Scripts quotes:

  • Acting should be bigger than life. Scripts should be bigger than life. It should all be bigger than life. -- Bette Davis
  • The only thing approaching art in a movie is the script. -- David Bailey
  • You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script. -- Oprah Winfrey
  • A good film script should be able to do completely without dialogue. -- David Mamet
  • Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl. -- Julie Anne Peters
  • The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't. -- Joseph L. Mankiewicz
  • Anyone can write. But comedy, you've got to do some writing. You get one comedy script to every 20 dramas. -- Michael Caine
  • Your life is meant to be an epic story. How you think, perform and live today is part of that script. -- Robin Sharma
  • I've always tried to stay away from playing Jews. I get like 20 Holocaust scripts a month, but I hate the genre. -- Natalie Portman
  • You can't fix a bad script after you start shooting. The problems on the page only get bigger as they move to the big screen. -- Howard Hawks
  • I think a badly crafted, great idea for a new film with a ton of spelling mistakes is just 100 times better than a well-crafted stale script. -- Alexander Payne
  • I lost the plot for a while then. And I lost the subplot, the script, the soundtrack, the intermission, my popcorn, the credits, and the exit sign. -- Nick Hornby
  • Even before my audition, there were several pages missing from my script because those bits were so unbelievably secret not even I was allowed to see them. -- Ian Hart
  • I did all my directing when I wrote the screenplay. It was probably harder for a regular director. He probably had to read the script the night before shooting started. -- Preston Sturges
  • To me, movies and music go hand in hand. When I'm writing a script, one of the first things I do is find the music I'm going to play for the opening sequence. -- Quentin Tarantino
  • Lastly get emotionally connected to your story so you can deliver it, you know, if you can't deliver the emotions to your script there's no point to your story. Story is the key. -- Robert Redford
  • Reading a script is usually as exciting as reading a boilerplate legal document, so when you read one that makes you feel as if you're seeing the movie, you know it's something different. -- Tom Hanks
  • If you want guarantees in life, then you don't want life. You want rehearsals for a script that's already been written. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees, or its whole purpose is thwarted. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • A movie goes from several stages, from idea to script. As you continue shooting, you will make some adjustments. You're constantly adjusting. It's like a piece of music. You're constantly trying to make it better. -- Robert Rodriguez
  • Independent will is our capacity to act. It gives us the power to transcend our paradigms, to swim upstream, to rewrite our scripts, to act based on principle rather than reacting based on emotion or circumstance. -- Stephen Covey
  • Unless you loosen the hold that your past has on you, your future will unfold in much the same way . . . it is time to begin writing a new script that accurately reflects the beautiful, powerful, and worthy being you are. -- David Simon
  • We see only the script and not the paper on which the script is written. The paper is there, whether the script is on it or not. To those who look upon the script as real, you have to say that it is unreal - an illusion - since it rests upon the paper. The wise person looks upon both paper and script as one. -- Ramana Maharshi
  • I have long dreaded the thought of getting to the end of life and regretting that I allowed my own timidity or other people's expectations to determine the course of my life. I had decided at a much younger age that several of my beliefs should determine the course of my life...I...believe that Waengongi, the Creator, has an epic script into which my minute presence has been written. -- Steve Saint
  • I've been fortunate. I don't pick scripts. Scripts pick me. -- Denzel Washington
  • Scripts are corny and predictable. Real life is always better. -- Lauren Conrad
  • Scripts [are] kind of a bare bones type of reading material. -- Karen Allen
  • Scripts are very different to books. They are blueprints for building, not the building. -- David Hewson
  • Scripts are what matter... if you get those foundations wrong, then you absolutely don't stand a shot. -- Tim Bevan
  • That's the kind of stuff you are offered today. Scripts that have you mixed up with young men. I find them utterly revolting. -- Irene Dunne
  • I write scripts to serve as skeletons awaiting the flesh and sinew of images. -- Ingmar Bergman
  • You don't read many scripts, especially for crime dramas, that feature a strong woman as the central character. -- Jodie Whittaker
  • It's nice to finally get scripts offered to me that aren't the ones Tom Hanks wipes his butt with. -- Jim Carrey
  • I get a trickling few scripts that I'm lucky enough that some of them are great. I don't get loads of scripts. -- Meryl Streep
  • We grew up in abject poverty. Acting, writing scripts and skits were a way of escaping our environment at a very young age. -- Viola Davis
  • When I'm not acting, I'm writing, building an inventory of scripts. Even if they sit on the shelf, I just keep stacking them up. -- Dan Aykroyd
  • My dad's got a brilliant eye for scripts 'cos he's a literary agent. He and my agent read a load of scripts and filter them. -- Daniel Radcliffe
  • For me, my rule in this industry is I've got to listen to my butterflies. So if I got butterflies, then those are the scripts I go after. -- Shailene Woodley
  • Like most struggling writers trying to get their scripts commissioned, I had to do something odd to pay the rent. So, aged 21, I started up my own small cheesecake company in Philadelphia. -- Nancy Meyers
  • When you're writing a story in bits and pieces, month in and month out, there really isn't time or space for reflection, no room to learn what those scripts had to teach you. -- J. Michael Straczynski
  • I get a script and it's really interesting with scripts, because you never really know. It's paper and it could be great or awful. Even scripts that are good could end up not working. -- Amanda Bynes
  • I write scripts in storyboard fashion using stick figures, and thought balloons and word balloons and captions. Then I'll write descriptions of what scenes should look like and turn it over to the artist. -- Harvey Pekar
  • Hmm, limelight... No, I'm not Sienna Miller or Angelina Jolie. I'm very lucky and happy, but I still find it very difficult to get good scripts and good roles. It's really a jungle out there. -- Eva Green
  • Don't allow old traditions to become permanent mental scripts for managing your life in the present. Reason: you will not be able to transform yourself to think differently and be better as you grow with age and maturity. -- Darren L Johnson
  • The writer must be a participant in the scene... like a film director who writes his own scripts, does his own camera work, and somehow manages to film himself in action, as the protagonist or at least the main character. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • I love all types of music. Jazz, classical, blues, rock, hip-hop. I often write scripts to instrumentals like a hip-hop artist. Music inspires me to write. It's either music playing or completely silent. Sometimes distant sound fuels you. In New York there's always a buzzing beneath you. -- Chadwick Boseman
  • I've always scribbled, and I still do it. I've written numerous scripts for films for which I think I'd be perfect as the complex, intelligent and, yes, modern heroine. Embarrassingly bad, all of them. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm not a writer. -- Romola Garai
  • I have come close to producing films. But generally by the time they hit the screen, there's about 50 people with producer credits, so what's the point. I usually find scripts I like with no money attached and take them to producers that I know and try to raise finance. -- Tim Roth
  • When I sent those scripts, that was the lowest point of my life. We'd just had our second son, and when I went to collect them from hospital, I went to the bank to try and get some money to buy some diapers, the screen showed I've got $26 left. -- Ang Lee
  • Okay, I am happy with the way I look, but I have never, never, ever thought of myself as a 'pretty girl.' Honestly. When I read some of these scripts I'm sent, and they describe the heroine as 'incredibly beautiful,' I wonder why they sent it to me. -- Anna Kendrick
  • I am fortunate that I get sent scripts and get to meet people I would never have met had I not done 'Harry Potter.' But I feel I had to come out of that show and prove that I am not a one trick pony and can do other stuff. -- Matthew Lewis
  • I was on vacation with my family when I got the scripts for 'Wanderlust' and I was trying to work on the audition while I was on vacation. I remember a big gust of wind blew the entire script into the pool, so I had to dry it with a hairdryer. -- Kathryn Hahn
  • It's true, I'm the youngest, highest-grossing French director. I have a few records, but no one knows or simply doesn't care. That's good, because I like that. Ultimately, I want to keep working, making a lot of movies, and get better at it. It's about finding great scripts and bringing them to life. -- Louis Leterrier
  • A lot of things I have turned down ended up being a big embarrassment. Like that script, 'The Beaver.' I thought that was one of the worst scripts I had ever read. But everyone said, 'Ooh it's on the Black List.' Yeah, well, good for it. They're a bunch of idiots. I saw the final film, and there were no surprises. -- Terry Zwigoff
  • I like to wake up late, around 11 A.M., especially if I have been out the night before. Then I go to brunch with either my friends or my girlfriend. I then like to just chill out: read the papers, read some scripts and then take it very easy. If it's sunny, I go for a walk with my dog, Niles, in the countryside. -- Douglas Booth
  • I think that's a great opportunity, to pick a script where you can build up a good skill. I think the main thing I look for when I look at scripts is if it's inspirational. If it's something that teenagers can relate to. And is it something that the audience is going to get something out of. If not, then it's really not worth doing. -- Carly Schroeder
  • Good scripts are hard to find. -- Daniel Craig
  • My scripts are possibly too talkative. -- Tom Stoppard
  • I've written plenty of scripts that sucked. -- Nicholas Jarecki
  • I'm lucky; people write scripts for me. -- Catherine Deneuve
  • Personally, I read a lot of scripts. -- David Yates
  • I don't have a stack of scripts. -- Bob Newhart
  • I just have so many scripts to read! -- Cheryl Hines
  • I don't get a lot of romantic comedy scripts. -- Ryan Reynolds
  • There are no great scripts - just great films. -- Malcolm McDowell
  • I don't look at scripts. I just write them. -- James Cameron
  • Most scripts are so linear and simplistic in their plotline. -- Curtis Hanson
  • Almost all movie scripts contain material that cannot be filmed. -- David Mamet
  • I write plays instinctively. I don't like writing movie scripts. -- Jesse Eisenberg
  • Let's make movies, not deals. Let's write movies, not scripts. -- Paula Wagner
  • Good scripts and interesting stories are hard enough to find. -- Greg Kinnear
  • Most scripts that get written in Hollywood don't go anywhere. -- Evan Daugherty
  • Most scripts that get written in Hollywood dont go anywhere. -- Evan Daugherty
  • What's been exciting for me is to read the scripts. -- James Wolk
  • Novels are a marathon, while comic scripts are a sprint. -- Duane Swierczynski
  • I always pick what I consider to be good scripts. -- Dominic Monaghan
  • Most scripts are bad. I read a lot of them. -- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
  • The beats are like scripts, and the raps are my monologue. -- Azealia Banks
  • When you have great scripts, everything is very easy and fun. -- Demian Bichir
  • All the films I do, I write the scripts, I direct. -- Ava DuVernay
  • My dad reads the scripts and passes them on to me. -- Kodi Smit-McPhee
  • It's very difficult to find good scripts in Hollywood any more. -- Ridley Scott
  • As an actor, you're always reading scripts looking for something good. -- Kevin Nealon
  • If the scripts are not good, I'll tell somebody, 'This isn't good. -- Dick Wolf
  • Writing scripts is a laborious job that can be a real pain. -- Shane Black
  • I've received some English-speaking scripts, but I was not interested in them. -- Audrey Tautou
  • The only thing that gets me back to directing is good scripts. -- Steven Spielberg
  • People recognize me, I have scripts, and auditions. And I meet great people -- Berenice Bejo
  • Animation scripts tend to be much more descriptive and are lighter on dialogue. -- Douglas Wood
  • Music is for theater like theater is for scripts. It's total: it's cyclical. -- Melvin Van Peebles
  • I have a lot of incomplete short films and incomplete scripts out there. -- Bill Hader
  • The Lord Chamberlin was censoring scripts when I first came into the theater. -- Judi Dench
  • Would you believe, I am still offered scripts and projects all the time? -- Doris Day
  • I can't read scripts any more because of the trouble with my eyes. -- Judi Dench
  • I read a lot of scripts. Most of 'em go to other actors. -- Sam Elliott
  • If I were actually Homer Simpson, I'd be getting scripts out the wazoo. -- Dan Castellaneta
  • I read a lot of scripts that I just don't find very funny. -- Jennifer Aniston
  • When I started out, nobody gave me scripts, so I had to write. -- Ang Lee
  • You see a lot of good ideas or well-written scripts that are bad ideas. -- John McTiernan
  • If Gucci handbags were still in fashion Greenaway would carry his scripts in them. -- Derek Jarman
  • My thing is that most scripts arent bad scripts, theyre just not finished yet. -- Michael Arndt
  • I love travelling, and most scripts have been written while I have been travelling. -- Anurag Kashyap
  • I always get scared. I can't read scripts. I'm scared, scary movies and stuff. -- Vanessa Ferlito
  • As a director, my job is to protect. I protect scripts, actors, cameramen, designers. -- Stephen Frears
  • I have been reading scripts, going to auditions and looking for the right opportunities. -- Kevin Richardson
  • I'm terrible at reading scripts. I love to read, and I hate reading scripts. -- Angelina Jolie
  • American scripts are usually non-stop conversation. People talking over each other. I like that. -- Shirley Henderson
  • I've auctioned off many scripts and will continue to do so for good causes. -- Claudia Christian
  • I've read some scripts, but I don't read as many books as I should. -- Stephen Dorff
  • Dictum on television scripts: We don't want it good - we want it Tuesday. -- Denis Norden
  • You're always looking for good scripts and when they're not always forthcoming you go mad. -- Jonny Lee Miller
  • Movies are not scripts - movies are films; they're not books, they're not the theatre. -- Nicolas Roeg
  • Alexander Payne's very specific. His scripts are always complete when you start working on them. -- Kathy Bates
  • India needs better producers than screenwriters. No producer wants to invest in out-of-the way scripts. -- Anurag Kashyap
  • Obvious things like The Deer Hunter. After that happened, the scripts got better. Opportunities happened. -- Christopher Walken
  • Lots of scripts are written and not made, even scripts that people want to make. -- James Salter
  • I've been very fortunate with the scripts I've had and the people I worked with. -- Clive Owen
  • I find the most interesting and most daring scripts tend to be for independent films. -- Neve Campbell
  • What Bollywood lacks is scripts. A lot of the films are copies of western films. -- Om Puri
  • I read so many scripts, that I don't do that much leisurely reading of books. -- Morris Chestnut
  • Highland has changed my entire way of working with scripts. I use it every day. -- David Wain