously defends his right to be ignorant of almost everything except his specialty. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • I'm so uncoordinated, I can't really do that much, so my specialty is standing in one spot or holding on to something, like an exploding rocket or a jetski. -- Johnny Knoxville
  • Breakfast is my specialty. I admit it's the easiest meal to cook, but I make everything with a twist, like lemon ricotta pancakes or bacon that's baked instead of fried. -- Hugh Jackman
  • It is those who concentrates on but one thing at a time who advance in this world. The great man or woman is the one who never steps outside his or her specialty or foolishly dissipates his or her individuality. -- Og Mandino
  • Environmentalism isn't a discipline or specialty. It's a way of seeing our place in the world. And we need everybody to see the world that way. Don't think 'In order to make a difference I have to become an environmentalist.' -- David Suzuki
  • Health care historically has been a very siloed field that's organized around medical specialties - urology, cardiac surgery, and so forth - and around the supply of these specialty services. The patient is the ping-pong ball that moves from service to service. -- Michael Porter
  • I'm unique for a suspense author in that I don't have a specialty background. A lot of suspense writers used to be lawyers or crime beat reporters. I didn't even know a cop when I started out. I finally figured out that I could visit prisons - I just had to be willing to make the phone calls. -- Lisa Gardner
  • My specialty is detached malevolence. -- Alice Roosevelt Longworth
  • Impossible situations are our specialty. -- Richelle Mead
  • My specialty is sleeping and my hobby is also sleeping. -- Jessica Jung
  • My specialty is being right when other people are wrong. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • Sensitive love letters are my specialty. 'Dear Baby, Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: you.' -- Homer
  • Weather is a literary specialty, and no untrained hand can turn out a good article on it -- Mark Twain
  • The body is one integrated system, not a collection of organs divided up by medical specialties. The medicine of the future connects everything. -- Mark Hyman, M.D.
  • Talk and tea is his specialty," said Giles. "He has about five cups of tea a day. But he works splendidly when we are looking. -- Agatha Christie
  • There is some place where your specialties can shine. Somewhere that difference can be expressed. It's up to you to find it, and you can. -- David Viscott
  • We have had actually a decline in government service overall, but the growth is in high-tech areas, specialty areas in the Labor Department and other departments. -- Alexis Herman
  • I'm not an actor who appears on the stage and gives people advice on how to live or what to do and entertains them. It is not my specialty. -- Vagit Alekperov
  • As obvious as it sounds, I strongly recommend shopping at a specialty bike store. They are the experts, and they will be able to help you decide which bike is best for you. -- Patrick Dempsey
  • When I listen to music today, it is about 99 percent classical. I rarely even listen to folk music, the music of my own specialty, because folk music is to me more limited than classical music. -- Tom Glazer
  • Big box just wasn't our strength. We are a men's and boy's specialty store focused on providing high quality clothing with custom tailoring. Our customer is king. When we had seven stores, communication between the stores and with our customers became more disconnected. We started to lose that great family 'camaraderie' that is essentially the key to our success. -- Paul Simon
  • Faced with a world of "modern ideas" which would like to banish everyone into a corner and a "specialty," a philosopher, if there could be a philosopher these days, would be compelled to establish the greatness of mankind, the idea of "greatness," on the basis of his own particular extensive range and multiplicity, his own totality in the midst of diversity. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • I was always dancing and acrobatics was my specialty. -- Betsey Johnson
  • New York has magnificent eating available, both in restaurants and in the materials available to home cooks in the many specialty markets. -- Steve Albini
  • Writing headlines is a specialty - there are outstanding writers who will tell you they couldn't write a headline to save their lives. -- Bill Walsh
  • If you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad. -- Dolly Parton
  • I was a roving guard on the Lowell Hebrew Community Center's girls' basketball team all through high school. My specialty was stealing the ball, but my only shot was a lay-up. -- Elinor Lipman
  • Fine dining teaches you how to cook many different things, and it gives you the basic fundamentals, but these specialty restaurants, they're not teaching you the broad foundation you need to become a well-rounded cook. -- David Chang
  • If you have a strong opponent, a competition is stimulating. I am generally most open to ideas when I have had a bad result. In chess, too, players specialise. This specialty then becomes an entry barrier. -- Viswanathan Anand
  • Back when I was a professional model-maker at Industrial Light & Magic, my specialty was hard-edged construction - spaceships, miniature sets, and architectural stuff. These objects were sometimes just 12 inches across yet needed enough detail to fill a movie screen. -- Adam Savage
  • Only the emerging specialty of psychoanalysis seemed to understand that mental maladies are not fully analogous to physical disease. They resist classification, and might better be known by their symptoms and the individualized sufferings of patients than by assigned names. -- Sherwin B. Nuland
  • We tell them that we believe it will be beautiful because that is our specialty, we only create joy and beauty. We have never done a sad work. Through the drawings, we hope a majority will be able to visualize it. -- Christo
  • Traditional PCs face competition from specialty products like Palm Pilots and from the servers that provide the nodes in computer networks. Microsoft's Windows CE hasn't done too well in the specialty-device market, and its Windows NT faces strong competition for server customers. -- Virginia Postrel
  • For bedtime reading, I usually curl up with a good monograph on quantum physics or string theory, my specialty. But since I was a child, I have been fascinated by science fiction. My all-time favorite is 'The Foundation Trilogy,' by Isaac Asimov. -- Michio Kaku
  • I don't know how doctors pick one specialty over another. Some you can understand. Pediatricians. Or gynecologists delivering babies, bringing a new life into the world, but how does someone want to be a proctologist? How can you fall in love with proctology? -- Bob Newhart
  • What we have now is doctors who are actually better technically at what they're doing in their specialty than 30 or 40 years ago, but we lost the relationship, when the doctor would look people in the eye and say, 'I care about you. We can do this together.' -- Mehmet Oz
  • I have an insatiable palate. I'll try anything once, with an open mind. However, there is a special place in my heart for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Don't get me wrong, I've sampled specialty Mac & Cheese all over the world, but nothing competes with the stuff I grew up on. -- Rachel Nichols
  • I went to law school. And I became a prosecutor. I took on a specialty that very few choose to pursue. I prosecuted child abuse and child homicide cases. Cases that were truly gut-wrenching. But standing up for those kids, being their voice for justice was the honor of a lifetime. -- Susana Martinez
  • I worked for the Office of Management and Budget in the White House, on nuclear energy policy. But I decided it would be much more fun to have a specialty food store, so I left Washington D.C. and moved to the Hamptons. And how glad I am that I did! -- Ina Garten
  • When I first discovered in the early 1980s the Italian espresso bars in my trip to Italy, the vision was to re-create that for America - a third place that had not existed before. Starbucks re-created that in America in our own image; a place to go other than home or work. We also created an industry that did not exist: specialty coffee. -- Howard Schultz
  • Failure is my specialty. -- Barbara Corcoran
  • Reading to small children is a specialty. -- Clifton Fadiman
  • I'm a libertine, but it's not my specialty. -- Primo Levi
  • The athlete must make a devotion of his specialty. -- Paavo Nurmi
  • My specialty is two things: music or really strange stories. -- Malik Bendjelloul
  • Vegetables are called 'specialty crops.' Don't ask me why. -- Chellie Pingree
  • Breaking things is a specialty of everyone in Fairy Tail -- Hiro Mashima
  • Did you forget who I am? Finding out the lies of men is my specialty." -Vashti -- jaha Knight
  • Every community has its own specialty and it's not just for clothing obviously, but for the home, etc. -- Tracy Reese
  • The villagers seldom leave the village; many scientists have limited and poorly cultivated minds apart from their specialty ... -- Simone Weil
  • My specialty was baked potatoes with cheese melted over broccoli. I was also very good at melting cheese on bread. -- Rachel Sklar
  • I am an archaeologist of mature vintage. Rapid descents are not my specialty. I am the plodding type.~ Grace Madison, PhD. -- N.L.B. Horton
  • I trained well this week but I think it will take some time until I recover my best rhythm in this specialty. -- Hermann Maier
  • I am convinced that in my own career I could usually have hit 30 points higher if I had made a specialty of hitting. -- Johnny Evers
  • What's your specialty? Oh, you know. Madness. Mayhem. Debauchery. And even with all that going for me, I can still make a mean mojito. -- Darynda Jones
  • Reading can break us out of the tunnel vision of the narrow specialty and lead us into many intriguing and important avenues of thought. -- Gene Edward Veith Jr.
  • I hope that you're learning how important you are, how important each person you see can be. Discovering each one's specialty is the most important learning. -- Fred Rogers
  • When a man makes a specialty of knowing how some other fellow ought to spend his money, he usually thinks in millions and works for hundreds. -- George Horace Lorimer
  • I don't have one specific tattooing specialty. I enjoy doing full-color new school, portraits, neo-traditional, realistic, black and gray, ultra detailed art, etc... but always custom. -- William Webb
  • I am a clairaudient healer. My specialty is being able to discern the blocks within a person's energy that are prohibiting them from being free, happy, and powerful. -- Dee Wallace
  • Public interest in most of the Middle East was slight at that time; the Arab-Israeli conflict was all that people were interested in and that was not my specialty. -- Juan Cole
  • Specialists can never practice their specialties too much. The danger is in not practicing enough. Make that mistake, and soon you may not be in the specialty business anymore. -- Johnny Unitas
  • We need a vibrant Medicaid program and strategies to expand affordable access to health care for all, especially for the specialty care services that community health centers do not provide. -- Jan Schakowsky
  • I don't think that evolution is supremely important because it is my specialty; it is my specialty because I think it is supremely important. [In: Edward J. Larson (2004) Evolution, Modern Library. p. 250] -- George Gaylord Simpson
  • I love cocktails. My specialty drink is a gimlet with a little egg white in it so it gets frothy. I really like rose water - sometimes I'll add it to champagne. -- Christina Hendricks
  • My specialty is mythology.There are artifacts like the hallows scattered through just about every mythology.However, what makes the Celtic hallows so interesting is that they are a self-contained group of objects. -- Michael Scott
  • I found out that colonels can stay until they drop dead or get a walker and being a critical medical specialty as an Army trained emergency room doctor, I could stay until age 67. -- Gerald Griffin
  • The difficulty with coming up with a curriculum is mainly that faculty aren't trained to think in terms of general education. They're trained to think in terms of their own discipline, or their specialty. -- Louis Menand
  • The new specialty at the Iowa fair this year is fried butter on a stick. Of course, if you're like me and you want like to eat healthy, get your stick of butter baked. -- Jay Leno
  • Never do what a specialist can do better. Discover your own specialty. Do not despair if your specialty appears to be more delicate, a lesser thing. Make up in finesse what you lose in force. -- Jean Cocteau
  • Fine dining teaches you how to cook many different things, and it gives you the basic fundamentals, but these specialty restaurants, theyre not teaching you the broad foundation you need to become a well-rounded cook. -- David Chang
  • Its amazing to contemplate what human mind is capable of, incredible functionality, specialty of describing something beautifully without even experiencing called the work of imagination, carries us to a world we have never been before. -- Pushpa Rana