Screenwriter quotes:

  • Screenwriter Flacco nicely evokes the aftermath of San Francisco's 1906 earthquake in his fiction debut, a novel of suspense. -- William Bernhardt
  • Being a screenwriter is not enough for a full creative life. -- William Goldman
  • Wanting to be a screenwriter is like wanting to be a co-pilot. -- Marshall Brickman
  • When I was a screenwriter, I was doing it for mercenary reasons. -- James Frey
  • As a screenwriter and a half-Jew, I tend to look at the glass half-empty. -- John Francis Daley
  • Every adaptation requires that the screenwriter make difficult choices - and in particular, difficult cuts. -- David Benioff
  • Normally with film, it's normal for the screenwriter to never be seen again after finishing until the premiere. -- Jane Goldman
  • I always loved movies, but I never thought I would presume to be a screenwriter and definitely not a director. -- Cameron Crowe
  • I consider my job as a screenwriter to pack a script with possibilities and ideas - to create a feast for the filmmaker to pick from. -- Jonathan Nolan
  • Even though I am in this weird position of being a semi-recognizable screenwriter, which isn't that common, at the same time, I'm not an actress. I'm pretty isolated. -- Diablo Cody
  • But here's the thing: what you do as a screenwriter is you sell your copyright. As a novelist, as a poet, as a playwright, you maintain your copyright. -- Beth Henley
  • I was in New York. Hitchcock was in California. He rang me to make a report on his progress and said, I'm having trouble. I've just sacked my second screenwriter. -- Patricia Highsmith
  • You get to Hollywood and you are in the land of big money where they don't like to see only one screenwriter's name. It's much better if you've got four or five. -- Nigel Kneale
  • You get spoiled as a novelist because you get to be the director and the editor, and you play all the parts, but as a screenwriter, you are a bit down the ladder. -- Jo Nesbo
  • If you want to be a screenwriter, take an acting class to get a sense of what you're asking actors to do. Learning other skills will help you communicate with people and respect what they do. -- Tina Fey
  • When I was growing up in the south Indian city of Madras, there were only two political parties that mattered; one was run by a former matinee idol, and the other was run by his former screenwriter. -- Aravind Adiga
  • My work as a screenwriter has influenced my fiction. Writing screenplays forces you to consider many elements regarding story structure and other narrative devices that can be used to enhance the infinitely more complex demands of a novel. -- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • To have someone like Clint Eastwood come along and shoot your first draft as written is just any screenwriter's dream. And Clint is very straightforward. If it's good enough to get his attention, it's good enough to produce. -- J. Michael Straczynski
  • Since signing with Universal, I have been working closely with Gary Ross, the director, producer and screenwriter. We have spent many hours on the phone, and I've been sending him information and items that have been useful to the writing process. -- Laura Hillenbrand
  • I probably could be a world-class screenwriter by now if I had spent the kind of work I devote on Comedy Death-Ray to that. But I do okay, in that regard. I mean, my stuff gets bought, so it's all right. -- Scott Aukerman
  • Over the years, I've realized that I have as much in common with the performance artist, the standup comedian, the screenwriter, as I do with the theologian. I'm in an odd world where I make things and share them with people. -- Rob Bell
  • Starting in '98 when I was researching 'Traffic,' I got to meet really serious people in Washington, which for a screenwriter was kind of a great gift. And I really valued these guys; I stayed in touch with them, and I find their point-of-view quite interesting. -- Stephen Gaghan
  • Ever since I was young, 14 or 15, I wondered if you could write a book that combined the visceral thrill of watching a movie with the total immersion you feel when you're inside a good book. And I had some success as a screenwriter before I began writing books. -- Rick Yancey
  • Very often, things that people may think come from the writer, very often don't. There's a lot of cooks in the kitchen when it comes to making a movie. When you hear a line of dialogue that sounds kind of tinny, it's pretty easy to cite the screenwriter. But there's a lot of stuff that goes into making a movie. -- Evan Daugherty
  • I started writing morning pages just to keep my hand in, you know, just because I was a writer and I didn't know what else to do but write. And then one day as I was writing, a character came sort of strolling in and I realized, Oh my God, I don't have to be just a screenwriter. I can write novels. -- Julia Cameron
  • When you're a screenwriter working on a film, you're not really even welcome on set, even if you know... When I wrote 'Elizabeth' and Shekhar Kapur was a friend of mine, but I wasn't really welcome on set, because the director is God and it's a very difficult position for a screenwriter who's put so much passion into that, into the writing. -- Michael Hirst
  • About a year ago I got really exhausted from reading bad scripts and I know that I am a writer and that I have stories to tell, so I thought, 'Let's do this!' So I'm co-writing a screenplay now with another screenwriter and loving it. Absolutely loving it. And I would like to be the producer on the project and of course the lead is me. -- Kerry Washington
  • No one should feel sorry for a successful screenwriter. -- Tony Gilroy
  • You are the executive director and screenwriter of your life. -- Eric Thomas
  • My father was a screenwriter, but he was also a novelist. -- Sadie Jones
  • If you want to be a great director, be a great screenwriter. -- Akira Kurosawa
  • I think part of being a good screenwriter is being as concise as possible. -- Eric Roth
  • I guess you could say I'm a model slash hotelier slash actor slash screenwriter. -- Vikram Chatwal
  • Truth like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold screenwriter of Dead Poets' Society. -- Tom Schulman
  • Developing films with directors, developing films with actors, is a poor percentage play for a screenwriter. -- Tony Gilroy
  • Every screenwriter worthy of the name has already directed his film when he has written his script. -- Joseph L. Mankiewicz
  • Being a good television screenwriter requires an understanding of the way film accelerates the communication of words. -- Steven Bochco
  • A screenwriter is much like being a fire hydrant with a bunch of dogs lined up around it. -- Frank Miller
  • --
  • I was 21, when I heard the story that inspired this [thriller Allied], and I wasn't even a screenwriter then. -- Steven Knight
  • We in the industry know that behind every successful screenwriter stands a woman. And behind her stands his wife. -- Groucho Marx
  • The Buccaneers was an Edith Wharton novel, and she never finished it, and a screenwriter adapted it for television. -- James Frain
  • The thing about being a screenwriter, scriptwriter, or scenarist, You get to have multiple personalities and not be charged! -- Funny
  • What you do is get the right director and the right screenwriter and the right cast. It's a fantastic job. -- Robbie Coltrane
  • When I was really young I didn't know that there was such a thing as a screenwriter. I wrote stories. -- John Sayles
  • Being a screenwriter in Hollywood is like being a eunuch at an orgy. Worse, actually, at least the eunuch is allowed to watch. -- Albert Brooks
  • I've certainly seen stats that if you have a woman director or a woman screenwriter, the number of female characters goes way up. -- Emma Donoghue
  • I have a lot of screenwriter friends and many of them have had an experience where they aren't even welcome on set during production. -- Diablo Cody
  • I would encourage you as a screenwriter to trust your story and don't make notes for the actors or don't make notes for the reader. -- Ewan McGregor
  • The thing about movies is if somebody has an idea that works, it's in, and I say that as a screenwriter as well as a director. -- William Monahan
  • I've been a screenwriter for twenty-five years. Every one of my books have been optioned for movies and I have written a few of those screenplays. -- Alice Hoffman
  • My mom was a screenwriter. I saw a lot of people who didn't seem very fulfilled creatively or otherwise by their roles in the motion picture industry. -- Matthew Specktor
  • But here's the thing: what you do as a screenwriter is you sell your copyright. As a novelist, as a poet, as a playwright, you maintain your copyright -- Beth Henley
  • As a screenwriter, you have to let go, and you have to hand your baby over and let it go off into the world, which is entirely appropriate. -- Philippa Boyens
  • It's really hard as a screenwriter, you feel like you have a vision and then you turn it over to a director and you have to let it go. -- Lorene Scafaria
  • Fiction and screenwriting blend for me. I feel like being a TV writer/screenwriter has definitely made my fiction writing better, although I have less time to do it. -- Nick Antosca
  • I was in New York. Hitchcock was in California. He rang me to make a report on his progress and said, I'm having trouble. I've just sacked my second screenwriter -- Patricia Highsmith
  • I was a novelist before I was a TV screenwriter. Actually, as a kid, I think I'd always wanted to be a writer, but never thought that I would be one. -- Ben Richards
  • Strange - I'm not much of a film person. I love watching films, but they don't stay with me the way books do. Stranger still, because my husband is a screenwriter! -- Dani Shapiro
  • With a screenwriter and with the actors there is always an environment of trust. You can say anything, all your secrets, and you know that it won't get out of that room. -- Deniz Gamze Erguven
  • When you're a screenwriter, it's like being a mechanic. You open the hood of the story, the director is the driver, and he says, "What do you think? It's a little tough." -- Thomas Bidegain
  • What I want is to be the highest grossing screenwriter, or to have some other woman be the highest grossing screenwriter, instead of being number nine on the list. That's my goal. -- Melissa Rosenberg
  • When a novelist or screenwriter is looking for a subject, the element he's seeking is conflict. Conflict makes drama. Conflict produces great characters and memorable scenes. So war is a natural topic. -- Steven Pressfield
  • My brother is a screenwriter. He likes to say, 'I like to take on a genre when it's dying, because then people are ready for you to shake it up a little bit.' -- Mark Waters
  • The great thing, as a screenwriter, is that you are always proud of what ends up on the screen, you are able to create something in isolation and you have a lot of freedom. -- Jamie Linden
  • I was just starting out, trying to become a screenwriter, and I became the Austin slam champion three times. For a nerdy, kind of a socially awkward guy, that did wonders for my self esteem. -- Ernest Cline
  • "Admission" is Paul Weitz's movie. This is Karen Croner - the screenwriter's - movie. To have such a lovely role in such a beautifully written script offered to me, it's like elves made the shoes. -- Tina Fey
  • I think that scripts should be published, but they are published, really, because when you're a screenwriter, your stuff ends up in samizdat form on thousands and thousands of desks and shelves across the industry. -- William Monahan